56 research outputs found

    YSMR : A video tracking and analysis program for bacterial motility

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    Background: Motility in bacteria forms the basis for taxis and is in some pathogenic bacteria important for virulence. Video tracking of motile bacteria allows the monitoring of bacterial swimming behaviour and taxis on the level of individual cells, which is a prerequisite to study the underlying molecular mechanisms. Results: The open-source python program YSMR (Your Software for Motility Recognition) was designed to simultaneously track a large number of bacterial cells on standard computers from video files in various formats. In order to cope with the high number of tracked objects, we use a simple detection and tracking approach based on grey-value and position, followed by stringent selection against suspicious data points. The generated data can be used for statistical analyses either directly with YSMR or with external programs. Conclusion: In contrast to existing video tracking software, which either requires expensive computer hardware or only tracks a limited number of bacteria for a few seconds, YSMR is an open-source program which allows the 2-D tracking of several hundred objects over at least 5 minutes on standard computer hardware. The code is freely available at https://github.com/schwanbeck/YSMR © 2020 The Author(s)

    Clostridioides difficile minimal nutrient requirements for flagellar motility

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    As many gastro-intestinal pathogens, the majority of Clostridioides difficile strains express flagella together with a complete chemotaxis system. The resulting swimming motility is likely contributing to the colonization success of this important pathogen. In contrast to the well investigated general energy metabolism of C. difficile, little is known about the metabolic requirements for maintaining the ion motive force across the membrane, which in turn powers the flagellar motor. We studied here systematically the effect of various amino acids and carbohydrates on the swimming velocity of C. difficile using video microscopy in conjunction with a software based quantification of the swimming speed. Removal of individual amino acids from the medium identified proline and cysteine as the most important amino acids that power swimming motility. Glycine, which is as proline one of the few amino acids that are reduced in Stickland reactions, was not critical for swimming motility. This suggests that the ion motive force that powers the flagellar motor, is critically depending on proline reduction. A maximal and stable swimming motility was achieved with only four compounds, including the amino acids proline, cysteine and isoleucine together with a single, but interchangeable carbohydrate source such as glucose, succinate, mannose, ribose, pyruvate, trehalose, or ethanolamine. We expect that the identified “minimal motility medium” will be useful in future investigations on the flagellar motility and chemotactic behavior in C. difficile, particularly for the unambiguous identification of chemoattractants

    Germination of phagocytosed E. cuniculi spores does not significantly contribute to parasitophorous vacuole formation in J774 cells

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    The obligate intracellular microsporidia have developed a unique invasion mechanism to infect their host cells. Spores explosively evert a tube-like structure and extrude the infectious spore content through this organelle into the host cell. Spores from species of the genus Encephalitozoon were also shown to be efficiently internalized by phagocytosis, which led to the hypothesis that spore germination from inside a phagosome might contribute to the infection process. Here, we challenge this hypothesis by quantifying Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection rates of J774 cells that were incubated with the phagocytosis inhibitor cytochalasin D. We demonstrate that the invasion rate in cytochalasin D-treated cells is identical to untreated controls, although phagocytic uptake of E. cuniculi spores was less than 10% of control samples. This study suggests that germination of phagocytosed spores is not a significant infection mode for E. cuniculi

    Optical properties and structure of HfO2 thin films grown by high pressure reactive sputtering

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    Thin films of hafnium oxide have been grown by high pressure reactive sputtering on transparent quartz substrates (UV-grade silica) and silicon wafers. Deposition conditions were adjusted to obtain as well as amorphous films. Optical properties of the films deposited on the silica substrates were investigated by transmittance and reflectance spectroscopy in the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared range (UV-VIS-NIR). A numerical analysis method that takes into account the different surface roughness of the polycrystalline and amorphous films was applied to calculate the optical constants (refractive index and absorption coefficient). Amorphous films were found to have a higher refractive index and a lower transparency than polycrystalline films. This is attributed to a higher density of the amorphous samples, which was confirmed by atomic density measurements performed by heavy-ion elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA). The absorption coefficient gave an excellent fit to the Tauc law (indirect gap), which allowed to obtain a band gap value of 5.54 eV. The structure of the films (amorphous or polycrystalline) was found to have no significant influence on the nature of the band gap. The Tauc plots also give information about the structure of the films, because the slope of the plot (the Tauc parameter) is related to the degree of order in the bond network. The amorphous samples had a larger value of the Tauc parameter, i.e., more order than the polycrystalline samples. This is indicative of a uniform bond network with percolation of the bond chains, in contrast to the randomly oriented polycrystalline grains separated by grain boundaries

    Identification of the Microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi as a New Target of the IFNγ-Inducible IRG Resistance System

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    The IRG system of IFNγ-inducible GTPases constitutes a powerful resistance mechanism in mice against Toxoplasma gondii and two Chlamydia strains but not against many other bacteria and protozoa. Why only T. gondii and Chlamydia? We hypothesized that unusual features of the entry mechanisms and intracellular replicative niches of these two organisms, neither of which resembles a phagosome, might hint at a common principle. We examined another unicellular parasitic organism of mammals, member of an early-diverging group of Fungi, that bypasses the phagocytic mechanism when it enters the host cell: the microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Consistent with the known susceptibility of IFNγ-deficient mice to E. cuniculi infection, we found that IFNγ treatment suppresses meront development and spore formation in mouse fibroblasts in vitro, and that this effect is mediated by IRG proteins. The process resembles that previously described in T. gondii and Chlamydia resistance. Effector (GKS subfamily) IRG proteins accumulate at the parasitophorous vacuole of E. cuniculi and the meronts are eliminated. The suppression of E. cuniculi growth by IFNγ is completely reversed in cells lacking regulatory (GMS subfamily) IRG proteins, cells that effectively lack all IRG function. In addition IFNγ-induced cells infected with E. cuniculi die by necrosis as previously shown for IFNγ-induced cells resisting T. gondii infection. Thus the IRG resistance system provides cell-autonomous immunity to specific parasites from three kingdoms of life: protozoa, bacteria and fungi. The phylogenetic divergence of the three organisms whose vacuoles are now known to be involved in IRG-mediated immunity and the non-phagosomal character of the vacuoles themselves strongly suggests that the IRG system is triggered not by the presence of specific parasite components but rather by absence of specific host components on the vacuolar membrane.Grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: SFB635, 670, 680, SPP1399

    The Nascent Parasitophorous Vacuole Membrane of Encephalitozoon cuniculi Is Formed by Host Cell Lipids and Contains Pores Which Allow Nutrient Uptake▿

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    Microsporidia are obligate intracellular pathogens which enter host cells by the discharge of a hollow tube through which the sporoplasma is extruded into the host cell. Since this invasion mechanism is very different from common entry strategies, the formation of the parasitophorous vacuole (PV) in Encephalitozoon species is likely to be distinct from known principles. We investigated the origin of the nascent Encephalitozoon cuniculi PV membrane with the aid of fluorescent lipid probes. When Bodipy 500/510-C12-HPC-labeled spores were used for infection, the emerging PV membrane was unlabeled, suggesting that sporoplasma-derived lipids do not significantly contribute to the formation of the PV membrane. In contrast, when raft and nonraft microdomains of the host cell plasma membrane were selectively labeled with DiIC16 and Speedy DiO, both tracers were detectable in the nascent PV membrane shortly after infection, indicating that the bulk lipids of the PV membrane are host cell derived. Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy revealed that the formation of the PV membrane is a fast event (<1.3 s), which occurred simultaneously with the extrusion of the sporoplasma. The portion of the discharged tube which is in contact with the host cell was found to be coated with labeled host cell lipids, which might be an indication for a plasma membrane invagination at the contact site. To investigate the presence of pores in the E. cuniculi PV membrane, we microinjected fluorescent dyes of different sizes into infected host cells. A 0.5-kDa dextran as well as 0.8- to 1.1-kDa peptides could rapidly enter the PV, while a 10-kDa dextran was stably excluded from the PV lumen, indicating that the PV membrane possesses pores with an exclusion size of <10 kDa, which should allow metabolite exchange