5,139 research outputs found

    Context-based Pseudonym Changing Scheme for Vehicular Adhoc Networks

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    Vehicular adhoc networks allow vehicles to share their information for safety and traffic efficiency. However, sharing information may threaten the driver privacy because it includes spatiotemporal information and is broadcast publicly and periodically. In this paper, we propose a context-adaptive pseudonym changing scheme which lets a vehicle decide autonomously when to change its pseudonym and how long it should remain silent to ensure unlinkability. This scheme adapts dynamically based on the density of the surrounding traffic and the user privacy preferences. We employ a multi-target tracking algorithm to measure privacy in terms of traceability in realistic vehicle traces. We use Monte Carlo analysis to estimate the quality of service (QoS) of a forward collision warning application when vehicles apply this scheme. According to the experimental results, the proposed scheme provides a better compromise between traceability and QoS than a random silent period scheme.Comment: Extended version of a previous paper "K. Emara, W. Woerndl, and J. Schlichter, "Poster: Context-Adaptive User-Centric Privacy Scheme for VANET," in Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks, SecureComm'15. Dallas, TX, USA: Springer, June 2015.

    The influence of the diesel scandal on traditional car manufacturers electric vehicle development as part of the automotive megatrends

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    The automotive industry currently faces four megatrends which are challenging the competitive environment: Connectivity, Autonomous Driving, Shared Services and Electric Vehicles. On top of that, aftermaths from the Diesel scandal are still noticeable. Therefore, the objective of this work was to find whether the Diesel scandal has an influence on the development of Electric Vehicles of traditional car manufacturers among the other trends. First, consumers were asked to fill out a survey on the attractiveness of and their attention to-wards Electric Vehicles before and after the scandal. It was concluded that EV demand didn’t change because of the Diesel scandal, even though the attention of consumers increased. A main reason therefore is the dependency of EV demand on financial incentives rather than en-vironmental concerns. Second, to measure the impact on EV development, selected employees from traditional car manufacturers were interviewed and the results were discussed with an industry expert. After collecting the drivers behind Electric Vehicle development, an indirect influence on EV devel-opment was revealed. To meet environmental targets set by governments or political unions, OEMs must focus on new technologies due to the lack of Diesel car sales. When establishing a connection between the research findings and literature, the dynamic ca-pabilities framework was not found to be applicable as the development and adaptation of Elec-tric Vehicles is mainly dependent from external surroundings. Thus, Industrial Organization as underlying theory was found to be suitable.A indústria automóvel enfrenta atualmente quatro macrotendências que desafiam a envolvente competitiva: Conectividade, Direção Autónoma, Serviços Partilhados e Veículos Elétricos. Além disso, os resultados do escândalo “Diesel” ainda são visíveis. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descobrir se o escândalo “Diesel” tem influência no desenvolvimento de veículos eléctricos de fabricantes dentro da indústria tradicional automóvel, entre outras tendências. Em primeiro lugar, foi pedido aos consumidores que preenchessem um questionário sobre a atratividade e a atenção destes para com os veículos elétricos antes e depois do escândalo. Concluiu-se que a procura de veículos elétricos não mudou devido ao escândalo “Diesel”, embora a atenção dos consumidores tenha aumentado. Uma das principais razões, portanto, é a dependência de veículos elétricos de incentivos financeiros, em vez de preocupações ambientais. Em segundo lugar, para medir o impacto no desenvolvimento de veículos elétricos, foram entrevistados funcionários, seleccionados de fabricantes de automóveis tradicionais, e os resultados foram discutidos com um especialista do setor. Depois de recolher os drivers por detrás do desenvolvimento do Veículo Elétrico, uma influência indireta no desenvolvimento de VE foi revelada. Para atingir as metas ambientais estabelecidas pelos governos ou sindicatos políticos, os OEMs devem-se focar em novas tecnologias devido à falta de vendas de carros a “Diesel”. Ao estabelecer uma conexão entre os resultados da pesquisa e a literatura, a tese das capacidades dinâmicas não se mostrou aplicável ao desenvolvimento e adaptação de veículos elétricos. Assim, a Organização Industrial como teoria subjacente foi considerada adequada

    The cloning and characterisation of link1: A LIM-domain containing protein kinase

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    This thesis describes the isolation and cloning of a novel mouse gene, named mLimkl, which exhibits high homology to the human LIMK gene. mLimkl represents a single copy gene and maps to the distal end of mouse chromosome 5. Northern blot analysis showed preferential expression of a 3.5kb message in adult spinal cord and brain. In situ hybridisation studies confirmed high expression levels in the nervous system, particularly in the spinal cord and the cranial nerves and dorsal root ganglia. The amino acid sequence reveals two features which place mLimkl into a novel class of protein kinases. Firstly, although mLimkl contains all motifs found in catalytic kinase domains, amino acids previously described to be diagnostic of either serine/threonine- or tyrosine-kinases are not present. It is demonstrated that mLimkl-fusion protein can autophosphorylate on serine, tyrosine and threonine residues in vitro, and mutation of residue D460 within the IHRDL motif abolishes kinase activity. Secondly, mLimkl has two tandem LIM-domains in the amino-terminal region. These zinc-finger like domains can mediate protein-protein interactions and have been described in transcription factors and cytoskeletal proteins. The combination of LIM- and kinase domains may provide a novel route by which intracellular signaling can be integrated

    Towards hermeticist grammars of music : a proposal for systems of composition based on the principles of the hermetic tradition, with musical demonstrations

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    PhD Thesis, Multimedia items accompanying this thesis to be consulted at Robinson LibraryThis thesis is a composer's manual on how to select and appropriately use musical materials in accordance with some of the parameters of the Hermetic Tradition. It puts to the reader's consideration a few proposals for Hermeticist grammars of musical composition. 'Grammar' here is used in the sense of a set of rules which govern the construction of musical discourse. Musical grammars thus comprise rules pertaining to the construction and selection of both 'lineal' musical materials such as pitch rows, rhythms, motifs and timbres, as well as of simultaneous events such as harmonic or contrapuntal textures. The adjective 'Hermeticist', derived from the noun Hermeticism, refers to a form of traditional Western urban, learned and humanist occultism. This occultism is distinct from folk, popular, or religious/devotional forms of magic, which also occur in the West as well as in other cultures and societies. It is also distinct from other Western occult movements that are either revivalist in their inspiration (such as Wicca or neopagan religions) or related to the 'pop culture' of the last quarter of the twentieth century, such as the movements of New Age and Chaos Magick. The first part of the thesis, the textual component, briefly examines the historical encounters between Hermeticism and music theory, very few of which have produced sounding pieces of music, while most of them have happened exclusively at the theoretical, philosophical or mystical-speculative levels. In the second part, the portfolio of musical compositions, I demonstrate the application of the proposed methods through pieces of music I have composed using the historical, theoretical and technical background presented at length in part 1. I further comment on these musical results through annotations and description of precompositional work, context research and composition processes used in each individual piece

    Political participation of young people. Trends in Germany and the European context

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    Wie steht es um die gesellschaftliche und politische Beteiligung der Jugend? In welchen Organisationsformen und in welchem Umfang engagieren sich junge Menschen? Lassen sich typische Entwicklungstendenzen feststellen? Welche Zusammenhänge mit Region (alte oder neue Bundesländer), Geschlecht, Bildungsniveau, Wertorientierungen und Aspekten der sozialen Lage spielen eine Rolle? Zu solchen Fragen werden auf der Basis empirischer Untersuchungen Antworten gegeben. In den Analysen werden zunächst auf Datengrundlage des DJI-Jugendsurvey bezogen auf die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Entwicklungstrends dargestellt. Anschließend wird der Blick auf andere europäischen Staaten erweitert und diese Vergleichsperspektive - fokussiert auf Frankreich und Österreich - auf der Grundlage europaweiter Jugendstudien thematisiert. (DIPF/Orig.)What is the current situation regarding societal and political participation of young people? In what forms of organisation and to what extent do young people become engaged in societal and political participation? Can typical trends of development be identified? Which correlations with region (old or new German Länder), gender, level of education, value systems and aspects related to social status are important? The analyses provide answers to these questions based on empirical studies. They start by outlining trends of development in the Federal Republic of Germany, based on the data of the DJI Youth Survey, then broadening their perspectives to include other European Member States and applying comparative analysis based on pan-European youth studies with the focus on France and Austria. (DIPF/Orig.