120 research outputs found

    Determining the Age of Spoiled Milk from Dried Films Using Attenuated Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR FT-IR) Spectroscopy

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    Milk spoilage is an inevitable occurrence, which generates waste and can result in food poisoning. When milk spoils, the off-flavor and curdling are due to excessive proliferation of various bacteria which causes pH changes. Time, temperature, environment,and previous handling practice all affects the spoilage rate. There is a need for a fast reliable and accurate method that can identify in situearly spoilage of milk. Here we show the ability of attenuated total reflectionFourier transformed infrared spectroscopy(ATR FT-IR) in conjunction with multivariate data analysis to predict the age of milk. We found that dried films vastly increased the absorbance of important biomolecules within milk such as lipids, proteins,and sugars, compared to an unchanged milk sample. This allowed us to note the minor discrepancies that happened in spoilage. Spoilt milk was characterizedby bands associated with increased lipids, proteins, lactic acid; and a decrease in carbohydrates. A semiquantitative prediction model for milk spoilage at room temperature demonstrated ATR FT-IRspectroscopy can predict milk age with a root mean square error of prediction of approximately 14 hours.The model showed poor performance in the first 40 hours but the predictions improved significantly after this time. The experimental procedure proposed for detecting biomolecules within milk has the potential to improve common practice. Furthermore, the model would be a starting point for a newer and improved methods to predict the spoilage date of milk, with potential commercial uses to reduce food waste and costs to the milk industry

    Quantification and Identification of Microproteinuria using Ultrafiltration and ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy

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    The presence of low amounts of specific proteins in urine can be an indicator of diagnosis and prognosis of several diseases including renal failure and cancer. Hence, there is an urgent need for Point-of-care (PoC) methods, which can quantify microproteinuria levels (30-300 ppm) and identify the major proteins associated with the microproteinuria. In this study, we coupled ultracentrifugation with attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) to identify and quantify proteins in urine at low parts per million levels. The process involves the preconcentration of proteins from 500 μL of urine using an ultrafiltration device. After several washings, the isolated proteins are dried onto the ATR crystal forming a thin film. Imaging studies showed that the absorbance of the protein bands was linear with the amount of mass deposited on the crystal. The methodology was first evaluated with artificial urine spiked with 30-300 ppm of albumin. The calibration showed acceptable linearity (R2 = 0.97) and a limit of detection of 6.7 ppm. Linear relationships were also observed from urine of healthy subjects spiked with microproteinuria concentrations of albumin, immunoglobulin, and hemoglobin, giving a prediction error of the spiked concentration of 23 ppm. When multiple proteins were spiked into the real urine, multivariate analysis was able to decompose the data set into the different proteins, but the multicomponent evaluation was challenging for proteins at low levels. Although the introduction of a preprocessing step reduces the PoC capability of the method, it largely increases its performance, showing great potential as a tool for the diagnosis and prognosis of several illnesses affecting urine proteic compositio

    Empirical Study on the Effects of Acquisition Parameters for FTIR Hyperspectral Imaging of Brain Tissue

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    Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic imaging is a powerful technique for molecular imaging of pathologies associated with the nervous systems including multiple sclerosis research. However, there is no standard methodology or standardized protocol for FTIR imaging of tissue sections that maximize the ability to discriminate between the molecular, white and granular layers, which is essential in the investigation of the mechanism of demyelination process. Tissue sections are heterogeneous, complex and delicate, hence the parameters to generate high quality images in minimal time becomes essential in the modern clinical laboratory. This article presents an FTIR spectroscopic imaging study of post-mortem human brain tissue testing the effects of various measurement parameters and data analysis methods on image quality and acquisition time. Hyperspectral images acquired from the same region of a tissue using a range of the most common optical and collection parameters in different combinations were compared. These included magnification (4× and 15×), number of co-added scans (1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 scans) and spectral resolution (4, 8 and 16 cm−1). Images were compared in terms of acquisition time, signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, and accuracy of the discrimination between three major tissue types in a section from the cerebellum (white matter, granular and molecular layers). In the latter case, unsupervised k-means cluster (KMC) analysis was employed to generate images from the hyperspectral images, which were compared to a reference image. The classification accuracy for tissue class discrimination was highest for the 4× magnifying objective, with 4 cm−1 spectral resolution and 128 co-added scans

    Destructive effects of murine arthritogenic antibodies to type II collagen on cartilage explants in vitro

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    Certain monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to type II collagen (CII) induce arthritis in vivo after passive transfer and have adverse effects on chondrocyte cultures and inhibit self assembly of collagen fibrils in vitro. We have examined whether such mAbs have detrimental effects on pre-existing cartilage. Bovine cartilage explants were cultured over 21 days in the presence of two arthritogenic mAbs to CII (CIIC1 or M2139), a non-arthritogenic mAb to CII (CIIF4) or a control mAb (GAD6). Penetration of cartilage by mAb was determined by immunofluorescence on frozen sections and correlated with changes to the extracellular matrix and chondrocytes by morphometric analysis of sections stained with toluidine blue. The effects of mAbs on matrix components were examined by Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIRM). A possible role of Fc-binding was investigated using F(ab)(2 )from CIIC1. All three mAbs to CII penetrated the cartilage explants and CIIC1 and M2139, but not CIIF4, had adverse effects that included proteoglycan loss correlating with mAb penetration, the later development in cultures of an abnormal superficial cellular layer, and an increased proportion of empty chondrons. FTIRM showed depletion and denaturation of CII at the explant surface in the presence of CIIC1 or M2139, which paralleled proteoglycan loss. The effects of F(ab)(2 )were greater than those of intact CIIC1. Our results indicate that mAbs to CII can adversely affect preformed cartilage, and that the specific epitope on CII recognised by the mAb determines both arthritogenicity in vivo and adverse effects in vitro. We conclude that antibodies to CII can have pathogenic effects that are independent of inflammatory mediators or Fc-binding

    A Vibrational Spectroscopic Based Approach for Diagnosing Babesia Bovis Infection

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    Babesia bovis parasites present a serious and significant health concern for the beef and dairy industries in many parts of the world. Difficulties associated with the current diagnostic techniques include they are prone to human error (microscopy) or expensive and time consuming (Polymerase Chain Reaction) to perform. Little is known about the biochemical changes in blood that are associated with Babesia infections. The discovery of new biomarkers will lead to improved diagnostic outcomes for the cattle industry. Vibrational spectroscopic technologies can record a chemical snapshot of the entire organism and the surrounding cell thereby providing a phenotype of the organism and the host infected cell. Here, we demonstrate the applicability of vibrational spectroscopic imaging techniques including Atomic Force Microscopy Infrared (AFM-IR) and confocal Raman microscopy to discover new biomarkers for B. bovis infections. Furthermore, we applied Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) to detect B. bovis in red blood cells (RBCs). Based on changes in the IR spectral bands, ATR-FTIR in combination with Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis we were able to discriminate infected samples from controls with a sensitivity and specificity of 92.0 % and 91.7%, respectively in less than two minutes, excluding sample extraction and preparation. The proposed method utilized a lysis approach to remove hemoglobin from the suspension of infected and uninfected cells, which significantly increased the sensitivity and specificity compared to measurements performed on intact infected red blood cells (intact infected RBC, 77.3% and 79.2%). This work represents a holistic spectroscopic study from the level of the single infected RBC using AFM-IR and confocal Raman to the detection of the parasite in a cell population using ATR-FTIR for a babesiosis diagnostic

    Characterization of freeze-dried oxidized human red blood cells for pre-transfusion testing by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy live-cell analysis

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    Oxidative treatment of human red blood cells (RBCs) prior to freeze-drying appears to stabilize the RBCs to withstand dried storage at room temperature. To better understand the effects of oxidation and freeze-drying/rehydration on RBC lipids and proteins, single-cell measurements were performed by synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy ‘live-cell’ (unfixed) analysis. Lipid and protein spectral data of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP)-oxidized RBCs (oxRBCs), FDoxRBCs and control (untreated) RBCs were compared using principal component analysis (PCA) and band integration ratios. The oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs samples had similar spectral profiles that were clearly different to control RBCs. Spectral changes in the CH stretching region of oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs indicated the presence of increased saturated and shorter-chain lipids, consistent with lipid peroxidation and stiffening of the RBC membrane compared to control RBCs. The PCA loadings plot for the fingerprint region of control RBCs corresponding to the α-helical structure of hemoglobin, shows that oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs have conformational changes in the protein secondary structure to β-pleated sheets and β-turns. Finally, the freeze-drying process did not appear to compound or induce additional changes. In this context, FDoxRBCs could become a stable source of reagent RBCs for pre-transfusion blood serology testing. The synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopic live-cell protocol provides a powerful analytical tool to characterize and contrast the effects of different treatments on RBC chemical composition at the single cell level.</p

    Characterization of freeze-dried oxidized human red blood cells for pre-transfusion testing by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy live-cell analysis

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    Oxidative treatment of human red blood cells (RBCs) prior to freeze-drying appears to stabilize the RBCs to withstand dried storage at room temperature. To better understand the effects of oxidation and freeze-drying/rehydration on RBC lipids and proteins, single-cell measurements were performed by synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy ‘live-cell’ (unfixed) analysis. Lipid and protein spectral data of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP)-oxidized RBCs (oxRBCs), FDoxRBCs and control (untreated) RBCs were compared using principal component analysis (PCA) and band integration ratios. The oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs samples had similar spectral profiles that were clearly different to control RBCs. Spectral changes in the CH stretching region of oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs indicated the presence of increased saturated and shorter-chain lipids, consistent with lipid peroxidation and stiffening of the RBC membrane compared to control RBCs. The PCA loadings plot for the fingerprint region of control RBCs corresponding to the α-helical structure of hemoglobin, shows that oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs have conformational changes in the protein secondary structure to β-pleated sheets and β-turns. Finally, the freeze-drying process did not appear to compound or induce additional changes. In this context, FDoxRBCs could become a stable source of reagent RBCs for pre-transfusion blood serology testing. The synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopic live-cell protocol provides a powerful analytical tool to characterize and contrast the effects of different treatments on RBC chemical composition at the single cell level.</p

    Synchrotron Macro ATR-FTIR Microspectroscopy for High Resolution Chemical Mapping of Single Cells

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    Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy has been used widely for probing the molecular properties of materials. Coupling a synchrotron infrared (IR) beam to an ATR element using a high numerical aperture (NA) microscope objective enhances the spatial resolution, relative to transmission or transflectance microspectroscopy, by a factor proportional to the refractive index (n) of the ATR element. This work presents the development of the synchrotron macro ATR-FTIR microspectroscopy at Australian Synchrotron Infrared Microspectroscopy (IRM) Beamline, and demonstrates that high quality FTIR chemical maps of single cells and tissues can be achieved at an enhanced spatial resolution. The so-called “hybrid” macro ATR-FTIR device was developed by modifying the cantilever arm of a standard Bruker macro ATR-FTIR unit to accept germanium (Ge) ATR elements with different facet sizes (i.e. 1 mm, 250 μm and 100 μm in diameter) suitable for different types of sample surfaces. We demonstrated the capability of the technique for high-resolution single cell analysis of malaria-infected red blood cells, individual neurons in a brain tissue and cellular structures of a Eucalyptus leaf. The ability to measure a range of samples from soft membranes to hard cell wall structures demonstrates the potential of the technique for high-resolution chemical mapping across a broad range of applications in biology, medicine and environmental science

    Spectroscopic studies on photoinduced reactions of the anticancer prodrug, trans,trans,trans-[Pt(N3)2(OH)2(py)2]

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    The photodecomposition mechanism of trans,trans,trans-[Pt(N3)2(OH)2(py)2] (1, py = pyridine), an anticancer prodrug candidate, was probed using complementary Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR), transient electronic absorption and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Data fitting using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and multi-curve resolution alternating least squares, suggests the formation of a trans-[Pt(N3)(py)2(OH/H2O)] intermediate and trans [Pt(py)2(OH/H2O)2] as the final product upon 420 nm irradiation of 1 in water. Rapid disappearance of the hydroxido ligand stretching vibration upon irradiation is correlated with a -10 cm-1 shift to the anti-symmetric azido vibration, suggesting a possible second intermediate. Experimental proof of subsequent dissociation of azido ligands from platinum is presented, where at least one hydroxyl radical is formed in the reduction of Pt(IV) to Pt(II). Additionally, the photoinduced reaction of 1 with 5'-guanosine monophosphate was studied, and the identity of key photoproducts was assigned with the help of ATR FTIR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and DFT calculations. The identification of marker bands for photoproducts, e.g. trans-[Pt(N3)(py)2(5'-GMP)] and trans-[Pt(py)2(5'-GMP)2], will aid elucidation of the chemical and biological mechanism of anticancer action of 1. In general, these studies demonstrate the potential of vibrational spectroscopic techniques as promising tools for studying such metal complexes