213 research outputs found

    Infrared Classification of Galactic Objects

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    Unbiased analysis shows that IRAS data reliably differentiate between the early and late stages of stellar evolution because objects at these stages clearly segregate in infrared color-color diagrams. Structure in these diagrams is primarily controlled by the density distribution of circumstellar dust. The density profile around older objects is the steepest, declining as r−2r^{-2}, while young objects have profiles that vary as r−3/2r^{-3/2} and flatter. The different density profiles reflect the different dynamics that govern the different environments. Our analysis also shows that high mass star formation is strongly concentrated within \about 5 kpc around the Galactic center, in support of other studies.Comment: 11 pages, 3 Postscript figures (included), uses aaspp4.sty. To appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Radial Extent and Warp of the Ionized Galactic Disk. II. A Likelihood Analysis of Radio-Wave Scattering Toward the Anticenter

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    We use radio-wave scattering data to constrain the distribution of ionized gas in the outer Galaxy. Like previous models, our model for the H II disk includes parameters for the radial scale length and scale height of the H II, but we allow the H II disk to warp and flare. Our model also includes the Perseus arm. We use a likelihood analysis on 11 extragalactic sources and 7 pulsars. Scattering in the Perseus arm is no more than 60% of the level contributed by spiral arms in the inner Galaxy, equivalent to a 1 GHz scattering diameter of 1.5 mas. Our analysis favors an unwarped, nonflaring disk with a 1 kpc scale height, though this may reflect the non-uniform and coarse coverage provided by the available data. The lack of a warp indicates that VLBI observations near 1 GHz with an orbiting station having baseline lengths of a few Earth diameters will not be affected by interstellar scattering at Galactic latitudes |b| ~ 15 degrees. The radial scale length is 15--20 kpc, but the data cannot distinguish between a gradual decrease in the electron density and a truncated distribution. We favor a truncated one, because we associate the scattering with massive star formation, which is also truncated near 20 kpc. The distribution of electron density turbulence decreases more rapidly with Galactocentric distance than does the hydrogen distribution. Alternate ionizing and turbulent agents---the intergalactic ionizing flux and satellite galaxies passing through the disk---do not contribute significantly to scattering. We cannot exclude the possibility that a largely ionized, but quiescent disk extends to >~ 100 kpc, similar to that for some Ly-alpha absorbers.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX2e with AASTeX aaspp4 macro, 9 figures in 9 PostScript files, accepted for publication in Ap

    Molecular gas and stars in the translucent cloud MBM 18 (LDN 1569)

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    Seven of ten candidate H-alpha emission-line stars found in an objective grism survey of a 1 square degree region in MBM 18, were observed spectroscopically. Four of these have weak H-alpha emission, and 6 out of 7 have spectral types M1-M4V. One star is of type F7-G1V, and has H-alpha in absorption. The spectra of three of the M-stars may show an absorption line of LiI, although none of these is an unambiguous detection. For the six M-stars a good fit is obtained with pre-main-sequence isochrones indicating ages between 7.5 and 15Myr. The molecular cloud mass, derived from the integrated 12CO(1-0) emission, is 160Mo (for a distance of 120pc), much smaller than the virial mass (10^3Mo), and the cloud is not gravitationally bound. Nor are the individual clumps we identified through a clump-finding routine. Considering the relative weakness or absence of the H-alpha emission, the absence of other emission lines, and the lack of clear LiI absorption, the targets are not T Tauri stars. With ages between 7.5 and 15Myr they are old enough to explain the lack of lithium in their spectra. Based on the derived distances (60-250pc), some of the stars may lie inside the molecular cloud (120-150pc). From the fact that the cloud as a whole, as well as the individual clumps, are not gravitationally bound, in combination with the ages of the stars we conclude that it is not likely that (these) stars were formed in MBM 18.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (20 pages

    A star cluster at the edge of the Galaxy

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    We study stars and molecular gas in the direction of IRAS06145+1455 (WB89-789) through NIR (JHK), molecular line-, and dust continuum observations. The kinematic distance of the associated molecular cloud is 11.9 kpc. With a galactocentric distance of about 20.2 kpc, this object is at the edge of the (molecular) disk of the Galaxy. The near-IR data show the presence of an (embedded) cluster of about 60 stars, with a radius ca. 1.3 pc and an average stellar surface density of ca. 12 pc^{-2}. We find at least 14 stars with NIR-excess, 3 of which are possibly Class I objects. The cluster is embedded in a 1000 Mo molecular/dust core, from which a molecular outflow originates. The temperature of most of the outflowing gas is < 40 K, and the total mass of the swept-up material is < 10 Mo. Near the center of the flow, indications of much higher temperatures are found, probably due to shocks. A spectrum of one of the probable cluster members shows a tentative likeness to that of a K3III-star (with an age of at least 20 Myr). If correct, this would confirm the kinematic distance. This cluster is the furthest one from the Galactic center yet detected. The combination of old and recent activity implies that star formation has been going on for at least 20 Myr, which is difficult to understand considering the location of this object, where external triggers are either absent or weak, compared to the inner Galaxy. This suggests that once star formation is occurring, later generations of stars may form through the effect of the first generation of stars on the (remnants of) the original molecular cloud

    Star Formation in the Most Distant Molecular Cloud in the Extreme Outer Galaxy: A Laboratory of Star Formation in an Early Epoch of the Galaxy's Formation

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    We report the discovery of active star formation in Digel's Cloud 2, which is one of the most distant giant molecular clouds known in the extreme outer Galaxy (EOG). At the probable Galactic radius of ~20 kpc, Cloud 2 has a quite different environment from that in the solar neighborhood, including lower metallicity, much lower gas density, and small or no perturbation from spiral arms. With new wide-field near-infrared (NIR) imaging that covers the entire Cloud 2, we discovered two young embedded star clusters located in the two dense cores of the cloud. Using our NIR and 12CO data as well as HI, radio continuum, and IRAS data in the archives, we discuss the detailed star formation processes in this unique environment. We show clear evidences of a sequential star formation triggered by the nearby huge supernova remnant, GSH 138-01-94. The two embedded clusters show a distinct morphology difference: the one in the northern molecular cloud core is a loose association with isolated-mode star formation, while the other in the southern molecular cloud core is a dense cluster with cluster-mode star formation. We propose that high compression by the combination of the SNR shell and an adjacent shell caused the dense cluster formation in the southern core. Along with the low metallicity range of the EOG, we suggest that EOG could be an excellent laboratory for the study of star formation processes, such as those triggered by supernovae, that occured during an early epoch of the Galaxy's formation. In particular, the study of the EOG may shed light on the origin and role of the thick disk, whose metallicity range matches with that of the EOG well.Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal (18 pages, 9 figures; a version w/full-resolution color figures is available at http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~naoto/papers/apj.cl2_quirc/ms2p_final.pdf

    Clumpy outer Galaxy molecular clouds and the steepening of the IMF

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    We report the results of high-resolution (~0.2 pc) CO(1-0) and CS(2-1) observations of the central regions of three star-forming molecular clouds in the far-outer Galaxy (~16 kpc from the Galactic Center): WB89 85 (Sh 2-127), WB89 380, and WB89 437. We used the BIMA array in combination with IRAM 30-m and NRAO 12-m observations. The GMC's in which the regions are embedded were studied by means of KOSMA 3-m CO(2-1) observations. The properties the CO and CS clumps are analyzed and compared with newly derived results of previously published single-dish measurements of local clouds (OrionB South and Rosette). We find that the slopes of the clump mass distributions (-1.28 and -1.49, for WB89 85 and WB89 380, respectively) are somewhat less steep than found for most local clouds, but similar to those of clouds which have been analyzed with the same clumpfind program. We investigate the clump stability by using the virial theorem, including all possible contributions (gravity, turbulence, magnetic fields, and pressure due to the interclump gas). It appears that under reasonable assumptions a combination of these forces would render most clumps stable. Comparing only gravity and turbulence, we find that in the far-outer Galaxy clouds, these forces are in equilibium (virial parameter alpha~1) for clumps down to the lowest masses found (a few Msol). For clumps in the local clouds alpha~1 only for clumps with masses larger than a few tens of Msol. Thus it appears that in these outer Galaxy clumps gravity is the dominant force down to a much lower mass than in local clouds, implying that gravitational collapse and star formation may occur more readily even in the smallest clumps. Although there are some caveats, due to the inhomogeneity of the data used, this might explain the apparently steeper IMF found in the outer Galaxy.Comment: 29 pages, including 9 tables, 21 figures. Accepted for Astron. Astrop

    A possible far-ultraviolet flux-dependent core mass function in NGC 6357

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    To derive the properties of the dense cores in the galactic star-forming complex NGC6357 and to investigate the effects of an intense far-UV radiation field on their properties, we mapped the region at 450 and 850 micron, and in the CO(3-2) line with the JCMT. We also made use of the Herschel Hi-GAL data at 70 and 160 micron. We used Gaussclumps to retrieve 686 compact cores embedded in the diffuse sub-mm emission and constructed their SED from 70 to 850 micron, from which we derived mass and temperature. The estimated mass completeness limit is ~5Mo. We divided the observed area in an 'active' region, exposed to the far-UV radiation from the more massive members of three star clusters (411 cores), and a 'quiescent' region, less affected by far-UV radiation (275 cores). We also attempted to select a sample of pre-stellar cores based on cross-correlation with 70 micron emission and red WISE point sources. Most of the cores above the mass completeness limit are likely to be gravitationally bound. The fraction of gas in dense cores is very low, 1.4%. We found a mass-size relation log(M/Mo) ~ (2.0-2.4) x log (D/arcsec), depending on the precise selection of the sample. The temperature distributions in the two sub-regions are clearly different, peaking at ~25K in the quiescent region and at ~35K in the active region. The core mass functions are different as well, at a 2sigma level, consistent with a Salpeter IMF in the quiescent region and flatter than that in the active region. The dense cores lying close to the HII regions are consistent with pre-existing cores being gradually engulfed by a PDR and photoevaporating. We attribute the different global properties of dense cores in the two sub-regions to the influence of the far-UV radiation field.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables (1 only at CDS); accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    HI power spectrum of the spiral galaxy NGC628

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    We have measured the HI power spectrum of the nearly face-on spiral galaxy NGC628 (M74) using a visibility based estimator. The power spectrum is well fitted by a power law P(U)=AUαP(U)=AU^{\alpha}, with α=−1.6±0.2\alpha =- 1.6\pm0.2 over the length scale 800pcto8kpc800 {\rm pc} {\rm to} 8 {\rm kpc}. The slope is found to be independent of the width of the velocity channel. This value of the slope is a little more than one in excess of what has been seen at considerably smaller length scales in the Milky-Way, Small Magellanic Cloud (LMC), Large Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and the dwarf galaxy DDO210. We interpret this difference as indicating a transition from three dimensional turbulence at small scales to two dimensional turbulence in the plane of the galaxy's disk at length scales larger than galaxy's HI scale height. The slope measured here is similar to that found at large scales in the LMC. Our analysis also places an upper limit to the galaxy's scale height at $800\ {\rm pc}$ .Comment: 4 Pages, 2 Figures, 1 Table. Accepted for Publication in MNRAS LETTER
