690 research outputs found

    Exclusion of Stellar Companions to Exoplanet Host Stars

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    Given the frequency of stellar multiplicity in the solar neighborhood, it is important to study the impacts this can have on exoplanet properties and orbital dynamics. There have been numerous imaging survey projects established to detect possible low-mass stellar companions to exoplanet host stars. Here we provide the results from a systematic speckle imaging survey of known exoplanet host stars. In total, 71 stars were observed at 692~nm and 880~nm bands using the Differential Speckle Survey Instrument (DSSI) at the Gemini-North Observatory. Our results show that all but 2 of the stars included in this sample have no evidence of stellar companions with luminosities down to the detection and projected separation limits of our instrumentation. The mass-luminosity relationship is used to estimate the maximum mass a stellar companion can have without being detected. These results are used to discuss the potential for further radial velocity follow-up and interpretation of companion signals.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A

    Temporal and spatial variability of glyoxal as observed from space

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    Glyoxal, CHO.CHO, is produced during the oxidation of volatile organic compounds, VOC, released by anthropogenic activities, biogenic processes and biomass burning. It has a short chemical lifetime of a few hours in the boundary layer and lower troposphere and therefore serves as an indicator and a marker of photochemical hot-spots and their response to changing atmospheric conditions around the globe. For this reason more than five years of CHO.CHO observations (2002–2007), retrieved from the radiances measured by the satellite instrument SCIAMACHY, were obtained and analyzed both temporally and spatially. The largest columns of CHO.CHO (>6.10<sup>14</sup> molec cm<sup>−2</sup>) are found in the tropical and sub-tropical regions, associated with high biological activity and the plumes from vegetation fires. The majority of the identified hot spots are characterized by a well-defined seasonality: the highest values being observed during the warm and dry periods as a result of the enhanced biogenic, primarily isoprene, emissions and/or biomass burning from natural or man-made fires. The regions influenced by anthropogenic pollution also encounter enhanced amounts of glyoxal. The ratio "CHO.CHO to HCHO, R<sub><I>GF</I></sub>" over the biogenically influenced photochemical hot-spots is approximately 0.045. For the studied regions, the presence of pyrogenic and anthropogenic emissions increases and decreases this number respectively. Although the 2002–2007 period of observation is limited, over the northeastern Asia a significant annual increase in CHO.CHO in addition to a seasonal cycle is reported

    Inelastic scattering in ocean water and its impact on trace gas retrievals from satellite data

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    Over clear ocean waters, photons scattered within the water body contribute significantly to the upwelling flux. In addition to elastic scattering, inelastic Vibrational Raman Scattering (VRS) by liquid water is also playing a role and can have a strong impact on the spectral distribution of the outgoing radiance. Under clear-sky conditions, VRS has an influence on trace gas retrievals from space-borne measurements of the backscattered radiance such as from e.g. GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment). The effect is particularly important for geo-locations with small solar zenith angles and over waters with low chlorophyll concentration.<br> <br> In this study, a simple ocean reflectance model (Sathyendranath and Platt, 1998) accounting for VRS has been incorporated into a radiative transfer model. The model has been validated by comparison with measurements from a swimming-pool experiment dedicated to detect the effect of scattering within water on the outgoing radiation and also with selected data sets from GOME. The comparisons show good agreement between experimental and model data and highlight the important role of VRS.<br> <br> To evaluate the impact of VRS on trace gas retrieval, a sensitivity study was performed on synthetic data. If VRS is neglected in the data analysis, errors of more than 30% are introduced for the slant column (<i>SC</i>) of BrO over clear ocean scenarios. Exemplarily DOAS retrievals of BrO from real GOME measurements including and excluding a VRS compensation led to comparable results as in the sensitivity study, but with somewhat smaller differences between the two analyses.<br> <br> The results of this work suggest, that DOAS retrievals of atmospheric trace species from measurements of nadir viewing space-borne instruments have to take VRS scattering into account over waters with low chlorophyll concentrations, and that a simple correction term is enough to reduce the errors to an acceptable level

    HANA: A HAndwritten NAme Database for Offline Handwritten Text Recognition

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    Methods for linking individuals across historical data sets, typically in combination with AI based transcription models, are developing rapidly. Probably the single most important identifier for linking is personal names. However, personal names are prone to enumeration and transcription errors and although modern linking methods are designed to handle such challenges these sources of errors are critical and should be minimized. For this purpose, improved transcription methods and large-scale databases are crucial components. This paper describes and provides documentation for HANA, a newly constructed large-scale database which consists of more than 1.1 million images of handwritten word-groups. The database is a collection of personal names, containing more than 105 thousand unique names with a total of more than 3.3 million examples. In addition, we present benchmark results for deep learning models that automatically can transcribe the personal names from the scanned documents. Focusing mainly on personal names, due to its vital role in linking, we hope to foster more sophisticated, accurate, and robust models for handwritten text recognition through making more challenging large-scale databases publicly available. This paper describes the data source, the collection process, and the image-processing procedures and methods that are involved in extracting the handwritten personal names and handwritten text in general from the forms

    Thermal ageing phenomena and strategies towards reactivation of NO x - storage catalysts

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    The thermal ageing and reactivation of Ba/CeO2 and Ba/Al2O3 based NO x -storage/ reduction (NSR) catalysts was studied on model catalysts and catalyst systems at the engine. The mixed oxides BaAl2O4 and BaCeO3, which lower the storage activity, are formed during ageing above 850°C and 900°C, respectively. Interestingly, the decomposition of BaCeO3 in an atmosphere containing H2O/NO2 leads again to NO x -storage active species, as evidenced by comparison of fresh, aged and reactivated Pt-Ba/CeO2 based model catalysts. This can be technically exploited, particularly for the Ba/CeO2 catalysts, as reactivation studies on thermally aged Ba/CeO2 and Ba/Al2O3 based NSR catalysts on an engine bench showed. An on-board reactivation procedure is presented, that improved the performance of a thermally aged catalyst significantl

    SCIAMACHY formaldehyde observations: constraint for isoprene emission estimates over Europe?

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    Formaldehyde (HCHO) is an important intermediate compound in the degradation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the troposphere. Sources of HCHO are largely dominated by its secondary production from VOC oxidation, methane and isoprene being the main precursors in unpolluted areas. As a result of the moderate lifetime of HCHO, its spatial distribution is determined by reactive hydrocarbon emissions. We focus here on Europe and investigate the influence of the different emissions on HCHO tropospheric columns with the CHIMERE chemical transport model in order to interpret the comparisons between SCIAMACHY and simulated HCHO columns. Europe was never specifically studied before for these purposes using satellite observations. The bias between measurements and model is less than 20% on average. The differences are discussed according to the errors on the model and the observations and remaining discrepancies are attributed to a misrepresentation of biogenic emissions. This study requires the characterisation of: (1) the model errors and performances concerning formaldehyde. The errors on the HCHO columns, mainly related to chemistry and mixed emission types, are evaluated to 2&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;15&lt;/sup&gt; molecule/cm&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; and the model performances evaluated using surface measurements are satisfactory (~13%); (2) the observation errors that define the needs in spatial and temporal averaging for meaningful comparisons. Using SCIAMACHY observations as constraint for biogenic isoprene emissions in an inverse modelling scheme reduces their uncertainties by about a factor of two in region of intense emissions. The retrieved correction factors for the isoprene emissions range from a factor of 0.15 (North Africa) to a factor of 2 (Poland, the United Kingdom) depending on the regions

    Characterisation of vertical BrO distribution during events of enhanced tropospheric BrO in Antarctica, from combined remote and in-situ measurements

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    Tropospheric BrO was measured by a ground-based remote-sensing spectrometer at Halley in Antarctica in spring 2007, and BrO was measured by satellite-borne remote-sensing spectrometers using similar spectral regions and similar Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) analyses. Near-surface BrO was simultaneously measured in situ at Halley by Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (CIMS), and in an earlier year near-surface BrO was measured at Halley over a long path by a ground-based DOAS spectrometer. During enhancement episodes, total amounts of tropospheric BrO from the ground-based remote-sensor were similar to those from space, but if we assume that the BrO was confined to the mixed layer they were very much larger than values measured by either near-surface technique. This large apparent discrepancy can be resolved if substantial amounts of BrO were in the free troposphere during most enhancement episodes. Amounts observed by the ground-based remote sensor at different elevation angles, and their formal inversions to vertical profiles, demonstrate that much of the BrO was indeed often in the free troposphere. This is consistent with the ~5 day lifetime of Bry and with the enhanced BrO observed during some Antarctic blizzards

    The influence of natural and anthropogenic secondary sources on the glyoxal global distribution

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    Glyoxal, the smallest dicarbonyl, which has recently been observed from space, is expected to provide indications on volatile organic compounds (VOC) oxidation and secondary aerosol formation in the troposphere. Glyoxal (CHOCHO) is known to be mostly of natural origin and is produced during biogenic VOC oxidation. However, a number of anthropogenically emitted hydrocarbons, like acetylene and aromatics, have been positively identified as CHOCHO precursors. The present study investigates the contribution of pollution to the CHOCHO levels by taking into account the secondary chemical formation of CHOCHO from precursors emitted from biogenic, anthropogenic and biomass burning sources. The impact of potential primary land emissions of CHOCHO is also investigated. A global 3-dimensional chemistry transport model of the troposphere (TM4-ECPL) able to simulate the gas phase chemistry coupled with all major aerosol components is used. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; The secondary anthropogenic contribution from fossil fuel and industrial VOCs emissions oxidation to the CHOCHO columns is found to reach 20–70% in the industrialized areas of the Northern Hemisphere and 3–20% in the tropics. This secondary CHOCHO source is on average three times larger than that from oxidation of VOCs from biomass burning sources. The chemical production of CHOCHO is calculated to equal to about 56 Tg y&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;1&lt;/sup&gt; with 70% being produced from biogenic hydrocarbons oxidation, 17% from acetylene, 11% from aromatic chemistry and 2% from ethene and propene. CHOCHO is destroyed in the troposphere primarily by reaction with OH radicals (23%) and by photolysis (63%), but it is also removed from the atmosphere through wet (8%) and dry deposition (6%). Potential formation of secondary organic aerosol through CHOCHO losses on/in aerosols and clouds is neglected here due to the significant uncertainties associated with the underlying chemistry. The global annual mean CHOCHO burden and lifetime in the model domain are estimated to be 0.02 Tg (equal to the global burden seen by SCIAMACHY over land for the year 2005) and about 3 h, respectively. The model results are compared with satellite observations of CHOCHO columns. When accounting only for the secondary sources of CHOCHO in the model, the model underestimates CHOCHO columns observed by satellites. This is attributed to an overestimate of CHOCHO sinks or a missing global source of about 20 Tg y&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;1&lt;/sup&gt;. Using the current primary emissions of CHOCHO from biomass burning together with the anthropogenic combustion sources of about 7 Tg y&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;1&lt;/sup&gt; leads to an overestimate by the model over hot spot areas

    Measurements of O3</sub>, NO<sub>2</sub> and BrO at the Kaashidhoo Climate Observatory (KCO) during the INDOEX (INDian Ocean EXperiment) Campaign using ground based DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) and satellite based GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) data

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    International audienceThe INDian Ocean EXperiment (INDOEX) was an international, multi-platform field campaign to measure long-range transport of air masses from South and South-East-(SE) Asia towards the Indian Ocean. During the dry monsoon season between January and March 1999, local measurements were carried out from ground based platforms and were compared with satellite based data. The objective of this study was to characterise stratospheric and tropospheric trace gas amounts in the equatorial region, and to investigate the impact of air pollution at this remote site. For the characterisation of the chemical composition of the outflow from the S-SE-Asian region, we performed ground based dual-axis-DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) measurements at the KCO (Kaashidhoo Climate Observatory) in the Maldives (5.0° N, 73.5° E). The ground based dual-axis-DOAS measurements were conducted using two different observation modes (off-axis and zenith-sky). This technique allows the separation of the tropospheric and stratospheric columns for different trace gases like O3 and NO2. These dual-axis DOAS data were compared with O3-sonde measurements performed at KCO and satellite based GOME (Global Ozone Measuring Experiment) data during the intensive measuring phase of the INDOEX campaign in February and March 1999. From GOME observations, tropospheric and stratospheric columns for O3 and NO2 were retrieved. In addition, the analysis of the O3-sonde measurements allowed the determination of the tropospheric O3 amount. The comparison shows that the results of all three measurement systems agree within their error limits. During the INDOEX campaign, background conditions were observed most of the time, but in a single case an increase of tropospheric NO2 during a short pollution event was observed and the impact on the vertical columns was calculated. In the GOME measurements, evidence was found for large tropospheric contributions to the BrO budget, probably located in the free troposphere and present throughout the year. The latter has been investigated by the comparison of satellite pixels influenced by high and low cloud conditions based on GOME data which allows the determination of the detection limit of tropospheric BrO columns

    CEOS Intercalibration of Ground-Based Spectrometers and Lidars: Final Report

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    The ESA CEOS Intercalibration project concentrated on important calibration activities addressing three key components of the ground-based network ground-truthing capacity in Europe, namely the Dobson/Brewer network of ozone spectrophotometers, the aerosol lidar EARLINET network and the UV-Vis MAXDOAS technique for air quality remote-sensing. This document summarizes activities and achievements during the third part of the ESA CEOS Intercalibration project. The period covered by this report extends from February 2012 until October 2012
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