880 research outputs found

    Searching for gravitational waves from the Crab pulsar - the problem of timing noise

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    Of the current known pulsars, the Crab pulsar (B0531+21) is one of the most promising sources of gravitational waves. The relatively large timing noise of the Crab causes its phase evolution to depart from a simple spin-down model. This effect needs to be taken in to account when performing time domain searches for the Crab pulsar in order to avoid severely degrading the search efficiency. The Jodrell Bank Crab pulsar ephemeris is examined to see if it can be used for tracking the phase evolution of any gravitational wave signal from the pulsar, and we present a method of heterodyning the data that takes account of the phase wander. The possibility of obtaining physical information about the pulsar from comparisons of the electromagnetically and a gravitationally observed timing noise is discussed. Finally, additional problems caused by pulsar glitches are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of the 5th Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Pisa, Italy, 6-11 July 200

    An Evidence Based Search Method For Gravitational Waves From Neutron Star Ring-downs

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    The excitation of quadrupolar quasi-normal modes in a neutron star leads to the emission of a short, distinctive, burst of gravitational radiation in the form of a decaying sinusoid or `ring-down'. We present a Bayesian analysis method which incorporates relevant prior information about the source and known instrumental artifacts to conduct a robust search for the gravitational wave emission associated with pulsar glitches and soft γ\gamma-ray repeater flares. Instrumental transients are modelled as sine-Gaussian and their evidence, or marginal likelihood, is compared with that of Gaussian white noise and ring-downs via the `odds-ratio'. Tests using simulated data with a noise spectral density similar to the LIGO interferometer around 1 kHz yield 50% detection efficiency and 1% false alarm probability for ring-down signals with signal-to-noise ratio ρ=5.2\rho=5.2. For a source at 15 kpc this requires an energy of 1.3\times 10^{-5}M_{\astrosun}c^2 to be emitted as gravitational waves.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Moon-tracking orbits using motorized tethers for continuous earth–moon payload exchanges

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    For human colonization of the moon to become reality, an efficient and regular means of exchanging resources between the Earth and the moon must be established. One possibility is to pass and receive payloads at regular intervals between a symmetrically laden motorized momentum-exchange tether orbiting about Earth and a second orbiting about the moon. There are significant challenges associated with this method, among the greatest of which is the development of a system that incorporates the complex motion of the moon into its operational architecture in addition to conducting these exchanges on a per-lunar-orbit basis. One way of achieving this is to use a motorized tether orbiting Earth and tracking the nodes of the moon’s orbit to allow payload exchanges to be undertaken periodically with the arrival of the moon at either of these nodes. Tracking these nodes is achieved by arranging the tether to orbit Earth with a critical inclination, thus rendering its argument of perigee stationary in addition to using the precession effects resulting from an oblate Earth. Using this in conjunction with pre-emptive adjustments to its angle of right ascension, the tether will periodically realign itself with these nodes simultaneously with the arrival of the moon

    Upper Limits On Periodic, Pulsed Radio Emission from the X-Ray Point Source in Cassiopeia A

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    The Chandra X-ray Observatory recently discovered an X-ray point source near the center of Cassiopeia A, the youngest known Galactic supernova remnant. We have conducted a sensitive search for radio pulsations from this source with the Very Large Array, taking advantage of the high angular resolution of the array to resolve out the emission from the remnant itself. No convincing signatures of a dispersed, periodic source or of isolated dispersed pulses were found, whether for an isolated or a binary source. We derive upper limits of 30 and 1.3 mJy at 327 and 1435 MHz for the phase-averaged pulsed flux density from this source. The corresponding luminosity limits are lower than those for any pulsar with age less than 10^4 years. The sensitivities of our search to single pulses were 25 and 1.0 Jy at 327 and 1435 MHz. For comparison, the Crab pulsar emits roughly 80 pulses per minute with flux densities greater than 100 Jy at 327 MHz and 8 pulses per minute with flux densities greater than 50 Jy at 1435 MHz. These limits are consistent with the suggestion that the X-ray point source in Cas A adds to the growing number of neutron stars which are not radio pulsars.Comment: accepted by ApJ Letter

    Testing Lorentz invariance by use of vacuum and matter filled cavity resonators

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    We consider tests of Lorentz invariance for the photon and fermion sector that use vacuum and matter-filled cavities. Assumptions on the wave-function of the electrons in crystals are eliminated from the underlying theory and accurate sensitivity coefficients (including some exceptionally large ones) are calculated for various materials. We derive the Lorentz-violating shift in the index of refraction n, which leads to additional sensitivity for matter-filled cavities ; and to birefringence in initially isotropic media. Using published experimental data, we obtain improved bounds on Lorentz violation for photons and electrons at levels of 10^-15 and below. We discuss implications for future experiments and propose a new Michelson-Morley type experiment based on birefringence in matter.Comment: 15 pages, 8 table

    Report on the first round of the Mock LISA Data Challenges

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    The Mock LISA Data Challenges (MLDCs) have the dual purpose of fostering the development of LISA data analysis tools and capabilities, and demonstrating the technical readiness already achieved by the gravitational-wave community in distilling a rich science payoff from the LISA data output. The first round of MLDCs has just been completed: nine data sets containing simulated gravitational wave signals produced either by galactic binaries or massive black hole binaries embedded in simulated LISA instrumental noise were released in June 2006 with deadline for submission of results at the beginning of December 2006. Ten groups have participated in this first round of challenges. Here we describe the challenges, summarise the results, and provide a first critical assessment of the entries.Comment: Proceedings report from GWDAW 11. Added author, added reference, clarified some text, removed typos. Results unchanged; Removed author, minor edits, reflects submitted versio

    The Second Cambridge Pulsar Survey at 81.5 MHz

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    We have searched the northern sky for pulsars at the low radio frequency of 81.5 MHz, using the 3.6-hectare array at Cambridge, England. The survey covered most of the sky north of declination -20 deg and provided sensitivities of order 200 mJy for pulsars not too close to the galactic plane. A total of 20 pulsars were detected, all of them previously known. The effective post-detection sampling rate was 1.3 kHz, and the sensitivity to low-dispersion millisecond pulsars was sufficient to allow the detection of objects similar to PSR J0437-4715 (period 5.7 ms, dispersion measure 2.6 cm^-3 pc, mean flux density 1 Jy). No such pulsars were found.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Prospects for joint radio telescope and gravitational wave searches for astrophysical transients

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    The radio skies remain mostly unobserved when it comes to transient phenomena. The direct detection of gravitational waves will mark a major milestone of modern astronomy, as an entirely new window will open on the universe. Two apparently independent phenomena can be brought together in a coincident effort that has the potential to boost both searches. In this paper we will outline the scientific case that stands behind these future joint observations and will describe the methods that might be used to conduct the searches and analyze the data. The targeted sources are binary systems of compact objects, known to be strong candidate sources for gravitational waves. Detection of transients coincident in these two channels would be a significant smoking gun for first direct detection of gravitational waves, and would open up a new field for characterization of astrophysical transients involving massive compact objects.Comment: 12 pages, Amaldi 8 Conference (New York, 2009) proceedings pape

    Inference on inspiral signals using LISA MLDC data

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    In this paper we describe a Bayesian inference framework for analysis of data obtained by LISA. We set up a model for binary inspiral signals as defined for the Mock LISA Data Challenge 1.2 (MLDC), and implemented a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to facilitate exploration and integration of the posterior distribution over the 9-dimensional parameter space. Here we present intermediate results showing how, using this method, information about the 9 parameters can be extracted from the data.Comment: Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity, GWDAW-11 special issu