140 research outputs found

    Detection of radio-frequency modulated optical signals by two and three terminal microwave devices

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    An interdigitated photoconductor (two terminal device) on GaAlAs/GaAs heterostructure was fabricated and tested by an electro-optical sampling technique. Further, the photoresponse of GaAlAs/GaAs HEMT (three terminal device) was obtained by illuminating the device with an optical signal modulated up to 8 GHz. Gain-bandwidth product, response time, and noise properties of photoconductor and HEMT devices were obtained. Monolithic integration of these photodetectors with GaAs microwave devices for optically controlled phased array antenna applications is discussed

    Strengthening psychological capital as an important element of sustainable employee development in the context of requirements and resources in the workplace

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    The article discusses the issue of strengthening psychological capital as an element of sustainable employee development. Psychological capital (PsychCap), consisting of effectiveness, optimism, hope, and resilience is an important element of employees’ subjective resources, which may contribute to effective completion of professional tasks and high levels of engagement, and at the level of subjective effects – psychological well-being. Activities aimed at developing particular components of PsychCap in the organisation may be carried out as part of specially planned, organised and systematically conducted interventions, coaching, as well as meetings of the manager with his/her subordinate team

    Barriers to Human Capital Development in Poland

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    The aim of the article is to present barriers to human capital development in Poland. The research was carried out on 941 respondents, from medium and large companies categorized as knowledge-intensive service (KIS), less-knowledge intensive service (LKIS) and production. The research indicates the following barriers: lack of financial resources, higher priority of other issues/projects/investments, lack of time for developmental actions, lack of consciousness of Board members and managers concerning the importance of development, lack of employees’ eagerness to learn, organizational culture resistant to change

    P/N In(Al) GaAs multijunction laser power converters

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    Eight In(AI)GaAs PN junctions grown epitaxially on the semi-insulating wafer were monolithically integrated in series to boost the approximately 0.4V photovoltage per typical In(Al)GaAs junction to over 3 volts for the 1 sq cm laser power converted (LPC) chip. Advantages of multijunction LCP designs include the need for less circuitry for power reconditioning and the potential for lower I(sup 2)R power loss. As an example, these LPC's have a responsivity of approximately 1 amp/watt. With a single junction LPC, 100 watts/sq cm incident power would lead to about 100 A/sq cm short-circuit current at approximately 0.4V open-cicuit voltage. One disadvantage is the large current would lead to a large I(sup 2)R loss which would lower the fill factor so that 40 watts/sq cm output would not be obtained. Another is that few circuits are designed to work at 0.4 volts, so DC-DC power conversion circuitry would be necessary to raise the voltage to a reasonable level. The multijunction LPC being developed in this program is a step toward solving these problems. In the above example, an eight-junction LPC would have eight times the voltage, approximately 3V, so that DC-DC power conversion may not be needed in many instances. In addition, the multijunction LPC would have 1/8 the current of a single-junction LPC, for only 1/64 the I(sup 2)R loss if the series resistance is the same. Working monolithic multijunction laser power converters (LPC's) were made in two different compositions of the In(x)Al(y)Ga(1-x-y)As semiconductor alloy, In(0.53)Ga(0.47)As (0.74 eV) and In(0.5)Al(0.1)Ga(0.4)As (0.87 eV). The final 0.8 sq cm LPC's had output voltages of about 3 volts and output currents up to about one-half amp. Maximum 1.3 micron power conversion efficiencies were approximately 22 percent. One key advantage of multijunction LPC's is that they have higher output voltages, so that less DC-DC power conversion circuitry is needed in applications

    Rola liderów w dopasowaniu pracowników do organizacji, pracy i zespołu

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza roli liderów w kształtowaniu różnego typu dopasowań pracowników w miejscu pracy. Realizacji tego celu służyły zarówno studia literatury przedmiotu, jak i wyniki dotychczas przeprowadzonych badań empirycznych, poświęconych tej problematyce. Kluczowymi działaniami lidera, które zwiększają dopasowanie człowiek– praca, są: modyfikowanie środowiska pracy, dostarczanie zasobów, udzielanie podwładnym wsparcia, rozwijanie ich kompetencji oraz kształtowanie postaw. Wzmacnianiu dopasowania do zespołu służy socjalizacja, budowanie pozytywnych relacji grupowych oraz facylitacja interakcji, a także kreowanie pozytywnego klimatu organizacyjnego. W przypadku zwiększania dopasowania pracownika do organizacji istotne jest wzmacnianie identyfikacji z firmą i kształtowanie spójności grupowej

    The creative process in design

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    International audienceSociety's need for innovation is constantly growing, driven by a demand for new products. To help designers meet this need, we have to fully understand the creative process in design. In this chapter, Bonnardel, Wojtczuk, Gilles and Mazon characterize creative design activities and provide descriptive models of creativity and design thinking. They then describe two complementary studies. In the first one, professional designers had to identify key stages and factors for their process of creative design thinking, via interviews and questionnaires. In the second one, design students were exposed to specific teaching methods, which allows an analysis of aspects of the design process related to divergent/convergent thinking. Bonnardel et al. use these results to highlight components of the creative design process that could be enhanced by particular teaching methods and/or computational systems

    Językoznawstwo dzisiaj

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    Linguistics today, the first decade of XXI century, is a creative continuation of the earlier methodological paradigms, ie, historical linguistics, comparative linguistics, structuralistic linguistics, and the emergence of new paradigms in linguistics is open to other disciplines, like sociology, anthropology, psychology, etc. which gives, inter alia, cognitivism, on the one hand, and the other comunicativis

    Wykrzykniki współczesnej polszczyzny w funkcji fatycznej

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    The article presents the description of Polish interjections coming from two sources: from the teenage slang and the religious style. They provide contemprary Polish with interjections in the function of welcoming and/or saying goodbye, and speach limitators, as well as interjections in the function of maintaining communictive interaction (e. g. toasts) or breaking it. Among the class of interjections, there is a set of supporting the phatic function word units whose rank in the contemporary culture seems to be growing. The set is not extensive but often use

    Person‑Organization Fit as a Significant Factor of Creating Company’s Value – Implications for Human Capital Measurement

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    Human capital is generally assumed to be the most significant element of the intellectual capital, which brings special contribution in building company value. Thus, managers are interested in gaining and maintaining the personnel that has a significant competence potential (knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivation). Therefore, when attempting to establish factors that allow to create value in an organization on the basis of human capital, it becomes necessary to account for the examination of organizational context itself. However, such research should not only focus on the organizational context as such, separately, but examine organizational context in its relation to professional functioning of the employees. One of the perspectives of approaching this aspect of organizational context is the measurement of employee‑organization fit