473 research outputs found

    Achieving glycaemic control without weight gain, hypoglycaemia, or gastrointestinal adverse events in type 2 diabetes in the SUSTAIN clinical trial programme

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    Aim: To evaluate the potential for semaglutide to help people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) achieve glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) targets while avoiding unwanted outcomes, such as weight gain, hypoglycaemia and gastrointestinal (GI) side effects. Materials and methods: Data from the phase IIIa SUSTAIN 1 to 5 clinical trials were analysed. Participants had inadequately controlled T2D and were drug-naïve (SUSTAIN 1) or on a range of background treatments (SUSTAIN 2 to 5). The main protocol-specified composite endpoint was the proportion of participants achieving HbA1c <53 mmol/mol (7.0%) at end of treatment (30 or 56 weeks) without weight gain and with no severe or blood glucose (BG)-confirmed symptomatic hypoglycaemia. A post hoc composite endpoint was the proportion of participants achieving the primary composite endpoint without moderate or severe GI adverse events (AEs). Results: Across the SUSTAIN trials 1 to 5, 3918 participants with T2D were randomized to once-weekly subcutaneous semaglutide 0.5 mg, 1.0 mg, or comparators (placebo, sitagliptin 100 mg, exenatide extended release 2.0 mg or insulin glargine). The proportion of participants achieving HbA1c <53 mmol/mol (7.0%) with no weight gain and no severe/BG-confirmed symptomatic hypoglycaemia was 47% to 66% (semaglutide 0.5 mg) and 57% to 74% (semaglutide 1.0 mg) vs 7% to 19% (placebo) and 16% to 29% (active comparators; all P < .0001). More participants achieved the primary composite endpoint with no moderate or severe GI AEs with semaglutide vs comparators (all P < .0001). Conclusion: Semaglutide helped more people with T2D achieve HbA1c targets than did comparators in the SUSTAIN 1 to 5 trials, while avoiding unwanted outcomes such as weight gain, hypoglycaemia and GI side effects

    Reporting of ethical considerations in clinical trials in Chinese nursing journals

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    Background: It is acknowledged that publishers now require all primary research papers to demonstrate that they have obtained ethical approval for their research. Objectives: To assess the rate of reporting of ethical approval in clinical trials in core nursing journals in mainland China. Research design: A retrospective observational study. Participants: All clinical trials published in all of the 12 core nursing periodicals from 2016 edition China Science and Technology Journal Citation Report (core version) between 2013 and 2016 were retrieved by hand to explicate rate of reporting ethical approval and informed consent. Ethical considerations: The study did not require approval from the research ethics committee as it did not involve human subjects or records. Results: In total, 40,278 papers were published in 12 nursing periodicals between 2013 and 2016. Out of these, 9488 (23.6%) focused on clinical trials. Informed consent obtained from patients or the legally authorized representative was reported in 51.8% of clinical trials. Notably, only 27.4% of clinical trials reported that they had obtained written consent. Furthermore, 25.9% of clinical trials described ethical approval; however, the rate of reporting informed consent and ethical approval in these 12 nursing journals in China during 4 years from 2013 to 2016 improved markedly, with 38.1%, 44.0%, 59.0% and 66.6%, respectively (p<0.001), and 17.6%, 21.9%, 28.6% and 35.8%, respectively (p<0.001). In addition, both reporting informed consent and reporting written informed consent had a positive significant correlation with the reporting ethical approval (p<0.05 or p<0.01). Conclusion: Chinese scientific nursing journals have improved the rate of reporting informed consent and ethical approval in clinical trials during the last 4 years. However, it should be noted that nearly half of clinical trials still did not report either ethical approval or whether informed consent was obtained. Efforts from editors, researchers, sponsors and authors are needed to ensure the transparency of ethical scrutiny and adherence to ethical guidelines in publishing clinical trials in Chinese nursing journals

    Early targeted brain COOLing in the cardiac CATHeterisation laboratory following cardiac arrest (COOLCATH)

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    Introduction: Trials demonstrate significant clinical benefit in patients receiving therapeutic hypothermia (TH) after cardiac arrest. However, incidence of mortality and morbidity remains high in this patient group. Rapid targeted brain hypothermia induction, together with prompt correction of the underlying cause may improve outcomes in these patients. This study investigates the efficacy of Rhinochill®, an intranasal cooling device over Blanketrol®, a surface cooling device in inducing TH in cardiac arrest patients within the cardiac catheter laboratory. Methods: 70 patients were randomized to TH induction with either Rhinochill® or Blanketrol®. Primary outcome measures were time to reach tympanic ≤34 °C from randomisation as a surrogate for brain temperature and oesophageal ≤34 °C from randomisation as a measurement of core body temperature. Secondary outcomes included first hour temperature drop, length of stay in intensive care unit, hospital stay, neurological recovery and all-cause mortality at hospital discharge. Results: There was no difference in time to reach ≤34 °C between Rhinochill® and Blanketrol® (Tympanic ≤34 °C, 75 vs. 107 mins; p = 0.101; Oesophageal ≤34 °C, 85 vs. 115 mins; p = 0.151). Tympanic temperature dropped significantly with Rhinochill® in the first hour (1.75 vs. 0.94 °C; p < 0.001). No difference was detected in any other secondary outcome measures. Catheter laboratory-based TH induction resulted in a survival to hospital discharge of 67.1%. Conclusion: In this study, Rhinochill® was not found to be more efficient than Blanketrol® for TH induction, although there was a non-significant trend in favour of Rhinochill® that potentially warrants further investigation with a larger trial

    Zinc sulfate as an adjunct to methylphenidate for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children: A double blind and randomized trial [ISRCTN64132371]

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    BACKGROUND: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is an early-onset, clinically heterogenous disorder of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. The diagnosis and treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder continues to raise controversy, and, there is also an increase in treatment options. In this 6-week double blind, placebo controlled-trial, we assessed the effects of zinc plus methylphenidate in the treatment of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first double blind and placebo controlled clinical trial assessing the adjunctive role of zinc in ADHD. METHODS: Our subjects were 44 outpatient children (26 boys and 18 girls) between the ages of 5–11 (mean ± SD was 7.88 ± 1.67) who clearly met the DSM IV diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and they were randomized to methylphenidate 1 mg/kg/day + zinc sulfate 55 mg/day (with approximately 15 mg zinc element) (group 1) and methylphenidate 1 mg/kg/day + placebo (sucrose 55 mg) (group 2) for a 6 week double blind clinical trial. The principal measure of the outcome was the Teacher and Parent ADHD Rating Scale. Patients were assessed by a child psychiatrist at baseline, 14, 28 and 42 days after the medication started. RESULTS: The present study shows the Parent and Teacher Rating Scale scores improved with zinc sulfate over this 6-week, double blind and placebo controlled trial. The behavior of the two treatments was not homogeneous across the time. The difference between the two protocols was significant as indicated by the effect on the group, the between-subjects factor (F = 4.15, d.f. = 1, P = 0.04; F = 4.50, d.f. = 1, P = 0.04 respectively). The difference between the two groups in the frequency of side effects was not significant. CONCLUSIONS: This double-blind, placebo-controlled study demonstrated that zinc as a supplementary medication might be beneficial in the treatment of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, further investigations and different doses of zinc are required to replicate these findings in children with ADHD

    Ethical issues in implementation research: a discussion of the problems in achieving informed consent

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    Background: Improved quality of care is a policy objective of health care systems around the world. Implementation research is the scientific study of methods to promote the systematic uptake of clinical research findings into routine clinical practice, and hence to reduce inappropriate care. It includes the study of influences on healthcare professionals' behaviour and methods to enable them to use research findings more effectively. Cluster randomized trials represent the optimal design for evaluating the effectiveness of implementation strategies. Various codes of medical ethics, such as the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki inform medical research, but their relevance to cluster randomised trials in implementation research is unclear. This paper discusses the applicability of various ethical codes to obtaining consent in cluster trials in implementation research. Discussion: The appropriate application of biomedical codes to implementation research is not obvious. Discussion of the nature and practice of informed consent in implementation research cluster trials must consider the levels at which consent can be sought, and for what purpose it can be sought. The level at which an intervention is delivered can render the idea of patient level consent meaningless. Careful consideration of the ownership of information, and rights of access to and exploitation of data is required. For health care professionals and organizations, there is a balance between clinical freedom and responsibility to participate in research. Summary: While ethical justification for clinical trials relies heavily on individual consent, for implementation research aspects of distributive justice, economics, and political philosophy underlie the debate. Societies may need to trade off decisions on the choice between individualized consent and valid implementation research. We suggest that social sciences codes could usefully inform the consideration of implementation research by members of Research Ethics Committees

    Bacterial morphotype grading for periodontal disease assessment

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    BACKGROUND: Listgarten and Hellden (1978) used darkfield microscopy of wet mounts to differentiate between healthy and periodontally diseased sites in the mouth by expressing the different bacterial morphotypes observed as a percentage of the total number of bacteria counted. This method of periodontal disease assessment gained favour as a diagnostic tool but presented with the limitation of immediate examination to determine the number of motile rods present and an inability to distinguish between gingivitis and periodontitis. Grading of bacterial morphotypes into several distinct categories of health or disease (Ison and Hay, 2002), simplified the scoring system of Gram-stained smears for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (Nugent et al. 1991). The application of a similar grading system using stained smears rather than wet mounts could be advantageous to the diagnosis of periodontal disease. OBJECTIVES/AIMS: This study tested the hypothesis that stained smears of dental plaque collected from the gingival crevice of individuals with varying probing pocket depths (PD) may provide a grading system for periodontal disease assessment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subgingival plaque samples were collected from 49 patients, stained with a silver stain and the proportions of each bacterial morphotype graded relative to their respective PD measurements. RESULTS: This technique allowed for a grading system of I–IV, with grade I indicating health and grade IV indicating severe periodontal disease. DISCUSSION: Stained smear examination eliminates the time restriction for motile rod enumeration and allows for storage of smears for future reference. CONCLUSION: Standardization of the microscopic areas to be evaluated or examined will facilitate the agreement of cut-off values for the diagnosis of periodontal disease.This material is based on work partially supported financially by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa