42,853 research outputs found

    Universal attraction force-inspired freeform surface modeling for 3D sketching

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    This paper presents a novel freeform surface modeling method to construct a freeform surface from 3D sketch. The approach is inspired by Newton’s universal attraction force law to construct a surface model from rough boundary curves and unorganized interior characteristic curves which may cross the boundary curves or not. Based on these unorganized curves, an initial surface can be obtained for conceptual design and it can be improved later in a commercial package. The approach has been tested with examples and it is capable of dealing with unorganized design curves for surface modeling

    Sketching-out virtual humans: From 2d storyboarding to immediate 3d character animation

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    Virtual beings are playing a remarkable role in today’s public entertainment, while ordinary users are still treated as audiences due to the lack of appropriate expertise, equipment, and computer skills. In this paper, we present a fast and intuitive storyboarding interface, which enables users to sketch-out 3D virtual humans, 2D/3D animations, and character intercommunication. We devised an intuitive “stick figurefleshing-outskin mapping” graphical animation pipeline, which realises the whole process of key framing, 3D pose reconstruction, virtual human modelling, motion path/timing control, and the final animation synthesis by almost pure 2D sketching. A “creative model-based method” is developed, which emulates a human perception process, to generate the 3D human bodies of variational sizes, shapes, and fat distributions. Meanwhile, our current system also supports the sketch-based crowd animation and the storyboarding of the 3D multiple character intercommunication. This system has been formally tested by various users on Tablet PC. After minimal training, even a beginner can create vivid virtual humans and animate them within minutes

    Sketching-out virtual humans: A smart interface for human modelling and animation

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    In this paper, we present a fast and intuitive interface for sketching out 3D virtual humans and animation. The user draws stick figure key frames first and chooses one for “fleshing-out” with freehand body contours. The system automatically constructs a plausible 3D skin surface from the rendered figure, and maps it onto the posed stick figures to produce the 3D character animation. A “creative model-based method” is developed, which performs a human perception process to generate 3D human bodies of various body sizes, shapes and fat distributions. In this approach, an anatomical 3D generic model has been created with three distinct layers: skeleton, fat tissue, and skin. It can be transformed sequentially through rigid morphing, fatness morphing, and surface fitting to match the original 2D sketch. An auto-beautification function is also offered to regularise the 3D asymmetrical bodies from users’ imperfect figure sketches. Our current system delivers character animation in various forms, including articulated figure animation, 3D mesh model animation, 2D contour figure animation, and even 2D NPR animation with personalised drawing styles. The system has been formally tested by various users on Tablet PC. After minimal training, even a beginner can create vivid virtual humans and animate them within minutes

    The use of isotopic carbon in a study of the metabolism of anthanilic acid in Neurospora

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    The finding by Tatum, Banner, and Beadle (l), that the tryptophanless Neurospora mutant strain 10575 accumulates anthranilic acid, which in turn can be utilized for growth of strain 40008, has provided evidence that anthranilic acid is a biochemical precursor of tryptophan in this organism. It has been further established that indole is an intermediate in this conversion (2-5). More recent work with a number of mutants of Neurospora (6-8) has established that tryptophan is a biochemical precursor to niacin with kynurenine and hydroxyanthranilic acid as intermediates. The accumulated evidence has indicated the existence in the mold of the following series of reactions: → Anthranilic acid → indole → tryptophan → kynurenine → 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid → nicotinic acid In the light of this evidence the present work was undertaken to trace the carbon in the carboxyl group of anthranilic acid in order to estimate its contribution as a structural unit in the formation of niacin and tryptophan. The organism chosen for this investigation was a biochemical mutant strain of Neurospora designated as strain 40008. This mutant utilizes anthranilic acid, indole, or tryptophan for growth. The mutant was grown in the presence of anthranilic acid containing Cl4 in the carboxyl group. Niacin and tryptophan were isolated from the mold mycelium and tested for radioactivity


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    Museum specimens of five species of fossorial snakes collected in West Virginia during 1930–2000 were examined to determine monthly incidence of capture, adult body sizes, reproductive cycle, and clutch characteristics. Captures occurred over the shortest time in the year in the Eastern Earthsnake (Virginia valeriae valeriae) and Northern Red-bellied Snake (Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata) and were longest in the Northern Brownsnake (S. dekayi dekayi). Male gonadal cycle conformed to the temperate pattern, whereas that of females tended towards a tropical pattern. Incidence of females nearing oviposition or parturition was highest during June–July for all species, and length of their reproductive seasons were generally in keeping with those of northerly populations of the respective species. Mean clutch sizes were largest in the Northern Brownsnake (mean = 20.5) and smallest in the single oviparous snake, the Eastern Wormsnake (mean = 2.8). Adult body sizes were similar to respective populations elsewhere within their ranges. The Mountain Earth Snake (V. pulchra) was the least represented species in this study. A meaningful degree of predictability existed in the life history traits examined in our study as they related to geographic trends of this Allegheny snake assemblage

    COBE ground segment attitude determination

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    The Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) spacecraft was launched in November 1989 by NASA to survey the sky for primordial radiation left from the Big Bang explosion. The success of the mission requires an accurate determination of the spacecraft attitude. While the accuracy of the attitude obtained from the attitude sensors is adequate for two of the experiments, the higher accuracy required by the Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE) is obtained by using the DIRBE instrument as a special type of star sensor. Presented here is an overview of the attitude processing algorithms used at the Cosmology Data Analysis Center (CDAC) and the results obtained from the flight data

    Improved high-temperature resistant matrix resins

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    A study was performed with the objective of developing matrix resins that exhibit improved thermo-oxidative stability over state-of-the-art high temperature resins for use at temperatures up to 644 K (700 F) and air pressures up to 0.7 MPa (100 psia). The work was based upon a TRW discovered family of polyimides currently licensed to and marketed by Ethyl Corporation as EYMYD(R) resins. The approach investigated to provide improved thermo-oxidative properties was to use halogenated derivatives of the diamine, 2, 2-bis (4-(4-aminophenoxy)phenyl) hexafluoropropane (4-BDAF). Polyimide neat resins and Celion(R) 12,000 composites prepared from fluorine substituted 4-BDAF demonstrated unexpectedly lower glass transition temperatures (Tg) and thermo-oxidative stabilities than the baseline 4-BDAF/PMDA polymer

    Signal-to-Noise Eigenmode Analysis of the Two-Year COBE Maps

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    To test a theory of cosmic microwave background fluctuations, it is natural to expand an anisotropy map in an uncorrelated basis of linear combinations of pixel amplitudes --- statistically-independent for both the noise and the signal. These S/NS/N-eigenmodes are indispensible for rapid Bayesian analyses of anisotropy experiments, applied here to the recently-released two-year COBE {\it dmr} maps and the {\it firs} map. A 2-parameter model with an overall band-power and a spectral tilt ΜΔT\nu_{\Delta T} describes well inflation-based theories. The band-powers for {\it all} the {\it dmr} 53,90,3153,90,31 aa+bb GHz and {\it firs} 170 GHz maps agree, {(1.1±0.1)×10−5}1/2\{(1.1\pm 0.1)\times 10^{-5}\}^{1/2}, and are largely independent of tilt and degree of (sharp) S/NS/N-filtering. Further, after optimal S/NS/N-filtering, the {\it dmr} maps reveal the same tilt-independent large scale features and correlation function. The unfiltered {\it dmr} 5353 aa+bb index ΜΔT+1\nu_{\Delta T}+1 is 1.4±0.41.4\pm 0.4; increasing the S/NS/N-filtering gives a broad region at (1.0--1.2)±\pm0.5, a jump to (1.4--1.6)±\pm0.5, then a drop to 0.8, the higher values clearly seen to be driven by S/NS/N-power spectrum data points that do not fit single-tilt models. These indices are nicely compatible with inflation values (∌\sim0.8--1.2), but not overwhelmingly so.Comment: submitted to Phys.Rev.Letters, 4 pages, uuencoded compressed PostScript; also bdmr2.ps.Z, via anonymous ftp to ftp.cita.utoronto.ca, cd to /pub/dick/yukawa; CITA-94-2
