31 research outputs found

    Role of positive mental health in reducing fears related to COVID-19 and general anxiety disorder in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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    Background: The outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has posed multiple challenges to healthcare systems. Evidence suggests that mental well-being is badly affected due to compliance with preventative measures in containing the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to explore the role of positive mental health (subjective sense of wellbeing) to cope with fears related to COVID-19 and general anxiety disorder in the Pashtun community in Pakistan. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 501 respondents from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa participating in an online-based study. We performed correlational analysis, hierarchical linear regression and structural equational modeling (SEM) to analyze the role of mental health in reducing fears and general anxiety disorder. Results: The results of the SEM show that positive mental health has direct effects in reducing the fear related to COVID-19 (beta = - 0.244, p < 0.001) and general anxiety (beta = - 0.210, p < 0.001). Fears of COVID-19 has a direct effect on increasing general anxiety (beta = 0.480). In addition, positive mental health also has an indirect effect (beta = - 0.117, p < 0.001) on general anxiety (R-2 = 0.32, p < 0.001) through reducing fear of coronavirus. Conclusion: Based on these findings, there is a need to develop community health policies emphasizing on promotive and preventive mental health strategies for people practicing social/physical distancing

    Megahertz-rate ultrafast X-ray scattering and holographic imaging at the European XFEL

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    The advent of X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) has revolutionized fundamental science, from atomic to condensed matter physics, from chemistry to biology, giving researchers access to X-rays with unprecedented brightness, coherence and pulse duration. All XFEL facilities built until recently provided X-ray pulses at a relatively low repetition rate, with limited data statistics. Here, results from the first megahertz-repetition-rate X-ray scattering experiments at the Spectroscopy and Coherent Scattering (SCS) instrument of the European XFEL are presented. The experimental capabilities that the SCS instrument offers, resulting from the operation at megahertz repetition rates and the availability of the novel DSSC 2D imaging detector, are illustrated. Time-resolved magnetic X-ray scattering and holographic imaging experiments in solid state samples were chosen as representative, providing an ideal test-bed for operation at megahertz rates. Our results are relevant and applicable to any other non-destructive XFEL experiments in the soft X-ray range

    Demographische Alterung in Japan: Ursachen und Konsequenzen des soziokulturellen und demographischen Wandels aus gesundheitswissenschaftlicher Sicht

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    Wrona KJ, Nicolaus S. Demographische Alterung in Japan: Ursachen und Konsequenzen des soziokulturellen und demographischen Wandels aus gesundheitswissenschaftlicher Sicht. MĂŒnchen: GRIN Verlag ; 2007."Die japanische Bevölkerung schrumpft und wird immer Ă€lter. Welche Folgen wird das haben?" (DIJ, 2007) . Das Land "hat das höchste Durchschnittsalter und die höchste Lebenserwartung der Welt. Die damit verbundene so genannte "demographische Zeitbombe" ist die grĂ¶ĂŸte Herausforderung, der sich Japan heute konfrontiert sieht. Viele sich daraus ergebende Probleme zeichnen sich ab, Lösungen nur in AnsĂ€tzen" (DIJ, 2007) . Das Deutsche Institut fĂŒr Japanstudien spricht dabei eine in den Industrienationen generell problematische Entwicklung an. GrĂ¶ĂŸte Aufgabe hierzu stellen die Folgen des demographischen Wandels in einer Gesellschaft und die Maßnahmen, welche auf vielen Ebenen getroffen werden mĂŒssen, dar. "Ausgelöst wird der demographische Wandel durch eine sinkende Geburtenzahl und eine steigende Lebenserwartung. Beides zusammen fĂŒhrt zu einem BevölkerungsrĂŒckgang und zu einer Alterung der Bevölkerung" (Grottkopp, 2003, S. 4). Dies erfordert fĂŒr alle betroffenen Gesellschaften ein komplettes Umdenken auf vielerlei Ebenen. Auch Japan gehört dazu. Dabei stellt sich die wichtige Frage, hinsichtlich welcher Aspekte sich Japan endlich an anderen Demokratien orientieren wird und wo wird man weiterhin eigene Wege gehen (vgl. DIJ, 2007). In unserer Arbeit möchten wir mittels der Deskription und Analyse von statistischen Daten in erster Linie den demographischen Wandel in Japan sichtbar machen. Der voranschreitende Alterungsprozess und die damit drohende Depopularisierung stellen dabei den Hauptaugenmerk dieser Arbeit dar. Wir werden insbesondere auch auf die Entwicklung der drei wichtigsten demographischen GrĂ¶ĂŸen - MortalitĂ€t, FertilitĂ€t und Migration - eingehen und analysieren. Bevölkerungsvorausberechnungen erscheinen in diesem Zusammenhang als Ă€ußerst aussagekrĂ€ftig, weshalb wir diese in unsere Arbeit einbeziehen werden. Des Weiteren zielen wir auch darauf ab, VerĂ€nderungen von Todesursachen und MorbiditĂ€t der letzten Jahrzehnte zu untersuchen, um somit auch mögliche epidemiologische Folgen des zunehmenden Alterns aufzuzeigen. Dies kann neue Erkenntnisse in gesundheitlichen Trends aufzeigen, denen mit rechtzeitig angesetzten prĂ€ventiven Maßnahmen vorgebeugt werden kann. Schließlich möchten wir den voranschreitenden Prozess der Alterung auch in einen Bezug mit den sich Ă€ndernden soziokulturellen UmstĂ€nden in Japan stellen. Insgesamt erstrebenswert ist es die allgemeinen Folgen des demographischen Wandels aufzuzeigen und mögliche LösungsansĂ€tze zu liefern

    Gesundheit und Schule - Eine Analyse der schulischen Leistung und gesundheitsbezogener Merkmale

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    Wrona KJ, Flöthmann E-J. Gesundheit und Schule - Eine Analyse der schulischen Leistung und gesundheitsbezogener Merkmale. Bielefeld University; 2021.Ziel der Erhebung war es, Daten ĂŒber eine persönliche EinschĂ€tzung von jungen Menschen bezĂŒglich ihrer Gesundheit im Setting Schule zu erhalten und entsprechende ZusammenhĂ€nge vor dem Hintergrund unterschiedlicher Themenfelder wie u.a. Bewegung, Medienverhalten, ErnĂ€hrungsverhalten zu analysieren. Die Erhebung wurde mittels eines schriftlichen Fragebogens durchgefĂŒhrt. Dieser umfasste 59 Fragen und konnte in ca. 20 Minuten ausgefĂŒllt werden. Befragt wurden insgesamt 549 SchĂŒler:innen an einem Berufskolleg in Ostwestfalen (OWL). Diese Befragung wurde innerhalb von einer Woche wĂ€hrend der Unterrichtszeit durchgefĂŒhrt; die Teilnahme war anonym und freiwillig. Bei der Datenerhebung waren stets die Projektverantwortlichen anwesend, um ggf. aufkommende Fragen etc. zu beantworten. Der Datensatz entstand im Rahmen eines Praxisprojekts im Wintersemester 2017/2018, an der FakultĂ€t fĂŒr Gesundheitswissenschaften, der UniversitĂ€t Bielefeld, Arbeitsgruppe 8: Demografie und Gesundheit

    Arbeitswelten im Wandel am Beispiel von Deutschland und SĂŒdkorea

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    SchĂŒler D, Helling K, Jopp F, Wrona KJ. Arbeitswelten im Wandel am Beispiel von Deutschland und SĂŒdkorea. Thesenpapiere Netzwerk Junge Generation Deutschland-Korea. Vol 4 1st ed.; 2021.Most of our lifetime is determined by working, which not only provides us with income, but also creates identity, meaning and status. Work, however, is determined by an overarching socio-economic structure, which reaches beyond crude working sectors. Thus, in this paper, we speak of "working worlds". Driven by a variety of distinct processes, the working world is constantly changing. This is not only a result of new technologies, but also due to social dynamics such as demographic change, economic events or generation-related perspectives. In addition, since the global pandemic took place, the transformation of working worlds accelerated significantly. This creates both opportunities and challenges for individuals as well as entire societies. But one should not assume that these conditions prevail in the same way in different parts of the world. Rather, the framework conditions are as diverse as the working worlds and vice versa. With this in mind, the present paper is focusing on the conditions and dynamics of the working worlds in Germany and South Korea, with the aim of providing recommendations as perceived by the young generation

    Zur digitalen Transformation in Deutschland und SĂŒdkorea

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    SchĂŒler D, GĂ€nge M, Prinz M, Wrona KJ. Zur digitalen Transformation in Deutschland und SĂŒdkorea. Thesenpapiere Netzwerk Junge Generation Deutschland-Korea. Vol 2 1st ed.; 2020.The ongoing digital transformation is having an increasing impact on the economy and society, and the current Covid-19 pandemic seems to accelerate this process. In this paper, we take a look at the implications of the digital transformation in the areas of the health care system, the working world and education in Germany and South Korea. First, we introduce the terminology and emphasize the importance of the digital transformation for the economy and society. Then the paper deals with the opportunities and challenges of the digital transformation in each area in both countries. Overall, we conclude that the opportunities of the digital transformation can only be exploited if a nation-wide, state-of-the-art digital infrastructure is in place. In the healthcare sector, there is a need for more research, but especially a shift towards higher public acceptance of digital healthcare seems necessary. In the workplace, the digital transformation leads to more telework, which needs to be accompanied by training and a legal framework. In education, the use of digital technologies in classrooms should be promoted more strongly and digital skills/digital literacy should become part of the curriculum. In addition to the numerous opportunities, both countries face several challenges that have to be overcome

    COVID-19 und die Psyche: Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die mentale Gesundheit der jungen Generationen

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    Odendahl A, GĂ€nge M, Raschke N, Wrona KJ. COVID-19 und die Psyche: Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die mentale Gesundheit der jungen Generationen. Thesenpapiere Netzwerk Junge Generation Deutschland-Korea. Vol 3 1st ed. Netzwerk Junge Generation Deutschland-Korea; 2021.When discussing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on public health, it is important to consider not only the direct consequences, but also the indirect effects. In addition to aspects such as the Post-Covid-Syndrome (Long-Covid) or the PIMS-Syndrome (especially affecting children), there are serious effects on mental health as well. Children and adolescents tend to be the most affected. Necessary restrictions in social life have far-reaching effects on the developmental processes of young people. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic exposes existing economic or social inequalities in our society. For example, the multi-layered demands and overburdens of the crisis on parents and guardians increase the risk of physical and emotional abuse among children and adolescents. As a result, mental and psychosomatic disorders are increasing among the younger generation. Furthermore, social inequalities are widening. Thus, young women and children from poverty-stricken families are most likely to suffer the negative consequences of the pandemic. Moreover, the social relationships of those who need them the most for their own personal development suffer. And alternative communication via social media is no substitute for „real“ interpersonal relationships. A society-wide approach is needed to reduce mental burdens and, if possible, to counteract them preventively. To achieve this, more importance has to be assigned to the mental health of young people, especially at the political level. However, in order to finally develop adequate solutions and take appropriate measures, the participation of all stakeholders in the health care system is required

    한독 수ꔐ 140ìŁŒë…„: ìš°ëŠŹì—êȌ 영감을 ìŁŒëŠ” ìŁŒì œë“€

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    Brockel V, GĂ€nge M, Klausa J, Wrona KJ. 140 Jahre Deutsch Koreanische Beziehungen: Impulse zu Themen, die junge Menschen bewegen. Thesenpapiere Netzwerk Junge Generation Deutschland-Korea. Vol 7 2nd ed. Berlin: Netzwerk Junge Generation Deutschland-Korea; 2023.Im Jahr 1883 begann eine bemerkenswerte Geschichte, alssich die TĂŒren zwischen dem deutschen Kaiserreich und demKaiserreich Korea öffneten und die ersten diplomatischenVerbindungen zwischen den beiden LĂ€ndern hergestelltwurden. Jetzt, 140 Jahre spĂ€ter, feiern wir dieses besondereJubilĂ€um und blicken auf eine intensive und ertragreicheBeziehung zurĂŒck. Diese Verbindungen, die von Anfang andurch Handel, Wissenschaft, Technologie, Kultur und imLaufe der Zeit auch immer stĂ€rker durch persönliche BandegeprĂ€gt wurden, haben sich ĂŒber die vergangenen 140Jahre tiefgreifend und bestĂ€ndig weiterentwickelt. Das Papier lĂ€dt Sie dazu ein, die Deutsch-Koreanischen Beziehungen aus einerneuen Perspektive zu betrachten, die nicht nur auf der Geschichte beruht, sondern auch aufdem Hier und Jetzt und dem, was noch vor uns liegt. Es bietet die Möglichkeit, dievielfĂ€ltigen Facetten dieser Beziehungen aus der Perspektive von jungen Menschen zuverstehen und zu erkennen, was diese bewegt

    An Evidence Map on Serious Games in Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Adolescents: Systematic Review About Outcome Categories Investigated in Primary Studies

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    Ilskens K, Wrona KJ, Dockweiler C, Fischer F. An Evidence Map on Serious Games in Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Adolescents: Systematic Review About Outcome Categories Investigated in Primary Studies. JMIR Serious Games. 2022;10(1): e30526.Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) represent a global health risk. Adolescents are at increased risk of infection for several reasons such as lack of knowledge, risky sexual behaviors, and lack of behavioral sills (e.g. to negotiate safer sex). Given the fact that adolescents often use digital media and that serious games are considered to have the potential to change knowledge, attitudes and behavior, serious games represent an opportunity for the prevention of (STIs). Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to identify and systematically summarize the dimensions which have been investigated in primary studies on serious games targeting STI prevention among adolescents. Methods: A systematic review was conducted in PubMed and Web of Science. Studies published from 2009 to 2021 have been included that assessed the effectiveness of serious games on adolescent sexual health. A total of 18 studies met the inclusion criteria and where categorized according to dimensions of effectiveness and user experience. Results: Various dimensions of effectiveness and aspects of user experience were investigated within the primary studies. In total, nine dimensions of effectiveness have been observed: Sexual behavior, behavioral intentions, knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, self-efficacy and personal limitations, character traits and future orientation, environmental and individual risk factors, risk perception and risk assessment, as well as normative beliefs and (social) norms. Furthermore, several dimensions related to user experience have been investigated in the primary studies, which are motivation, acceptability, trustworthiness, comprehensibility, handling and control, perceived effectiveness, as well as satisfaction. Conclusions: The review provided an overview of serious games interventions that are vastly different in approach, content, and even platform. Within previous studies, knowledge has already been comprehensively assessed and a positive influence of serious games on knowledge about sexual topics is evident. The results clearly show that adolescents’ sexual knowledge was increased by the serious games interventions. However, methodological and content differences in the surveys make it difficult to draw conclusions about effectiveness related to changes in attitudes and behavior

    Digitization and health inequality and equity in nursing. A scoping review

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    Hochmuth A, Wrona KJ, Exner A-K, Dockweiler C. Digitization and health inequality and equity in nursing. A scoping review. Pflege. 2021;34(3):151-158.Abstract. Background: The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in health care is increasing attention. To describe health inequalities and equity with regard to the use of digital health technologies in a care context and to understand interrelationships, it is of particular importance for the field of care research to use models and theories that explain health inequalities and equity in the use of digital technologies. Aims: This article aims to identify models and theories from the field of nursing and health research that explain the phenomenon of health inequalities and the influence of digital health technologies on the emergence of inequalities. Methods: Relevant articles were searched in electronic databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL & SocINDEX) between July and August 2019 in German and English, within the methodological framework of a scoping review. The systematic literature search and data extraction were performed by 2 reviewers. The description of data refers to standard criteria by 8-1Christiansen and Baum (1997). Results: From a total of 25 relevant articles, 2 were identified for inclusion in the current overview. One model is focusing on ICT for health and the other model focuses on eHealth. No nursing theory could be identified in the context of describing the phenomenon of digital inequality. Conclusions: In both models, there is a lack of discussion about the impact of nursing aspects on the use and acceptance of eHealth technologies. One point should also be the development of models and theories that consider the user perspective of vulnerable groups