2,964 research outputs found

    A tour on Hermitian symmetric manifolds

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    Hermitian symmetric manifolds are Hermitian manifolds which are homogeneous and such that every point has a symmetry preserving the Hermitian structure. The aim of these notes is to present an introduction to this important class of manifolds, trying to survey the several different perspectives from which Hermitian symmetric manifolds can be studied.Comment: 56 pages, expanded version. Written for the Proceedings of the CIME-CIRM summer course "Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry". Comments are still welcome

    The twin paradox in compact spaces

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    Twins travelling at constant relative velocity will each see the other's time dilate leading to the apparent paradox that each twin believes the other ages more slowly. In a finite space, the twins can both be on inertial, periodic orbits so that they have the opportunity to compare their ages when their paths cross. As we show, they will agree on their respective ages and avoid the paradox. The resolution relies on the selection of a preferred frame singled out by the topology of the space.Comment: to be published in PRA, 3 page

    Non-BPS Solutions of the Noncommutative CP^1 Model in 2+1 Dimensions

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    We find non-BPS solutions of the noncommutative CP^1 model in 2+1 dimensions. These solutions correspond to soliton anti-soliton configurations. We show that the one-soliton one-anti-soliton solution is unstable when the distance between the soliton and the anti-soliton is small. We also construct time-dependent solutions and other types of solutions.Comment: 11 pages, minor correction

    Connecting geodesics and security of configurations in compact locally symmetric spaces

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    A pair of points in a riemannian manifold makes a secure configuration if the totality of geodesics connecting them can be blocked by a finite set. The manifold is secure if every configuration is secure. We investigate the security of compact, locally symmetric spaces.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    Eternity and the cosmological constant

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the stability of interacting matter in the presence of a cosmological constant. Using an approach based on the heat equation, no imaginary part is found for the effective potential in the presence of a fixed background, which is the n-dimensional sphere or else an analytical continuation thereof, which is explored in some detail.Comment: 45 pages, 6 figure

    Rotating Resonator-Oscillator Experiments to Test Lorentz Invariance in Electrodynamics

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    In this work we outline the two most commonly used test theories (RMS and SME) for testing Local Lorentz Invariance (LLI) of the photon. Then we develop the general framework of applying these test theories to resonator experiments with an emphasis on rotating experiments in the laboratory. We compare the inherent sensitivity factors of common experiments and propose some new configurations. Finally we apply the test theories to the rotating cryogenic experiment at the University of Western Australia, which recently set new limits in both the RMS and SME frameworks [hep-ph/0506074].Comment: Submitted to Lecture Notes in Physics, 36 pages, minor modifications, updated list of reference

    Harmonic maps from degenerating Riemann surfaces

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    We study harmonic maps from degenerating Riemann surfaces with uniformly bounded energy and show the so-called generalized energy identity. We find conditions that are both necessary and sufficient for the compactness in W1,2W^{1,2} and C0C^{0} modulo bubbles of sequences of such maps.Comment: 27 page

    Spin splitting and precession in quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling: the role of spatial deformation

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    Extending a previous work on spin precession in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling, we study the role of deformation in the external confinement. Small elliptical deformations are enough to alter the precessional characteristics at low magnetic fields. We obtain approximate expressions for the modified gg factor including weak Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit terms. For more intense couplings numerical calculations are performed. We also study the influence of the magnetic field orientation on the spin splitting and the related anisotropy of the gg factor. Using realistic spin-orbit strengths our model calculations can reproduce the experimental spin-splittings reported by Hanson et al. (cond-mat/0303139) for a one-electron dot. For dots containing more electrons, Coulomb interaction effects are estimated within the local-spin-density approximation, showing that many features of the non-iteracting system are qualitatively preserved.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    B^F Theory and Flat Spacetimes

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    We propose a reduced constrained Hamiltonian formalism for the exactly soluble BFB \wedge F theory of flat connections and closed two-forms over manifolds with topology Σ3×(0,1)\Sigma^3 \times (0,1). The reduced phase space variables are the holonomies of a flat connection for loops which form a basis of the first homotopy group π1(Σ3)\pi_1(\Sigma^3), and elements of the second cohomology group of Σ3\Sigma^3 with value in the Lie algebra L(G)L(G). When G=SO(3,1)G=SO(3,1), and if the two-form can be expressed as B=eeB= e\wedge e, for some vierbein field ee, then the variables represent a flat spacetime. This is not always possible: We show that the solutions of the theory generally represent spacetimes with ``global torsion''. We describe the dynamical evolution of spacetimes with and without global torsion, and classify the flat spacetimes which admit a locally homogeneous foliation, following Thurston's classification of geometric structures.Comment: 21 pp., Mexico Preprint ICN-UNAM-93-1