19 research outputs found

    Mandibular and Teeth Osteomorphology in Common Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus)

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    Common palm civet has another name “musang luwak” and is included in the Viverridae family. A civet is a small mammal that lives at night (nocturnal) and likes to eat fruit (frugivorous). The population of this animal is spread across Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and some South East Asia countries. Osteological studies on civets have not been done much. This study aims to determine the anatomical structure of the mandible and teeth macroscopically. This study used 3 civet craniums with an average body weight of around 2 kg obtained from Yogyakarta and Lampung. The samples separated from the muscles and tissues to obtain the cranium, mandible, and teeth. The cleaned samples were then put in 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite for 24 hours to make the measurement easier. The next process is rinsing with running water and drying. Morphological studies were carried out by examining the teeth of the civet and comparing them with carnivores in the literature. Morphological craniomandibular data were observed specifically for the existing formations. In the mandible, there is a characteristic formation at the angle of the mandible which is tapered and the teeth are pyramidal in shape with the carnassial part which is a pair of pointed upper and lower teeth used for cutting food. The last two molars have a more sloping shape because they are closely related to the function of crushing bones. The dental formula in civets was formulated by incisivus (3), caninus (1), premolars (4), and molars (2) with a total of about 40 permanent teeth. Keywords: Common Palm Civet, Craniomandibular; Gross anatomy; Osteo morphology, Teet

    The Anatomical Study of Trachea in The Common Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus)

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    The common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) is one of the wild animals that can be found across Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sabah, Sarawak, India, and Sri Lanka. Civet is considered as a nocturnal and arboreal animal. This study aims to determine the anatomical morphology of the civet’s trachea, which information is still limited. The trachea of three adult civets of different sexes obtained from Yogyakarta and Lampung were used in this study. Samples were collected, diffused, examined macroscopically, and microscopically processed to produce paraffin blocks. Paraffin blocks were sliced of thickness 4”m using a microtome. Samples were stained with hematoxylin-eosin. The staining results were then described to determine the tracheal profile of the civet’s trachea. Histologically, trachea has several layers successively from the inside out are the mucosa, submucosa, hyaline cartilage layer, and tunica adventitia. The mucosal layer consists of the epithelium, lamina propria, and the invisible muscularis mucosa. The epithelium portion of the trachea is a ciliated stratified pseudo columnar containing goblet and basal cells. Column cells are oval with a dark cell nucleus at the basal area. The lamina propria part of the civet’s trachea consists of connective tissue consisting of collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers. There are seromucous glands between the lamina propria and submucosa. The tracheal musculus is located on the external side of the hyaline cartilage. Keywords: Common Palm Civet, Hematoxylin Eosin, Histology, Morphology, Trache

    Histological Features of Catecholaminergic Neuron in Substantia Nigra Induced by Paraquat Dichloride (1,1-dimethyl-4,4 bipyridinium) in Wistar Rat as A Model of Parkinson Disease

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    Paraquat dichloride has been used by farmers as a herbicide to kill the grass. On the other hand, paraquatdichloride is harmful if enters to the body, causing Parkinson’s disease, since it is disrupting dopamineproduction in the substantia nigra pars compacta or dopamine pathways Nigro striatal pathway. The studywas done to fi nd out the histological changes of catecholaminergic neurons and Nigro striatal pathway causedby paraquat dichloride treatment in Wistar rats as a model of Parkinson’s disease.Twenty-two Wistar rats 3,5 months old were divided into 4 groups, 5 rats each. Group I (control group)were injected with aquabidest, while groups II, III, and IV were injected intraperitoneally with paraquatdichloride in aquabidest, with the dosage 5 , 10 and 15 mg/kg bw respectively. The rats were injected onceper week for 6 weeks. Three days after the last injection, the rats were anesthetized using xylasin (2 mg/kg)and ketamine (20 mg/kg) intramuscularly, and then were intracardiac perfused using physiological saline asprerinse solution, followed by 10% buffered formalin solution as a fi xative. After animals were fi xed, the brainswere removed and embedded in paraffi n block and cut in 12 ÎŒm thickness for immunohistochemistry stainingusing tyrosine hydroxylase antibody. The results of staining then were observed under light microscope andanalyzed descriptively.The results showed that the catecholaminergic neurons were distributed in the substantia nigrapars compacta in all treatment groups, however, the cell density were found decreased only in group IV.Catecholaminergic neurons appear in the bipolar and multipolar form, while dopamine ‘Nigro striatal pathway’was found exist in all treatment groups. From our study, histologycally the decreased of catecholaminergicneurons is only found in rats that received paraquat dichloride in dose 15 mg/kg bw for 6 weeks

    Histological Features of Catecholaminergic Neuron in Substantia Nigra Induced by Paraquat Dichloride (1,1-dimethyl-4,4 bipyridinium) in Wistar Rat as A Model of Parkinson Disease

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    Paraquat dichloride has been used by farmers as a herbicide to kill the grass. On the other hand, paraquatdichloride is harmful if enters to the body, causing Parkinson’s disease, since it is disrupting dopamineproduction in the substantia nigra pars compacta or dopamine pathways Nigro striatal pathway. The studywas done to fi nd out the histological changes of catecholaminergic neurons and Nigro striatal pathway causedby paraquat dichloride treatment in Wistar rats as a model of Parkinson’s disease.Twenty-two Wistar rats 3,5 months old were divided into 4 groups, 5 rats each. Group I (control group)were injected with aquabidest, while groups II, III, and IV were injected intraperitoneally with paraquatdichloride in aquabidest, with the dosage 5 , 10 and 15 mg/kg bw respectively. The rats were injected onceper week for 6 weeks. Three days after the last injection, the rats were anesthetized using xylasin (2 mg/kg)and ketamine (20 mg/kg) intramuscularly, and then were intracardiac perfused using physiological saline asprerinse solution, followed by 10% buffered formalin solution as a fi xative. After animals were fi xed, the brainswere removed and embedded in paraffi n block and cut in 12 ÎŒm thickness for immunohistochemistry stainingusing tyrosine hydroxylase antibody. The results of staining then were observed under light microscope andanalyzed descriptively.The results showed that the catecholaminergic neurons were distributed in the substantia nigrapars compacta in all treatment groups, however, the cell density were found decreased only in group IV.Catecholaminergic neurons appear in the bipolar and multipolar form, while dopamine ‘Nigro striatal pathway’was found exist in all treatment groups. From our study, histologycally the decreased of catecholaminergicneurons is only found in rats that received paraquat dichloride in dose 15 mg/kg bw for 6 weeks


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian rumput laut terhadap kualitas sperma tikes akibat pencemaran timah hitam. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 12 ekor tikus putib jantan dewasa, dibagi secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok masing-masing 3 ekor. Kelompok I, tikus-tikus hanya diberi akuades secara oral. Kelompok11,111 dan IV, semua tikus diberi Pb asetat 0,5 g/kg bb secara oral setiap hart selama 120 hart. Kelompok DI dan IV masing-masing disertai dengan pemberian larutan rumput laut dosis 8 g/kg dan 16 g/kg bb secara oral pe, hari selama 120 hart_ Pada akhir penelitian masing-masing films dart semua kelompok dikoleksi spermanya untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan terhadap motilitas, viabilitas dan konsentrasi apermanya. Semua tikus percobaan kemudian dietanasi dan dinekropsi, organ testis diambil dan difiksasi dalam ICJ% formalin untuk preparasi histopatologis. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan adanya peningkatan motiiitas, kemampuan hidup dan konsentrasi spermatozoa secara sangat signifikan (

    MtDNA variation and human-mediated introgression of indigenous sus populations on several Indonesian Islands

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    o examine the genetic origin of the domestic pig, the distribution of wild boar, and human-mediated translocation of the domestic pig, we collected 223 samples from domestic pigs and wild boars from eight Indonesian islands, sequenced the control region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from each sample, and compared these sequences with previously determined sequences from East and Southeast Asian domestic pigs and wild boars. Three Sus species (S. scrofa, S.verrucosus, and S. celebensis) were identified on the Indonesian islands. The mtDNA sequences of three Indonesian Sus species were diverse, and they clustered into three lineages with low bootstrap values (an S. scrofa group including East and Southeast Asian domestic pigs and wild boars, a group including indigenous S. scrofa together with S. verrucosus from Sumatra and Java Islands, and an S.celebensis group from Sulawesi Island). The mtDNA haplotypes of S. scrofa wild boars from three (Sumbawa, Flores and New Guinea) islands and domestic pigs from two (Lombok and Timor) islands east of the Wallace Line, and some S. scrofa wild boars from Sumatra and Java Islands were related to Vietnamese pig mtDNA sequences in the East and Southeast Asian domestic pig and wild boar clade, supporting that ancient immigrants likely introduced domestic pigs from the Asian continent to east Indonesian islands. The mtDNA haplotypes of S. celebensis were broadly divided into three groups, which were distributed in the north and southwest areas, central area and southeast area of Sulawesi Island


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    Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) is one of the aquatic mammals widely spread in the marines ofIndonesia archipelago, especially the Java Sea. The taxonomy of the genus Tursiops is still  controversial.The purpose of this study was to examine the molecular basis of Tursiops sp of Java sea marine origin onthe basis of its NADH dehydrogenase gene subunit 6 (ND6) sequences. Samples of blood were collectedfrom five male bottle nose dolphins from captivity of PT. Wersut Seguni Indonesia. DNA was isolated,amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), sequenced, and analyzed the data using the MEGA v. 5.1program. The results of PCR amplification was 868 base pairs (bp), DNA sequencing showed that 528nucleotides were ND6 gene, nucleotide at the position of 387 could be used to distinguish the bottle nosedolphins Java marine origin with T. aduncus.   Filogram using Neighbor joining method based on thenucleotide sequence of the gene ND6, showed that bottle nose dolphins Java marine origin belong to groupof T. aduncus

    Identifikasi Keragaman Genetik Gen 12S Ribomsom RNA Sebagai Penanda Genetik untuk Penentuan Spesies Kuskus (IDENTIFICATION OF GENETIC DIVERSITY 12SRRNA GENES AS GENETIC MARKER FOR DETERMINING SPECIES CUSCUS)

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    Cuscus is marsupial’s animal (Phalageridae) which has limited spread in eastern Indonesia (Sulawesi,Maluku, Papua), Australia and Papua New Guinea. The ex-situ and in-situ conservation of cuscus undercaptivating condition is an alternative solution to protect cuscus from extinction. This study aimed todetermine nucleotide sequence and genetic markers on 12Sr RNA gene with sequencing method of eachspecies on three islands. Whole genome DNA was extracted from 17 samples of cuscus obtained fromdifferent habitats, Sulawesi (2 individual), Maluku (7 individual), and Papua (8 individual) according tothe protocol of Qiamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (Qiagen), and then it was used as template for amplificationof 12Sr RNA gene by using PCR. PCR product were then purified using column chromatography and wereused as template for sequencing reaction. Result sequencing of 12Sr RNA gene were analyzed usingMEGA program version 6. PCR product gives a result nucleotida of 958 bp according to databasegenebank, sequencing product gives result nucleotida of 896 bp and found of 105 different nucleotide sites.Filogram based on nucleotide sequences 12SrRNA gene from Sulawesi cuscus is Ailurops ursinus whereasthe cuscus from Papua and Maluku is Phalanger sp. and Spilocuscus maculatus species. Thirteen nucleotidasites were found, sites no 67 (A/G), 89 (G/C), 137 (T/C), 285 (G/A), 468 (T/C), 595 (T/C, 598 (T/C), 647 (T/C),654 (G/A), 665 (T/C), 769 (C/T), 874 (C/T), and 876 (A/G) which can be used as genetic marker betweenPhalanger genera from Papua and Maluku, and three nucleotida sites (sites no 127 (G/A), 481 (C/T), and885 (T/C) can be used as genetic marker between Spilocuscus genera from Papua and Maluku

    Distribution and Morphology of Serotonergic and Catecholaminergic Neurons in Area Postrema of Microchiropteran Bat (Myotis sp.)

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    As a megabiodiversity country, Indonesia is rich of fauna, one of them is Myotis sp, a member of microchiropteran bat. Bat is sleep in very special way, hanging upside down without vomiting. The area postrema (AP) is part of the medulla oblongata that control vomiting and also plays a role to control sleep-arousal. Serotonergic and catecholaminergic neurons are neurons that produce neurotransmitters to process vomitus and sleep-arousal. We hypothesized that special position at sleep of Myotis sp may relate with the anatomic arrangement of serotonergic and catecholaminergic neurons in the AP. The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution and morphology of serotonergic and catecholaminergic neurons in AP of Myotis sp. using immunohistochemistry studies. Two Myotis sp. were captured from wild population in Central Java, and were humanly anesthetized using ketamine and xylazin until in deep anesthetized condition. The animals were perfused intracardially using NaCl 0.9% as the pre-rinse followed by 4% paraformaldehyde to fix the brains. Medulla were collected for immunohistochemistry staining using tyrosine hydroxylase (as a marker for catecholaminergic neuron) and serotonin antibodies. Our finding reveals that the serotonergic neurons are distributed diffusely in the AP whereas cathecholaminergic neurons are distributed in the half of dorsal area. The morphology of serotonergic neurons is round and catecholaminergic neurons are ovoid and round