897 research outputs found

    Trade-offs, condition dependence and stopover site selection by migrating sandpipers

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    Western sandpipers Calidris mauri on southward migration fly over the Gulf of Alaska to the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, where they stop for a few days to replenish reserves before continuing. In the Strait, individuals captured on the extensive tidal mudflats of the Fraser estuary (∼25000 ha) are significantly heavier (2.71 g, or >10% of lean body mass) than those captured on the small (<100 ha) mudflat of nearby Sidney Island. Previous work has shown that the difference cannot be attributed to seasonal timing, size, age or gender effects, and here we compare predictions made by six hypotheses about a diverse set of data to explain why, partway through a migratory journey of ∼10000 km, birds have such different body masses at two stopover sites within 40 km of each other. The ‘trade-off’ hypothesis – that the large Fraser estuary offers safety from predators, but a lower fattening rate, while the small Sidney Island site is more dangerous, but offers a higher fattening rate – made six successful predictions, all of which were upheld by the data. All other hypotheses failed at least one prediction. We infer that calidrid sandpipers arriving in the Strait of Georgia with little fat remaining (and therefore low body mass) choose to take advantage of the high feeding rate at small sites like Sidney Island because they are less vulnerable to avian predators than are individuals with higher fat reserves, who instead elect to feed at large open sites like the Fraser estuary mudflats

    Performance of Wendelstein 7-X stellarator plasmas during the first divertor operation phase

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    Wendelstein 7-X is the first comprehensively optimized stellarator aiming at good confinement with plasma parameters relevant to a future stellarator power plant. Plasma operation started in 2015 using a limiter configuration. After installing an uncooled magnetic island divertor, extending the energy limit from 4 to 80 MJ, operation continued in 2017. For this phase, the electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) capability was extended to 7 MW, and hydrogen pellet injection was implemented. The enhancements resulted in the highest triple product (6.5 × 1019 keV m-3 s) achieved in a stellarator until now. Plasma conditions [Te(0) ≈ Ti(0) ≈ 3.8 keV, τE &gt; 200 ms] already were in the stellarator reactor-relevant ion-root plasma transport regime. Stable operation above the 2nd harmonic ECRH X-mode cutoff was demonstrated, which is instrumental for achieving high plasma densities in Wendelstein 7-X. Further important developments include the confirmation of low intrinsic error fields, the observation of current-drive induced instabilities, and first fast ion heating and confinement experiments. The efficacy of the magnetic island divertor was instrumental in achieving high performance in Wendelstein 7-X. Symmetrization of the heat loads between the ten divertor modules could be achieved by external resonant magnetic fields. Full divertor power detachment facilitated the extension of high power plasmas significantly beyond the energy limit of 80 MJ.</p

    Twice daily cefepime for febrile neutropenia following autologous stem cell transplantation

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    Dispersie na het broedseizoen, trek en overwintering van Grote Sterns <i>Thalasseus sandvicensis</i> uit de Voordelta = Post-breeding dispersal, migration and wintering of Sandwich Terns <i>Thalasseus sandvicensis</i> from the southwestern part of the Netherlands

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    The Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis is a Dutch Red List species with a population of 19,000 pairs in the Dutch coastal zone. It winters off the coasts of Africa and a small populations migrates into the Mediterranean or stays even more north.. In the Netherlands, breeding takes places in a small number of colonies in the Delta area and the Waddensea. In this study, Sandwich Terns from the Delta colony on the Scheelhoek (Natura 2000 SPA ‘Haringvliet’) were investigated which forage during the breeding season in Natura 2000 SPA ‘Voordelta’. In total 30 adult Sandwich Terns were equipped with radio transmitters, a colourring and a plumage colour (picrinic acid or silver nitrate solution). Thanks to these markings birds could be followed in the colonies, from airplanes and from the coast. Several birds used the sand banks off the coast of their breeding colonies to rest after the breeding season. After a short while they dispersed in western and northern direction with sightings in the northern part of the Netherlands (outside and within other colonies). These were always failed breeders, possibly scouting other colonies for future breeding places. Some of these birds even left the Dutch coasts and appeared in Scotland and Denmark. Adults with young probably dispersed into the North Sea after a short stay around the sand banks off the coast near the colonies. They probably head to more nutrient rich areas in the North Sea and adjacent areas where the young birds can practice their fishing techniques before they move south. The adults can build-up here good fat reserves before the start of migration. In September, most of the marked Sandwich Terns were south of their breeding places and during their southward migration birds were seen along the coast of France and on Lanzarote (Canary Islands). Our results showed that using markers on birds could yield good data with a resighting percentage of 20% within only one year. Furthermore, the use of plumage colouring proved to be a good method for obtaining information of individual birds as these colourings attract the attention of observers and are ‘readable’ over large distances

    Dissociative paraplegia after epidural anesthesia: A case report

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    10.1186/1752-1947-7-56Journal of Medical Case Reports7

    The Fractal Properties of the Source and BEC

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    Using simple space-time implementation of the random cascade model we investigate numerically influence of the possible fractal structure of the emitting source on Bose-Einstein correlations between identical particles. The results are then discussed in terms of the non-extensive Tsallis statistics.Comment: LaTeX file and 2 PS files with figures, 8 pages altogether. Talk presented at the 12th Indian Summer School "Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, 30 August-3 Sept. 1999; to be published in Czech J. Phys. (1999). Some typos correcte

    Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator

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    After completing the main construction phase of Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) and successfully commissioning the device, first plasma operation started at the end of 2015. Integral commissioning of plasma start-up and operation using electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) and an extensive set of plasma diagnostics have been completed, allowing initial physics studies during the first operational campaign. Both in helium and hydrogen, plasma breakdown was easily achieved. Gaining experience with plasma vessel conditioning, discharge lengths could be extended gradually. Eventually, discharges lasted up to 6 s, reaching an injected energy of 4 MJ, which is twice the limit originally agreed for the limiter configuration employed during the first operational campaign. At power levels of 4 MW central electron densities reached 3 × 1019 m−3 , central electron temperatures reached values of 7 keV and ion temperatures reached just above 2 keV. Important physics studies during this first operational phase include a first assessment of power balance and energy confinement, ECRH power deposition experiments, 2nd harmonic O-mode ECRH using multi-pass absorption, and current drive experiments using electron cyclotron current drive. As in many plasma discharges the electron temperature exceeds the ion temperature significantly, these plasmas are governed by core electron root confinement showing a strong positive electric field in the plasma centre.EURATOM 63305

    Coarse grained approach for volume conserving models

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    Volume conserving surface (VCS) models without deposition and evaporation, as well as ideal molecular-beam epitaxy models, are prototypes to study the symmetries of conserved dynamics. In this work we study two similar VCS models with conserved noise, which differ from each other by the axial symmetry of their dynamic hopping rules. We use a coarse-grained approach to analyze the models and show how to determine the coefficients of their corresponding continuous stochastic differential equation (SDE) within the same universality class. The employed method makes use of small translations in a test space which contains the stationary probability density function (SPDF). In case of the symmetric model we calculate all the coarse-grained coefficients of the related conserved Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. With respect to the symmetric model, the asymmetric model adds new terms which have to be analyzed, first of all the diffusion term, whose coarse-grained coefficient can be determined by the same method. In contrast to other methods, the used formalism allows to calculate all coefficients of the SDE theoretically and within limits numerically. Above all, the used approach connects the coefficients of the SDE with the SPDF and hence gives them a precise physical meaning.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    On the extrapolation to ITER of discharges in present tokamaks

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    An expression for the extrapolated fusion gain G = Pfusion /5 Pheat (Pfusion being the total fusion power and Pheat the total heating power) of ITER in terms of the confinement improvement factor (H) and the normalised beta (betaN) is derived in this paper. It is shown that an increase in normalised beta can be expected to have a negative or neutral influence on G depending on the chosen confinement scaling law. Figures of merit like H betaN / q95^2 should be used with care, since large values of this quantity do not guarantee high values of G, and might not be attainable with the heating power installed on ITER.Comment: 6 Pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Nuclear Fusion on the 29th of November 200