994 research outputs found

    Creep and tensile properties of several oxide-dispersion-strengthened nickel-base alloys at 1365 K

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    The tensile properties at room temperature and at 1365 K and the tensile creep properties at low strain rates at 1365 K were measured for several oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) alloys. The alloys examined included ODS Ni, ODS Ni-20Cr, and ODS Ni-16Cr-Al. Metallography of creep tested, large grain size ODS alloys indicated that creep of these alloys is an inhomogeneous process. All alloys appear to possess a threshold stress for creep. This threshold stress is believed to be associated with diffusional creep in the large grain size ODS alloys and normal dislocation motion in perfect single crystal (without transverse low angle boundaries) ODS alloys. Threshold stresses for large grain size ODS Ni-20Cr and Ni-16Cr-Al type alloys are dependent on the grain aspect ratio. Because of the deleterious effect of prior creep on room temperature mechanical properties of large grain size ODS alloys, it is speculated that the threshold stress may be the design limiting creep strength property

    The Role of Contracts in the Organic Supply Chain: 2004 and 2007

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    Organic food products are excellent candidates for contract production and marketing because they are produced using a distinct process and are in high demand. This report summarizes survey data on contracting in the organic sector, addressing the extent of contracting, the rationale for using contracts, and contract design for select commodities. The central survey data were collected from certified organic handlers (intermediaries)in the United States who marketed and procured organic products in 2004 and 2007. Contracting is widespread in the organic sector, and, in 2007, firms used contracts most frequently to secure organic products essential to their business and to source products in short supply. Large firms were more likely to use contracts for procurement, and these firms contracted for a larger share of their procurement needs. Nearly all contracts required suppliers to provide evidence of organic certification. Firms using contracts rarely assisted suppliers with obtaining organic certification or the transition to organic. Most contracts include provisions regarding quality, and quality verification was an essential component of these contracts. Prices were determined in a variety of ways and, in some cases, depended on delivered quality.Organic supply chain, contracts, organic marketing, organic procurement, intermediaries, certified organic handlers, contract design, certified organic, Agribusiness, Marketing,

    A simulation model evaluating costs of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) for a typical U.S. cow-calf producer and benefits of multiple test and cull strategies

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    Increasingly, veterinarian organizations in the United States recommend the control and eradication of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV). Cow-calf producers comprise 35% of U.S. cattle; however, research on the effects of BVDV in these herds is limited. To gain a better understanding of the pathology of BVDV in cow-calf producers, a stochastic simulation model was developed in C++ to measure epidemiological and financial outcomes. Additional simulations were run to evaluate changes in producer profit for several test and cull strategies. Introducing a PI animal decreased profit by an average of {dollar}13,971 over 10 years. When a second generation of PI animals was born, profit decreased an average of {dollar}18,738 over 10 years. Of the test and cull methods run, herds with PI animals profited the most by testing newborn calves before the start of breeding each year. When one PI animal was introduced, testing newborn calves each year before breeding increased profit by an average of {dollar}8,498 over 10 years. For producers with a low risk of PI introduction, testing retained calves after weaning when motivated by an unusually small number of calves was the least costly strategy and successfully identified 77% of simulations that introduced one PI animal in the herd


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    Volume 48 of the Washington Law Review opened with a 290-page analysis of developments in criminal law devoted primarily to a critique of a vital piece of proposed legislation, the Revised Washington Criminal Code. We think it appropriate to close the volume in a lighter vein. Although humor in law review articles is not uncommon, the medium for this expression usually has been the written word, which has provided a kind of literary boundary beyond which law reviews have not ventured. The Washington Law Review is prepared to transgress this hallowed demarcation, to overcome this preoccupation with the precision of printed presentation. To bridge the gap, as it were, between today\u27s law students and the practicing lawyer, we are proud to promulgate one law student\u27s unique way of taking class notes, a truly demanding and rigorous approach requiring the utmost in synthesis of legal concepts and incisive insight into the practical ramifications of legal principles. We are honored to present a selection from the actual class notes of Don B. Wittenberger, Class of \u2773

    The „stability“ of the system of the eart thermal energy utilization

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    In relation to the geothermal resources and, especially, to the geothermal energy utilization, stability means the ability of an applied production system to sustain the production level over long times. Often, the resources are taken into production, mainly to meet economic goals like a quick pay-back of investments for an exploration and anequipment, in such a way that the reservoir depletion is the result. In contrast, the sustainability production of the geothermal energy secures a longevity of these resource, at a lower production level

    New possibilities and perspectives of building hotwater line from geothermal wells heat exchanger to TEKO Košice

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    Thank to favourable geological conditions, Slovakia is a country abundant in the occurrence of low-enthalpy sources. The government of the state sponsors new renewable of the sources ecological energy,including the geothermal energy. Geothermal water is utilized for recreation (swimming pools, spas), agriculture (heating of greenhouses, fishing) and heating of houses. The effectivity of utilisation is about 30 % due to its seasonal use. That is why the annual house-heating and the hot water supply from geothermal sources are supported. Recently, the company Slovgeoterm has initiated heating of greenhouses in Podhajska and hospital and 1231 flats in the town Galanta. Nowadays, a research for the biggest geothermal project in the Middle Europe – construction in Košice basin has started

    Sand control systems used in completing wells

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    Expandable Tubular Technology is transforming the face of well completion and construction. This technology provides: a substantially higher hydrocarbon production rates from the reservoir, a reduced well drilling and construction costs, new possibilities for previously unreachable or uneconomic reservoirs, and step a change towards the single diameter well. ESS (Expandable Sand Screen) has an unrivalled performance worldwide for delivering a reliable sand control in a wide range of applications. Well costs typically cut by over 20 %, and the productivity increases up to 70 %

    3D and 4D Seismic Technics Today

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    Years ago, exploration was done through surface observations and divining rods now, it is done by satellites, microprocessors, remote sensing, and supercomputers. In the 1970´ s, the exploration success rate was 14 percent, today, it is nearly 29 percent. Not so long ago, three dimension (3D) seismic diagnostic techniques helped recover 25-50 percent of the oil in place now, 4D seismic helps recover up to 70 percent of the oil in place. 3D and 4D seismic and earth imaging systems also help in understanding the subsurface flow of other fluids, such as groundwater and pollutants.Seismic surveys a technique in which sound waves are bounced off underground rock struktures to reveal possible oil and gas bearing formation are now standard fare for the modern petroleum industry. But todays seismic methods are best at locating structural traps where faults or folds in the underground rock have created zones where oil can become trapped


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    The molecule of the title compound, C13H9N3O, is achiral but forms a chiral arrangement in the crystal structure. The mol­ecule adopts an E configuration with respect to the N=N bond and is almost planar, with an r.m.s. deviation of 0.0439 Å from the plane through all atoms in the mol­ecule. The dihedral angle between the two benzene rings is 2.2 (2)°. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular O—H⋯N hydrogen bonding generates a chain

    Emanzipatorische Praxis - Psychoanalyse - Supervision

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    In der Supervisorenausbildung hat der Versuch, Supervision mit Emanzipation in Verbindung zu bringen, einen breiten Raum eingenommen. Gleichwohl habe ich diesen Versuch in der veröffentlichten Meinung nicht ausgearbeitet gefunden. War er eine Verbalinjurie ohne konzeptionelle Konsequenz? Auf der Suche nach einer Grundlage habe ich in der psychoanalytischen Literatur gefunden, dass dort die Praxis der Psychoanalytiker als eine emanzipatorische beschrieben wird. Hintergrund dieses Selbstverständnisses stellte Habermas' Arbeit von 1968 (Habermas 1968, S. 279f.) dar. Auch amerikanische Autoren haben die analytische Praxis unter diesem Aspekt beschrieben (Abramson 1984 und Wolfenstein 1990). Da der Begriff der "Emanzipation" häufig verwendet wird, ohne zu klären, was damit zusammenhängt, will ich sowohl die nach meinem Verständnis allgemeinen Charakteristika emanzipatorischer Praxis verdeutlichen als auch beschreiben, in welcher Weise sie für die Supervisorische Praxis gültig sind