9 research outputs found

    Geomorphological context and formation history of Cloggs Cave: What was the cave like when people inhabited it?

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    New research undertaken at Cloggs Cave, in the foothills of the Australian Alps, employed an integrated geological-geomorphological-archaeological approach with manifold dating methods and fine resolution LiDAR 3D mapping. Long-standing questions about the site’s chronostratigraphy (e.g. the exact relationship between basal megafaunal deposits and archaeological layers), sedimentation processes and geomorphic changes were resolved. The cave’s formation history was reconstructed to understand its changing morphology and morphogenic processes, and to clarify how these processes shaped the cave’s deposits. Key findings include the identification of: 1) the geomorphological processes that caused the lateral juxtaposition of 52,000 year-old megafaunal and later occupational layers; 2) the existence of one and possibly two (now-buried) palaeo-entrance(s) that enabled now-extinct megafauna and extant large fauna to enter the cave, most likely via a free-roaming passage rather than a pit drop; 3) morphological changes to the cave during the time of the Old People, including the timing of changes to the inclination of palaeo-surfaces; and 4) modifications to stalactites, crushing of calcite formations for the manufacture of powder, construction of a stone arrangement, and movement of large limestone blocks by the Old People. Ultimately, these findings demonstrate that to properly understand what Cloggs Cave was like when the Old People visited the site requires the construction of a narrative that spans some 400 million years and the development of an approach capable of integrating the many scales and processes (e.g. geological, geomorphological, archaeological) that configured to shape the site

    Rayleigh distillation and the depth profile of 13C/12C ratios of soil organic carbon from soils of disparate texture in Iron Range National Park, Far North Queensland, Australia

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    A depth- and particle size-specific analysis of soil organic carbon (SOC) and its isotopic composition was undertaken to investigate the effects of soil texture (or particle size) on the depth profile of stable carbon isotopic composition of SOC (ή13CSOC) in two tropical soils. Depth-specific samples from two soil profiles of markedly different texture (coarse grained and fine grained) were separated into particle size classes and analyzed for the (mass/mass) concentration of SOC (C) and ή13CSOC. Within 1 m of the soil surface, ή13CSOC in the coarse-textured soil increases by 1.3 to 1.6‰, while ή13CSOC from the fine-textured soil increase by as much as 3.8 to 5.5‰. This increasing depth trend in the coarse-textured soil is approximately linear with respect to normalized C, while the increase in the fine-textured soil follows a logarithmic function with respect to normalized C. A model of Rayleigh distillation describing isotope fractionation during decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) accounts for the depth profile of ή13CSOC in the fine-textured soil, but does not account for the depth profile observed in the coarse-textured soil despite their similar climate, vegetation, and topographic position. These results suggest that kinetic fractionation during humification of SOM leads to preferential accumulation of 13C in association with fine mineral particles, or aggregates of fine mineral particles in fine-textured soils. In contrast, the coarse-textured soil shows very little applicability of the Rayleigh distillation model. Rather, the depth profile of ή13CSOC in the coarse-textured soil can be accounted for by mixing of soil carbon with different isotopic ratios

    Digital soil mapping of a coastal acid sulfate soil landscape

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    Coastal floodplains are commonly underlain by sulfidic sediments and coastal acid sulfate soils (CASS). Oxidation of sulfidic sediments leads to increases in acidity and mobilisation of trace metals, resulting in an increase in the concentrations of conducting ions in sediment and pore water. The distribution of these sediments on floodplains is highly heterogeneous. Accurately identifying the distribution of CASS is essential for developing targeted management strategies. One approach is the use of digital soil mapping (DSM) using ancillary information. Proximal sensing instruments such as an EM38 can provide data on the spatial distribution of soil salinity, which is associated with CASS, and can be complemented by digital elevation models (DEM). We used EM38 measurements of the apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) in the horizontal and vertical modes in combination with a high resolution DEM to delineate the spatial distribution of CASS. We used a fuzzy k-means algorithm to cluster the data. The fuzziness exponent, number of classes (k) and distance metric (i.e. Euclidean, Mahalanobis and diagonal) were varied to determine a set of parameters to identify CASS. The mean-squared prediction error variance of the class mean of various soil properties (e.g. EC1:5 and pH) was used to identify which of these metrics was suitable for further analysis (i.e. Mahalanobis) and also determine the optimal number of classes (i.e. k = 4). The final map is consistent with previously defined soil–landscape units generated using traditional soil profile description, classification and mapping. The DSM approach is amenable for evaluation on a larger scale and in order to refine CASS boundaries previously mapped using the traditional approach or to identify CASS areas that remain unmapped

    Community research in a public place:Wangangarra 1 rockshelter, Mitchell River National Park, East Gippsland (Australia)

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    Southeastern Australia's temperate East Gippsland region is a large and diverse landscape that spans from the Bass Strait coast to the Australian Alps. The region includes a number of national parks and reserves jointly managed by Aboriginal Traditional Owners, the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (the 'Gunaikurnai Corporation'), and Parks Victoria. The Gunaikurnai Corporation recognises that archaeological research can be a fundamental tool in understanding relationships in past landscapes and managing places within Country. In 2017, the Gunaikurnai Corporation initiated a long-term collaborative study of Gunaikurnai Country with university-based scientists, with the management of Country through informed decision-making in mind. Here we present results from the first partnership research project in the Mitchell River National Park. A small-scale archaeological excavation of Wangangarra 1, a rockshelter that was not previously recognised to hold archaeological evidence, has revealed highly significant deposits spanning from before the Last Glacial Maximum to recent times, including evidence of occupation by the Old People. The results contribute to a better understanding of the Park as a cultural landscape, and demonstrate the success of respectful partnership research with local Indigenous groups as Traditional Owners

    Late survival of megafauna refuted for Cloggs Cave, SE Australia: implications for the Australian Late Pleistocene megafauna extinction debate

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    Understanding of Late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions in Australia and New Guinea (Sahul) suffers from a paucity of reliably dated bone deposits. Researchers are divided as to when, and why, large-bodied species became extinct. Critical to these interpretations are so-called ‘late survivors’, megafauna that are thought to have persisted for tens of thousands of years after the arrival of people. While the original dating of most sites with purported late survivors has been shown to have been erroneous or problematic, one site continues to feature: Cloggs Cave. Here we report new results that show that Cloggs Cave’s youngest megafauna were deposited in sediments that date to 44,500–54,160 years ago, more than 10,000 years older than previously thought, bringing them into chronological alignment with the emerging continental pattern of megafaunal extinctions. Our results indicate that the youngest megafauna specimens excavated from Cloggs Cave datedate to well before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and their demise could not have been driven by climate change leading into the LGM, the peak of the last Ice Age

    Paradigm shifts and ontological turns at Cloggs Cave, GunaiKurnai Country, Australia

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    Today in archaeology we focus much on meaning, both how, in the past, symbolic worlds were devised and engaged; and how, in the present, we try to make sense of that past. In this chapter, we explore the intersection of these two dimensions of archaeological meaning-making. We do so not through “rock art” as conventionally defined, but through the symbolism of stone as cultural expressions at Cloggs Cave, a GunaiKurnai Aboriginal site excavated twice over a period of nearly 50 years, and that thus affords a double interpretative vision set some 50 years apart and incorporating multiple cultural perspectives. The recent re-excavation and redating of Cloggs Cave, one of the first true caves to have been archaeologically excavated in Australia, enables us not just to better understand the site’s antiquity and chronostratigraphic sequence in light of recent technological developments—a common theme when revisiting previously excavated sites—but more poignantly through new perspectives to undertake a fundamental revisioning of how that site and its cultural landscape can be understood today