94 research outputs found

    Flora differentiation among local ecotopes in the transzonal study of forest-steppe and steppe mounds

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    Flora similarity was assessed using complete floristic lists of five ecotopes in each of four mounds along the transect from meadow steppes to desert steppes. It was found that the circumapical similitude of floras is more significant than the expositional similitude. Soil analysis in separate ecotopes showed that regular changes in the biogeochemical features are manifested along the topographic gradient and under the effect of the insolation exposure of slopes in local (mound) ecosystem

    Regularities and Features of Differentiation and Anthropogenic Transformation of Steppe Vegetation

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    The questions of phytobiota evolution and formation of steppes in the vast region of the south of East European plain are reviewed. The main stages, aspects and ways of flora formation under increased anthropogenic impacts on steppe ecosystems are identified. Isolation and differentiation of different flora types at the present stage of development are show

    Flora of the city of Podgorica, Montenegro: Taxonomic analysis

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    In this paper we present the taxonomic segment of a floristic study undertaken in the city of Podgorica in the period of 2002-2007. The check-list of spontaneously growing vascular plants includes 1227 species and subspecies belonging to 545 genera and 118 families. The dominant families are Poaceae (11.7%), asteraceae (11.2%) and Fabaceae (9.2%). The most abundant genera are Trifolium (2.1%), Euphorbia (1.5%), Carex (1.5%), Bromus (1.3%) and Vicia (1.2%). Analysis of the flora of Podgorica in comparison with some other european cities showed that the flora of Podgorica is most similar to that of Rome (Q/S= 0,7)

    Morphological, Histological, and Protein Profiling of Tea Embryo Axis at Early Stage of Culture

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    Tissue culture is an alternative choice of plant propagation either through somatic embryogenesis or in vitro organogenesis techniques. TRI2025 tea clone has been cultured successfully, however, the scientific information related to morphology, histology, and protein profile at an early event of culturing time has not been reported yet. This study aimed to determine the differences between those pathways, in the context of morphology, histology, and protein profile. The explants were the embryo axis of TRI2025 tea clone cultured on two different induction mediums; somatic embryogenesis and in vitro organogenesis induction medium. The results showed that most of the explants cultured on A medium developed to be a globular-like structure at 11-day after culture (DAC), while all explants cultured on B medium showed the initiation stage of in vitro organogenesis. Histological analysis showed meristem reconstruction at shoot apical meristem (SAM) and root apical meristem (RAM) at 11-DAC at explants cultured on B medium, while explants cultured on A medium showed callusing at 21-DAC. Protein profile analysis using SDS-PAGE showed protein bands of 54 and 81 KDa that only appeared at explants cultured on A medium start from 14-DAC, and those two protein bands thought to be a differentiator at the early stages of the two tissue culture techniques. Thus, these parameters can be used as early detection for plant tissue culture, especially in tea.

    Regulation of regeneration in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    We employed several algorithms with high efficacy to analyze the public transcriptomic data, aiming to identify key transcription factors (TFs) that regulate regeneration in Arabidopsis thaliana. Initially, we utilized CollaborativeNet, also known as TF-Cluster, to construct a collaborative network of all TFs, which was subsequently decomposed into many subnetworks using the Triple-Link and Compound Spring Embedder (CoSE) algorithms. Functional analysis of these subnetworks led to the identification of nine subnetworks closely associated with regeneration. We further applied principal component analysis and gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis to reduce the subnetworks from nine to three, namely subnetworks 1, 12, and 17. Searching for TF-binding sites in the promoters of the co-expressed and co-regulated (CCGs) genes of all TFs in these three subnetworks and Triple-Gene Mutual Interaction analysis of TFs in these three subnetworks with the CCGs involved in regeneration enabled us to rank the TFs in each subnetwork. Finally, six potential candidate TFs—WOX9A, LEC2, PGA37, WIP5, PEI1, and AIL1 from subnetwork 1—were identified, and their roles in somatic embryogenesis (GO:0010262) and regeneration (GO:0031099) were discussed, so were the TFs in Subnetwork 12 and 17 associated with regeneration. The TFs identified were also assessed using the CIS-BP database and Expression Atlas. Our analyses suggest some novel TFs that may have regulatory roles in regeneration and embryogenesis and provide valuable data and insights into the regulatory mechanisms related to regeneration. The tools and the procedures used here are instrumental for analyzing high-throughput transcriptomic data and advancing our understanding of the regulation of various biological processes of interest

    Climatic factor in long-term development of forest ecosystems

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    The purpose of work was to develop regional tree-ring chronologies for modern and ancient periods, to establish the connection of radial growth (including indices related to early and late wood) with climatic indicators and reconstruction of ancient climate based on dendrochronological data using new methods of time series processing. Using a complex of statistical methods climatic parameters reconstructions and chrono-organizations of half-century changes in forest site in ancient times were performe

    Udział gatunków ciepłolubnych w zbiorowiskach roślinnych grodzisk i zamczysk Karpat Zachodnich

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    Celem prezentowanych badań było określenie udziału gatunków ciepłolubnych oraz analiza ich ekologicznego zróżnicowania w rozmaitych typach fitocenoz, jakie wykształciły się w miejscach, gdzie w przeszłości istniały warownie. Opracowanie jest częścią szeroko zakrojonych badań szaty roślinnej grodzisk i zamczysk w Karpatach Zachodnich. Prace terenowe prowadzono na 37 pradziejowych i średniowiecznych obiektach archeologicznych w latach 2006–2010. Badaniami objęto 25 grodzisk i 12 zamczysk zlokalizowanych w dolinach trzech dużych rzek: Dunajca, Raby i Wisłoki. Rozmieszczenie stanowisk badawczych przedstawiono na rycinie 1. Grodziska i zamczyska w Karpatach zajmują partie szczytowe wzniesień. Cechuje je mozaikowość siedlisk miejsc otwartych i zalesionych. Za stanowisko badawcze przyjęto grodzisko lub zamczysko oraz bezpośrednie otoczenie obiektu (stoki wzgórz). Powierzchnia stanowisk była zróżnicowana i wahała się od 1,1 ha do 55 ha. Materiał badawczy stanowią spisy flory oraz zdjęcia fitosocjologiczne wykonane metodą Braun-Blanqueta w kwadratach 5 m x 5 m, we wszystkich wyróżniających się fizjonomicznie, jednorodnych płatach. Dla potrzeb niniejszego opracowania przeanalizowano 196 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych jedynie z miejsc otwartych 22 obiektów badawczych. Na ich podstawie wyróżniono 82 gatunki roślin ciepłolubnych i kserotermicznych (tab. 2). W przeważającej większości były to taksony z klas: Festuco-Brometea (46%), Trifolio-Geranietea (17%) oraz Rhamno-Prunetea (10%) (ryc. 2). Rozpatrzono także spektrum form życiowych, grup geograficzno-historycznych i częstości występowania gatunków termofilnych na stanowiskach (ryc. 3–5). Najbardziej rozpowszechnione były: Agrimonia eupatoria, Hypericum perforatum, Origanum vulgare i Pimpinella saxifraga. Wśród taksonów ciepłolubnych obiektów archeologicznych Karpat Zachodnich dominują gatunki rodzime (94%) i hemikryptofity (64%). Stwierdzono również obecność 3 reliktów dawnych upraw: Allium scorodoprasum, Lavatera thuringiaca i Origanum vulgare. Grodziska i zamczyska są ostoją wielu interesujących roślin naczyniowych, w tym także ciepłolubnych i kserotermicznych gatunków. Od lat postuluje się, by dawne warownie karpackie objąć właściwą formą ochrony ze względu na ich wysoką wartość kulturową, przyrodniczą i krajobrazową (1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16).The work presents a part of a broader research program of the actual vegetation of 37 archaeological sites (25 earthworks and 12 castle ruins). Distribution of the studied areas in the Raba, Dunajec and Wisłoka river valleys (Western Carpathians) is shown in Figure 1. The aim of this paper is to prepare a list and ecological analysis of thermophilous and xerothermic plant species occurring in the Carpathian fortress objects [OK}. Participation of these species was studied in 2006–2010. The presented results are derived from studies based only on the non-forest, open areas which were found at 22 archaeological sites. This paper includes a list of 82 thermophilous and xerothermic species found within the investigated earthworks, castle ruins and their immediate neighbourhood. The species were distinguished on the basis of the analysis of 196 phytosociological relevés. Their characteristics (frequency classification, Raunkiaer’s life forms, syntaxonomical and geographical-historical groups) are presented in Table 2. The vast majority were taxa of classes: Festuco-Brometea (46%), Trifolio-Geranietea (17%) and Rhamno-Prunetea (10%) (Fig. 2). The most widespread thermophilous plant species on historical sites were: Agrimonia eupatoria, Hypericum perforatum, Origanum vulgare and Pimpinella saxifraga. Among thermophilous taxa of the studied areas native species (94%) (Fig. 4) dominate. Hemicryptophytes predominate in the spectrum of Raunkiaer’s life forms with 64% share (Fig. 5). Particularly noteworthy is the presence of Allium scorodoprasum, Lavatera thuringiaca and Origanum vulgare, since these species are regarded as relics of former cultivation

    Зонування міста Луцька для порівняльних урбанофлористичних досліджень

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    Based on a critical analysis of different approaches to the study of flora urban territorieshas has been held zoning Lutsk to the further urban florystic comparative studies. 14 urban areas of Lutsk were pointed out, wich differ in nature and degree of urbanization and intensive anthropogenic pressure on the environment. The characteristic of the selected urban zones has been given and conducted a brief analysis.На основі критичного аналізу різних підходів до вивчення флори міських територій проведено зонування території м. Луцька для подальших порівняльних урбанофлористичних досліджень. Виділено 14 міських зон Луцька, які відрізняються за ступенем і характером урбанізації та інтенсивністю антропогенного пресу на природне середовище. Схарактеризовано виділені урбанозони й проведено їх короткий аналіз

    Спонтанна флора національного ботанічного саду імені М.М. Гришка НАН України (м. Київ). Повідомлення 3. Адвентивні види: ергазіофіти

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    Objective – to study the species composition and structure of spontaneous flora in M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv). Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2010–2018 on the territory of the Botanical Garden. We conducted an inventory of escaped plants according to generally accepted methods using our own developed selection criteria. Results. The list of escaped plants of the spontaneous flora of the National Botanical Garden includes 143 taxa, which is 22.0 % of the total flora. More than 10 escaped plants are discovered outside the Botanical Garden in the adjoining areas of the city zone. An example of a successful expansion beyond the Botanical Garden is Corydalis caucasica. Among escaped plants there are both invasive plants (these species constitute the majority) and rare plants. Conclusions. The total number of escaped plants in the National Botanical Garden constitutes a large percentage of the entire group of escaped plants in the urban flora of Kyiv, but was lower than expected. Probably this is due to rigid methodological criteria and peculiarities of introduction and cultivation of plants in the Botanical Garden. It has been established that only about 3.1 % of cultivated plants in Botanical Garden went beyond the boundaries of culture. In general, a group of escaped plants combines invasive plants that are threatening indigenous ecosystems, but also species that need protection.Мета – вивчити таксономічний склад і структуру спонтанної флори на території Національного ботанічного саду імені М.М. Гришка НАН України (м. Київ). Матеріал та методи. Дослідження проведено у 2010–2018 рр. на території Ботанічного саду. Інвентаризацію ергазіофітів здійснили за загальноприйнятими методами із використанням розроблених нами критеріїв відбору. Результати. Конспект ергазіофітів (адвентивна фракція) спонтанної флори Національного ботанічного саду містить 143 таксони, що становить 22,0 % від усієї спонтанної флори. Понад 10 здичавілих інтродуцентів відзначено за межами Ботанічного саду на прилеглих територіях міської зони. Прикладом успішної експансії за межі Ботанічного саду є Corydalis caucasica. Серед ергазіофітів наявні як інвазійно-активні види (котрі становлять більшість цієї групи), так і рідкісні. Висновки. Ергазіофіти у спонтанній флорі Національного ботанічного саду імені М.М. Гришка НАН України становлять порівняно велику частку від таких в урбанофлорі м. Києва, але їх загальна кількість виявилася нижчою від очікуваної та порівняно з деякими подібними флорами. Ймовірно, це пов’язано із жорсткими методологічними критеріями та особливостями інтродукційної роботи в Ботанічному саду. Встановлено, що близько 3,1 % інтродуцентів Ботанічного саду вийшли за межі культури. Загалом група ергазіофітів об’єднує не лише інвазійні рослини, які становлять загрозу для аборигенних екосистем, а і види, які потребують охорони

    Vaskularna flora dijela planiranog regionalnog parka Hrvatsko zagorje

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    The wild vascular flora of the area in the northwestern part of Croatia - Hrvatsko Zagorje (near the settlements of Cerje Jesenjsko, Šaša, Pašnik, Vrbno and Ježovec, along with the related hamlets) was explored during the vegetation season of 2011. So far, no floristic data have been recorded for this area, planned to be a part of the future Hrvatsko zagorje Regional Park (Croatian Zagorje Regional Park). On the area of about four km2, 389 vascular plant species (which belong to 77 families) were noticed. The most abundant families are Fabaceae (9.3%), Poaceae (7.7%), Asteraceae (7.5%), Lamiaceae (6.2%) and Rosaceae (5.1%). The spectrum of life forms indicates the dominance of hemicryptophytes (50.4%), and the most prominent chorological type is Eurasian (55.0%). The share of urbanophobic and invasive taxa as well as the values of indicators of anthropogenic changes in the researched flora indicate that the investigated area shows semi-natural character, with weak to moderate anthropogenic pressure. Although the share of endemic, endangered and protected taxa is low, the diversity of other native plants justifies protection of the researched area at the level of a regional park.Samonikla vaskularna flora područja (okolica naselja Cerje Jesenjsko, Šaša, Pašnik, Vrbno i Ježovec s pripadajućim zaselcima) u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Hrvatske istražena je tijekom vegetacijske sezone 2011. godine. Za ovo područje, koje se nalazi unutar planiranog Regionalnog parka Hrvatsko zagorje, nisu do sada bili zabilježeni nikakvi floristički podaci. Na području veličine oko 4 km2 zabilježeno je ukupno 389 svojti vaskularne flore, svrstanih u 77 porodica. Najzastupljenije porodice su Fabaceae (9,3%), Poaceae (7,7%), Asteraceae (7,5%), Lamiaceae (6,2%) te Rosaceae (5,1%). Spektar životnih oblika ukazuje na dominantnost hemikriptofita (50,4%), a najzastupljeniji geoelement je euroazijski (55,0%). Udio urbanofobnih i invazivnih svojti, kao i vrijednosti indikatora antropogenih promjena flore ukazuju da istraživano područje pokazuje poluprirodni karakter sa slabim do umjerenim antropogenim pritiskom. Iako je udio endemičnih, ugroženih i zaštićenih svojti nizak, raznolikost ostalih autohtonih biljaka opravdava zaštitu istraživanog područja na nivou regionalnog parka