5,080 research outputs found

    Counting the number of correlated pairs in a nucleus

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    We suggest that the number of correlated nucleon pairs in an arbitrary nucleus can be estimated by counting the number of proton-neutron, proton-proton, and neutron-neutron pairs residing in a relative SS state. We present numerical calculations of those amounts for the nuclei 4^{4}He, 9^{9}Be, 12 ^{12}C, 27 ^{27}Al, 40 ^{40}Ca, 48 ^{48}Ca, 56 ^{56}Fe, 63 ^{63}Cu, 108 ^{108}Ag, and 197 ^{197}Au. The results are used to predict the values of the ratios of the per-nucleon electron-nucleus inelastic scattering cross section to the deuteron in the kinematic regime where correlations dominate.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Getting leverage on inflation with a large photometric redshift survey

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    We assess the potential of a future large-volume photometric redshift survey to constrain observational inflationary parameters using three large-scale structure observables: the angular shear and galaxy power spectra, and the cluster mass function measured through weak lensing. When used in combination with Planck-like CMB measurements, we find that the spectral index n_s can be constrained to a 1 sigma precision of up to 0.0025. The sensitivity to the running of the spectral index can potentially improve to 0.0017, roughly a factor of five better than the present 1 sigma~constraint from Planck and auxiliary CMB data, allowing us to test the assumptions of the slow-roll scenario with unprecedented accuracy. Interestingly, neither CMB+shear nor CMB+galaxy nor CMB+clusters alone can achieve this level of sensitivity; it is the combined power of all three probes that conspires to break the different parameter degeneracies inherent in each type of observations. We make our forecast software publicly available via download or upon request from the authors.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures; the forecast software can be downloaded from http://jhamann.web.cern.ch/jhamann/simdata/simdata.tar.g

    Observing trans-Planckian ripples in the primordial power spectrum with future large scale structure probes

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    We revisit the issue of ripples in the primordial power spectra caused by trans-Planckian physics, and the potential for their detection by future cosmological probes. We find that for reasonably large values of the first slow-roll parameter epsilon (> 0.001), a positive detection of trans-Planckian ripples can be made even if the amplitude is as low as 10^-4. Data from the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) and the proposed future 21 cm survey with the Fast Fourier Transform Telescope (FFTT) will be particularly useful in this regard. If the scale of inflation is close to its present upper bound, a scale of new physics as high as 0.2 M_Planck could lead to observable signatures.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, uses iopart.cls; v2: 21 pages, added references, to appear in JCA

    Cosmological axion bounds

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    We discuss current cosmological constraints on axions, as well as future sensitivities. Bounds on axion hot dark matter are discussed first, and subsequently we discuss both current and future sensitivity to models in which axions play the role as cold dark matter, but where the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is not restored during reheating.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, To appear in the proceedings of 5th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, Durham 13-17 July 200

    Cosmology seeking friendship with sterile neutrinos

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    Precision cosmology and big-bang nucleosynthesis mildly favor extra radiation in the universe beyond photons and ordinary neutrinos, lending support to the existence of low-mass sterile neutrinos. We use the WMAP 7-year data, small-scale CMB observations from ACBAR, BICEP and QuAD, the SDSS 7th data release, and measurement of the Hubble parameter from HST observations to derive credible regions for the assumed common mass scale m_s and effective number N_s of thermally excited sterile neutrino states. Our results are compatible with the existence of one or perhaps two sterile neutrinos, as suggested by LSND and MiniBooNE, if m_s is in the sub-eV range.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, matches version published in PR

    Dark energy properties from large future galaxy surveys

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    We perform a detailed forecast on how well a {\sc Euclid}-like survey will be able to constrain dark energy and neutrino parameters from a combination of its cosmic shear power spectrum, galaxy power spectrum, and cluster mass function measurements. We find that the combination of these three probes vastly improves the survey's potential to measure the time evolution of dark energy. In terms of a dark energy figure-of-merit defined as (σ(wp)σ(wa))−1(\sigma(w_{\mathrm p}) \sigma(w_a))^{-1}, we find a value of 690 for {\sc Euclid}-like data combined with {\sc Planck}-like measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies in a 10-dimensional cosmological parameter space, assuming a Λ\LambdaCDM fiducial cosmology. For the more commonly used 7-parameter model, we find a figure-of-merit of 1900 for the same data combination. We consider also the survey's potential to measure dark energy perturbations in models wherein the dark energy is parameterised as a fluid with a nonstandard non-adiabatic sound speed, and find that in an \emph{optimistic} scenario in which w0w_0 deviates by as much as is currently observationally allowed from −1-1, models with c^s2=10−6\hat{c}_\mathrm{s}^2 = 10^{-6} and c^s2=1\hat{c}_\mathrm{s}^2 = 1 can be distinguished at more than 2σ2\sigma significance. We emphasise that constraints on the dark energy sound speed from cluster measurements are strongly dependent on the modelling of the cluster mass function; significantly weaker sensitivities ensue if we modify our model to include fewer features of nonlinear dark energy clustering. Finally, we find that the sum of neutrino masses can be measured with a 1σ1 \sigma precision of 0.015~eV, (abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, matches JCAP versio

    Radial Flow from Electromagnetic Probes and Signal of Quark Gluon Plasma

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    A first attempt has been made to extract the evolution of radial flow from the analysis of the experimental data on electromagnetic probes experimentally measured at SPS and RHIC energies. The pTp_T spectra of photons and dileptons measured by WA98 and NA60 collaborations respectively at CERN-SPS and the photon spectra obtained by PHENIX collaboration at BNL-RHIC have been used to constrain the theoretical models, rendering the outcome of the analysis largely model independent. We argue that the variation of the radial velocity with invariant mass is indicative of a phase transition from initially produced partons to hadrons at SPS and RHIC energies.Comment: One LaTeX and 9 eps files, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Supervisory Control Synthesis of Discrete-Event Systems using Coordination Scheme

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    Supervisory control of discrete-event systems with a global safety specification and with only local supervisors is a difficult problem. For global specifications the equivalent conditions for local control synthesis to equal global control synthesis may not be met. This paper formulates and solves a control synthesis problem for a generator with a global specification and with a combination of a coordinator and local controllers. Conditional controllability is proven to be an equivalent condition for the existence of such a coordinated controller. A procedure to compute the least restrictive solution is also provided in this paper and conditions are stated under which the result of our procedure coincides with the supremal controllable sublanguage.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figure

    Future cosmological sensitivity for hot dark matter axions

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    We study the potential of a future, large-volume photometric survey to constrain the axion mass mam_a in the hot dark matter limit. Future surveys such as Euclid will have significantly more constraining power than current observations for hot dark matter. Nonetheless, the lowest accessible axion masses are limited by the fact that axions lighter than ∼0.15\sim 0.15 eV decouple before the QCD epoch, assumed here to occur at a temperature TQCD∼170T_{\rm QCD} \sim 170 MeV; this leaves an axion population of such low density that its late-time cosmological impact is negligible. For larger axion masses, ma≳0.15m_a \gtrsim 0.15 eV, where axions remain in equilibrium until after the QCD phase transition, we find that a Euclid-like survey combined with Planck CMB data can detect mam_a at very high significance. Our conclusions are robust against assumptions about prior knowledge of the neutrino mass. Given that the proposed IAXO solar axion search is sensitive to ma≲0.2m_a\lesssim 0.2 eV, the axion mass range probed by cosmology is nicely complementary.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure
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