579 research outputs found

    File Manager With Text User Interface

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o návrhu a implementaci správce souborů s textovým rozhraním v objektově orientovaném jazyce C++. Nejprve uvádí čtenáře do problematiky správců souborů a představuje některé zástupce ztéto kategorie. Následuje popis návrhu aplikace s použitím návrhových vzorů a je zde detailněji rozebrána implementace, která z tohoto návrhu vychází.This thesis deals with C++ design and implementation of a file manager with text user interface. At first it presents the issues of file managers and introduces several examples from this category.  Description of application design using design patterns and detailed examination of implementation which is based on this design follows.

    Hojność dla Kościoła lub zamiłowanie do piękna – w świecie cennych przedmiotów biskupa włocławskiego i arcybiskupa gnieźnieńskiego Jakuba z Sienna

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    Jakub of Sienno was one of the most interesting and significant people of Polish Church in the late Middle Ages. Very well educated, he was considered to be an art lover and bibliophile and like his cousin Zbigniew Oleśnicki, he was involved in several foundations and donations for the Church and Kraków University. The main aim of the paper was to discuss Jakub’s foundation and donation activity and an attempt to give an answer to the question about the reasons why he engaged in such a wide foundation activity. The author focused on those elements that distinguish his attitude to widely understood art from the attitude of other people of his time. Written sources (letters, bills, chapter’s books and biographies) provide numerous information about liturgical vessels, vestments and other precious objects or books that Jakub of Sienno acquired and sometimes brought from his journeys.Jakub z Sienna był jedną z najciekawszych i najbardziej znaczących postaci polskiego Kościoła w późnym średniowieczu. Bardzo dobrze wykształcony, uważany za miłośnika sztuki i bibliofila, podobnie jak jego kuzyn Zbigniew Oleśnicki był zaangażowany w kilka fundacji i darowizn na rzecz Kościoła i Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego. Głównym celem artykułu było omówienie działalności fundacji i darowizny Jakuba oraz próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o powody, dla których zaangażował się w tak szeroką działalność fundacyjną. Skupiono się na tych elementach, które odróżniają jego stosunek do szeroko rozumianej sztuki od postawy innych ludzi jego czasów. Źródła pisane (listy, rachunki, księgi kapituły i biografie) dostarczają wielu informacji o naczyniach liturgicznych, szatach i innych cennych przedmiotach lub książkach, które Jakub z Sienna nabywał i czasami przywoził ze swoich podróży

    The older traveller

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    All over the world there has been a sudden increase in the number of international travels, mostly fortouristic purposes. According to the World Tourism Organisation, the number of international journeysexceeded 1.323 billion in 2017 and it continues to grow. Of the growing number of travellers more andmore are the elderly (> 65 years), this fact can be attributed to longer life expectancy and a better quality oflife, especially in the developed countries. The article lists the main destinations chosen by senior touristsand their reasons for travel, it also discusses physiological changes in organs and systems affecting theelderly, which are the result of travelling across time zones and to areas with different environment. Thearticle looks at various groups of patients affected by chronic diseases and examines health-related consequencesof travel, including the most common complications. The general health prevention measures,with emphasis on vaccinations and antimalarial chemoprophylaxis, have also been discussed

    The system using mobile technologies to test reaction time

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    Reaction time to a light or sound stimulus is an important element of life. Constructing and testing a measuring device for collecting the response time stimulus focused on two study groups. The results which were obtained showed that people who specialize in sports have 0.15 seconds, better time than people who do not professionally deal with sport. Be tested for both groups with additional verification (stopwatch) confirmed the measuring apparatus along with the application