520 research outputs found

    On the distribution of periodic orbits

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    Let f:M→Mf:M\to M be a C1+Ï”C^{1+\epsilon}-map on a smooth Riemannian manifold MM and let Λ⊂M\Lambda\subset M be a compact ff-invariant locally maximal set. In this paper we obtain several results concerning the distribution of the periodic orbits of f∣Λf|\Lambda. These results are non-invertible and, in particular, non-uniformly hyperbolic versions of well-known results by Bowen, Ruelle, and others in the case of hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. We show that the topological pressure Ptop(φ)P_{\rm top}(\varphi) can be computed by the values of the potential φ\varphi on the expanding periodic orbits and also that every hyperbolic ergodic invariant measure is well-approximated by expanding periodic orbits. Moreover, we prove that certain equilibrium states are Bowen measures. Finally, we derive a large deviation result for the periodic orbits whose time averages are apart from the space average of a given hyperbolic invariant measure

    A Framework for Electric Mobility Services for a Car Park

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    Electric vehicles (EV) are seen as one promising technology which can provide flexibility to the demand side in the electricity market. One promising application might be a car park where an operator schedules the charging processes of EV. This paper outlines a conceptual framework to enhance this demand side flexibility of EV customers with incentives through diverse service designs. Thereby, the development of a business model takes both sides into account: the offset between cost and benefits for the operator as well as tariffs with attractive incentives for customers. We focus in the following on a car park and give a comprehensive outline on the design of services for different groups of EV customers

    The value of information cues for lifelog video navigation

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    With the advent of lifelogging cameras the amount of personal video material is massively growing to an extent that easily overwhelms the user. To efficiently review lifelog data, we need well designed video navigation tools. In this paper, we analyze which cues are most beneficial for lifelog video navigation. We show that the information kind determines the most appropriate cue in single cue systems, but that multicue approaches are more appreciated. These findings can inspire to design video players with multiple navigation cues, including time, place, persons, and events for easier and more efficient lifelog video retrieval

    Additive Sprachförderung im Elementarbereich: Wirksamkeit additiver Sprachförderprogramme und Diagnostik von besonderem Sprachförderbedarf

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    Kinder aus sozial schwachen oder zugewanderten Familien weisen bereits beim Eintritt in die Kita geringere sprachliche Kompetenzen auf als Kinder aus privilegierten Familien ohne Zuwanderungshintergrund. Diese Entwicklungsverzögerungen wirken sich nachteilig auf die weitere Sprachentwicklung sowie den Schriftspracherwerb und die weitere Bildungsbiografie aus. Insbesondere motiviert durch die ersten PISA-Befunde wurden in Deutschland daher additive Sprachfördermaßnahmen implementiert, die Kinder mit besonderem Sprachförderbedarf besser auf die sprachlichen Anforderungen im Unterricht vorbereiten sollen. Die EffektivitĂ€t additiver Fördermaßnahmen konnte bislang jedoch nicht belegt werden. Zudem stehen bislang keine adĂ€quaten Instrumente zur Diagnostik eines besonderen Sprachförderbedarfs durch die pĂ€dagogischen FachkrĂ€fte zur VerfĂŒgung. Mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung soll der Kenntnisstand zur EffektivitĂ€t additiver Sprachförderprogramme sowie zur ValiditĂ€t verschiedener diagnostischer Instrumente erweitert werden. Die externe, quasi-experimentelle Evaluation des Sprachförderprogramms „Handlung und Sprache“ mit einem PrĂ€-Post-Follow up-Design ergab keine positiven Effekte der Förderung auf die sprachlichen und frĂŒhen schriftsprachlichen Kompetenzen der geförderten Kinder. Eine Metaanalyse von Befunden deutscher Studien zur Wirksamkeit von phonologischen Fördermaßnahmen vor der Einschulung demonstrierte moderate Effekte auf die phonologische Bewusstheit. Allerdings konnten keine Effekte auf die DekodierfĂ€higkeit und nur geringe Effekte auf die Rechtschreibkompetenzen nachgewiesen werden. In einer dritten Untersuchung wurde die KlassifikationsgĂŒte eines Sprachscreenings, eines Beobachtungsinstruments sowie eines informellen Urteils von pĂ€dagogischen FachkrĂ€ften zum Vorliegen eines Sprachförderbedarfs verglichen. Es zeigte sich, dass die einfacheren, aber auch unstandardisierteren Verfahren Beobachtung und informelles Urteil dem standardiserten Sprachscreening unterlegen sind. Die frĂŒhe Identifikation und Förderung von Kindern mit besonderem Sprachförderbedarf hat in Anbetracht der bestehenden Bildungsungleichheiten weiterhin eine große Bedeutung in Deutschland. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen werden daher eingehend hinsichtlich ihrer Implikationen fĂŒr die pĂ€dagogische Praxis und die Forschung diskutiert.Children from socially disadvantaged or immigrant families exhibit lesser language skills when entering daycare than children from privileged families without immigration background. These delays in language development have detrimental effects on further language development as well as the acquisition of reading and writing, and the further education biography. Motivated in particular by the first PISA findings, therefore, additive language support programs have been implemented in Germany, which are designed to better prepare children with special needs for language support for the language requirements in the classroom. However, the effectiveness of additive support measures has so far not been proven. In addition, there are currently no adequate instruments for diagnosing special needs for language support by the pedagogical staff. The aim of the present study is to expand the knowledge about the effectiveness of additive language promotion programs and the validity of various diagnostic instruments. The external, quasi-experimental evaluation of the language promotion program "Handlung und Sprache" with a pre-post follow-up design showed no positive effects on the linguistic and early literacy skills. A meta-analysis of findings from German studies on the effectiveness of phonological promotion programs before school enrollment demonstrated moderate effects on phonological awareness. However, no effects on the decoding ability and only minor effects on the spelling competences have been found. A third study compared the classification quality of a language screening, an observational instrument, and an informal judgment of educational professionals on the special needs for language support. The study showed that the simpler, but also less standardized, methods of observation and informal judgment are inferior to a standardized language screening. The early identification and promotion of children with special needs for language support continues to be of great importance in Germany, given the existing educational inequalities. The results of the investigations are therefore discussed in detail with regard to their implications for pedagogical practice and research

    Crossbred Sows Fed a Western Diet during Pre-Gestation, Gestation, Lactation, and Post-Lactation Periods Develop Signs of Lean Metabolic Syndrome That Are Partially Attenuated by Spirulina Supplementation.

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    Excessive dietary intake of fats and sugars ("Western diet", WD) is one of the leading causes of obesity. The consumption of the microalga Arthrospira platensis (spirulina, Sp) is increasing due to its presumed health benefits. Both WD and Sp are also consumed by pregnant and breastfeeding women. This study investigated if gestating and lactating domestic pigs are an appropriate model for WD-induced metabolic disturbances similar to those observed in humans and if Sp supplementation may attenuate any of these adverse effects. Pigs were fed a WD high in fat, sugars, and cholesterol or a control diet. Half of the animals per diet group were supplemented with 20 g Sp per day. The WD did not increase body weight or adipose tissue accumulation but led to metabolic impairments such as higher cholesterol concentration in plasma, lower IGF1 plasma levels, and signs of hepatic damage compared to the control group. Spirulina supplementation could not reduce all the metabolic impairments observed in WD-fed animals. These findings indicate limited suitability of gestating and lactating domestic pigs as a model for WD but a certain potential of low-dose Sp supplementation to partially attenuate negative WD effects
