116 research outputs found

    Enhancement of the folate content in Egyptian pita bread

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    Introduction: Egypt has a high incidence of neural tube defects related to folate deficiency. One major food source for folate is pita (baladi) bread, which is consumed daily. Bioprocessing (e.g. germination) has been reported to increase the folate content in cereals. The aim was to produce pita bread with increased folate content using germinated wheat flour (GWF).Methods: Prior to milling the effects of germination and drying conditions on folate content in wheat grains were studied. Pita bread was baked from wheat flour substituted with different levels of GWF. The folate content in dough and bread and rheological properties of dough were determined.Results: Germination of wheat grains resulted in, depending on temperature, 3- to 4-fold higher folate content with a maximum of 61 µg/100 g DM (dry matter). The folate content in both flour and bread increased 1.5 to 4-fold depending on the level of flour replacement with GWF. Pita bread baked with 50% sieved GWF was acceptable with respect to colour and layer separation, and had a folate content of 50 µg/100 g DM compared with 30 µg/100 g DM in conventional pita bread (0% GWF).Conclusion: Using 50% GWF, pita bread with increased folate content, acceptable for the Egyptian consumer, was produced. Consumption of this bread would increase the average daily folate intake by 75 µg

    Der unterschiedliche Zusammenhang zwischen selbstberichteter interozeptiver Genauigkeit und Aufmerksamkeit mit Psychopathologie : ein latentes Variablenmodel

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    Background: Only recently has interoception been discussed as a common risk factor for psychopathology. Recent approaches distinguish between the ability to accurately perceive (interoceptive accuracy) and the propensity to attend (interoceptive attention) to internal signals. Objective: To examine the latent structure of self-reported interoceptive accuracy and attention and their relationships to psychopathology. Methods: We used a confirmatory factor analysis to clarify the latent structure of interoceptive accuracy and attention. Structural equation modeling was utilized to determine relationships between both abilities with internalizing and somatoform symptoma-tology according to the HiTOP model (Kotov et al., 2017). Data from N = 619 persons from the German general population were analyzed. Results: Interoceptive attention showed significant positive relationships with all psychopathological traits (r = .221 to r = .377), whereas interoceptive accuracy was negatively associated with internalizing symptomatology (r = -.106). Conclusion: The present findings indicate that personal beliefs about interoceptive abilities have different influences on psychopathological developments.Theoretischer Hintergrund: Erst kürzlich wurde Interozeption als ein häufiger Risikofaktor für Psychopathologie diskutiert. Neuere Ansätze unterscheiden zwischen der Fähigkeit zur genauen Wahrnehmung (interozeptive Genauigkeit) und der Neigung, auf interne Signale zu achten (interozeptive Aufmerksamkeit). Fragestellung: Untersuchung der latenten Struktur selbstberichteter interozeptiver Genauigkeit und Aufmerksamkeit und deren Beziehungen zu Psychopathologie. Methode: Zur Klärung der latenten Struktur interozeptiver Genauigkeit und Aufmerksamkeit und ihrer Beziehungen zu internalisierender und somatoformer Symptomatik entstprechend dem HiTOP Modell (Kotov et al., 2017) wurden konfirmatorische Faktorananalysen und Strukturgleichungsmodelle verwendet. Daten von N = 619 Personen aus der deutschen Allgemeinbevölkerung wurden analysiert. Ergebnisse: Interozeptive Aufmerksamkeit zeigte signifikante positive latente Zusammenhänge mit allen psychopathologischen Merkmalen (r = .221 bis r = .377), während interozeptive Genauigkeit negativ mit internalisierender Symptomatik assoziiert war (r = -.106). Schlussfolgerung: Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die persönliche Einschätzung interozeptiver Fähigkeiten unterschiedliche Einflüsse auf psychopathologische Entwicklungen haben

    Evidence for the localization of the Arabidopsis cytokinin receptors AHK3 and AHK4 in the endoplasmic reticulum

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    Cytokinins are hormones that are involved in various processes of plant growth and development. The model of cytokinin signalling starts with hormone perception through membrane-localized histidine kinase receptors. Although the biochemical properties and functions of these receptors have been extensively studied, there is no solid proof of their subcellular localization. Here, cell biological and biochemical evidence for the localization of functional fluorophor-tagged fusions of Arabidopsis histidine kinase 3 (AHK3) and 4 (AHK4), members of the cytokinin receptor family, in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is provided. Furthermore, membrane-bound AHK3 interacts with AHK4 in vivo. The ER localization and putative function of cytokinin receptors from the ER have major impacts on the concept of cytokinin perception and signalling, and hormonal cross-talk in plants

    Safety, tolerability and efficacy of peginterferon alpha-2a and ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C in clinical practice: The German Open Safety Trial

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    The combination treatment of peginterferon alpha-2a (PEG-IFN alpha-2a; Pegasys®) plus ribavirin (RBV) is recommended as a standard care for HCV infections. Side effects and aspects of efficacy and safety have to be balanced. This study evaluates clinical practice data on safety and efficacy of HCV treatment with PEG-IFN in combination with RBV over 24 and 48 weeks. This study was a phase III, multi-centre, open-label study with two treatment groups: PEG-IFN in combination with RBV for 24 or 48 weeks. The allocation to the treatment groups was at the discretion of the investigator; 309 patients entered active treatment: 90 patients received PEG-IFN plus RBV for 24 weeks and 219 patients PEG-IFN plus RBV for 48 weeks. A sustained virological response (SVR) was achieved in 48.9% of all patients. Genotype 1 patients with a 48-week combination treatment achieved an SVR of 39.9%. In the 48-week group a low baseline viral load was associated with a higher SVR rate (47.0% vs. 32.4%). For genotype 2 or 3 patients, the SVR was 67.9%. For these patients there was no relevant difference between patients with low and high viral loads; 97.7% of the patients experienced at least one adverse event. The incidence of serious adverse events was distinctly lower in the 24-week group (4.4% vs. 10.5%). This investigation confirms the well-known risk–benefit ratio found in controlled studies in a clinical practice setting. The safety profile is similar and shows the highest incidence of adverse events in the first 12 weeks of treatment

    Relation of IL28B Gene Polymorphism with Biochemical and Histological Features in Hepatitis C Virus-Induced Liver Disease

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Polymorphism at the IL28B gene may modify the course of hepatitis C virus (HCV) chronic infection. Our aim was to study the influence of IL28B rs12979860 gene polymorphism on the biochemistry and pathology of HCV-induced disease in the clinical course from mild chronic hepatitis C to hepatocellular carcinoma. METHODS: We have determined the rs12979860 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) upstream IL28B gene in two groups of patients with HCV-induced chronic liver disease: 1) 268 patients (159 men) with biopsy-proven chronic hepatitis C, to analyse its relation with biochemical, virological and histological features; and 2) 134 patients (97 men) with HCV-related hepatocellular carcinoma. The distribution of the analysed SNP in hepatocellular carcinoma patients was compared with that found in untreated chronic hepatitis C patients. All patients were white and most were Spaniards. RESULTS: In multivariate analysis ALT values were higher (P = 0.001) and GGT values were lower (P<0.001) in chronic hepatitis C patients homozygotes for the major rs12979860C allele as compared with carriers of the mutated rs12979860T allele. Steatosis was more frequent (Odds ratio = 1.764, 95% C.I. 1.053-2.955) and severe (P = 0.026) in carriers of the rs12979860T allele. No relation was found between the analysed SNP and METAVIR scores for necroinflammation and fibrosis, and there were no differences in the distribution of the analysed SNP between hepatocellular carcinoma and untreated chronic hepatitis C patients. CONCLUSION: The IL28B rs12979860 polymorphism correlates with the biochemical activity and the presence and severity of liver steatosis in chronic hepatitis C