21 research outputs found


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    With the wind and against the wind with Wojciech Kosiński

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    "Moje kontakty z profesorem Wojciechem Kosińskim w bardzo małym stopniu miały związek z tym, że obaj pracowaliśmy na Politechnice Krakowskiej. Połączyło nas głównie zamiłowanie do sportu, a konkretnie – do żeglarstwa. Na jachcie, szczególnie podczas regat, nie ma czasu na formułki w stylu: „Czy pan profesor byłby uprzejmy wziąć i mocno pociągnąć szoty foka?”. Niezależnie od różnicy wieku czy liter przed nazwiskiem usłyszymy raczej krótkie: „Wybieraj foka!”. Mogą też pojawić się dodatkowe określenia mające na celu wzmocnienie uwagi i przyspieszenie reakcji, ale nie będę ich w tym miejscu przytaczał. Tak czy inaczej, nasze kontakty nie miały charakteru służbowego. Ponieważ szybko się zaprzyjaźniliśmy, będę o profesorze Kosińskim mówił po prostu: Wojtek. Jeżeli używałbym innej formy, to byłoby to po prostu sztuczne i nieprawdziwe."(...

    The influence of the electrodeposition parameters on the changes of nanostructure Al2O3/WS2 layers for tribological application

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    The effect of electrodeposition parameters on the changes in the nanostructure of Al2O3/WS2 layers was studied using the computer image analysis. The graphic model consisting of three steps in creation the Al2O3/WS2 layers was proposed. The radius of nanofibers and size distribution class range of nanopores were determined. It was demonstrated that the temperature of the process does not affect the size of nanofibers. In contrast, the current density affect both size of nanofibers and friction of larger nanopores


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    The well-documented relation between bone mineral density (BMD) and bone compression strength constitutes the basis for osteoporosis diagnostics and the assessment of fracture risk. Simultaneously, this relation demonstrates a considerable scatter of results as bones of identical mineral density may have significantly different properties. The experimentally confirmed theorem that two materials or tissues of identical microstructure have identical properties leads to the evaluation of various quantitative stereological parameters (also referred to in biomedicine as histomorphology). These parameters, obtained from analysis of 2D or 3D images, have been used in numerous attempts to explain changes in bone strength. Although numerous correlation dependencies, often with high correlation coefficients, were evaluated, we do not know which parameters are worth evaluating, and there is no physical interpretation of these relations. An extended statistical analysis was accomplished on the basis of analysis of 3D images from 23 lumbar (L3) vertebrae scanned with micro-CT and the results of subsequent compression tests. A new parameter called SDF (structure destruction factor) was proposed in order to characterise the quality of 3D trabecular structures, and its significance was demonstrated. The final correlation function, which uses only three stereological parameters, made it possible to predict compression strength with considerable precision. The estimated values correlated very well with the apparent values (correlation coefficient r=0.96). Finally, the stereological parameters most suitable for characterisation of bone compression strength were chosen and a mechanism responsible for the changes in mechanical properties was proposed. The results obtained defined the necessary improvements in diagnostic techniques that would allow for more efficient quantitative microstructure evaluation and guidelines on how to improve treatment of patients with weakened bones

    Leveraging 3D Printing Capability for Geopolymer Composites Based on Fly Ash with Cotton Fibers Addition

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    The study explores the use of fly ash as a base material for extrusion-based 3D printing and the impact of incorporating 1% cotton fibers on print properties. Characterization of the base material involves X-ray techniques, particle size distribution analysis, and microscopy. Mechanical properties are tested via bending and compressive strength. Meanwhile, thermal conductivity is also tested. Cotton fibers reduce print strength for loads applied perpendicularly and parallel to the printed sample layers by about 20-23% for compressive strength and 14-24% for flexural strength, possibly due to fiber agglomeration. Thermal conductivity decreases by approximately 12.17% compared to the base material. The results indicate the importance of the current study, i.e., assessing the different types of additives to enhance the mechanical and thermal properties of printed materials. Such ongoing research will facilitate the utilization of 3D printing in creating geopolymer composites

    Architektura Miasto Piękno tom 2

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    "Wydział Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej zawsze był miejscem pełnym osobowości, indywidualności, talentów. Gdy profesorowie i mistrzowie odchodzili z Wydziału, mieliśmy świadomość, że tu nigdy już nie będzie tak samo. Wydział jednak trwał i trwa jak piękno miasta, które jest przecież dziełem zbiorowym, o nakładających się warstwach, wzmacniających i tworzących jego tożsamość. Tak też kolejne pokolenia kontynuują i budują historię Wydziału. Wydział pełen jest wspomnień i anegdot. W fotografiach, księgach, obrazach, meblach kryją się opowieści."(...


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    Relation between image analysis and stereology is discussed in terms of different fields of applications, especially materials science, biology and medicine. Some long-term tendencies observed as well as possible future trends are discussed. The need of a wider use of image analysis techniques including ma1hematical morphology in any field of science is demons1rated. Simultaneously, the significance of stereological background in automatic quantification of1he investigated structures is confirmed


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    25 years history of the Polish Society for Stereology is summarized by a person playing active role in the Society from the very beginning till now. Formation and growth of the society is described with emphasize to some milestones in the Society history. This paper is the first attempt to summarize the activity of this scientific organization

    Machine learning versus human-developed algorithms in image analysis of microstructures

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    Automatic image analysis is nowadays a standard method in quality control of metallic materials, especially in grain size, graphite shape and non-metallic content evaluation. Automatically prepared solutions, based on machine learning, constitute an effective and sufficiently precise tool for classification. Human-developed algorithms, on the other hand, require much more experience in preparation, but allow better control of factors affecting the final result. Both attempts were described and compared


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    Computer aided image analysis was applied to elaborate an automatic method of histomorphometric analysis of trabecular bone samples. Transverse sections of decalcified vertebral bodies were examined using optical microscopy and digital image acquisition system. Further analysis was done by means of a general purpose image analysis package. The same algorithm was applied to all the images tested, thus enabling obtainment of objective and repeatable results. High efficiency in measurements and evaluation of parameters not accessible for manual methods makes this method an interesting alternative for classical histomorphometric analysis. The results obtained demonstrated that assessment of bone mineral density is not sufficient for evaluation of compression strength of vertebral bodies. In contrast, mechanical properties correlate well with histomorphometric parameters. As a consequence it was postulated that compression strength of vertebral bodies is controlled by trabecular structure rather than bone mineral density