1,823 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Potential of Metacriticism. Study Based on The Watchmen, Graphic Novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons

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    In this article I discuss the impact of self-awareness and metacritical tendencies within the texts of popular culture on the development of genres in the politypical chain. Preliminary analysis proposed in the second part of this paper concerns the contemporary comics — which represent the blurring of boundaries between ―high‖ and ―low‖ culture. As the subject of research in this brief study I chose Moore‘s graphic novel Watchmen, which exemplifies the evolutionary changes associated with a metacritical attitude introduced in a schematic area of American superhero graphic stories

    Correlation of transverse momentum and multiplicity in a superposition model of nucleus-nucleus collisions

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    In p-p collisions the average transverse momentum is known to be correlated with the multiplicity of produced particles. The correlation is shown to survive in a superposition model of nucleus-nucleus collisions. When properly parameterized, the correlation strength appears to be independent of the collision centrality - it is the same in p-p and central A-A collisions. However, the correlation is strongly suppressed by the centrality fluctuations.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, minor corrections, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Świetlicki pod wulkanem. Wybrane motywy i obrazy poetyckie z wierszy Marcina Świetlickiego a Pod Wulkanem Malcolma Lowry’ego

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    Artykuł poświęcony korelacjom tropów i tematów w poezji Marcin Świetlickiego oraz prozie Malcolma Lowry'eg

    Komiks w perspektywie literaturoznawczej. Projekt komiksologii w dobie kryzysu genologii esencjalnej

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    Comics in the perspective of literary theory The comicsology project and the crisis of essential genre studies The article attempts to show the possibilities of analyzing comics using critical tools known from the literary studies. It highlights the variety of different science approaches, which combine on comics studies. In particular, the paper puts this issue in the context of methodological impasse of essential genre studies and blur of literary categories. The aim of the article is to identify research opportunities in genre studies of comic books and to select the appropriate tools for further studies on hybrid genres, which include especially graphic novels (and comics in general)

    The Ombudsman before the Polish Constitutional Tribunal

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    Zabawa i gra Andrzeja Barta

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    Cross-border ties in the light of the EU common market

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    Cross-border regional economic ties in the EU have been the subject of numerous studies across various academic fields. A special dose of attention, however, has been paid to the ties between the EU border regions. This is no doubt related to the intensification of European integration, in particular at the regional level. One source of particular impact on border regions is the economy of the common market. Surprisingly enough, this economy has not found its proper reflection in the research on border regions and their problems in the light of the broadly defined European regional studies. As a consequence, it is necessary to carry out an in-depth analysis of the literature on cross-border cooperation and economic integration in order to capture the impact of the single market on cross-border relations. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to analyze the economic determinants of cross-border economic ties between the EU regions. To this end, the text begins with an overview of (1) the key characteristics of the common market, followed by (2) the impact of market economics on the regional ties, with particular emphasis on the border regions. The problem has been illustrated on the basis of the Polish-German borderland. The conducted examinations indicate that the economic ties between border regions vary in intensity. At the same time, the vicinity of the border is often insufficient as a factor ensuring a high degree of intensity in the movement of production factors or business relations across the border. It is market mechanisms rather than the location on the border that comprise the primary determinant in this regard. The primary focus of this study is the movement of production factors. The methodology of this text has been based primarily on the analysis of the subject literature on the notions of market economics, optimum currency area, and the broadly defined European regional studies.Cross-border regional economic ties in the EU have been the subject of numerous studies across various academic fields. A special dose of attention, however, has been paid to the ties between the EU border regions. This is no doubt related to the intensification of European integration, in particular at the regional level. One source of particular impact on border regions is the economy of the common market. Surprisingly enough, this economy has not found its proper reflection in the research on border regions and their problems in the light of the broadly defined European regional studies. As a consequence, it is necessary to carry out an in-depth analysis of the literature on cross-border cooperation and economic integration in order to capture the impact of the single market on cross-border relations. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to analyze the economic determinants of cross-border economic ties between the EU regions. To this end, the text begins with an overview of (1) the key characteristics of the common market, followed by (2) the impact of market economics on the regional ties, with particular emphasis on the border regions. The problem has been illustrated on the basis of the Polish-German borderland. The conducted examinations indicate that the economic ties between border regions vary in intensity. At the same time, the vicinity of the border is often insufficient as a factor ensuring a high degree of intensity in the movement of production factors or business relations across the border. It is market mechanisms rather than the location on the border that comprise the primary determinant in this regard. The primary focus of this study is the movement of production factors. The methodology of this text has been based primarily on the analysis of the subject literature on the notions of market economics, optimum currency area, and the broadly defined European regional studies


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    Artykuł przedstawia i analizuje problematykę ochrony praw osób starszych w działalności współczesnych krajowych instytucji praw człowieka, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aktywności polskiego Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. Analiza ta obejmuje zarówno działalność krajowych instytucji o charakterze wyspecjalizowanym (ombudsmanów), jak i innych typów tych instytucji. Ocena ich aktywności w świetle standardów międzynarodowych (określanych zarówno przez wiążące instrumenty prawnomiędzynarodowe, jak i przez miękkie prawo) prowadzi do wniosku, że na skutek tendencji i prognoz demograficznych zapewnienie przestrzegania praw osób w zaawansowanym wieku staje się jednym z głównych priorytetów. Krajowe instytucje, kontrolując i monitorując w różnym zakresie działania organów władzy publicznej, mogą inspirować kształtowanie odpowiedniej polityki oraz przyjmowanie rozwiązań prawnych służących zwalczaniu dyskryminacji oraz wykluczenia społecznego i prawnego osób starszych. Działania takie powinny być jednak planowane i przeprowadzane kompleksowo, biorąc pod uwagę społeczeństwo jako całość. Ocenia się bowiem, że jedynie państwa, które pojmują i rozwiązują problem starzenia się społeczeństw w taki holistyczny sposób, mają wszelkie szanse na przezwyciężenie zagrożeń w przeciwieństwie do państw, które za jedyny ratunek przed rosnącą liczbą osób starszych uważają podnoszenie wieku emerytalnego bądź podatków. W artykule przedstawiono szczegółowo innowacyjne działania polskiego Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich na rzecz przestrzegania praw osób starszych, doceniane w międzynarodowym gronie ombudsmanów. Aktywność tę ukazano na przykładach wykorzystania dostępnych środków prawnych, prowadzonych badań społecznych i wydawanych regularnie rekomendacjach. Przyczyniają się one do opracowania i wdrożenia polskiej strategii działań wobec starzenia się.The paper presents and analyses the issues related to the protection of the rights of the elderly as reflected in the activities of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI). A particular emphasis has been put on the activities of the Polish Human Rights Defender (the Ombudsman), but the analysis also covers the activities of other national specialised bodies, which are subsequently evaluated in the light of international standards set by binding international legal instruments as well as soft law. It is then concluded that the demographic tendencies and prospects make the protection of the rights of the elderly one of the main priorities. Through the controlling and monitoring of different aspects of the activities carried out by public authorities, NHRI may inspire the shaping of adequate policies and legal framework meant to counteract discrimination and legal, and social exclusion of older people. All these measures, however, must be planned and implemented in a comprehensive manner, having regard to the society as a whole. It is argued that only those states which understand the question of ageism in a such comprehensive manner have all the chances to overcome it. On the contrary, states which as the only remedy see an increase the retirement age or taxes do not have such chances. The activities of the Human Rights Defender acting for elderly people have been enumerated. It needs to be underlined that they are well perceived on the international forums of ombudsmen. The activity of the Polish Ombudsman have been described by making references to the available legal instruments, research into social matters and regularly published recommendations. All of them support the establishment and implementation of the national ageism strategy