103 research outputs found

    Jakość życia osób z chorobami przyzębia

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    Wstęp. W ostatnim okresie czasu zdecydowanie wrasta zainteresowanie jakością życia w aspekcie zdrowia. Takie spojrzenie na zdrowie może wynikać z uznania i zaakceptowania holistycznego spojrzenia na człowieka. Badania dotyczące wpływu zdrowia jamy ustnej na jakość życia pacjentów są prowadzone stosunkowo rzadko. Współcześnie do tych badań można wykorzystywać wskaźniki zarówno ogólne, jak i specyficzne. Celem badań było określenie jakości życia chorych na choroby przyzębia na podstawie badania ankietowego kwestionariuszem GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index). Materiał i metodyka. Badania przeprowadzono w okresie od 3 listopada do 15 grudnia 2013 r. w przyzakładowej przychodni stomatologicznej Państwowej Wytwórni Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie. W badanej grupie było 32 osoby (11 kobiet i 21 mężczyzn) w wieku 27-67 lat. Każdego badanego objęto dwuetapowym badaniem: I etap Najpierw lekarz dentysta przystąpił do badania klinicznego, w którym oceniono występowanie potrzeb leczniczych u pacjentów oraz stan zdrowia jamy ustnej. Każdy pacjent został zbadany przy sztucznym oświetleniu, przy użyciu lusterka i zgłębnika. Na tym etapie wyselekcjonowano grupę chorych z chorobami przyzębia. Ta grupa była przedmiotem dalszych badań w II etapie- badań ankietowych. II etap Badanie ankietowe kwestionariuszem GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index. Wyniki badań i wnioski. 1.Rozkład odpowiedzi (punktacji) na poszczególne pytania kwestionariusza GOHAI był mocno zróżnicowany. Wśród badanych rozkład punktacji wahał się w przedziale 19-46. Średnia ilość punków jaką uzyskali chorzy na choroby przyzębia wynosiła 30. 2. Większość dolegliwości wynikające z rozwoju chorób przyzębia występowały z różną częstością wahającą się od jednej trzeciej do około połowy liczby ankietowanych. 3. Dla dokonania bardziej pogłębionej analiz konieczne jest powtórzenie tego typu badań na zdecydowanie większej grupie chorych z chorobami przyzębia.Introduction. The interest in the quality of life as far as health is concerned has recently noticeably increased. Such an attitude towards health may result from the acceptance of a holistic approach to a person. Studies on the influence of the health of oral cavity on the patient's quality of life are relatively infrequent. Nowadays, such studies can utilise general as well as specific indices. The aim of this study was to determine the quality of life of persons suffering from periodontal diseases basing on the GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index) questionnaire. Materials and Methods. The study was carried out between 3 November and 15 December 2014 in the company dental clinic of the Polish Security Printing Works in Warsaw. The studied group consisted of 32 persons (11 women and 21) men aged 27-67. Each of the studied people underwent a two-stage process: Stage I At first, a dentist carried out a clinical examination assessing the patient's needs for treatment and the health of oral cavity. Each of the patients was examined in artificial lighting, with a mirror and a dental probe. In this stage, a group of persons with periodontal diseases was selected. The group was subject to further study in the stage II – the survey. Stage II Survey study with the use of the GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index) questionnaire. Results and Conclusions. 1.The distribution of answers (score) for given questions of the GOHAI questionnaire was strongly diversified. Among the studied persons, the score distribution ranged from 19 to 46. The average score obtained by the persons suffering from periodontal diseases was 30. 2.Most of the conditions resulting from the development of periodontal diseases occurred with various frequency in 1/3 to ca. 1/2 of the respondents. 3. For a more in-depth analysis, the repetition of this type of study on a considerably greater number of persons suffering from periodontal diseases will be required

    Diet shapes the ability of human intestinal microbiota to degrade phytate - in vitro studies

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    Aims: Investigation of intestinal bacterial groups involved in phytate degradation and the impact of diets with different phytate contents on phytase activity. Methods and Results: Faecal samples of adults on conventional (n = 8) or vegetarian (n = 8) diets and breastfed infants (n = 6) were used as an inoculum for modified media supplemented with phytate. Populations of Gram-positive anaerobes (GPA), lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Proteobacteria-Bacteroides (P-B), coliforms and anaerobes were studied. The PCR-DGGE analysis revealed a random distribution of DGGE profiles in the dendrograms of GPA, P-B and coliforms, and a partially diet-specific distribution in the DGGE dendrograms of LAB and anaerobes. The degradation of phytic acid (PA) was determined with HPLC method in supernatants of the cultures. Regardless of the diet, the Gram-positive anaerobes and LAB displayed the lowest ability to degrade phytate, whereas the coliforms and P-B cultures produced higher amounts of intermediate myo-inositol phosphates. Bacterial populations grown in a nonselective medium were the most effective ones in phytate degradation. It was the vegetarians' microbiota that particularly degraded up to 100% phytate to myo-inositol phosphate products lower than InsP3. Conclusions: A diet rich in phytate increases the potential of intestinal microbiota to degrade phytate. The co-operation of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria is essential for the complete phytate degradation. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study provides insights on the effect of diet on specific metabolic activity of human intestinal microbiota.The work was financed from the funds of the Polish Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education, grant number N N312 434337.Peer Reviewe

    Medicinal Properties of Bamboos

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    Bamboos are described as one of the most important renewable, easily obtained, and valuable of all forest resources. These plants belong to the grasses’ family (Poaceae), which covers about a quarter of the world’s plant population, within the subfamily Bambusoideae. The estimated diversity of bamboos in the world is approximately 1400 species, distributed in 116 genera. Bamboo species have been used in Southeast Asia, as a base material to produce paper, furniture, boats, bicycles, textiles, musical instruments, and food, and their leaves have also been used as a wrapping material to prevent food deterioration since ancient times. These species accumulate biologically active components such as polyphenols and other secondary plant metabolites that might explain the use of bamboo leaves in Asian traditional medicine for the treatment of hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and certain forms of cancer. Besides the usual secondary metabolites, bamboo extracts may contain biologically active peptides and polysaccharides that still need to be further studied for their activity and their synergistic with other metabolites. Most of the studies found in the literature are from Asian bamboo species, and the potential of the Southern American species is yet to be explored

    IUCN guidelines using for assessment of plants from the Red Book of Russian Federation at regional level: a case study for the Republic of Mordovia (Russia)

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    There are 15 plant species included in the Russian Red Book, which occur in the Republic of Mordovia: Najas tenuissima, Koeleria sclerophylla, Stipa dasyphylla, S. pennata, S. pulcherrima, S. zalesskii, Fritillaria ruthenica, Iris aphylla, Cypripedium calceolus, Cephalanthera rubra, Epipogium aphyllum, Neottianthe cucullata, Orchis militaris, Neotinea ustulata, Thymus cimicinus. Of these, only C. calceolusis included in the Global Red List as Critically Endangered. Threat status for studied species in Mordovia was assessed, and their distribution dynamics in this region throughout 12 years was described. Recent floristic studies, inspections of herbariums and literature were used for searches all provided data. Grid mapping and IUCN criteria were used. Nine taxa were determined as Critically Endangered, three as Endangered, one as Vulnerable, one as Near Threatened and one as Data Deficient. The areas of occupancy and extent of occurrence inMordovia were assessed for each taxon. All studied species should be included in the next edition of the Mordovian Red Book. F. ruthenica, E. aphyllum, N. ustulata, T. cimicinus require additional studies to confirm earlier observations

    On the key expansion of D(n, K)-based cryptographical algorithm

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    The family of algebraic graphs D(n, K) defined over finite commutative ring K have been used in different cryptographical algorithms (private and public keys, key exchange protocols). The encryption maps correspond to special walks on this graph. We expand the class of encryption maps via the use of edge transitive automorphism group G(n, K) of D(n, K). The graph D(n, K) and related directed graphs are disconnected. So private keys corresponding to walks preserve each connected component. The group G(n, K) of transformations generated by an expanded set of encryption maps acts transitively on the plainspace. Thus we have a great difference with block ciphers, any plaintexts can be transformed to an arbitrarily chosen ciphertex by an encryption map. The plainspace for the D(n, K) graph based encryption is a free module P over the ring K. The group G(n, K) is a subgroup of Cremona group of all polynomial automorphisms. The maximal degree for a polynomial from G(n, K) is 3. We discuss the Diffie-Hellman algorithm based on the discrete logarithm problem for the group τ-1Gτ, where τ is invertible affine transformation of free module P i.e. polynomial automorphism of degree 1. We consider some relations for the discrete logarithm problem for G(n, K) and public key algorithm based on the D(n, K) graphs

    Life-threatening hypersplenism due to idiopathic portal hypertension in early childhood: case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Idiopathic portal hypertension (IPH) is a disorder of unknown etiology and is characterized clinically by portal hypertension, splenomegaly, and hypersplenism accompanied by pancytopenia. This study evaluates the pathogenic concept of the disease by a systematic review of the literature and illustrates novel pathologic and laboratory findings.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>We report the first case of uncontrolled splenic hyperperfusion and enlargement with subsequent hypersplenism leading to life-threatening complications of IPH in infancy and emergent splenectomy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that splenic NO and VCAM-1, rather than ET-1, have a significant impact on the development of IPH, even at a very early stage of disease. The success of surgical interventions targeting the splenic hyperperfusion suggests that the primary defect in the regulation of splenic blood flow seems to be crucial for the development of IPH. Thus, beside other treatment options splenectomy needs to be considered as a prime therapeutic option for IPH.</p

    Changes in preterm birth and stillbirth during COVID-19 lockdowns in 26 countries

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    Preterm birth (PTB) is the leading cause of infant mortality worldwide. Changes in PTB rates, ranging from −90% to +30%, were reported in many countries following early COVID-19 pandemic response measures (‘lockdowns’). It is unclear whether this variation reflects real differences in lockdown impacts, or perhaps differences in stillbirth rates and/or study designs. Here we present interrupted time series and meta-analyses using harmonized data from 52 million births in 26 countries, 18 of which had representative population-based data, with overall PTB rates ranging from 6% to 12% and stillbirth ranging from 2.5 to 10.5 per 1,000 births. We show small reductions in PTB in the first (odds ratio 0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.95–0.98, P value <0.0001), second (0.96, 0.92–0.99, 0.03) and third (0.97, 0.94–1.00, 0.09) months of lockdown, but not in the fourth month of lockdown (0.99, 0.96–1.01, 0.34), although there were some between-country differences after the first month. For high-income countries in this study, we did not observe an association between lockdown and stillbirths in the second (1.00, 0.88–1.14, 0.98), third (0.99, 0.88–1.12, 0.89) and fourth (1.01, 0.87–1.18, 0.86) months of lockdown, although we have imprecise estimates due to stillbirths being a relatively rare event. We did, however, find evidence of increased risk of stillbirth in the first month of lockdown in high-income countries (1.14, 1.02–1.29, 0.02) and, in Brazil, we found evidence for an association between lockdown and stillbirth in the second (1.09, 1.03–1.15, 0.002), third (1.10, 1.03–1.17, 0.003) and fourth (1.12, 1.05–1.19, <0.001) months of lockdown. With an estimated 14.8 million PTB annually worldwide, the modest reductions observed during early pandemic lockdowns translate into large numbers of PTB averted globally and warrant further research into causal pathways