26 research outputs found

    The e-property of asymptotically stable Markov semigroups

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    The relations between asymptotic stability and the e-property of Markov semigroups acting on measures defined on general (Polish) metric spaces are studied. While usually much attention is paid to asymptotic stability (and the e-property has been for years verified only to establish it), it should be noted that the e-property itself is also important as it, e.g., ensures that numerical errors in simulations are negligible. Here, it is shown that any asymptotically stable Markov-Feller semigroup with an invariant measure such that the interior of its support is non-empty satisfies the eventual e-property. Moreover, we prove that any Markov-Feller semigroup, which is strongly stochastically continuous, and which possesses the eventual e-property, also has the e-property. We also present an example highlighting that strong stochastic continuity cannot be replaced by its weak counterpart, unless a state space of a process corresponding to a Markov semigroup is a compact metric space.Comment: 19 page

    Law of the Iterated Logarithm for some Markov operators

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    The Law of the Iterated Logarithm for some Markov operators, which converge exponentially to the invariant measure, is established. The operators correspond to iterated function systems which, for example, may be used to generalize the cell cycle model examined by A. Lasota and M.C. Mackey, J. Math. Biol. (1999).Comment: 23 page

    The e-property of asymptotically stable Markov-Feller operators

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    In this work, we prove that any asymptotically stable Markov-Feller operator possesses the e-property everywhere outside at most a meagre set. We also provide an example showing that this result is tight. Moreover, an equivalent criterion for the e-property is proposed.Comment: 17 page

    On absolute continuity of invariant measures associated with a piecewise-deterministic Markov processes with random switching between flows

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    We are concerned with the absolute continuity of stationary distributions corresponding to some piecewise deterministic Markov process, being typically encountered in biological models. The process under investigation involves a deterministic motion punctuated by random jumps, occurring at the jump times of a Poisson process. The post-jump locations are obtained via random transformations of the pre-jump states. Between the jumps, the motion is governed by continuous semiflows , which are switched directly after the jumps. The main goal of this paper is to provide a set of verifiable conditions implying that any invariant distribution of the process under consideration that corresponds to an ergodic invariant measure of the Markov chain given by its post-jump locations has a density with respect to the Lebesgue measure

    The central limit theorem for Markov processes that are exponentially ergodic in the bounded-Lipschitz norm

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    In this paper, we establish a version of the central limit theorem for Markov-Feller continuous time processes (with a Polish state space) that are exponentially ergodic in the bounded-Lipschitz distance and enjoy a continuous form of the Foster-Lyapunov condition. As an example, we verify the assumptions of our main result for a specific piecewise-deterministic Markov process, whose deterministic component evolves according to continuous semiflows, switched randomly at the jump times of a Poisson process.Comment: 41 page

    Resource engines

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    In this paper we aim to push the analogy between thermodynamics and quantum resource theories one step further. Previous inspirations were based on thermodynamic considerations concerning scenarios with a single heat bath, neglecting an important part of thermodynamics that studies heat engines operating between two baths at different temperatures. Here, we investigate the performance of resource engines, which replace the access to two heat baths at different temperatures with two arbitrary constraints on state transformations. The idea is to imitate the action of a two--stroke heat engine, where the system is sent to two agents (Alice and Bob) in turns, and they can transform it using their constrained sets of free operations. We raise and address several questions, including whether or not a resource engine can generate a full set of quantum operations or all possible state transformations, and how many strokes are needed for that. We also explain how the resource engine picture provides a natural way to fuse two or more resource theories, and we discuss in detail the fusion of two resource theories of thermodynamics with two different temperatures, and two resource theories of coherence with respect to two different bases.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, comments welcom