787 research outputs found

    Electrical Stimulation Modulates High γ Activity and Human Memory Performance.

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    Direct electrical stimulation of the brain has emerged as a powerful treatment for multiple neurological diseases, and as a potential technique to enhance human cognition. Despite its application in a range of brain disorders, it remains unclear how stimulation of discrete brain areas affects memory performance and the underlying electrophysiological activities. Here, we investigated the effect of direct electrical stimulation in four brain regions known to support declarative memory: hippocampus (HP), parahippocampal region (PH) neocortex, prefrontal cortex (PF), and lateral temporal cortex (TC). Intracranial EEG recordings with stimulation were collected from 22 patients during performance of verbal memory tasks. We found that high γ (62-118 Hz) activity induced by word presentation was modulated by electrical stimulation. This modulatory effect was greatest for trials with poor memory encoding. The high γ modulation correlated with the behavioral effect of stimulation in a given brain region: it was negative, i.e., the induced high γ activity was decreased, in the regions where stimulation decreased memory performance, and positive in the lateral TC where memory enhancement was observed. Our results suggest that the effect of electrical stimulation on high γ activity induced by word presentation may be a useful biomarker for mapping memory networks and guiding therapeutic brain stimulation

    ‘Super disabilities’ vs ‘Disabilities’?:Theorizing the role of ableism in (mis)representational mythology of disability in the marketplace

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    People with disabilities (PWD) constitute one of the largest minority groups with one in five people worldwide having a disability. While recognition and inclusion of this group in the marketplace has seen improvement, the effects of (mis)representation of PWD in shaping the discourse on fostering marketplace inclusion of socially marginalized consumers remain little understood. Although effects of misrepresentation (e.g., idealized, exoticized or selective representation) on inclusion/exclusion perceptions and cognitions has received attention in the context of ethnic/racial groups, the world of disability has been largely neglected. By extending the theory of ableism into the context of PWD representation and applying it to the analysis of the We’re the Superhumans advertisement developed for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, this paper examines the relationship between the (mis)representation and the inclusion/exclusion discourse. By uncovering that PWD misrepresentations can partially mask and/or redress the root causes of exclusion experienced by PWD in their lived realities, it contributes to the research agenda on the transformative role of consumption cultures perpetuating harmful, exclusionary social perceptions of marginalized groups versus contributing to advancement of their inclusion

    Discourses of sexual relationships in a sample of German and British young people: a Q methodological study

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    Young people live in an environment which sexualises young people, particularly women, along traditional gender roles. This, in parallel with a silence about positive sexuality in policy development, means that sexual double standards prevail in young people’s lives. The aim of this study was to explore the discourses young women and men from two European countries, Germany and England, draw on when making sense of sexual relationships, and how these are steeped in the local cultural climate and messages. The study used Q methodology and included 65 German and English young people between 16 and 19 years of age. Six accounts emerged: sex as responsible, intimate and shared experience; sex as joint fun; ideal versus reality; sex has to be responsible, consensual and shared; caring relationships offer the perfect context for fulfilling sex; and equality between partners. The importance of cultural context in the availability of specific dominant and alternative discourses is discussed with a focus on how this influences young people’s sense-making with regard to sexuality and sexual relationships. Future directions for research are highlighted

    Ripple oscillations in the left temporal neocortex are associated with impaired verbal episodic memory encoding

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    Background: We sought to determine if ripple oscillations (80-120Hz), detected in intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings of epilepsy patients, correlate with an enhancement or disruption of verbal episodic memory encoding. Methods: We defined ripple and spike events in depth iEEG recordings during list learning in 107 patients with focal epilepsy. We used logistic regression models (LRMs) to investigate the relationship between the occurrence of ripple and spike events during word presentation and the odds of successful word recall following a distractor epoch, and included the seizure onset zone (SOZ) as a covariate in the LRMs. Results: We detected events during 58,312 word presentation trials from 7,630 unique electrode sites. The probability of ripple on spike (RonS) events was increased in the seizure onset zone (SOZ, p<0.04). In the left temporal neocortex RonS events during word presentation corresponded with a decrease in the odds ratio (OR) of successful recall, however this effect only met significance in the SOZ (OR of word recall 0.71, 95% CI: 0.59-0.85, n=158 events, adaptive Hochberg p<0.01). Ripple on oscillation events (RonO) that occurred in the left temporal neocortex non-SOZ also correlated with decreased odds of successful recall (OR 0.52, 95% CI: 0.34-0.80, n=140, adaptive Hochberg , p<0.01). Spikes and RonS that occurred during word presentation in the left middle temporal gyrus during word presentation correlated with the most significant decrease in the odds of successful recall, irrespective of the location of the SOZ (adaptive Hochberg, p<0.01). Conclusion: Ripples and spikes generated in left temporal neocortex are associated with impaired verbal episodic memory encoding

    HDAC1 interacts with the p50 NF-κB subunit via its nuclear localization sequence to constrain inflammatory gene expression

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    The NF-κB p50 subunit is an important regulator of inflammation, with recent experimental evidence to support it also having a tumor suppressor role. Classically, p50 functions in heterodimeric form with the RelA (p65) NF-κB subunit to activate inflammatory genes. However, p50 also forms homodimers which actively repress NF-κB-dependent inflammatory gene expression and exert an important brake on the inflammatory process. This repressive activity of p50:p50 is thought to be in part mediated by an interaction with the epigenetic repressor protein Histone Deacetylase 1 (HDAC1). However, neither the interaction of p50 with HDAC1 nor the requirement of HDAC1 for the repressive activities of p50 has been well defined. Here we employed in silico prediction with in vitro assays to map sites of interaction of HDAC1 on the p50 protein. Directed mutagenesis of one such region resulted in almost complete loss of HDAC1 binding to p50. Transfected mutant p50 protein lacking the putative HDAC1 docking motif resulted in enhanced cytokine and chemokine expression when compared with cells expressing a transfected wild type p50. In addition, expression of this mutant p50 was associated with enhanced chemoattraction of neutrophils and acetylation of known inflammatory genes demonstrating the likely importance of the p50:HDAC1 interaction for controlling inflammation. These new insights provide an advance on current knowledge of the mechanisms by which NF-κB-dependent gene transcription are regulated and highlight the potential for manipulation of p50:HDAC1 interactions to bring about experimental modulation of chronic inflammation and pathologies associated with dysregulated neutrophil accumulation and activation