362 research outputs found

    Spirituality and Culture in Higher Education

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    This session will examine the need for students of color to be active or involved within local Community, both Faith & Secular. The session will discuss the historical writing of Richard Niebuhr, author of Christ and Culture. who challenged faith groups to discover the role of faith, [that which now is referenced as spirituality}, and culture can enhance the maturing process, especially in relationship to Higher Education. The presentations will focus specifically on the role of spirituality and culture relating to students of color in a predominantly Eurocentric environment

    Christian monasticism in the West from the mid-fourth through the early sixth century: The tendency toward community

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    War Crimes and Vietnam: The Nuremberg Defense and the Military Service Resister

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    We have attempted to establish first that the international laws of warfare are part of American law, and have argued that these laws, when taken as prohibitions of specific methods of waging war, are a practical and effective means of controlling unnecessary suffering and destruction. Second, we have analyzed these laws as they apply to treatment of prisoners of war, aerial bombardment of nonmilitary targets, and chemical and biological warfare, and have marshalled a portion of the available evidence that American forces commit war crimes in Vietnam. Third, we have discussed the defenses of tu quoque, reprisal, military necessity, superior orders, ignorance of the law, and duress, and have concluded that a service resister can state a valid claim that his service in Vietnam may place him in substantial danger of being responsible for commission of war crimes. Finally, we have maintained that in-service and possibly draft resisters raising a Nuremberg defense have standing, and raise questions which are both ripe and justiciable

    War Crimes and Vietnam: The Nuremberg Defense and the Military Service Resister

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    We have attempted to establish first that the international laws of warfare are part of American law, and have argued that these laws, when taken as prohibitions of specific methods of waging war, are a practical and effective means of controlling unnecessary suffering and destruction. Second, we have analyzed these laws as they apply to treatment of prisoners of war, aerial bombardment of nonmilitary targets, and chemical and biological warfare, and have marshalled a portion of the available evidence that American forces commit war crimes in Vietnam. Third, we have discussed the defenses of tu quoque, reprisal, military necessity, superior orders, ignorance of the law, and duress, and have concluded that a service resister can state a valid claim that his service in Vietnam may place him in substantial danger of being responsible for commission of war crimes. Finally, we have maintained that in-service and possibly draft resisters raising a Nuremberg defense have standing, and raise questions which are both ripe and justiciable

    The Electronic Commerce Integrated Development Methodology For Small Firms

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    Electronic Commerce (EC) technologies have the ability to reshape industry structure, and in doing so modify the rules of competition, which, in turn, lead to new methods of competing (Thong, 1999; Hawkins et al., 1999). The technological shift from traditional methods to Internet-based methods of trading has facilitated cost and competitive advantage (Auger and Gallaugher, 1997). However, to maximise EC gains it is critical that organisations understand the phases of technological assimilation and also the managerial issues involved in implementing new technologies. This specifically requires a coherent and combined approach to EC technology deployment, Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and associated activities such as Organisational Learning (OL). Research conducted by Turban et al. (1999) indicates that Information Systems Development (ISD) can provide a stimulus for productivity and quality improvements, through process improvements, automation, and associated initiatives. It is therefore evident that there is a very close relationship between BPR and ISD. Furthermore, research reveals that many leading authors view Information Technology (IT) as being a critical enabler of BPR (Bartram, 1992; Davenport, 1993). Stoddard and Jarvenpaa (2000) believe that the absence of IT capabilities can be a major inhibitor to BPR. ..

    Prospectus, August 9, 1988

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    Prospectus, August 1988

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    Solar-Terrestrial Coupling Evidenced by Periodic Behavior in Geomagnetic Indexes and the Infrared Energy Budget of the Thermosphere

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    We examine time series of the daily global power (W) radiated by carbon dioxide (at 15 microns) and by nitric oxide (at 5.3 microns) from the Earth s thermosphere between 100 km and 200 km altitude. Also examined is a time series of the daily absorbed solar ultraviolet power in the same altitude region in the wavelength span 0 to 175 nm. The infrared data are derived from the SABER instrument and the solar data are derived from the SEE instrument, both on the NASA TIMED satellite. The time series cover nearly 5 years from 2002 through 2006. The infrared and solar time series exhibit a decrease in radiated and absorbed power consistent with the declining phase of the current 11-year solar cycle. The infrared time series also exhibits high frequency variations that are not evident in the solar power time series. Spectral analysis shows a statistically significant 9-day periodicity in the infrared data but not in the solar data. A very strong 9-day periodicity is also found to exist in the time series of daily A(sub p) and K(sub p) geomagnetic indexes. These 9-day periodicities are linked to the recurrence of coronal holes on the Sun. These results demonstrate a direct coupling between the upper atmosphere of the Sun and the infrared energy budget of the thermosphere