55 research outputs found

    “Throw[ing] the Longest Shadows”: The Significance of the Bogus Quotation for Arcadia by Jim Crace

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    Preceding his Arcadia with a non-existing quotation, Jim Crace proves to be no Arcadian innocent: challenging the shrewdness of his readers, the contemporary novelist seems to take pleasure in inviting them to an intellectual game which begins before the novel unfolds. The highly evocative title and the bogus quotation are bound to evoke associations which become the subject of minute examination in the novel. Its result turns out to be as astounding as the uncommon aphoristic trap laid for the readers. This article examines the significance of the bogus quotation as a part of the novel’s message and a key to its interpretation

    Locus amoenus or locus horridus: The Forest of Arden as a setting in "As You Like It"

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    As you like it stands out from the rest of Shakespeare’s plays as a comedy of conspicuously unusual dramaturgy. Critics have vindicated its idiosyncratic form claiming that As you like it’s uneventful plot is due to the pastoral character of the play. Along with such typically pastoral elements as song contests or lover’s woes they have listed its setting as an example of an idyllic locus amoenus. This article examines the actual character of the Forest of Arden and turns readers’ attention towards the equivocal image of the place

    Pastoralism and the War in The Rainbow and Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence

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    The Great War is a watershed moment in the history of British literature and culture; the pre-WWI period denotes the time of late-Victorian and Edwardian stability whereas the second decade of the twentieth century means instability and uncertainty reaching far beyond the limits of the world of art. The tumult becomes discernible in numerous areas, and in the first place, in a sudden re-awakening of interest in (pseudo)pastoral literature. The article examines two novels by D.H. Lawrence, The Rainbow (1915) and Women in Love (1920), in terms of their endorsement of the pastoral mode. The major question is to what extent the war-time reality influenced the imagery and the application of the well-known pastoral topoi in the literary works under examination.Dla literatury i kultury brytyjskiej Wielka Wojna stanowi cezurę, wyraźnie oddzilając czasy pokoju i stabilizacji wiktoriańskiej i edwardiańskiej od niepewności wpisanej w wojenną i powojenną rzeczywistość. Stanowczy zwrot w obrazowaniu uwidocznia się na wielu płaszczyznach, również w nagłym zwrocie ku twórczości o charakterze (pseudo)pastoralnym. Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza dwóch powieści D.H. Lawrence’a, Tęcza (1915) oraz Zakochane kobiety (1920), dokonywana w świetle konwencji sielankowej. Celem podjętych rozważań jest próba udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy i w jakim stopniu wojenna rzeczywistość oraz osobiste doświadczenia autora mają wpływ na kształt pastoralizmu w obu powieściach

    On Logistics Service Quality Evaluation – Case Study

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    This research intends to identify and analyze quality performance measurements used in logistics service companies. As a result, author presents the main definitions of quality and logistics service quality. Later, author investigates the main evaluation models and measures of logistics service quality which are known in the literature. In the next step, there are presented obtained quality analysis results in comparison with the knowledge about the case company present condition. The chosen case company is one of the biggest transport and logistics service providers operating in Poland

    Logistics Systems Maintenance Modelling Problems - the Use of TDA Approach

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    The article presents an overview of some recent developments in the area of mathematical modelling of maintenance decisions with the use of time-delay and time-delay analysis. Thus, the literature overview in the investigated area is provided. The problem of time relations occurred in supply chain performance process is investigated. Later, there are presented obtained reliability analysis results in comparison with the knowledge about the case company present condition. The article investigates the possibilities of basic time delay model implementation in the area of logistic system of sixteen forklifts performance analysis

    Time Dependencies in Supply Chain Perfomance Process

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    The paper focuses on basic time relations within the range of a supply chain. Relations occuring between effective, constant realization of operation task and logistics are determined. Fundamental time delays affecting added value of logistics chain are discussed. On the example of a particular production system evaluation capabilities of particular time parameters are pointed out

    Influence of the Demand Planning Process on Logistic System Reliability. Case Study

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    Authors define the main elements affecting the right logistic system performance level and investigate the possible connections between demand process planning quality and logistic system reliability. Thus, known in the literature definitions of logistic system reliability are characterized. Later, an overview of some recent developments in the analyzed research area is provided. In the next point, authors present the main elements affecting the reliable and available logistic system performance. Finally, the paper is ended by the presentation of the obtained analysis results in comparison with the knowledge about the case companies' present condition

    Medullary thyroid carcinoma: from molecular studies to clinical decision

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    Praca omawia zasady postępowania w dziedzicznym raku rdzeniastym tarczycy, w którym rozpoznanie stawiane jest na podstawie badań DNA. Rozpoznanie nosicielstwa mutacji RET implikuje dalsze etapy postępowania, z których część – badania USG, BAC, oznaczanie kalcytoniny - są wspólne, część natomiast jest związana ze stwierdzonym typem mutacji. Jeżeli nosiciel mutacji nie wykazuje objawów raka, wskazana jest profilaktyczna operacja tarczycy. Dziedziczny rak tarczycy ujawnia się szybko i wykazuje szybką progresję w zespole MEN 2B, w zespole MEN 2A/ FMTC jego obraz kliniczny jest zróżnicowany – część chorych charakteryzuje się stosukowo łagodnym przebiegiem choroby, u części dochodzi jednak do progresji, a nawet zgonu pomimo prawidłowego leczenia. Niestety, nie ma jak dotąd żadnych pewnych markerów molekularnych choroby. Badania profilu ekspresji genów w raku dziedzicznym i sporadycznym wskazują na dość podobny obraz guza w przebiegu MEN2A i guza sporadycznego, ta grupa łącznie odróżnia się natomiast od MEN2B. W podsumowaniu warto uwypuklić, że jakkolwiek RRT jest rzadkim nowotworem, to dopracowano się w nim algorytmu dobrze skonstruowanego, który maksymalizuje szansę trwałego wyleczenia. Należy jednak podkreślić, że wynik badania DNA informuje nas nie tylko o konieczności włączenia tego algorytmu, ale w zależności od typu mutacji kierunkuje nas na nieco odrębne tory postępowania.The paper is focused on guidelines of practice in inherited medullary thyroid cancer, diagnosed on the basis of DNA analysis. Identification of RET mutation implies further steps of diagnostic procedure, some of them – USG, FNAB and calcitonin level tests – are common fro all types of mutation, other are related to ascertained type of mutation. In asymptomatic RET mutation carriers, prophylactic thyroidectomy is indicated. In MEN2B inherited cancer reveals its symptoms quickly and shows dynamic progress. In MEN2A/FMTC the clinical picture is diversified – in some patients the course of disease is mild, however in some other cases the progression of disease and even death occur regardless of the proper treatment. Unfortunately, there are no molecular prognostic markers in medullary thyroid carcinoma. Recent papers and also our own unpublished results show that gene expression profile, is similar in MEN2A and sporadic cancer. This group differs from MEN2B by its expression profile. In conclusion it is to be emphasized that although inherited medullary thyroid carcinoma is a rare disease, the diagnostic algorithm is well established and maximizes the chance for early diagnosis. Moreover, it needs to be stressed that DNA analysis results inform us not only about the necessity of further therapy, but also suggest different ways of proceeding in particular type of mutation

    Store-operated calcium entry contributes to abnormal Ca<sup>2+</sup> signalling in dystrophic mdx mouse myoblasts

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    Sarcolemma damage and activation of various calcium channels are implicated in altered Ca2+ homeostasis in muscle fibres of both Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) sufferers and in the mdx mouse model of DMD. Previously we have demonstrated that also in mdx myoblasts extracellular nucleotides trigger elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations due to alterations of both ionotropic and metabotropic purinergic receptors. Here we extend these findings to show that the mdx mutation is associated with enhanced store-operated calcium entry (SOCE). Substantially increased rate of SOCE in mdx myoblasts in comparison to that in control cells correlated with significantly elevated STIM1 protein levels. These results reveal that mutation in the dystrophin-encoding Dmd gene may significantly impact cellular calcium response to metabotropic stimulation involving depletion of the intracellular calcium stores followed by activation of the store-operated calcium entry, as early as in undifferentiated myoblasts. These data are in agreement with the increasing number of reports showing that the dystrophic pathology resulting from dystrophin mutations may be developmentally regulated. Moreover, our results showing that aberrant responses to extracellular stimuli may contribute to DMD pathogenesis suggest that treatments inhibiting such responses might alter progression of this lethal disease