244 research outputs found

    Power in the Global Refugee Regime: Understanding Expressions and Experiences of Power in Global and Local Contexts

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    Since the late 1980s, scholars have highlighted the role of diverse conceptualizations of power in explaining the functioning of the global refugee regime. Part of this literature has examined the functioning of power in global contexts, while another part has explored expressions and experiences of power in local contexts. While these approaches illustrate how power may be expressed and experienced in the diverse contexts of the regime, can we conceptualize power in a way that engages with the functioning of the refugee regime in both global and local contexts? Can a more disaggregated understanding of power, sensitive to form and context of expression, open new areas of enquiry into the functioning of the regime and help explain its ability and inability to fulfill its core mandate of protection and solutions for refugees? In response, this article draws on the literature on power in global governance to propose a heuristic framework for understanding power and influence in the diverse context of the global refugee regime. It argues that various forms of power co-exist within the regime, and that further research could usefully examine the manifestations and implications of these forms of power through the making and implementation of global refugee policy.Depuis la fin des années 80, les universitaires soulignent le rôle des diverses conceptions du pouvoir dans le fonctionnement du régime international des réfugiés. Une partie de la littérature examine le fonctionnement du pouvoir dans des contextes internationaux, une autre les formes et les pratiques de pouvoir dans des contextes locaux. Tandis que ces approches illustrent comment le pouvoir peut s’exprimer et être vécu dans divers contextes du régime des réfugiés, pouvons-nous conceptualiser le pouvoir d’une manière qui fasse un lien avec le fonctionnement du régime des réfugiés dans les contextes locaux et internationaux? Est-ce qu’une approche plus fragmentée du pouvoir, sensible à la forme et au contexte de son expression, ouvrirait de nouveaux champs de recherche sur le fonctionnement du régime des réfugiés et contribuerait à expliquer sa capacité et son incapacité à remplir son mandat fondamental de protection des réfugiés et de mise à disposition de solutions les concernant? Pour répondre à ces questions, cet article puise dans la littérature traitant du pouvoir dans la gouvernance mondiale afin de proposer un cadre heuristique pour comprendre le pouvoir et l’influence dans les divers contextes du régime international des réfugiés. Il défend l’idée que des formes variées de pouvoir coexistent à l’intérieur du régime, et que des travaux de recherche supplémentaires pourraient examiner de manière pertinente les manifestations et les conséquences de ces formes de pouvoir dans la conception et la mise en œuvre de la politique internationale des réfugiés

    Risques d'effondrement de carrières souterraines en milieu urbain. De la prévention à la mise en sécurité. Exemple de l'îlot St-Julien à Laon (02)

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    National audienceSince the autumn 2001 the city of Laon has of a Plan of Prévention of the Predictable Natural Risks concerning potential ground instabilities. The risk of collapse is connected to the présence of abandoned underground cavities located in lutetian limestones constituting the upper hard level of Laon's hillock. In the "St - Julien" district, the historical town centre, the Municipal Service of the Careers noticed disorders with evolutionary character affecting the buildings at ground level and the corresponding underground works . A geotechnical analysis established that the origin of thèse disorders is directly linked with the failure of galleries excavated in the levels of glauconian sands situated at the base of the calcareous benches. In order to garanty the security of people and structures in surface, one has to proceed to the treatment of the subsoil by privileging the backfilling of the cavities at the origin of the disorders. However thèse works take on a particular technical character because of the urban environment, especially the présence in galleries to be treated of a thick layer of anthropological organic matter (these galleries having been used until recently as septic tanks) more or less solidified and probably very compressible. Several solutions were studied to operate a consolidation of galleries by concrète injection in several phases, by considering that the layer of excréments has a capacity of consolidation comparable to a peat. Then, the galleries of the upper levels can, according to their state of dégradation, either be backfilled with expansive resin foam, or Consolidated (masonries, hoopings ...), so as to be reused.La Ville de LAON (Département de l'Aisne) dispose depuis l'automne 2001 d'un Plan de Prévention des Risques naturels prévisibles (PPR) relatif aux mouvements de terrain. Le risque d'effondrement est lié à la présence de cavités souterraines abandonnées situées dans les calcaires lutétiens constituant l'entablement de la butte de LAON. Dans le quartier dit " Saint-Julien " situé en plein centre ville historique, le Service Municipal des Carrières a pu constater des désordres à caractère évolutif affectant les bâtiments de surface et les ouvrages souterrains correspondants. Une analyse géotechnique a établi que l'origine de ces désordres est directement imputable à la ruine de galeries creusées dans les niveaux de sables glauconieux constituant l'assise des bancs calcaires. Il convient donc, pour assurer la sécurité des personnes et des biens en surface, de procéder au traitement du sous-sol en privilégiant le remblayage de ces cavités à l'origine des désordres. Ces travaux présentent cependant un caractère technique particulier lié à l'environnement urbain mais surtout à l'existence dans les galeries à traiter d'une couche épaisse de matière organique anthropique (ces galeries ayant servi jusqu'à récemment de fosses septiques) plus ou moins solidifiée et probablement très compressible. Plusieurs solutions ont été étudiées pour mettre en oeuvre une consolidation des galeries par injection de béton en plusieurs phases, en considérant que la couche d'excréments possède une capacité de consolidation comparable à une tourbe. Dans un deuxième temps, les galeries des niveaux supérieurs pourront, en fonction de leur état de dégradation, soit être remblayées à l'aide de mousse de résine expansive, soit confortées (maçonneries, cerclages...), de façon à être réutilisées

    How do I use the library? The image of the library and information system user in the light of education quality research

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    W badaniach jakości kształcenia na Uniwersytecie Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej przeprowadzono ankietowe rozpoznanie opinii studentów na temat korzystania z Biblioteki Głównej i bibliotek specjalistycznych. Materiał ten pozwolił zarysować wizerunek studentów UMCS jako użytkowników systemu bibliotecznego. Ujawniono problemy, które należy rozwiązać oraz prawidłowości, jakie warunkują funkcjonowanie tego systemu naczyń połączonych.In the education quality research done at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, a survey about using the Central Library and specialistic libraries was conducted among students. The acquired material allowed to define the image of MCSU students as the users of the library system. Problems to be solved and regularities determining functioning of this communicating vessels system were revealed as well.Bogusław Kasperek: [email protected]ława Wojnarowicz: [email protected] Bogusław Kasperek - Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lubliniemgr Stanisława Wojnarowicz - Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w LublinieBarbour R.: Badania fokusowe. Warszawa 2011.Chymkowski R.: Autobiografie lekturowe studentów. Warszawa 2011.Ćwikliński A.: Wokół problemów edukacji akademickiej. W: Edukacja akademicka. Między oczekiwaniami a rzeczywistością. Pod red. A. Ćwiklińskiego. Poznań 2014, s. 141-158.Denek K.: W jakim kierunku przebiegać będzie transformacja uniwersytetu? W: Edukacja akademicka. Między oczekiwaniami a rzeczywistością. Pod red. A. Ćwiklińskiego. Poznań 2014, s. 51-68.Flick U.: Projektowanie badania jakościowego. Warszawa 2010.Maciuszko E.: Koniec ery bibliotek? „Przegląd Biblioteczny” 2012, z. 4, s. 533-535.Melosik Z.: Uniwersytet i społeczeństwo. Dyskursy wolności, wiedzy i władzy. Kraków 2009.Michalak T.: B jak Biblioteka UMCS. „Kurier Lubelski” 2004, nr 288, dod. „Dom”, s. 6.Ogólnouniwersyteckie badanie jakości kształcenia w roku akademickim 2013/2014. Skrócony raport z badania [dokumentacja wewnętrzna UMCS].Wojciechowski J.: Biblioteki w nowym otoczeniu. Warszawa 2014.Zogniskowany wywiad grupowy. Studia nad metodą. Red. J. Lisek-Michalska i P. Daniłowicz. Łódź 2004.211-22

    High-energy-low-temperature technologies for the synthesis of nanoparticles: Microwaves and high pressure

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    Microwave Solvothermal Synthesis (MSS) is a chemical technology, where apart from possible effects of microwaves on the chemical reaction paths, microwave heating allows the precise planning of a time-temperature schedule, as well as to achieve high super-saturation of the reagents uniformly in the reactor vessel. Thus, MSS is suitable for production of nanoparticles with small grain size distribution and a high degree of crystallinity. A further advantage of the technology is a much lower synthesis temperature than for gas phase, plasma or sol-gel technologies. New reactors have been developed to exploit these advantages of the MSS technology of nanoparticles synthesis and to scale up the production rate. Reactor design and realization has been shown to be decisive and critical for the control of the MSS technology. Examples of oxidic and phosphatic nanoparticles synthesis have been reported

    Ultrasonic Coating of Poly(D,L-lactic acid)/Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Electrospun Fibers with ZnO Nanoparticles to Increase Angiogenesis in the CAM Assay

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    Critical-size bone defects necessitate bone void fillers that should be integrated well and be easily vascularized. One viable option is to use a biocompatible synthetic polymer and sonocoat it with zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (NPs). However, the ideal NP concentration and size must be assessed because a high dose of ZnO NPs may be toxic. Electrospun PDLLA/PLGA scaffolds were produced with different concentrations (0.5 or 1.0 s of sonocoating) and sizes of ZnO NPs (25 nm and 70 nm). They were characterized by SEM, EDX, ICP-OES, and the water contact angle. Vascularization and integration into the surrounding tissue were assessed with the CAM assay in the living chicken embryo. SEM, EDX, and ICP-OES confirmed the presence of ZnO NPs on polymer fibers. Sonocoated ZnO NPs lowered the WCA compared with the control. Smaller NPs were more pro-angiogenic exhibiting a higher vessel density than the larger NPs. At a lower concentration, less but larger vessels were visible in an environment with a lower cell density. Hence, the favored combination of smaller ZnO NPs at a lower concentration sonocoated on PDLLA/PLGA electrospun meshes leads to an advanced state of tissue integration and vascularization, providing a valuable synthetic bone graft to be used in clinics in the future

    Pierwotny chłoniak wątroby powikłany perforacją przewodu pokarmowego u chorej z aktywną infekcją SARS-CoV-2

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    Pierwotny chłoniak wątroby jest rzadką chorobą nowotworową ustępującą znacznie częstotliwością występowania wtórnym zmianom w przebiegu chorób limfoproliferacyjnych. Rozpoznanie jest zazwyczaj stawiane późno z powodu braku charakterystycznych objawów. W niektórych przypadkach objawy chorób współistniejących mogą pomóc w ustaleniu rozpoznania. W artykule przedstawiono przypadek 70-letniej chorej ze świeżo rozpoznanym chłoniakiem wątroby zakwalifikowanej do pilnej operacji ze względu na perforację wrzodu żołądka w przebiegu aktywnego zakażenia wirusem SARS-CoV-2.Primary hepatic lymphoma is a rare occurrence as the liver is typically the location of lymphoproliferative diseases in their advanced stages. Usually the diagnosis is made late due to the lack of characteristic symptoms, but in some cases co-existing diseases may guide us to the diagnosis. We report the case of a 70- year-old patient in whom primary hepatic lymphoma was recently diagnosed and surgery for gastric ulcer perforation had to be performed in the presence of a concurrent active SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Power in the global refugee regime: Understanding expressions and experiences of power in global and local contexts

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    Since the late 1980s, scholars have highlighted the role of diverse conceptualizations of power in explaining the functioning of the global refugee regime. Part of this literature has examined the functioning of power in global contexts, while another part has explored expressions and experiences of power in local contexts. While these approaches illustrate how power may be expressed and experienced in the diverse contexts of the regime, can we conceptualize power in a way that engages with the functioning of the refugee regime in both global and local contexts? Can a more disaggregated understanding of power, sensitive to form and context of expression, open new areas of enquiry into the functioning of the regime and help explain its ability and inability to fulfill its core mandate of protection and solutions for refugees? In response, this article draws on the literature on power in global governance to propose a heuristic framework for understanding power and influence in the diverse context of the global refugee regime. It argues that various forms of power co-exist within the regime, and that further research could usefully examine the manifestations and implications of these forms of power through the making and implementation of global refugee policy

    Dispersing hydrophilic nanoparticles in hydrophobic polymers: HDPE/ZnO nanocomposites by a novel template-based approach

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    The efficiency of a novel template-based approach for the dispersion of hydrophilic nanoparticles within hydrophobic polymer matrices is investigated. The procedure envisages the permeation of a well dispersed nanoparticle suspension inside a micro-porous matrix, obtained through selective extraction of a sacrificial phase from a finely interpenetrated co-continuous polymer blend. Specifically, a blend of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyethylene oxide (PEO) at 50/50 wt% is prepared by melt mixing. The addition of small amounts of organo-clay promotes the necessary refinement of the blend morphology. Once removed the PEO, the micro-porous HDPE matrix is dipped in a colloidal suspension of zinc oxide nanoparticles which exhibits low interfacial tension with HDPE. A system prepared by traditional melt mixing is used as reference. Melt- and solid-state viscoelastic measurements reveal a good quality of the filler dispersion despite the uneven distribution on micro-scale. The latter can be capitalized to minimize the filler content to attain a certain improvement of the material properties or to design nano-structured polymer composites. © BME-PT