305 research outputs found

    10 dolmetscher. 10 punches is the punishment. Communication in the concentration camp of Mauthausen

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    Esta conferencia profundiza en el papel de la traducción e interpretación en los campos de concentración nazis y se propone responder a las siguientes preguntas: 1. ¿Cuál fue el papel de la interpretación en el desarrollo de la vida diaria en los campos de concentración? 2. ¿De qué manera el conocimiento de idiomas y, en consecuencia, de ciertas habilidades de comunicación, contribuyeron a la supervivencia de los prisioneros de los campos de concentración y de la persona que interpreta? 3. ¿Cuál es el papel de los materiales de archivo, las memorias y los testimonios de los supervivientes del holocausto para nuestro conocimiento del papel ambiguo de la interpretación en los campos de concentración? 4. ¿De qué manera el estudio de la interpretación en los campos de concentración configura un concepto de interpretación que puede ayudarnos a comprender mejor la naturaleza violenta de la interpretación en contextos distintos del Holocausto?Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Habsburg Monarchy’s Many-Languaged Soul

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    This book traces translation and interpreting practices in the Habsburg Empire’s (1848-1918) administration, courts and diplomatic service, and takes account of the “habitualised” translation carried out in everyday life. It then details the flows of translation among the Habsburg crownlands and between these and other European languages, with a special focus on Italian–German exchange. Applying a broad concept of “cultural translation” and working with sociological tools, the book addresses the mechanisms by which translation and interpreting constructs cultures, and delineates a model of the Habsburg Monarchy’s “pluricultural space of communication” that is also applicable to other multilingual settings. German version of the book: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:18Das Buch befasst sich mit der Übersetzungs- und Dolmetschpraxis der Habsburgermonarchie zwischen 1848 und 1918 in der Verwaltung, bei Gericht, im diplomatischen Dienst und als tägliche Alltagspraxis. Analysiert werden ebenso die Übersetzungsströme zwischen den einzelnen Sprachen der Kronländer und mit Ländern außerhalb der Monarchie; der Fokus dieser Untersuchungen wird schließlich auf die Übersetzungen aus dem Italienischen gelegt. Unter Anwendung des Konzepts der „kulturellen Übersetzung“ und auf Pierre Bourdieu basierender translationsoziologischer Methoden untersucht das Buch die kulturkonstruierenden Mechanismen von Translation und skizziert einen „plurikulturellen Kommunikationsraum der Habsburgermonarchie“, der auch auf andere mehrsprachige Räume anwendbar ist. Deutsche Version des Buches: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:1

    Parks and Obesity in Rural and Urban Nebraska

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    In order to better understand the role community design plays in obesity rates, this project studies a potential relationship between distance of parks from homes and obesity rates in four Nebraska counties. Park use may contribute to important health benefits, such as reducing risk of obesity by increasing physical activity levels. There are limitations to park use, such as crime rates and facility upkeep that are important to understand so that they might be managed and communities can reap greater benefits from their parks, including better fitness. This study examines park distance from homes as a potential limiting factor to park usability. The Nebraska Counties of Adams, Douglas, Lancaster and Lincoln are the subjects of this study. It is predicted that the distance between parks and homes will be greatest in rural counties of Adams and Lincoln and that obesity will be highest there too. An index of parks was created for each county then the distance between each park and the four nearest homes was measured. This information was analyzed and compared with obesity rates of these counties. Obesity and demographic information were obtained from resources of county health departments, the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Behvioral Risk Factor Survelliance System (BRFSS) (2010), the Census Bureau (2011), Healthy Americans (2011) and the UNMC Rural Health Works (2009) research branch. According to Selected Metropolitan/ Micropolitan Area Risk Trends (SMART), the percentage of obese residents in Adams, Douglas, Lancaster and Lincoln counties are: 30.5, 26.6, 24.4 and 29, respectively. Parks were on average further from homes in rural counties, but the only significant difference in distance was with Lincoln County, where parks were on average more than a mile further from homes than was recorded in any other county. On average, parks in Douglas County are the closest to homes and parks in Lincoln County are the furthest from homes. Lincoln County reported the worst general health status and the second highest obesity rate. Lancaster County reported the lowest obesity rate and best health status. Parks have high social value and can increase physical activity levels which promote health and deter obesity. A feature of park usability is distance. This study did not support the hypothesis that the most obese county would have parks furthest from homes. It did support the hypothesis that rural counties would have greater distances between parks and homes and higher obesity rates. Obesity is a multifaceted issue and this study suggests one way to approach it is by examining availability of parks, however many social and economic issues must be considered when researching obesity and parks, as both are deeply integrated into social and economic life

    The Habsburg Monarchy’s Many-Languaged Soul

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    This book traces translation and interpreting practices in the Habsburg Empire’s (1848-1918) administration, courts and diplomatic service, and takes account of the “habitualised” translation carried out in everyday life. It then details the flows of translation among the Habsburg crownlands and between these and other European languages, with a special focus on Italian–German exchange. Applying a broad concept of “cultural translation” and working with sociological tools, the book addresses the mechanisms by which translation and interpreting constructs cultures, and delineates a model of the Habsburg Monarchy’s “pluricultural space of communication” that is also applicable to other multilingual settings. German version of the book: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:1

    Parks and Obesity in Rural and Urban Nebraska

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    In order to better understand the role community design plays in obesity rates, this project studies a potential relationship between distance of parks from homes and obesity rates in four Nebraska counties. Park use may contribute to important health benefits, such as reducing risk of obesity by increasing physical activity levels. There are limitations to park use, such as crime rates and facility upkeep that are important to understand so that they might be managed and communities can reap greater benefits from their parks, including better fitness. This study examines park distance from homes as a potential limiting factor to park usability. The Nebraska Counties of Adams, Douglas, Lancaster and Lincoln are the subjects of this study. It is predicted that the distance between parks and homes will be greatest in rural counties of Adams and Lincoln and that obesity will be highest there too. An index of parks was created for each county then the distance between each park and the four nearest homes was measured. This information was analyzed and compared with obesity rates of these counties. Obesity and demographic information were obtained from resources of county health departments, the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Behvioral Risk Factor Survelliance System (BRFSS) (2010), the Census Bureau (2011), Healthy Americans (2011) and the UNMC Rural Health Works (2009) research branch. According to Selected Metropolitan/ Micropolitan Area Risk Trends (SMART), the percentage of obese residents in Adams, Douglas, Lancaster and Lincoln counties are: 30.5, 26.6, 24.4 and 29, respectively. Parks were on average further from homes in rural counties, but the only significant difference in distance was with Lincoln County, where parks were on average more than a mile further from homes than was recorded in any other county. On average, parks in Douglas County are the closest to homes and parks in Lincoln County are the furthest from homes. Lincoln County reported the worst general health status and the second highest obesity rate. Lancaster County reported the lowest obesity rate and best health status. Parks have high social value and can increase physical activity levels which promote health and deter obesity. A feature of park usability is distance. This study did not support the hypothesis that the most obese county would have parks furthest from homes. It did support the hypothesis that rural counties would have greater distances between parks and homes and higher obesity rates. Obesity is a multifaceted issue and this study suggests one way to approach it is by examining availability of parks, however many social and economic issues must be considered when researching obesity and parks, as both are deeply integrated into social and economic life

    La traductologie dans les pays germanophones : état actuel (1996) de la recherche

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    Rudolf Steiner’s Theory of Foreign Language Learning

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    Rudolf Steiner is best known as the founder of the philosophical movement Anthroposophie and as the ideological father of Waldorf schools. The Waldorf school program follows Steiner\u27s education principles in that it teaches children to explore their world with all senses. The goal of Waldorf education is to help children develop their soul and spirit in order to become a conscious, mature adult. Waldorf schools introduce two foreign languages at grade one in order to raise world-awareness in children and young adults. This study reviews Steiner\u27s biographic background until the opening of the first Waldorf school. It highlights Steiner\u27s spiritual development, projects it against the background of philosophical movements at the turn of the twentieth century, and portrays Anthroposophie as a new cultural direction. It then details Steiner\u27s theory of education and its consequences for foreign language teaching at Waldorf schools and will give meaning to Steiner\u27s ambiguous spiritual language. Respect for humankind in general and teaching students to become balanced, spiritual individuals by nurturing them according to their strengths and weaknesses accent Steiner\u27s educational principles. Finally, this work critically examines Steiner\u27s specific theory about foreign language learning with respect to his theory of speech and language development. It presents Steiner\u27s original ideas, compares them to subsequent developments in teaching at Waldorf schools in regard to goals, content, methods, and contrasts it with the language program at the German American School