7,549 research outputs found

    The quasi-particle gap in a disordered boson Hubbard model in two dimensions

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    We investigate the behavior of the quasi-particle energy gap near quantum phase transitions in a two-dimensional disordered boson Hubbard model at a commensurate filling. Via Monte Carlo simulations of ensembles with fixed numbers of particles, we observe the behavior of the gap as a function of the tuning parameter for various strength of diagonal disorder. For weak disorder, we find that gapped Mott insulating phase is sustained up to the transition point and disappears only in a superfluid, strongly supporting a direct Mott-insulator-to-superfluid transition. Bose glass behavior, insulating with vanishing gap, appears only when the strength of disorder is bigger than a critical value

    Principal factors that determine the extension of detection range in molecular beacon aptamer/conjugated polyelectrolyte bioassays.

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    A strategy to extend the detection range of weakly-binding targets is reported that takes advantage of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based bioassays based on molecular beacon aptamers (MBAs) and cationic conjugated polyelectrolytes (CPEs). In comparison to other aptamer-target pairs, the aptamer-based adenosine triphosphate (ATP) detection assays are limited by the relatively weak binding between the two partners. In response, a series of MBAs were designed that have different stem stabilities while keeping the constant ATP-specific aptamer sequence in the loop part. The MBAs are labeled with a fluorophore and a quencher at both termini. In the absence of ATP, the hairpin MBAs can be opened by CPEs via a combination of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, showing a FRET-sensitized fluorophore signal. In the presence of ATP, the aptamer forms a G-quadruplex and the FRET signal decreases due to tighter contact between the fluorophore and quencher in the ATP/MBA/CPE triplex structure. The FRET-sensitized signal is inversely proportional to [ATP]. The extension of the detection range is determined by the competition between opening of the ATP/MBA G-quadruplex by CPEs and the composite influence by ATP/aptamer binding and the stem interactions. With increasing stem stability, the weak binding of ATP and its aptamer is successfully compensated to show the resistance to disruption by CPEs, resulting in a substantially broadened detection range (from millimolar up to nanomolar concentrations) and a remarkably improved limit of detection. From a general perspective, this strategy has the potential to be extended to other chemical- and biological-assays with low target binding affinity

    Increasing and decreasing entanglement characteristics for continuous variables by a local photon subtraction

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    We investigate how the entanglement characteristics of a non-Gaussian entangled state are increased or decreased by a local photon subtraction operation. The non-Gaussian entangled state is generated by injecting a single-mode non-Gaussian state and a vacuum state into a 50:50 beam splitter. We consider a photon-added coherent state and an odd coherent state as a single-mode non-Gaussian state. In the regime of small amplitude, we show that the performance of quantum teleportation and the second-order Einstein-Podolsky- Rosen-type correlation can both be enhanced, whereas the degree of entanglement decreases, for the output state when a local photon subtraction operation is applied to the non-Gaussian entangled state. The counterintuitive effect is more prominent in the limit of nearly zero amplitude.Comment: Published version, 7 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Disordered Fermions

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    We study a strongly correlated fermionic model with attractive interactions in the presence of disorder in two spatial dimensions. Our model has been designed so that it can be solved using the recently discovered meron-cluster approach. Although the model is unconventional it has the same symmetries of the Hubbard model. Since the naive algorithm is inefficient, we develop a new algorithm by combining the meron-cluster technique with the directed-loop update. This combination allows us to compute the pair susceptibility and the winding number susceptibility accurately. We find that the s-wave superconductivity, present in the clean model, does not disappear until the disorder reaches a temperature dependent critical strength. The critical behavior as a function of disorder close to the phase transition belongs to the Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless universality class as expected. The fermionic degrees of freedom, although present, do not appear to play an important role near the phase transition.Comment: published version, more data added to Fig 5 and clarifications in text, 8 page

    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps in older adults : clinical presentation, pathophysiology, and comorbidity

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    Purpose of Review Chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is a common condition that significantly affects patients' life. This work aims to provide an up-to-date overview of CRSwNP in older adults, focusing on its aging-related clinical presentations, pathophysiology, and comorbidity associations including asthma. Recent Findings Recent large population-based studies using nasal endoscopy have shown that CRSwNP is a mostly late-onset disease. Age-related changes in physiologic functions, including nasal epithelial barrier dysfunction, may underlie the incidence and different clinical presentations of CRSwNP in older adults. However, there is still a paucity of evidence on the effect of aging on phenotypes and endotypes of CRSwNP. Meanwhile, late-onset asthma is a major comorbid condition in patients with CRSwNP; they frequently present with type 2 inflammatory signatures that are refractory to conventional treatments when they are comorbid. However, as they are more commonly non-atopic, causative factors other than classical atopic sensitization, such as Staphylococcus aureus specific IgE sensitization, are suggested to drive the type 2 inflammation. There are additional comorbidity associations in older patients with CRSwNP, including those with chronic otitis media and head and neck malignancy. Age is a major determinant for the incidence and clinical presentations of CRSwNP. Given the heterogeneity in phenotypes and endotypes, longitudinal investigations are warranted to elucidate the effects of aging on CRSwNP