21 research outputs found
Predicting poverty trends by survey-to-survey imputation: The challenge of comparability
Poverty in low-income countries is usually measured using large and infrequent household consumption surveys. The challenge is to find methods to measure poverty rates more frequently. This study validates a survey-to-survey imputation method, based on a statistical model utilizing consumption surveys and light surveys to measure changes in poverty rates over time. A decade of poverty predictions and regular poverty estimates in Malawi provides a unique case study. The analysis suggests that this modelling approach works within the same context given that households’ demographic composition is included in the model. Predicting poverty using different surveys is challenging because of different aspects of comparability. A new way to account for seasonal coverage strengthens the model when imputing for surveys covering different seasons. It is important for national statistics offices and supporting agencies to prioritize maintaining consistency in the way data are collected in surveys to provide comparable trends over time.publishedVersio
Tracking resource and policy impact in Malawi : Incorporating Malawi poverty reduction strategy paper indicators, millennium development goals & poverty monitoring across sectors
This report is prepared jointly by National Statistical Office in Malawi and Statistics Norway. The objective has been to
establish a system for statistical information to follow the potential effects of resources related to poverty and/or
allocated to social sectors and through all steps from available public service towards the final outcome and end
goals. This has included overall national policies affecting resource allocation for social sectors; allocation and
distribution of resources between and within sectors; access to and use of social service; outcome and achievements;
poverty reduction and other end goals; and feed back to economic, human and social development. The information
presented aims at allowing the reader to follow resource allocation from policy decisions towards human welfare and
quality of life, and the feed back towards economic and social development. Data presented are selected to provide
information for indicators of the Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper and the Millennium Development Goal
indicators and resources which potentially might affect these indicators
Tracking resource and policy impact in Uganda : Incorporating millennium development goals & indicators and poverty reduction strategy paper monitoring across sector
This report, prepared by Uganda Bureau of Statistics and Statistics Norway, demonstrates how the effects of
allocations of resources in Uganda within the health, education and water and sanitation sectors might be
monitored. The information presented aims at allowing the reader to follow resource allocation from policy decisions
towards human welfare and poverty reduction. Using indicators from the Uganda Poverty Eradication Action Program
and the Millennium Development goals, the report provides information for policy makers in Uganda and elsewhere.
Available data show different trends in the three sectors. Five main recommendations are presented: 1) Consider
establishing a database and publish yearly reports for tracking resource and policy impact at the national level, 2) Coordinating definitions, indicators and the statistical system, 3) Strengthening capacity within line ministries to develop
indicators for performance in all sectors, 4) Improving the system of data compilation on the district - and not only
regional - level and 5) Improving the compilation of data on private expenditures
Symptom-based survey diagnoses may serve to identify more homogenous sub-groups of fatigue and postviral diseases
Fra ressursinnsats til velferdsvirkninger
Artikkelen og rapporten den bygger på,1 har som mål å svare på hvor mye ressurser allokeres over statsbudsjettet
eller via andre kilder for sosiale sektorer og fattigdomsbekjempelse; hvordan disse ressursene
fordeles innenfor sektorene og hva slags tjenester kan dermed tilbys; hvem som er brukerne; og hvordan
bidrar bruken av disse tjenestene til å forbedre levekår og levestandard samt å redusere fattigdommen? Vi
presenterer et statistikksystem som kan følge prosessen stegvis fra offentlig og privat ressursbruk, fordeling
innen sektorene, faktisk tjenestetilbud dvs både kvalitet og tilgjengelighet, bruk av tjenestetilbudet, status
for hva som er oppnådd innenfor hver sektor, fattigdomsreduksjon og eventuelle andre sluttmål, samt hvordan
dette i sin tur igjen påvirker økonomisk, sosial og menneskelig utvikling. Vår målsetting overlapper
med to store internasjonale initiativ, Tusenårsmålene (Millennium Development Goals - MDGs) og Fattigdomsreduksjonsstrategiene
(Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers - PRSPs) og begge initiativ er integrert i
opplegget som presenteres her
Fra ressursinnsats til velferdsvirkninger
Økonomiske analyser er tilgjengelige via www.ssb.noArtikkelen og rapporten den bygger på,1 har som mål å svare på hvor mye ressurser allokeres over statsbudsjettet
eller via andre kilder for sosiale sektorer og fattigdomsbekjempelse; hvordan disse ressursene
fordeles innenfor sektorene og hva slags tjenester kan dermed tilbys; hvem som er brukerne; og hvordan
bidrar bruken av disse tjenestene til å forbedre levekår og levestandard samt å redusere fattigdommen? Vi
presenterer et statistikksystem som kan følge prosessen stegvis fra offentlig og privat ressursbruk, fordeling
innen sektorene, faktisk tjenestetilbud dvs både kvalitet og tilgjengelighet, bruk av tjenestetilbudet, status
for hva som er oppnådd innenfor hver sektor, fattigdomsreduksjon og eventuelle andre sluttmål, samt hvordan
dette i sin tur igjen påvirker økonomisk, sosial og menneskelig utvikling. Vår målsetting overlapper
med to store internasjonale initiativ, Tusenårsmålene (Millennium Development Goals - MDGs) og Fattigdomsreduksjonsstrategiene
(Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers - PRSPs) og begge initiativ er integrert i
opplegget som presenteres her
Análise do desempenho de um motor a 4 tempos com calibre modificado e alimentação suplementar.
A part of the current economic reform program in Zambia, is to increase standard, efficiency and equity in the primary school sector. This paper studies primary school attendance. A logistic regression analysis is used to show that community level and household level variables affect the likelihood of attending primary school for children between seven and thirteen years of age. A number of community level variables have a significant effect and are also interesting from a policy point of view. Household level variables have even stronger effects. A policy conclusion: There is a need to introduce a widespread scholarship program to ensure equity and efficiency. A scientific conclusion: A multilevel analysis contributes additional insights. A final policy conclusion: There is a need to introduce a widespread scholarship program to ensure equity and efficiency. A final scientific conclusion: A a dedicated multilevel analysis might yield additional insights.
Keywords: Primary school attendance, Zambia, logistic regression model, community level, household leve