14 research outputs found


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    The residue of pesticide will disturb of human health and environment balance. Negatif effect from using of pesticide is the appearance of secondary pest, the death of useful insect and there is high pesticide residue in biotic also abiotic component in agroecosystem. Because of that, so be done developing of control method with use biological agents which have pathogenicity to host. One of biological agents is entomopathogenic nematodes. The aim of the research is making formulation of entomopathogenic nematodes Local Isolate and knowing presistention of entomopathogenic nematodes from that formulation. The research do in laboratory of HPT UPN ”Veteran” East Java. The result of the research is the sponge medium in plastic have the highest presistention rate until 80.01% than Kaolin and Alginate medium (at 75 days after fprmulation). Conclussion, the sponge in plastic is the best medium for the nematodes formulation than Kaolin and Alginate mediu

    Effective Behavior of Insects Pollinators of Flowers in Gadung Mango Clone 21 Variety

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    Pollinating insects are referred as support services, namely services by the processes in the ecosystems that support human well-being by maintaining or enhancing ecosystem services. The availability of flowers, diversity, and behavior of visiting pollinator insects affect the effectiveness of pollination to increase the formation of fruit sets of mango plants. The purpose of this study is to observe the behavior of pollinator insects visiting the mango gadung clone 21 varieties and their effectiveness in increasing the formation of fruit sets. Research has been carried out on two flower seasons: March-May (Off season) and July-September (On season) 2020. Visiting behaviors observed were the number of visits per minute (foraging rate) and the length of visit per flower (flower handling time). Pollination effectiveness was measured from the number of fruit sets formed from the open flower panicles and confined with a tangerine gauze. The results of the study obtained seven species including Apis sp., Trigona sp., Xylocopa sp., Polistes sp. 1, Polistes sp. 2, Chrysomya sp., and Eristalis sp. Visits of pollinating insects on the highest number of mango panicle flowers were (31.69 ± 7.69) flowers / 60 seconds by Trigona sp insects, and the lowest numbers were (2.70 ± 0.67) flowers / 60 seconds by Eristalis sp. insects. The longest visits of pollinator insects on mango flowers were obtained by Eristalis sp for (25.3 ± 8.50) sec/individual/flower and the shortest visits were by Trigona sp for (1.8 ± 0.63) seconds/individual/flower. Insect pollination increases fruit formation by 267.5%.   Keywords: insect visits, pollinating insects, fruit formation, gadung 21 varieties mang


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    Rice is basic neet for Indonesia people. East Java experienced decrease rice production 2% in 2014, the problem was insect pest. Insecticides are dangerous that replaced use refugia attracting biological agens. Purpose of the research to discover the role of refugia as conservation medium in suppressing pets attacks and increasing the diversity arthropod populations in rice fields.  This study uses a direct insect sampling method and uses traps such as sweep nets, yellow traps, pitfall traps and light traps. Identification of insects using an introduction to the study insect and iNaturalist. Analysis of the observational data quantitatively by calculating the species diversity index (H’), evenness index (E), Richness index (R) and dominance index (C) then tabulated using excel. observations indicate the number of insects found on land A (rice with refugia) was 5661 individuals consisting of 12 ordo, 61 family and 94 species. Meanwhile on land B (rice without refugia) was 3,198 individuals consisting of 11 ordo, 43 family and 56 species. Refugia affected the population of biological agens more on land A was 2707 individuals than on land B was 1215 individuals. While the pest population on land A much less as 364 individuals than on land B as 763 individuals. Tabulation from the calculation of the species diversity index as 0.142 and 0.118, the species evenness index as 0.030  and 0.025, the dominance index of 0.0004 and 0.0013 is classified as low, while the species richness index of 10.76 and 6.82 is classified as high

    Ketertarikan Arthropoda Pada Blok Refugia (Cosmos caudatus, Helianthus annuus L., Zinnnia acceraso) Di Lahan Mangga Alpukat Di Desa Oro–Oro Ombo Kulon, Rembang, Pasuruan

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    Mangga merupakan tanaman potensial untuk dikembangkan karena disukai oleh hampir semua lapisan masyarakat dan memiliki pasar yang luas. Permasalahan utama dalam pengembangan mangga adalah adanya serangan organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT). Konsep pengendalian hama dengan menanam refugia pada sekeliling lahan tanaman berkemampuan memikat banyak musuh alami karena berfungsi sebagai sumber pakan maupun tempat perhentian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang kertetarikan arthropoda pada blok refugia di Desa Oro–oro Ombo Kulon. Pola penanaman  refugia (C. caudatus, H. annuus L., Z. acceraso) yaitu dengan pola kombinasi tanam pinggir petak lahan (hedge rows) dan pola tanam sistem bank serangga (insectary bank). Pengamatan dilakukan dengan metode scan sampling yaitu dengan mengamati serangga yang hinggap pada refugia dengan menghitung jumlah spesies dan individu serangga pengunjung. Pengumpulan dan pengamatan serangga pada tanaman refugia di area tanaman mangga alpukat dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan secara langsung, menggunakan jaring ayun (sweep net), menggunakan yellow sticky traps, dan menggunakan pitfall trap. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menghitung indeks keanekaragaman (H’) dan indeks kelimpahan relatif (IKR%). Pada penelitian ini ditemukan sebanyak 16963 individu, yang terdiri dari 104 spesies, 56 famili, dan 12 ordo serangga sebagai hama, predator, penyerbuk, parasit, dan pengurai

    Keragaman Nematoda Parasit Tumbuhan Pada Pertanaman Jambu Biji Kristal (Psidium guajava L.) di Pasuruan dan Lampung

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the plant parasitic nematodes associated with crystal guava plantations in Pasuruan and Lampung. Soil samples was taken from crystal guava plantations in Pasuruan and Lampung. Extraction and observation of nematodes was carried out at the Laboratory of Plant Pest Science, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Lampung University in November 2022-January 2023. The extraction method used filtering and centrifugation with a sugar solution. Identification based on morphological characteristics to genus level. The study identified 15 genera of parasitic nematodes, namenly Radopholus, Meloidogyne, Heterodera, Criconemoides, Xiphinema, Aphelenchus, Aphelenchoides, Tylenchulus, Tylenchus, Tylenchorynchus, Rotylenchus, Rotylenchulus, Ditylenchus, Pratylenchus, and Scutellonema. The nematodes with the highest populations were Criconemoides in Pasuruan and Radopholus in Lampung


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    Recently, ~ of soybean is decrease because of the pest (Spodoptera sp.). Until now, the control of Spodoptera sp. depend on using of chemical element. N~ effect from using of synthetic chemical element is the appearance of secmdarypest, the death of useful insect and there is high pesticide residue in biotic also abiotic component in agroecosystem. The residue ofpesticide will disturb ofhuman health and environment balance. Because of that, so be done developing of control method with use biological agents which have pa1hogenicity to host. One of biological agents is entomopathogeuic nematodes. The aim of the research are using in vitro technology of entomopathogenic nematodes mass production as a biological control agents to pest (Spodtptera sp.). The research do in laboratory ofHPT UPN "Veteran" East Java, also a location of field. The result of the research is get 300.000-350.000 IJIspon size ·1,5 cm3. There is increase preference of mortaJity persentage of the pest at the high sooner of dosage 1reat.ttlent. Maximal mOOality at 4 days after application. Lethal Dosage Value (LOso) is 1926,862 Ulplant. Conclussion, the entomopalhogenic nematodes (Steinernema spp. Tulungagung isolate) is effective to control Lepidoptera larvae until 4 days after application and the optimal dosage for control of Spodoptera sp. is IDso 1926,862 Ulplant (Infective Juvenilelplant)


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    Nganjuk merupakan sentra penghasil bawang merah terbesar di Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan total luas tanam 11.300 Ha. Persentase kerusakan tanaman yang besar dapat mengakibatkan penurunan bobot umbi. Studi keanekaragaman serangga merupakan langkah awal dalam pengendalian hama dan pengendalian hama pada tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepadatan populasi arthropoda di perkebunan bawang merah setelah penggunaan formulasi biopestisida dan pestisida kimia. Penelitian dimulai pada bulan Desember 2020 sampai Februari 2021. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Sukorejo Kecamatan Rejoso Kabupaten Nganjuk dengan ketinggian 140 m dpl dengan aplikasi fobio (formulasi biopestisida) dan insektisida kimia. Luas daerah penelitian sekitar 140 m², dimana terdapat 2.400 populasi tanaman bawang merah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) non faktorial. Terdapat 4 perlakuan yang diulang sebanyak 6 kali sehingga diperoleh 24 satuan percobaan. Setiap satuan percobaan terdiri dari 100 tanaman bawang merah dengan jarak tanam 18 x 14 m dan jarak pagar 50 cm. Berdasarkan pengamatan populasi artropoda pada perlakuan organik berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan perlakuan konvensional dan semi organik