699 research outputs found

    Unbounded randomness certification using sequences of measurements

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    Unpredictability, or randomness, of the outcomes of measurements made on an entangled state can be certified provided that the statistics violate a Bell inequality. In the standard Bell scenario where each party performs a single measurement on its share of the system, only a finite amount of randomness, of at most 4log2d4 log_2 d bits, can be certified from a pair of entangled particles of dimension dd. Our work shows that this fundamental limitation can be overcome using sequences of (nonprojective) measurements on the same system. More precisely, we prove that one can certify any amount of random bits from a pair of qubits in a pure state as the resource, even if it is arbitrarily weakly entangled. In addition, this certification is achieved by near-maximal violation of a particular Bell inequality for each measurement in the sequence.Comment: 4 + 5 pages (1 + 3 images), published versio

    Random boundaries: quantifying segmentation uncertainty in solutions to boundary-value problems

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    Engineering simulations using boundary-value partial differential equations often implicitly assume that the uncertainty in the location of the boundary has a negligible impact on the output of the simulation. In this work, we develop a novel method for describing the geometric uncertainty in image-derived models and use a naive method for subsequently quantifying a simulation's sensitivity to that uncertainty. A Gaussian random field is constructed to represent the space of possible geometries, based on image-derived quantities such as pixel size, which can then be used to probe the simulation's output space. The algorithm is demonstrated with examples from biomechanics where patient-specific geometries are often segmented from low-resolution, three-dimensional images. These examples show the method's wide applicability with examples using linear elasticity and fluid dynamics. We show that important biomechanical outputs of these example simulations, namely maximum principal stress and wall shear stress, can be highly sensitive to realistic uncertainties in geometry

    To Kick Against the Pricks: An Examination of the Oresteia and the Acts of the Apostles

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    The major themes found in the Oresteia and the books of Luke and Acts of the Apostles are compared. By focusing on the similarities found in the themes of Justice, Religion, and New versus Old, the reader may determine if the phrase in question is being used as a literary allusion in the book of Acts of the Apostles to the Oresteia trilogy. The author believes this to be the case and believes that to arrive at a full understanding of the literary meaning of the phrase in question, an understanding of the major themes of the Oresteia is necessary

    DNA-PAINT MINFLUX nanoscopy

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    MINimal fluorescence photon FLUXes (MINFLUX) nanoscopy, providing photon-efficient fluorophore localizations, has brought about three-dimensional resolution at nanometer scales. However, by using an intrinsic on–off switching process for single fluorophore separation, initial MINFLUX implementations have been limited to two color channels. Here we show that MINFLUX can be effectively combined with sequentially multiplexed DNA-based labeling (DNA-PAINT), expanding MINFLUX nanoscopy to multiple molecular targets. Our method is exemplified with three-color recordings of mitochondria in human cells

    Risk and Ambiguity in Information Seeking:Eye Gaze Patterns Reveal Contextual Behavior in Dealing with Uncertainty

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    Information foraging connects optimal foraging theory in ecology with how humans search for information. The theory suggests that, following an information scent, the information seeker must optimize the tradeoff between exploration by repeated steps in the search space vs. exploitation, using the resources encountered. We conjecture that this tradeoff characterizes how a user deals with uncertainty and its two aspects, risk and ambiguity in economic theory. Risk is related to the perceived quality of the actually visited patch of information, and can be reduced by exploiting and understanding the patch to a better extent. Ambiguity, on the other hand, is the opportunity cost of having higher quality patches elsewhere in the search space. The aforementioned tradeoff depends on many attributes, including traits of the user: at the two extreme ends of the spectrum, analytic and wholistic searchers employ entirely different strategies. The former type focuses on exploitation first, interspersed with bouts of exploration, whereas the latter type prefers to explore the search space first and consume later. Based on an eye-tracking study of experts' interactions with novel search interfaces in the biomedical domain, we demonstrate that perceived risk shifts the balance between exploration and exploitation in either type of users, tilting it against vs. in favour of ambiguity minimization. Since the pattern of behaviour in information foraging is quintessentially sequential, risk and ambiguity minimization cannot happen simultaneously, leading to a fundamental limit on how good such a tradeoff can be. This in turn connects information seeking with the emergent field of quantum decision theory.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Fractally-organized Connectionist Networks: Conjectures and Preliminary Results

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    A strict interpretation of connectionism mandates complex networks of simple components. The question here is, is this simplicity to be interpreted in absolute terms? I conjecture that absolute simplicity might not be an essential attribute of connectionism, and that it may be effectively exchanged with a requirement for relative simplicity, namely simplicity with respect to the current organizational level. In this paper I provide some elements to the analysis of the above question. In particular I conjecture that fractally organized connectionist networks may provide a convenient means to achive what Leibniz calls an "art of complication", namely an effective way to encapsulate complexity and practically extend the applicability of connectionism to domains such as sociotechnical system modeling and design. Preliminary evidence to my claim is brought by considering the design of the software architecture designed for the telemonitoring service of Flemish project "Little Sister".Comment: Draft of an invited paper for PEWET (1st Workshop on PErvasive WEb Technologies, trends and challenges), http://www.irpps.cnr.it/en/events/call-for-papers-pewet-pervasive-web-technologies-trends-and-challenge