57 research outputs found

    H2rs: Deducing evolutionary and functionally important residue positions by means of an entropy and similarity based analysis of multiple sequence alignments

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    Background The identification of functionally important residue positions is an important task of computational biology. Methods of correlation analysis allow for the identification of pairs of residue positions, whose occupancy is mutually dependent due to constraints imposed by protein structure or function. A common measure assessing these dependencies is the mutual information, which is based on Shannon’s information theory that utilizes probabilities only. Consequently, such approaches do not consider the similarity of residue pairs, which may degrade the algorithm’s performance. One typical algorithm is H2r, which characterizes each individual residue position k by the conn(k)-value, which is the number of significantly correlated pairs it belongs to. Results To improve specificity of H2r, we developed a revised algorithm, named H2rs, which is based on the von Neumann entropy (vNE). To compute the corresponding mutual information, a matrix A is required, which assesses the similarity of residue pairs. We determined A by deducing substitution frequencies from contacting residue pairs observed in the homologs of 35 809 proteins, whose structure is known. In analogy to H2r, the enhanced algorithm computes a normalized conn(k)-value. Within the framework of H2rs, only statistically significant vNE values were considered. To decide on significance, the algorithm calculates a p-value by performing a randomization test for each individual pair of residue positions. The analysis of a large in silico testbed demonstrated that specificity and precision were higher for H2rs than for H2r and two other methods of correlation analysis. The gain in prediction quality is further confirmed by a detailed assessment of five well-studied enzymes. The outcome of H2rs and of a method that predicts contacting residue positions (PSICOV) overlapped only marginally. H2rs can be downloaded from http://www-bioinf.uni-regensburg.de webcite. Conclusions Considering substitution frequencies for residue pairs by means of the von Neumann entropy and a p-value improved the success rate in identifying important residue positions. The integration of proven statistical concepts and normalization allows for an easier comparison of results obtained with different proteins. Comparing the outcome of the local method H2rs and of the global method PSICOV indicates that such methods supplement each other and have different scopes of application

    Party rules, party resources, and the politics of parliamentary democracies: how parties organize in the 21st Century

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    This article introduces the first findings of the Political Party Database (PPDB) project, a major survey of party organizations in parliamentary and semi-presidential democracies. The project’s first round of data covers 122 parties in 19 countries. In this paper we describe the scope of the database, then investigate what it tells us about contemporary party organization in these countries, focussing on parties’ resources, structures and internal decision-making. We examine organizational patterns by country and party family, and where possible we make temporal comparisons with older datasets. Our analyses suggest a remarkable coexistence of uniformity and diversity. In terms of the major organizational resources on which parties can draw, such as members, staff and finance, the new evidence largely confirms the continuation of trends identified in previous research: i.e., declining membership, but enhanced financial resources and more paid staff. We also find remarkable uniformity regarding the core architecture of party organizations. At the same time, however, we find substantial variation between countries and party families in terms of their internal processes, with particular regard to how internally democratic they are, and in the forms that this democratization takes

    N. elongata Produces Type IV Pili That Mediate Interspecies Gene Transfer with N. gonorrhoeae

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    The genus Neisseria contains at least eight commensal and two pathogenic species. According to the Neisseria phylogenetic tree, commensals are basal to the pathogens. N. elongata, which is at the opposite end of the tree from N. gonorrhoeae, has been observed to be fimbriated, and these fimbriae are correlated with genetic competence in this organism. We tested the hypothesis that the fimbriae of N. elongata are Type IV pili (Tfp), and that Tfp functions in genetic competence. We provide evidence that the N. elongata fimbriae are indeed Tfp. Tfp, as well as the DNA Uptake Sequence (DUS), greatly enhance N. elongata DNA transformation. Tfp allows N. elongata to make intimate contact with N. gonorrhoeae and to mediate the transfer of antibiotic resistance markers between these two species. We conclude that Tfp functional for genetic competence is a trait of a commensal member of the Neisseria genus. Our findings provide a mechanism for the horizontal gene transfer that has been observed among Neisseria species

    Why Parties Narrow their Representative Profile: Evidence from Six European Democracies

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this recordIn this paper, we analyse the conditions under which political parties narrow their representative profile (defined by the scope of the issues or the constituencies they represent). This strategy has been neglected in the party literature, which is mainly focused on the adoption of catch-all strategies among mainstream parties or the tendency to stick to core issues among niche parties. In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework that includes central external and internal drivers of party change and we empirically test this framework using novel survey data covering 121 parties across six European democracies: The United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Ireland.European Commissio

    Geflüchtete ohne Aufenthaltstitel: (Kein) Bleiberecht durch Arbeit?

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    Cattle Can Be a Reservoir of Sorbitol-Fermenting Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli O157:H(−) Strains and a Source of Human Diseases

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    Using the immunomagnetic separation procedure, we isolated sorbitol-fermenting (SF) Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157:H(−) strains from two patients, one with hemolytic-uremic syndrome and the other with diarrhea, and from a dairy cow epidemiologically associated with the patients. The phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of all isolates were identical or closely related. Moreover, the bovine isolate showed a clonal relatedness to SF STEC O157:H(−) strains isolated from patients in Germany and the Czech Republic from 1988 to 1998. This is the first evidence that cattle can be a reservoir of SF STEC O157:H(−) and a source of human diseases
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