37 research outputs found

    A case of recurrent epilepsy-associated rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor with anaplastic transformation in the absence of therapy.

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    Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor (RGNT) most commonly occurs adjacent to the fourth ventricle and therefore rarely presents with epilepsy. Recent reports describe RGNT occurrence in other anatomical locations with considerable morphologic and genetic overlap with the epilepsy-associated dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET). Examples of RGNT or DNET with anaplastic change are rare, and typically occur in the setting of radiation treatment. We present the case of a 5-year-old girl with seizures, who underwent near total resection of a cystic temporal lobe lesion. Pathology showed morphologic and immunohistochemical features of RGNT, albeit with focally overlapping DNET-like patterns. Resections of residual or recurrent tumor were performed 1 year and 5 years after the initial resection, but no adjuvant radiation or chemotherapy was given. Ten years after the initial resection, surveillance imaging identified new and enhancing nodules, leading to another gross total resection. This specimen showed areas similar to the original tumor, but also high-grade foci with oligodendroglial morphology, increased cellularity, palisading necrosis, microvascular proliferation, and up to 13 mitotic figures per 10 high power fields. Ancillary studies the status by sequencing showed wild-type of the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1), IDH2, and human histone 3.3 (H3F3A) genes, and BRAF studies were negative for mutation or rearrangement. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed codeletion of 1p and 19q limited to the high-grade regions. By immunohistochemistry there was loss of nuclear alpha-thalassemia mental retardation syndrome, X-linked (ATRX) expression only in the high-grade region. Next-generation sequencing showed an fibroblast growth factor receptor receptor 1 (FGFR1) kinase domain internal tandem duplication in three resection specimens. ATRX mutation in the high-grade tumor was confirmed by sequencing which showed a frameshift mutation (p.R1427fs), while the apparent 1p/19q-codeletion by FISH was due to loss of chromosome arm 1p and only partial loss of 19q. Exceptional features of this case include the temporal lobe location, 1p/19q loss by FISH without true whole-arm codeletion, and anaplastic transformation associated with ATRX mutation without radiation or chemotherapy

    Interpreting Gene Expression Effects of Disease-Associated Variants: A Lesson from SNCA rs356168

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    The SNCA intronic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs356168, has been associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD) in large genome wide association studies (GWAS). Recently, the PD-risk allele, rs356168-G was shown to increase SNCA-mRNA expression using genome edited human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC)-derived neurons. In this study, as means of validation, we tested the effect of rs356168 on total SNCA-mRNA levels using brain tissues, temporal and frontal cortex, from healthy control donors. Carriers of the rs356168-G allele demonstrated a borderline significant decrease of SNCA-mRNA levels in temporal brain tissues (p = 0.02) compared to individuals homozygous for the ‘A’ allele. Similar trend, but weak, was observed in the analysis of frontal cortex samples, however, this analysis did not reach statistical significance. These results conflict with the recently reported effect of SNCA SNP rs356168 described above. Our study conveys the need to carefully interpret the precise molecular mechanism by which rs356168, or another tightly linked variant, affects the regulation of SNCA expression. The regulatory mechanisms that contribute to the observed associations between PD and the SNCA-3′ linkage disequilibrium region warrant further investigations

    Risk of Incident Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer\u27s Disease-Type Dementia Attributable to Pathology-Confirmed Vascular Disease

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    INTRODUCTION: The presence of cerebrovascular pathology may increase the risk of clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). METHODS: We examined excess risk of incident clinical diagnosis of AD (probable and possible AD) posed by the presence of lacunes and large infarcts beyond AD pathology using data from the Statistical Modeling of Aging and Risk of Transition study, a consortium of longitudinal cohort studies with more than 2000 autopsies. We created six mutually exclusive pathology patterns combining three levels of AD pathology (low, moderate, or high AD pathology) and two levels of vascular pathology (without lacunes and large infarcts or with lacunes and/or large infarcts). RESULTS: The coexistence of lacunes and large infarcts results in higher likelihood of clinical diagnosis of AD only when AD pathology burden is low. DISCUSSION: Our results reinforce the diagnostic importance of AD pathology in clinical AD. Further harmonization of assessment approaches for vascular pathologies is required

    Neuropathological and Genetic Correlates of Survival and Dementia Onset in Synucleinopathies: A Retrospective Analysis

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    Background Great heterogeneity exists in survival and the interval between onset of motor symptoms and dementia symptoms across synucleinopathies. We aimed to identify genetic and pathological markers that have the strongest association with these features of clinical heterogeneity in synucleinopathies. Methods In this retrospective study, we examined symptom onset, and genetic and neuropathological data from a cohort of patients with Lewy body disorders with autopsy-confirmed α synucleinopathy (as of Oct 1, 2015) who were previously included in other studies from five academic institutions in five cities in the USA. We used histopathology techniques and markers to assess the burden of tau neurofibrillary tangles, neuritic plaques, α-synuclein inclusions, and other pathological changes in cortical regions. These samples were graded on an ordinal scale and genotyped for variants associated with synucleinopathies. We assessed the interval from onset of motor symptoms to onset of dementia, and overall survival in groups with varying levels of comorbid Alzheimer\u27s disease pathology according to US National Institute on Aging–Alzheimer\u27s Association neuropathological criteria, and used multivariate regression to control for age at death and sex. Findings On the basis of data from 213 patients who had been followed up to autopsy and met inclusion criteria of Lewy body disorder with autopsy-confirmed α synucleinopathy, we identified 49 (23%) patients with no Alzheimer\u27s disease neuropathology, 56 (26%) with low-level Alzheimer\u27s disease neuropathology, 45 (21%) with intermediate-level Alzheimer\u27s disease neuropathology, and 63 (30%) with high-level Alzheimer\u27s disease neuropathology. As levels of Alzheimer\u27s disease neuropathology increased, cerebral α-synuclein scores were higher, and the interval between onset of motor and dementia symptoms and disease duration was shorter (p \u3c 0·0001 for all comparisons). Multivariate regression showed independent negative associations of cerebral tau neurofibrillary tangles score with the interval between onset of motor and dementia symptoms (β −4·0, 95% CI −5·5 to −2·6; p \u3c 0·0001; R 2 0·22, p \u3c 0·0001) and with survival (–2·0, −3·2 to −0·8; 0·003; 0·15, \u3c 0·0001) in models that included age at death, sex, cerebral neuritic plaque scores, cerebral α-synuclein scores, presence of cerebrovascular disease, MAPT haplotype, and APOE genotype as covariates. Interpretation Alzheimer\u27s disease neuropathology is common in synucleinopathies and confers a worse prognosis for each increasing level of neuropathological change. Cerebral neurofibrillary tangles burden, in addition to α-synuclein pathology and amyloid plaque pathology, are the strongest pathological predictors of a shorter interval between onset of motor and dementia symptoms and survival. Diagnostic criteria based on reliable biomarkers for Alzheimer\u27s disease neuropathology in synucleinopathies should help to identify the most appropriate patients for clinical trials of emerging therapies targeting tau, amyloid-β or α synuclein, and to stratify them by level of Alzheimer\u27s disease neuropathology

    Mutations in SLC39A14 disrupt manganese homeostasis and cause childhood-onset parkinsonism-dystonia.

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    Although manganese is an essential trace metal, little is known about its transport and homeostatic regulation. Here we have identified a cohort of patients with a novel autosomal recessive manganese transporter defect caused by mutations in SLC39A14. Excessive accumulation of manganese in these patients results in rapidly progressive childhood-onset parkinsonism-dystonia with distinctive brain magnetic resonance imaging appearances and neurodegenerative features on post-mortem examination. We show that mutations in SLC39A14 impair manganese transport in vitro and lead to manganese dyshomeostasis and altered locomotor activity in zebrafish with CRISPR-induced slc39a14 null mutations. Chelation with disodium calcium edetate lowers blood manganese levels in patients and can lead to striking clinical improvement. Our results demonstrate that SLC39A14 functions as a pivotal manganese transporter in vertebrates.Action Medical ResearchThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms1160

    Genome-wide structural variant analysis identifies risk loci for non-Alzheimer’s dementias

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    We characterized the role of structural variants, a largely unexplored type of genetic variation, in two non-Alzheimer’s dementias, namely Lewy body dementia (LBD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD)/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). To do this, we applied an advanced structural variant calling pipeline (GATK-SV) to short-read whole-genome sequence data from 5,213 European-ancestry cases and 4,132 controls. We discovered, replicated, and validated a deletion in TPCN1 as a novel risk locus for LBD and detected the known structural variants at the C9orf72 and MAPT loci as associated with FTD/ALS. We also identified rare pathogenic structural variants in both LBD and FTD/ALS. Finally, we assembled a catalog of structural variants that can be mined for new insights into the pathogenesis of these understudied forms of dementia

    Genome sequencing analysis identifies new loci associated with Lewy body dementia and provides insights into its genetic architecture

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    The genetic basis of Lewy body dementia (LBD) is not well understood. Here, we performed whole-genome sequencing in large cohorts of LBD cases and neurologically healthy controls to study the genetic architecture of this understudied form of dementia, and to generate a resource for the scientific community. Genome-wide association analysis identified five independent risk loci, whereas genome-wide gene-aggregation tests implicated mutations in the gene GBA. Genetic risk scores demonstrate that LBD shares risk profiles and pathways with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, providing a deeper molecular understanding of the complex genetic architecture of this age-related neurodegenerative condition

    Rare Case of Pediatric Disseminated Choroid Plexus Papilloma: Literature Review and Call for Reclassification

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    INTRODUCTION: Choroid plexus tumors are rare neuroectodermal tumors that arise from the choroid plexus. Choroid plexus papillomas (CPPs) represent the lowest grade of these types of tumors and have a WHO grade I designation. Despite their typical low grade, some CPPs can exhibit aggressive behaviors including parenchymal invasion and dissemination throughout the neuro-axis. Due to their association with the choroid plexus, patients with CPP commonly present with signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure. CASE PRESENTATION: A 2-year-old male presented in extremis with acute hydrocephalus and seizure. He was found to have a large left intraventricular mass with innumerable intraparenchymal and extra-axial cysts throughout his neuro-axis. A literature review revealed five similar disseminated CPP cases with innumerable lesions. This is the youngest reported patient with disseminated CPP and the first with multiple compressive lesions. Following cranial resection and thoracic decompression, the patient\u27s lesions have remained stable (2 years of follow-up). A literature search of the PubMed/Medline databases was performed using the search terms [ disseminated choroid plexus papilloma OR choroid plexus papilloma OR metastatic choroid plexus papilloma ] up to March 2021. Articles were then screened for similar patient radiographic presentation and histological diagnosis. To mitigate publication bias, referenced articles were utilized to identify other case reports and case series. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: We describe a rare case of a lateral ventricle CPP with widespread leptomeningeal dissemination causing acute obstructive hydrocephalus and compressive myelopathy requiring cerebrospinal fluid diversion and intracranial resection followed by thoracic spine decompression. This case report serves to broaden knowledge of disseminated CPP and to encourage complete neuro-axis imaging for choroid plexus tumors. Additionally, we propose a naming paradigm refinement that includes radiographic characteristics

    Diagnosis of pseudoprogression using MRI perfusion in patients with glioblastoma multiforme may predict improved survival

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    AIMS: This retrospective study determined the survival of glioblastoma patients with or without pseudoprogression. METHODS: A total of 68 patients were included. Overall survival was compared between patients showing pseudoprogression (in most cases diagnosed using perfusion MRI with ferumoxytol) and in patients without pseudoprogession. MGMT methylation status was also analyzed in the pseudoprogression cases. RESULTS: Median survival in 24 (35.3%) patients with pseudoprogression was 34.7 months (95% CI: 20.3–54.1), and 13.4 months (95% CI: 11.1–19.5) in 44 (64.7%) patients without pseudoprogression (p < 0.0001). The longest survival was a median of 54.1 months in patients with combination of pseudoprogression and (MGMT) promoter methylation. CONCLUSION: Pseudoprogression is associated with better outcome, especially if concurring with MGMT promoter methylation. Patients never diagnosed with pseudoprogression had poor survival. This study emphasizes the importance of differentiating tumor progression and pseudoprogression using perfusion MRI