Tracking resource and policy impact in Uganda : Incorporating millennium development goals & indicators and poverty reduction strategy paper monitoring across sector


This report, prepared by Uganda Bureau of Statistics and Statistics Norway, demonstrates how the effects of allocations of resources in Uganda within the health, education and water and sanitation sectors might be monitored. The information presented aims at allowing the reader to follow resource allocation from policy decisions towards human welfare and poverty reduction. Using indicators from the Uganda Poverty Eradication Action Program and the Millennium Development goals, the report provides information for policy makers in Uganda and elsewhere. Available data show different trends in the three sectors. Five main recommendations are presented: 1) Consider establishing a database and publish yearly reports for tracking resource and policy impact at the national level, 2) Coordinating definitions, indicators and the statistical system, 3) Strengthening capacity within line ministries to develop indicators for performance in all sectors, 4) Improving the system of data compilation on the district - and not only regional - level and 5) Improving the compilation of data on private expenditures

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