164 research outputs found

    Precious Essences: Female Secretions Promote Sperm Storage in Drosophila

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    Sperm that females receive during mating are stored in special places in the females' reproductive tracts. These storage sites serve to support and retain the sperm, maintaining the sperms' motility and, in mammals, permitting final sperm-maturation. The molecules that attract sperm to these sites and mediate what happens to them there have remained elusive. New research, using elegant genetic tools in Drosophila, shows that secretory cells associated with a sperm storage organ are important in sperm-supportive functions. When females lack function of these cells, they do not store sperm, or the sperm that they do store lose motility. Intriguingly, these effects influence gametes beyond the secretory cells' immediate vicinity. Loss of these cells eliminates the motility of sperm stored elsewhere in the reproductive tract and prevents the movement of eggs through the tract to exit the female. As a result of the latter problem, fertilized eggs hatch inside female flies that lack these secretory cells: instead of laying eggs, these females can “give birth” to live offspring. Because the cellular source of these gamete-regulating substances is now known, future studies can identify the specific molecules and mechanisms by which a female attracts sperm into storage and regulates the movement of sperm and eggs within her reproductive tract. It will be fascinating to determine how these molecules and mechanisms maintain gametes in active and viable forms and how evolution can modulate this to result in diverse reproductive strategies. Identification of these molecules also has potential practical implications for strategies to regulate the reproduction of insects of medical or agricultural importance

    Chemical cues that guide female reproduction in <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>

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    Chemicals released into the environment by food, predators and conspecifics play critical roles in Drosophila reproduction. Females and males live in an environment full of smells, whose molecules communicate to them the availability of food, potential mates, competitors or predators. Volatile chemicals derived from fruit, yeast growing on the fruit, and flies already present on the fruit attract Drosophila, concentrating flies at food sites, where they will also mate. Species-specific cuticular hydrocarbons displayed on female Drosophila as they mature are sensed by males and act as pheromones to stimulate mating by conspecific males and inhibit heterospecific mating. The pheromonal profile of a female is also responsive to her nutritional environment, providing an honest signal of her fertility potential. After mating, cuticular and semen hydrocarbons transferred by the male change the female's chemical profile. These molecules make the female less attractive to other males, thus protecting her mate's sperm investment. Females have evolved the capacity to counteract this inhibition by ejecting the semen hydrocarbon (along with the rest of the remaining ejaculate) a few hours after mating. Although this ejection can temporarily restore the female's attractiveness, shortly thereafter another male pheromone, a seminal peptide, decreases the female's propensity to re-mate, thus continuing to protect the male's investment. Females use olfaction and taste sensing to select optimal egg-laying sites, integrating cues for the availability of food for her offspring, and the presence of other flies and of harmful species. We argue that taking into account evolutionary considerations such as sexual conflict, and the ecological conditions in which flies live, is helpful in understanding the role of highly species-specific pheromones and blends thereof, as well as an individual's response to the chemical cues in its environment

    Interaction of the Essential Drosophila Nuclear Protein YA with P0/AP3 in the Cytoplasm and in Vitro: Implications for Developmental Regulation of YA's Subcellular Location

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    AbstractThe Drosophila nuclear lamina protein YA is essential for the transition from female meiosis to embryo mitosis. Its localization and, hence, function is under developmental and cell cycle controls. YA protein is hyperphosphorylated and cytoplasmic in ovaries. Upon egg activation, YA is partially dephosphorylated and acquires the ability to enter nuclei. Its function is first detected at this time. To investigate the cytoplasmic retention machinery that keeps YA from entering nuclei, we used affinity chromatography and blot overlay assays to identify cytoplasmic proteins that associate with YA. Drosophila P0/AP3, a ribosomal protein that is also an apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease, binds to YA in ovary and embryo cytoplasms. P0 and YA bind specifically and directly in vitro and are present in a 20S complex in the cytoplasmic extracts. YA protein can be phosphorylated by MAPK, but not by p34Cdc2 kinase, in vitro. This phosphorylation increases YA's binding to P0. We propose that the P0-containing 20S cytoplasmic complex retains hyperphosphorylated ovarian YA in the cytoplasm. In response to egg activation, YA is partially dephosphorylated and its binding to the 20S complex is reduced. Hence, some YA dissociates from the complex and enters nuclei. Consistent with this model, decreasing P0 levels partially suppress a hypomorphic Ya mutant allele

    Sustained Post-Mating Response in Drosophila melanogaster Requires Multiple Seminal Fluid Proteins

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    Successful reproduction is critical to pass genes to the next generation. Seminal proteins contribute to important reproductive processes that lead to fertilization in species ranging from insects to mammals. In Drosophila, the male's accessory gland is a source of seminal fluid proteins that affect the reproductive output of males and females by altering female post-mating behavior and physiology. Protein classes found in the seminal fluid of Drosophila are similar to those of other organisms, including mammals. By using RNA interference (RNAi) to knock down levels of individual accessory gland proteins (Acps), we investigated the role of 25 Acps in mediating three post-mating female responses: egg production, receptivity to remating and storage of sperm. We detected roles for five Acps in these post-mating responses. CG33943 is required for full stimulation of egg production on the first day after mating. Four other Acps (CG1652, CG1656, CG17575, and CG9997) appear to modulate the long-term response, which is the maintenance of post-mating behavior and physiological changes. The long-term post-mating response requires presence of sperm in storage and, until now, had been known to require only a single Acp. Here, we discovered several novel Acps together are required which together are required for sustained egg production, reduction in receptivity to remating of the mated female and for promotion of stored sperm release from the seminal receptacle. Our results also show that members of conserved protein classes found in seminal plasma from insects to mammals are essential for important reproductive processes

    YA is needed for proper nuclear organization to transition between meiosis and mitosis in Drosophila

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>Drosophila </it>YA protein is required to initiate the embryonic cleavage divisions. After egg activation, YA enters nuclei and interacts with chromatin and the nuclear lamina. This study was designed to define more precisely the events prior to the first cleavage division that are dependent upon YA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find that meiosis is completed normally in the absence of YA function. The first defects in embryos and eggs from mutant mothers first appear just after the completion of meiosis, and are seen as abnormal associations among the resultant haploid nuclei. These defects are associated with asynchronies in the cell cycle-dependent chromatin condensation state of the haploid nuclei. However, we find evidence of DNA replication in the absence of YA function.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data suggest YA function is needed at a control point, following meiosis II and the initiation of the first postmeiotic S phase, which is sensitive to the chromatin condensation state of the haploid meiotic products.</p

    Identification and bioinformatic analysis of neprilysin and neprilysin-like metalloendopeptidases in Drosophila melanogaster.

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    The neprilysin (M13) family of metalloendopeptidases comprises highly conserved ectoenzymes that cleave and thereby inactivate many physiologically relevant peptides in the extracellular space. Impaired neprilysin activity is associated with numerous human diseases. Here, we present a comprehensive list and classification of M13 family members in Drosophila melanogaster. Seven Neprilysin (Nep) genes encode active peptidases, while 21 Neprilysin-like (Nepl) genes encode proteins predicted to be catalytically inactive. RNAseq data demonstrate that all 28 genes are expressed during development, often in a tissue-specific pattern. Most Nep proteins possess a transmembrane domain, whereas almost all Nepl proteins are predicted to be secreted

    Can a renal nurse assess fluid status using ultrasound on the inferior vena cava? A cross-sectional interrater study: Ultrasound on the inferior vena cava

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    Introduction: Ultrasound of the inferior vena cava (IVC-US) has been used to estimate intravascular volume status and fluid removal during a hemodialysis session. Usually, renal nurses rely on other, imprecise methods to determine ultrafiltration. To date, no study has examined whether renal nurses can reliably perform ultrasound for volume assessment and for potential prevention of intradialytic hypotension. This pilot study aimed to determine if a renal nurse could master the skill of performing and correctly interpreting Point of Care Ultrasound on patients receiving hemodialysis. Methods: After receiving theoretical training and performing 100 training scans, a renal nurse performed 60 ultrasound scans on 10 patients. These were categorized by the nurse into hypovolemic, euvolemic, or hypervolemic through measurement of the maximal diameter and degree of collapse of the IVC. Scans were subsequently assessed for adequacy and quality by two sonologists, who were blinded to each other\u27s and the nurse\u27s results. Findings: The interrater reliability of 60 scans was good, with intraclass correlation 0.79 (95% confidence interval (CI) =0.63–0.87) and with a good interrater agreement for the following estimation of intravascular volume (Cohen\u27s weighted Kappa κw = 0.62), when comparing the nurse to an expert sonographer. Discussion: A renal nurse can reliably perform ultrasound of the IVC in hemodialysis patients, obtaining high quality scans for volume assessment of hemodialysis patients. This novel approach could be more routinely applied by other renal nurses to obtain objective measures of patient volume status in the dialysis setting

    The Goddard and Saturn Genes Are Essential for Drosophila Male Fertility and May Have Arisen de Novo

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    © 2017 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. All rights reserved. New genes arise through a variety of mechanisms, including the duplication of existing genes and the de novo birth of genes from noncoding DNA sequences. While there are numerous examples of duplicated genes with important functional roles, the functions of de novo genes remain largely unexplored. Many newly evolved genes are expressed in the male reproductive tract, suggesting that these evolutionary innovations may provide advantages to males experiencing sexual selection. Using testis-specific RNA interference, we screened 11 putative de novo genes in Drosophila melanogaster for effects on male fertility and identified two, goddard and saturn, that are essential for spermatogenesis and sperm function. Goddard knockdown (KD) males fail to produce mature sperm, while saturn KD males produce few sperm, and these function inefficiently once transferred to females. Consistent with a de novo origin, both genes are identifiable only in Drosophila and are predicted to encode proteins with no sequence similarity to any annotated protein. However, since high levels of divergence prevented the unambiguous identification of the noncoding sequences fromwhich each gene arose, we consider goddard and saturn to be putative de novo genes. Within Drosophila, both genes have been lost in certain lineages, but show conserved, male-specific patterns of expression in the species in which they are found. Goddard is consistently found in single-copy and evolves under purifying selection. In contrast, saturn has diversified through gene duplication and positive selection. These data suggest that de novo genes can acquire essential roles in male reproduction

    Identification of a micropeptide and multiple secondary cell genes that modulate <i>Drosophila</i> male reproductive success

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    Even in well-characterized genomes, many transcripts are considered noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) simply due to the absence of large open reading frames (ORFs). However, it is now becoming clear that many small ORFs (smORFs) produce peptides with important biological functions. In the process of characterizing the ribosome-bound transcriptome of an important cell type of the seminal fluid-producing accessory gland of Drosophila melanogaster, we detected an RNA, previously thought to be noncoding, called male-specific abdominal (msa). Notably, msa is nested in the HOX gene cluster of the Bithorax complex and is known to contain a micro-RNA within one of its introns. We find that this RNA encodes a "micropeptide" (9 or 20 amino acids, MSAmiP) that is expressed exclusively in the secondary cells of the male accessory gland, where it seems to accumulate in nuclei. Importantly, loss of function of this micropeptide causes defects in sperm competition. In addition to bringing insights into the biology of a rare cell type, this work underlines the importance of small peptides, a class of molecules that is now emerging as important actors in complex biological processes

    Male reproductive aging arises via multifaceted mating-dependent sperm and seminal proteome declines, but is postponable in Drosophila

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    I.S. and S.W. were supported by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Fellowship to S.W. (BB/K014544/1) and S.W. additionally by a Dresden Senior Fellowship. B.M.K., P.D.C., and R.F. were supported by the Kennedy Trust and John Fell Funds. R.D. was supported by Marie Curie Actions (Grant 655392). B.R.H. was funded by the EP Abraham Cephalosporin-Oxford Graduate Scholarship with additional support from the BBSRC Doctoral Training Programme. M.F.W. was supported by a NIH Grant R01HD038921. Work in the J.S. Laboratory was supported by NIH Grant R15HD080511.Declining ejaculate performance with male age is taxonomically widespread and has broad fitness consequences. Ejaculate success requires fully functional germline (sperm) and soma (seminal fluid) components. However, some aging theories predict that resources should be preferentially diverted to the germline at the expense of the soma, suggesting differential impacts of aging on sperm and seminal fluid and trade-offs between them or, more broadly, be-tween reproduction and lifespan. While harmful effects of male age on sperm are well known, we do not know how much seminal fluid deteriorates in comparison. Moreover, given the predicted trade-offs, it remains unclear whether systemic lifespan-extending inter-ventions could ameliorate the declining performance of the ejacu-late as a whole. Here, we address these problems using Drosophila melanogaster. We demonstrate that seminal fluid deterioration con-tributes to male reproductive decline via mating-dependent mech-anisms that include posttranslational modifications to seminal proteins and altered seminal proteome composition and transfer. Additionally, we find that sperm production declines chronologically with age, invariant to mating activity such that older multiply mated males become infertile principally via reduced sperm transfer and viability. Our data, therefore, support the idea that both germline and soma components of the ejaculate contribute to male reproduc-tive aging but reveal a mismatch in their aging patterns. Our data do not generally support the idea that the germline is prioritized over soma, at least, within the ejaculate. Moreover, we find that lifespan-extending systemic down-regulation of insulin signaling re-sults in improved late-life ejaculate performance, indicating simul-taneous amelioration of both somatic and reproductive aging.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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