18 research outputs found

    Subtask Gated Networks for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring

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    Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM), also known as energy disaggregation, is a blind source separation problem where a household's aggregate electricity consumption is broken down into electricity usages of individual appliances. In this way, the cost and trouble of installing many measurement devices over numerous household appliances can be avoided, and only one device needs to be installed. The problem has been well-known since Hart's seminal paper in 1992, and recently significant performance improvements have been achieved by adopting deep networks. In this work, we focus on the idea that appliances have on/off states, and develop a deep network for further performance improvements. Specifically, we propose a subtask gated network that combines the main regression network with an on/off classification subtask network. Unlike typical multitask learning algorithms where multiple tasks simply share the network parameters to take advantage of the relevance among tasks, the subtask gated network multiply the main network's regression output with the subtask's classification probability. When standby-power is additionally learned, the proposed solution surpasses the state-of-the-art performance for most of the benchmark cases. The subtask gated network can be very effective for any problem that inherently has on/off states

    Iterative solutions of the array equations for rapid design and analysis of large projector arrays

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    A fast computational method for modeling and simulation of large projector arrays is presented. The method is based on the array equations that account for the acoustic interaction among the projector elements as well as the individual characteristics of each projector. Unlike the existing solution method in which the acoustic interaction must be known a priori in the form of interaction impedance matrix Z, the present method seeks the solution of modified array equations through iterations without explicitly evaluating the Z matrix. This significantly speeds up the analysis of complex arrays with surrounding structures, where the evaluation of the Z matrix may require a large number of time-consuming finite element computations. The method is compared with the traditional Z-matrix method for the case of a cylindrical array of 72 x 8 Tonpilz transducers. For the same level of accuracy, the iterative method is shown to be up to 2 orders-of-magnitude faster than the Z-matrix method. The method can be used for rapid design and analysis of active sonar arrays and medical ultrasonic transducers, often made of hundreds and even thousands of elements. (C) 2018 Acoustical Society of America.11Nsciescopu

    NSR-seq transcriptional profiling enables identification of a gene signature of Plasmodium falciparum parasites infecting children

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    Malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum results in approximately 1 million annual deaths worldwide, with young children and pregnant mothers at highest risk. Disease severity might be related to parasite virulence factors, but expression profiling studies of parasites to test this hypothesis have been hindered by extensive sequence variation in putative virulence genes and a preponderance of host RNA in clinical samples. We report here the application of RNA sequencing to clinical isolates of P. falciparum, using not-so-random (NSR) primers to successfully exclude human ribosomal RNA and globin transcripts and enrich for parasite transcripts. Using NSR-seq, we confirmed earlier microarray studies showing upregulation of a distinct subset of genes in parasites infecting pregnant women, including that encoding the well-established pregnancy malaria vaccine candidate var2csa. We also describe a subset of parasite transcripts that distinguished parasites infecting children from those infecting pregnant women and confirmed this observation using quantitative real-time PCR and mass spectrometry proteomic analyses. Based on their putative functional properties, we propose that these proteins could have a role in childhood malaria pathogenesis. Our study provides proof of principle that NSR-seq represents an approach that can be used to study clinical isolates of parasites causing severe malaria syndromes as well other blood-borne pathogens and blood-related diseases

    Genome and phylogenetic analyses of Trypanosoma evansi reveal extensive similarity to T. brucei and multiple independent origins for dyskinetoplasty.

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    Two key biological features distinguish Trypanosoma evansi from the T. brucei group: independence from the tsetse fly as obligatory vector, and independence from the need for functional mitochondrial DNA (kinetoplast or kDNA). In an effort to better understand the molecular causes and consequences of these differences, we sequenced the genome of an akinetoplastic T. evansi strain from China and compared it to the T. b. brucei reference strain. The annotated T. evansi genome shows extensive similarity to the reference, with 94.9% of the predicted T. b. brucei coding sequences (CDS) having an ortholog in T. evansi, and 94.6% of the non-repetitive orthologs having a nucleotide identity of 95% or greater. Interestingly, several procyclin-associated genes (PAGs) were disrupted or not found in this T. evansi strain, suggesting a selective loss of function in the absence of the insect life-cycle stage. Surprisingly, orthologous sequences were found in T. evansi for all 978 nuclear CDS predicted to represent the mitochondrial proteome in T. brucei, although a small number of these may have lost functionality. Consistent with previous results, the F1FO-ATP synthase γ subunit was found to have an A281 deletion, which is involved in generation of a mitochondrial membrane potential in the absence of kDNA. Candidates for CDS that are absent from the reference genome were identified in supplementary de novo assemblies of T. evansi reads. Phylogenetic analyses show that the sequenced strain belongs to a dominant group of clonal T. evansi strains with worldwide distribution that also includes isolates classified as T. equiperdum. At least three other types of T. evansi or T. equiperdum have emerged independently. Overall, the elucidation of the T. evansi genome sequence reveals extensive similarity of T. brucei and supports the contention that T. evansi should be classified as a subspecies of T. brucei

    Organic Solvent Dispersible MXene Integrated Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaics

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    Despite recent advances in colloidal quantum dot (CQD) photovoltaics, several challenges persist and hinder further improvements. In particular, the Fermi level mismatch between the iodide-treated photoactive and thiol-treated hole-transporting CQD layers creates an unfavorable energy band for hole collection. Furthermore, the numerous surface cracks in the thiol-treated CQD layer facilitate direct contact between the photoactive CQD layer and the metal electrode, consequently leading to reduced device performance. To address these issues, a polycatechol functionalized MXene (PCA-MXene) that can serve both as a dopant and an interlayer for CQD photovoltaics is developed. By achieving a uniformly dispersed mixture in a butylamine solvent, PCA-MXene enables the effective combination of MXene and CQDs. This results in the modification of the work function of CQDs and the modulation of the energy band alignment, ultimately promoting enhanced hole extraction. Moreover, the PCA-MXene employed as an interlayer effectively covers the surface cracks present in the thiol-treated CQD layer. This coverage inhibits both metal electrode penetration and moisture intrusion into the device. Owing to these advantages, the CQD photovoltaics incorporating PCA-MXene achieve a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 13.6%, accompanied by enhanced thermal stability, in comparison to the reference device with a PCE of 12.8%. © 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH.FALS

    Bayesian phylogeny of <i>Trypanozoon</i> isolates based on the dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase gene (LipDH; Tb927.11.16730).

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    <p>Panel A shows a mid-point rooted tree based on an alignment of 32 unique LipDH haplotypes, assembled from sequences derived from 13 <i>T. b. brucei</i> (Tbb), 3 <i>T. b. gambiense</i> type 1 (Tbg1), 4 <i>T. b. rhodesiense</i> (Tbr), 15 <i>T. evansi</i> (Tev) and 5 <i>T. equiperdum</i> (Teq) samples. Scale units for the phylogeny are substitutions per site. The chart illustrates the distribution of each haplotype among samples from each <i>Trypanozoon</i> taxon. Phylogenetic analysis grouped all but three of the haplotype sequences into one of five major clusters with strong support (posterior probabilities ≥0.9), which are referred to as clades V, W, X, Y and Z. Eight unique Tev/Teq genotypes were found, as summarized in panel B. Discounting minor sequence differences (1–2 SNPs) these were reduced to four major genotypes based on the position of haplotypes in the tree, which mirrored the type of mutation (A281Δ, M282L, A273P, WT) in the C-termini of the ATP synthase subunit γ in these the samples.</p