30 research outputs found

    Structural funds and the knowledge-based economy:a regional case-study (1999-2009)

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    The research presented in this thesis investigates the nature of the relationship between the development of the Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE) and Structural Funds (SF) in European regions. A particular focus is placed on the West Midlands (UK) and Silesia (Poland). The time-frame taken into account in this research is the years 1999 to 2009. This is methodologically addressed by firstly establishing a new way of calculating the General Index of the KBE for all of the EU regions; secondly, applying a number of statistical methods to measure the influence of the Funds on the changes in the regional KBE over time; and finally, by conducting a series of semi-structured stakeholder interviews in the two key case study regions: the West Midlands and Silesia. The three main findings of the thesis are: first, over the examined time-frame, the values of the KBE General Index increased in over 66% of the EU regions; furthermore, the number of the “new” EU regions in which the KBE increased over time is far higher than in the “old” EU. Second, any impact of Structural Funds on the regional KBE occurs only in the minority of the European regions and any form of functional dependency between the two can be observed only in 30% of the regions. Third, although the pattern of development of the regional KBE and the correlation coefficients differ in the cases of Silesia and the West Midlands, the analysis of variance carried out yields identical results for both regions. Furthermore, the qualitative analysis’ results show similarities in the approach towards the Structural Funds in the two key case-study regions

    Regulation of NO production by MAPK dual-specificity phosphatases (DUSP) in human neutrophils exposed to N-nitrosodimethylamine

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    437-444One of the enzymes responsible for nitric oxide (NO) production in neutrophils is the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Changes in its expression may result from the activation of different signaling pathways, including MAPK, which lead to activation of various genes, including DUSP genes. DUSP induce the negative feedback loop leading to MAPK deactivation through their phosphorylation. Our study assessed the role of DUSP1, DUSP10 and DUSP16 with the participation of MAPK in the iNOS-dependent NO production by neutrophils exposed to xenobiotic, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). The obtained results suggest that N-nitrosodimethylamine enhances the expression of all tested proteins (except DUSP10) in the cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions of neutrophils. The JNK pathway inhibition resulted in an extenuation of iNOS, phospho-p38 and DUSP10 expression in the cytoplasmic fraction and DUSP1 expression in the nuclear fraction of neutrophils. Inhibition of the p38 pathway led to a lower expression of iNOS, DUSP16 and DUSP10 in the cytoplasmic fraction. No changes in the phospho-JNK and DUSP1 expressions were observed. With the results of this study we can conclude that DUSP are positive regulators of MAP kinases in NDMA-induced signaling pathway which lead to modulation of iNOS-dependent NO production in human neutrophils

    Total Occlusion of the Infarct-Related Artery in Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI)-How Can We Identify These Patients?

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    Background and Objectives: Regardless of the improvement in key recommendations in non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), the prevalence of total occlusion (TO) of infarct-related artery (IRA), and the impact of TO of IRA on outcomes in patients with NSTEMI, remain unclear. Aim: The study aimed to assess the incidence and predictors of TO of IRA in patients with NSTEMI, and its clinical significance. Material and Methods: The study was a single-center retrospective cohort analysis of 399 consecutive patients with NSTEMI (293 male, mean age: 71 10.1 years) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. The study population was categorized into patients with TO and non-TO of IRA on coronary angiography. In-hospital and one-year mortality were analyzed. Results: TO of IRA in the NSTEMI population occurred in 138 (34.6%) patients. Multivariate analysis identified the following independent predictors of TO of IRA: left ventricular ejection fraction (odds ratio (OR) 0.949, p < 0.001); family history of coronary artery disease (CAD) (OR 2.652, p < 0.001); and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) level (OR 0.972, p = 0.002). In-hospital and one-year mortality were significantly higher in the TO group than the non-TO group (2.8% vs. 1.1%, p = 0.007 and 18.1% vs. 6.5%, p < 0.001, respectively). The independent predictors of in-hospital mortality were: left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) at admission (OR 0.768, p = 0.004); and TO of IRA (OR 1.863, p = 0.005). Conclusions: In the population of patients with NSTEMI, TO of IRA represents a considerably frequent phenomenon, and corresponds with impaired outcomes. Therefore, the utmost caution should be paid to prevent delay of coronary angiography in NSTEMI patients with impaired left ventricular systolic function, metabolic isturbances, and a family history of CAD, who are at increased risk of TO of IRA

    Local cultural policy on the example of Krosno

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    Kultura i edukacja tworzą istotę tożsamości narodowej państwa, mają wpływ nie tylko na rozwój jednostki, ale także całego społeczeństwa i gospodarki. Są także specyficznym wyróżnikiem danego kraju. Na szczeblu lokalnym zaliczają się do fundamentalnych elementów charakteryzujących atrakcyjność miasta, zarówno dla mieszkańców utożsamiających się z miejscem zamieszkania jak i dla turystów i inwestorów. Główną problematyką oraz celem niniejszej pracy jest dokonanie analizy dotyczącej prowadzonej działalności władz miasta Krosna w zakresie polityki kulturalnej. Konkluzja z analizy sytuacji problemowej oraz tematu pracy stała się podstawą do nakreślenia zasadniczego problemu badawczego, który brzmi w następujący sposób:W jaki sposób miasto Krosno realizuje swoją politykę kulturalną oraz jakie przynosi to efekty?Culture and education constitute the essence of national identity of the state. They have an impact not only on the development of the individual, but also on the whole society and economy. Moreover, they are specific features of a given country. At the local level they are among the fundamental elements that characterise the attractiveness of the city, for residents who identify themselves with their place of residence as well as for tourists and investors.The major objective of this study is to analyse the activities of town authorities of Krosno in the field of cultural policy. The conclusions drawn from the analysis of the present situation in Krosno considering cultural policy have become a basis for determining the major research problem of this study, which reads as follows:How does the city of Krosno implement its cultural policy and what effects does this activity bring

    "Black Friday" trade mark - case study

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    Praca to studium przypadku zarejestrowania znaku towarowego "Black Friday" w Niemczech, w 2013 r. Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza znaku towarowego Black Friday pod kątem zasadności jego rejestracji na gruncie prawa europejskiego, jak i niemieckiego. W główniej mierze praca skupiona jest na problemie zdolności odróżniającej, ale można w niej znaleźć również zagadnienia z zakresu usług świadczonych drogą elektroniczną.The work is the case study of "Black Friday" trade mark which was registered in Germany, in 2013.The aim of this work is to analyse the titled trade mark with its ability to register on the ground of both - European and Gremany law. The main point of the work is focused on trade mark distinctive character, but also you can find there some topics connected with services provided electronically too

    Motivation for participation in amateur artistic groups

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    Praca poświęcona jest zgłębianiu tematu motywacji uczestników amatorskich zespołów artystycznych. Uwaga skupia się głównie na teoretycznych rozważaniach takich kwestii jak edukacja poprzez sztukę, teorie motywacji, a także amatorstwo artystyczne. Punktem wyjścia do opracowania tematu motywacji jest analiza terminu "sztuka". Praktyczną częścią pracy są wyniki badań empirycznych, z których dowiadujemy się więcej o motywacji i oczekiwaniach młodych ludzi działających w amatorskich grupach artystycznych, a także o wynikach pracy w zespole.In the thesis I have analysed the topic of motivation to attend amateur artistic groups. Chapters focus mainly on theoretical considerations of issues such as education through art, theories of motivation, as well as artistic amateurism. The starting point for developing the theme of motivation is the analysis of the term "art". In the practical chapter it is presented the analysis of the research which deals with the motivation and expectations of young people performing in amateur aristic groups as well as working in a team

    Reconfigurable Neighborhood—Mechatronisation of the Urban Design

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    Today more than half of the world’s population lives in cities not yet ready for the massive growth and adaptation required to meet global urbanization predicted for the next decades. The planning, design, and urban governance must urgently evolve. Future cities should become more efficient, inclusive, and sustainable. The intelligent town we anticipate combines the concepts of new information flow as well as research proposals for the design, upgrade of buildings and municipal infrastructure using robots and mechatronic systems at the scale of dwelling, building, neighborhood, district or town. This article presents the conceptual framework for the role of kinetic and responsive design at the scale of small urban areas, taking into account dynamic adaptation to users’ needs and changing environmental conditions across a day, week, month and year

    The Future of City Squares: Robotics in the Urban Design of Tomorrow

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    Technological development generates social changes while providing new tools that can be implemented in the fields of architecture and urban design. It creates the need to enrich architects’ competencies with knowledge and experience, enabling the conscious use of technology in designing future functional solutions for responsive space and the optimization of accessibility for various groups of users. This paper presents a teaching method developed to study the integration of architecture, urban planning and mechatronics to create a dynamic common space, responding to changing user needs and environmental conditions. Four experimental projects for a chosen public space were designed by students in order to investigate research by design and as an agenda for further design research. In the final part of the article, we present predictions for the future development of kinetic and responsive architecture in public spaces, including potential opportunities and challenges.Applied Science, Faculty ofNon UBCArchitecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA), School ofReviewedFacult

    Reconfigurable Neighborhood&mdash;Mechatronisation of the Urban Design

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    Today more than half of the world&rsquo;s population lives in cities not yet ready for the massive growth and adaptation required to meet global urbanization predicted for the next decades. The planning, design, and urban governance must urgently evolve. Future cities should become more efficient, inclusive, and sustainable. The intelligent town we anticipate combines the concepts of new information flow as well as research proposals for the design, upgrade of buildings and municipal infrastructure using robots and mechatronic systems at the scale of dwelling, building, neighborhood, district or town. This article presents the conceptual framework for the role of kinetic and responsive design at the scale of small urban areas, taking into account dynamic adaptation to users&rsquo; needs and changing environmental conditions across a day, week, month and year