33 research outputs found
Endothelális diszfunkció és oxidatív stressz szerepe a juvenilis esszenciális hypertóniában és obezitásban. = The role of endothelium dysfunction and oxidative stress in juvenile essential hypertony and obesity.
OTKA kutatásunkban a következő főbb témákban: „Endothelin-1 gene and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in adolescents with juvenile and obesity-associated hypertension”, „Eritropoezisstimuláló hatóanyagok és az oxidatív stressz kapcsolata hemodializált betegekben”, „Mikrovaszkuláris reaktivitás vizsgálata normál testsúlyú, túlsúlyos és obez hypertoniás serdülőkben”, „Eritropoetin kezelés és oxidatív stressz kapcsolata uraemiás patkánymodellben: az eltérő adagolási rend szerepe”, „International Comparison of Blood Pressure and BMI Values in schoolchildren aged 11-16 years”, „IV-es típusú kollagén (Col IV) nephropathiák: a vékony bazális membrán nephropathiától az Alport syndromáig” végezttünk kísérleteket. Ezen felül a vizsgálatok elvégzésével kapcsolódóan 2 metodikai cikk is született. A kutatási témák a hypertónia kiakalulásának, therápiájának különböző aspektusait vizsgálták. Eredményeinket 11 nemzetközi újságban elfogadott cikkben közöltük, összesen 18,64 impakt faktor értékben. | In our OTKA grant we researched in the following fields: „Endothelin-1 gene and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in adolescents with juvenile and obesity-associated hypertension”, „Erythropoiesis-stimulating agent withdrawal and oxidative stress in hemodialysis”, „Microvascular reactivity in lean, overweight, and obese hypertensive adolescents”, „Effects of Darbepoetin alfa in Different Frequencies on Erythropoiesis and Oxidative Stress in a 5/6 Nephrectomized Rat Model”, „International Comparison of Blood Pressure and BMI Values in schoolchildren aged 11-16 years”, „Collagen type IV nephropathy: Genetic heterogeneity examinations in affected Hungarian families”. Furthermore we presented two methodical manuscripts connected with the methodology of our research. The researched projects covers the etiology, teraphy and different aspects of hypertension. Our results were published in 11 international manuscript with sum of 18,64 impact factors
Increased Short-Term Beat-To-Beat Variability of QT Interval in Patients with Acromegaly.
Cardiovascular diseases, including ventricular arrhythmias are responsible for increased mortality in patients with acromegaly. Acromegaly may cause repolarization abnormalities such as QT prolongation and impairment of repolarization reserve enhancing liability to arrhythmia. The aim of this study was to determine the short-term beat-to-beat QT variability in patients with acromegaly. Thirty acromegalic patients (23 women and 7 men, mean age+/-SD: 55.7+/-10.4 years) were compared with age- and sex-matched volunteers (mean age 51.3+/-7.6 years). Cardiac repolarization parameters including frequency corrected QT interval, PQ and QRS intervals, duration of terminal part of T waves (Tpeak-Tend) and short-term variability of QT interval were evaluated. All acromegalic patients and controls underwent transthoracic echocardiographic examination. Autonomic function was assessed by means of five standard cardiovascular reflex tests. Comparison of the two groups revealed no significant differences in the conventional ECG parameters of repolarization (QT: 401.1+/-30.6 ms vs 389.3+/-16.5 ms, corrected QT interval: 430.1+/-18.6 ms vs 425.6+/-17.3 ms, QT dispersion: 38.2+/-13.2 ms vs 36.6+/-10.2 ms; acromegaly vs control, respectively). However, short-term beat-to-beat QT variability was significantly increased in acromegalic patients (4.23+/-1.03 ms vs 3.02+/-0.80, P<0.0001). There were significant differences between the two groups in the echocardiographic dimensions (left ventricular end diastolic diameter: 52.6+/-5.4 mm vs 48.0+/-3.9 mm, left ventricular end systolic diameter: 32.3+/-5.2 mm vs 29.1+/-4.4 mm, interventricular septum: 11.1+/-2.2 mm vs 8.8+/-0.7 mm, posterior wall of left ventricle: 10.8+/-1.4 mm vs 8.9+/-0.7 mm, P<0.05, respectively). Short-term beat-to-beat QT variability was elevated in patients with acromegaly in spite of unchanged conventional parameters of ventricular repolarization. This enhanced temporal QT variability may be an early indicator of increased liability to arrhythmia