166 research outputs found


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    Off-axis electron holography of bacterial cells and magnetic nanoparticles in liquid

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    The mapping of electrostatic potentials and magnetic fields in liquids usingelectron holography has been considered to be unrealistic. Here, we showthat hydrated cells ofMagnetospirillum magneticumstrain AMB-1 and assem-blies of magnetic nanoparticles can be studied using off-axis electronholography in a fluid cell specimen holder within the transmission electronmicroscope. Considering that the holographic object and reference waveboth pass through liquid, the recorded electron holograms show sufficientinterference fringe contrast to permit reconstruction of the phase shift ofthe electron wave and mapping of the magnetic induction from bacterialmagnetite nanocrystals. We assess the challenges of performingin situmagne-tization reversal experiments using a fluid cell specimen holder, discussapproaches for improving spatial resolution and specimen stability, and outlinefuture perspectives for studying scientific phenomena, ranging from interpar-ticle interactions in liquids and electrical double layers at solid–liquidinterfaces to biomineralization and the mapping of electrostatic potentialsassociated with protein aggregation and folding

    Extension of Bethe's diffraction model to conical Geometry: application to near field optics

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    The generality of the Bethe's two dipole model for light diffraction through a subwavelength aperture in a conducting plane is studied in the radiation zone for coated conical fiber tips as those used in near field scanning optical microscopy. In order to describe the angular radiated power of the tip theoretically, we present a simple, analytical model for small apertures (radius < 40 nm) based on a multipole expansion. Our model is able to reproduce the available experimental results. It proves relatively insensitive to cone angle and aperture radius and contains, as a first approximation, the empirical two-dipole model proposed earlier

    Remote optical addressing of single nano-objects

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    We present a scheme for remotely addressing single nano-objects by means of near-field optical microscopy that makes only use of one of the most fundamental properties of electromagnetic radiation: its polarization. A medium containing optically active nano-objects is covered with a thin metallic film presenting sub-wavelength holes. When the optical tip is positioned some distance away from a hole, surface plasmons in the metal coating are generated which, by turning the polarization plane of the excitation light, transfer the excitation towards a chosen hole and induce emission from the underlying nano-objects. The method, easily applicable to other systems, is demonstrated for single quantum dots (QDs) at low temperature. It may become a valuable tool for future optical applications in the nanoworld

    Diffraction of light by a planar aperture in a metallic screen

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    We present a complete derivation of the formula of Smythe [Phys.Rev.72, 1066 (1947)] giving the electromagnetic field diffracted by an aperture created in a perfectly conducting plane surface. The reasoning, valid for any excitating field and any hole shape, makes use only of the free scalar Green function for the Helmoltz equation without any reference to a Green dyadic formalism. We compare our proof with the one previously given by Jackson and connect our reasoning to the general Huygens Fresnel theorem.Comment: J. Math. Phys. 47, 072901 (2006

    Diffraction by a small aperture in conical geometry: Application to metal coated tips used in near-field scanning optical microscopy

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    Light diffraction through a subwavelength aperture located at the apex of a metallic screen with conical geometry is investigated theoretically. A method based on a multipole field expansion is developed to solve Maxwell's equations analytically using boundary conditions adapted both for the conical geometry and for the finite conductivity of a real metal. The topological properties of the diffracted field are discussed in detail and compared to those of the field diffracted through a small aperture in a flat screen, i. e. the Bethe problem. The model is applied to coated, conically tapered optical fiber tips that are used in Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy. It is demonstrated that such tips behave over a large portion of space like a simple combination of two effective dipoles located in the apex plane (an electric dipole and a magnetic dipole parallel to the incident fields at the apex) whose exact expressions are determined. However, the large "backward" emission in the P plane - a salient experimental fact that remained unexplained so far - is recovered in our analysis which goes beyond the two-dipole approximation.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, published in PRE in 200

    CdSe-single-nanoparticle based active tips for near-field optical microscopy

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    We present a method to realize active optical tips for use in near-field optics that can operate at room temperature. A metal-coated optical tip is covered with a thin polymer layer stained with CdSe nanocrystals or nanorods at low density. The time analysis of the emission rate and emission spectra of the active tips reveal that a very small number of particles - possibly down to only one - can be made active at the tip apex. This opens the way to near-field optics with a single inorganic nanoparticle as a light source

    Directional Statistics of Preferential Orientations of Two Shapes in Their Aggregate and Its Application to Nanoparticle Aggregation

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    <p>Nanoscientists have long conjectured that adjacent nanoparticles aggregate with one another in certain preferential directions during a chemical synthesis of nanoparticles, which is referred to the oriented attachment. For the study of the oriented attachment, the microscopy and nanoscience communities have used dynamic electron microscopy for direct observations of nanoparticle aggregation and have been so far relying on manual and qualitative analysis of the observations. We propose a statistical approach for studying the oriented attachment quantitatively with multiple aggregation examples in imagery observations. We abstract an aggregation by an event of two primary geometric objects merging into a secondary geometric object. We use a point set representation to describe the geometric features of the primary objects and the secondary object, and formulated the alignment of two point sets to one point set to estimate the orientation angles of the primary objects in the secondary object. The estimated angles are used as data to estimate the probability distribution of the orientation angles and test important hypotheses statistically. The proposed approach was applied for our motivating example, which demonstrated that nanoparticles of certain geometries have indeed preferential orientations in their aggregates.</p

    Micro-spectroscopy on silicon wafers and solar cells

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    Micro-Raman (μRS) and micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy (μPLS) are demonstrated as valuable characterization techniques for fundamental research on silicon as well as for technological issues in the photovoltaic production. We measure the quantitative carrier recombination lifetime and the doping density with submicron resolution by μPLS and μRS. μPLS utilizes the carrier diffusion from a point excitation source and μRS the hole density-dependent Fano resonances of the first order Raman peak. This is demonstrated on micro defects in multicrystalline silicon. In comparison with the stress measurement by μRS, these measurements reveal the influence of stress on the recombination activity of metal precipitates. This can be attributed to the strong stress dependence of the carrier mobility (piezoresistance) of silicon. With the aim of evaluating technological process steps, Fano resonances in μRS measurements are analyzed for the determination of the doping density and the carrier lifetime in selective emitters, laser fired doping structures, and back surface fields, while μPLS can show the micron-sized damage induced by the respective processes