2,459 research outputs found

    A variational method for quantitative photoacoustic tomography with piecewise constant coefficients

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    In this article, we consider the inverse problem of determining spatially heterogeneous absorption and diffusion coefficients from a single measurement of the absorbed energy (in the steady-state diffusion approximation of light transfer). This problem, which is central in quantitative photoacoustic tomography, is in general ill-posed since it admits an infinite number of solution pairs. We show that when the coefficients are known to be piecewise constant functions, a unique solution can be obtained. For the numerical determination of the coefficients, we suggest a variational method based based on an Ambrosio-Tortorelli-approximation of a Mumford-Shah-like functional, which we implemented numerically and tested on simulated two-dimensional data

    „Das könnte man gesellschaftlich so sagen, aber es wäre weiter nichts als eine vertuschende Redeweise“ (Theodor, 1. Akt, 12. Szene)

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    Der Beitrag analysiert einen literarischen Text mit sprachwissenschaftlichen Methoden. Er liefert eine mikrostrukturelle Beschreibung des Gesprächsverhaltens in einer hierarchisch strukturierten Gesellschaft im alten Österreich anhand einer zentralen Szene in Hofmannsthals Lustspiel Der Unbestechliche. Dabei wird untersucht, mit welchen sprachlichen Mitteln die Figuren ihre Emotionen verbalisieren. Die soziale Stellung der einzelnen Figuren in der untergehenden Habsburger Monarchie wirkt sich deutlich auf die sprachlichen Ausdrücke und ihre Funktionen im Text aus. Mit anderen Worten: Die Emotionalität ist ein wesentlicher Teil der Dialoge in diesem Drama und äußert sich auf allen sprachlichen Ebenen, wobei sie vor allem den Zweck der sozialen Positionierung hat. Daher eignet sich dieses Stücks besonders gut zur Untersuchung eines Diskurses einer nicht mehr existierenden Gesellschaft.Cet article applique des méthodes linguistiques à l’analyse d’un texte littéraire. Il présente une description micro-structurelle du comportement conversationnel dans une société structurée hiérarchiquement de l’ancienne Autriche à l’exemple d’une scène centrale de la comédie L’incorruptible de Hofmannsthal. L’étude porte sur les moyens linguistiques par lesquels les caractères verbalisent leurs émotions. La position sociale de chaque caractère vers la fin de la monarchie des Habsbourg a un impact notable sur des expressions verbales et leurs fonctions dans le texte. En d’autres termes : l’émotionnalité représente une partie essentielle des dialogues dans cette pièce et elle se manifeste à tous les niveaux linguistiques, ayant, avant tout, pour but le positionnement social. Pour cette raison, cette comédie se prête particulièrement bien à l’analyse du discours dans une société qui n’existe plus.In this article, linguistic methods are applied for the analysis of a literary text. It provides a microstructural description of conversational behaviour within a hierarchically structured society in ancient Austria in a central scene in Hofmannsthals comedy The Incorruptible. The aim is to study the linguistic devices used by the characters in order to verbalise their emotions. The social position of each person towards the end of the Habsburg monarchy clearly influences verbal expressions and the functions they fulfil in the text. In other words: emotionality represents an essential part of the dialogues in this play and manifests itself on all linguistic levels, serving the purpose of social positioning. Therefore, this drama is particularly apt / suitable for the research of discourse in a society which no longer exists

    Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Perspektiven zielgerichteter Therapien

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    Current Developments and Perspectives in Targeted Therapies Many different approaches for improving the prognosis of patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are currently being investigated. This article discusses the significance of maintenance therapy after primary chemotherapy and reviews study data on second-generation epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs), inhibitors of insulin-like growth factor receptors (IGFR), vascular-disrupting agents (VDAs) and multi-TKIs of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR). The article also looks at the future prospects of using genetic markers in the field of NSCLC

    Whole-Genome Sequencing Data Reveal New Loci Affecting Milk Production in German Black Pied Cattle (DSN)

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    German Black Pied (DSN) is considered an ancestral population of the Holstein breed. The goal of the current study was to fine-map genomic loci for milk production traits and to provide sequence variants for selection. We studied genome-wide associations for milk-production traits in 2160 DSN cows. Using 11.7 million variants from whole-genome sequencing of 304 representative DSN cattle, we identified 1980 associated variants (−log10(p) ≥ 7.1) in 13 genomic loci on 9 chromosomes. The highest significance was found for the MGST1 region affecting milk fat content (−log10(p) = 11.93, MAF = 0.23, substitution effect of the minor allele (ßMA) = −0.151%). Different from Holstein, DGAT1 was fixed (0.97) for the alanine protein variant for high milk and protein yield. A key gene affecting protein content was CSN1S1 (−log10(p) = 8.47, MAF = 049, ßMA = −0.055%) and the GNG2 region (−log10(p) = 10.48, MAF = 0.34, ßMA = 0.054%). Additionally, we suggest the importance of FGF12 for protein and fat yield, HTR3C for milk yield, TLE4 for milk and protein yield, and TNKS for milk and fat yield. Selection for favored alleles can improve milk yield and composition. With respect to maintaining the dual-purpose type of DSN, unfavored linkage to genes affecting muscularity has to be investigated carefully, before the milk-associated variants can be applied for selection in the small population.Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)Peer Reviewe

    The characterisation of hydrogen on nickel and cobalt catalysts

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    We have investigated a series of supported and unsupported nickel and cobalt catalysts, principally using neutron vibrational spectroscopy (inelastic neutron scattering, INS). For an alumina supported Ni catalyst we are able to detect hydrogen on the metal for the first time, all previous work has used Raney Ni. For an unsupported Ni foam catalyst, which has similar behaviour to Raney Ni but with a much lower density, the spectra show that there are approximately equal numbers of (100) and (111) sites, in contrast to Raney Ni that shows largely (111) sites. The observation of hydrogen on cobalt catalysts proved to be extremely challenging. In order to generate a cobalt metal surface, reduction in hydrogen at 250–300 °C is required. Lower temperatures result in a largely hydroxylated surface. The spectra show that on Raney Co (and probably also on a Co foam catalyst), hydrogen occupies a threefold hollow site, similar to that found on Co(101¯0). The reduced surface is highly reactive: transfers between cells in a high quality glovebox were sufficient to re-hydroxylate the surface.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A longitudinal, Bologna-compatible model curriculum "communicationand social competencies" : results of an interdisciplinary workshop of German-speaking medical schools

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    Zielsetzung: Ziel des Projekts ist es, ein longitudinales Modell-Curriculum "Kommunikative und soziale Kompetenzen" für die medizinische Ausbildung zur Diskussion zu stellen. Vorgehen und Ergebnisse: Auf einem 2-tägigen Workshop wurde interfakultär und interdisziplinär auf der Grundlage des "Basler Consensus Statements: Kommunikative und soziale Kompetenzen im Medizinstudium" ein Curriculum entwickelt, das deutschsprachigen Fakultäten bei der Planung und Implementierung als Vorlage dienen kann. Das Modell lässt sich als Gesamt-Curriculum oder in Teilmodulen implementieren. Es kann auch bei der Umstellung auf Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge genutzt werden. Das longitudinale Modell-Curriculum weist neben 131 definierten Ausbildungszielen geeignete didaktische Konzepte und Prüfungsformate auf und gibt Vorschläge, zu welchem Zeitpunkt die verschiedenen Fächer die entsprechenden Lernziele vermitteln können. Fazit: Mit diesem longitudinalen "Modell-Curriculum Kommunikative und Soziale Kompetenzen" liegt für den deutschen Sprachraum erstmalig ein curriculares Instrument vor, das breite Anwendung an einer Vielzahl deutscher, österreichischer und schweizerischer Fakultäten finden und eine Umsetzung des Bologna-Prozesses auch fakultätsübergreifend vereinfachen kann. Schlüsselwörter: Modell-Curriculum, kommunikative/soziale Kompetenzen, Basler Consensus Statement, medizinische Ausbildung, Didaktik, Prüfung, Bologna-ProzessAim: The aim of the project is to present and discuss a longitudinal model curriculum "Communication and social competencies" for undergraduate medical education. Procedure and results: In a two-day workshop, a multidisciplinary, cross-faculty group of medical educators developed a curriculum model based on the "Basel Consensus Statement". It can now be used by German-speaking medical schools as a blueprint for curriculum planning and implementation processes. The modular structure enables it to be implemented either in whole or in part. The model can also be used to facilitate the conversion of medical education into Bachelor and Master degree programmes. The longitudinal model curriculum features 131 educational objectives and makes suggestions for didactic concepts and assessment tools. For various disciplines, it also recommends at what point in time specific topics should be taught. Conclusion: The longitudinal model curriculum "Communication and social competencies", based on the educational objectives of the "Basel Consensus Statement", is a new curricular instrument that can be used by German, Austrian and Swiss medical schools. It can help to simplify the realisation of the Bologna process, also across different faculties. Keywords: model curriculum, communication/social competencies, Basel Consensus Statement, undergraduate medical education, didactic, assessment, Bologna proces