9 research outputs found

    Review Keragaman dan Metode Pengolahan Umbi-Umbian Lokal Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    East Nusa Tenggara (ENT) is one of Indonesia's regions with a dry climate with low annual rainfall and a diversity of local tuber flora biodiversity, which has been communicated in various scientific publications. However, information on the diversity and utilization of local tubers is still partial in certain areas in ENT. This article aims to briefly review the diversity and use of local ENT tubers by local communities. The method used in preparing this article is the study of literature from various scientific journals and books related to local tubers. Several studies reported that Manihot esculenta and Ipomoea batatas are local tubers widely cultivated in almost all areas of ENT. Colocasia esculenta, Solanum tuberosum, Canna edulis, Dioscorea esculenta, Dioscorea bulbifera, and Amorphophallus muelleri Blume are local tubers which have begun to be cultivated in a limited manner in several areas in ENT. Apart from that, many wild minor tubers are found around yards and forests in almost all areas of ENT, such as Dioscorea alata, Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, and Dioscorea hispida. Local tubers, both cultivated and growing wild in ENT, function as an alternative source of carbohydrates during the lean season. The method of processing local tubers by the oENT's people into food is still straightforward and traditional: boiling, burning, and frying or processing them into tuber flour

    The Response Surface Methodology Approach Successfully Optimizes a Dry Milling Process of Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) Flour Production that uses Micro Mill- Assisted by Cyclone Separator

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of feed rate and inlet air velocity on the physicochemical properties of porang flour by using Central Composite Design Method of Response Surface Methodology (CCD –RSM), in order to ascertain whether the CCD-RSM as a predictive approach is accurate in optimizing porang flour production. Advanced instruments, including FTIR (Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), and PSA (Particle Size Analyzer) were used to characterize an optimum micro-mill milled porang flour (OMMPF). The predicted optimum conditions for producing porang flour were feed rate of 48.86 kg/h, and an inlet air velocity of 9.00 m/s, which produced a calcium oxalate content of 2.43±0.00%, a degree of whiteness (DoW) of 57.04±0.00, a viscosity of 4104.80±1.50 cPs, and a glucomannan content of 53.39 ±0.00 % d.b. The verification experimental data were not statistically significantly different (P>0.05) to the prediction optimization data generated by the Design Expert Software. OMMPF had an amorphous form based on the XRD-Diffraction analysis. DSC analysis revealed that first and second peaks were at 99.5 -105.50C and 310.2 - 316.8 0C, respectively.  Particle size analysis of OMMPF was in the range 238.68 - 467.48 µm. We conclude that the Response Surface Methodology is an accurate approach for optimizing porang flour production


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    The utilization of traditional medicinal plants in Indonesia is an integral part of community medicine practices. Manilkara kauki and Manilkara zapota leaves are medicinal plants that attract attention due to their bioactive compound content and have been used traditionally for a long time. However, scientific reviews of the phytochemical profile and bioactivity of sapodilla leaf extracts, both Manilkara kauki and Manilkara zapota, are still limited. This review aims to discuss in-depth and comprehensively sapodilla leaf extracts, both Manilkara kauki and Manilkara zapota, especially phytochemical profiles and their bioactivity. This scientific review uses a literature study approach with data from 2012-2024 obtained from open-access platforms, especially Google Scholar.  The study results showed that the phytochemical compounds found in the extracts of Manilkara kauki leaves included flavonoids, glycosides, tannins, saponins, steroids/terpenoids, and alkaloids. In contrast, the phytochemicals found in the extracts of Manilkara zapota were flavonoids, tannins, saponins, steroids, terpenoids, and alkaloids. Manilkara kauki leaf extract has many bioactivities including anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-fungal, antioxidant, and anti-tyrosinase. Meanwhile, Manilkara zapota leaf extract also showed antibacterial, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and anti-diarrhea activities. Further research is needed to optimize the therapeutic potential of these two plants

    Phytochemicals - Bioactivity of Avicennia marina Leaves Extract, and Its Application in Food Products: A Brief Literature Review

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    Abstract. Avicennia marina (A. marina) is a tropical and non-tropical biodiversity that grows along the coast worldwide, including Indonesia. A. marina, known as the "gray mangrove" tree, is a mangrove plant of the Avicenniaceae family. A widely used plant part is A. marina leaves, which are further processed into A. marina leaves extracts. Various studies on A. marina leaves, extract, and their application to food products have been extensively researched and communicated in various scientific papers. So, this study aims to provide an overview of the current knowledge on A. marina leaves extract, focusing on its phytochemical-bioactivity and application in food products. Various studies have reported that A. marina leaves extract contains polyphenols, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, saponins, tannins, anthraquinones, and other phytochemical compounds based on phytochemical screening. Several recent studies also reported that A. marina leaves extracts to have many benefits due to their biological activities, including antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-cancer activities, and so on. The application of A. marina leaves in the food product is reported to be able to increase the specific nutritional value, such as chocolate bars and noodles. In addition, the water extract of A. marina leaves can maintain the quality of fishery products, especially fresh fish, and acts as a natural bio-formalin or bio-preservation. In future research, the application and supplementation of water extract of A. marina leave in other food products need to be studied further. In addition, other food process engineering must be applied and evaluated to produce extract of A. marina leaves with maintained bioactive compounds and their bioactivity   Fitokimia - Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Daun Avicennia marina dan Aplikasinya pada Produk Pangan: Tinjauan Literatur Singkat Abstrak. Avicennia marina (A. marina) merupakan keanekaragaman hayati tropis dan non-tropis yang tumbuh di sepanjang pantai di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia. A. marina, yang juga dikenal sebagai pohon "bakau abu-abu", adalah tanaman bakau dari keluarga Avicenniaaceae. Bagian tanaman yang banyak dimanfaatkan adalah daun A. marina, yang selanjutnya diolah menjadi ekstrak daun A. marina. Berbagai penelitian mengenai daun A. marina, ekstrak, dan aplikasinya pada produk pangan telah banyak diteliti dan dikomunikasikan dalam berbagai karya ilmiah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran umum tentang pengetahuan terkini tentang ekstrak daun A. marina, dengan fokus pada fitokimia-bioaktivitas dan aplikasinya pada produk pangan. Berbagai penelitian telah melaporkan bahwa ekstrak daun A. marina mengandung polifenol, flavonoid, steroid, terpenoid, alkaloid, cardiac glycosides, saponin, tanin, antrakuinon, dan senyawa fitokimia lain berdasarkan skrining fitokimia. Beberapa penelitian terbaru juga melaporkan bahwa ekstrak daun A. marina memiliki banyak manfaat karena aktivitas biologisnya, seperti aktivitas antioksidan, anti-bakteri, anti-jamur, dan anti-kanker. Aplikasi daun A. marina pada produk makanan, seperti pada chocolate bars dan mie, dilaporkan dapat meningkatkan nilai gizinya secara spesifik. Selain itu, ekstrak air daun A. marina dapat menjaga kualitas produk perikanan, terutama ikan segar, dan berperan sebagai bio-formalin atau pengawet alami. Pada penelitian selanjutnya, aplikasi dan suplementasi ekstrak air daun A. marina pada produk pangan lain perlu dikaji lebih lanjut. Selain itu, rekayasa proses pangan lain perlu diterapkan dan dievaluasi untuk menghasilkan ekstrak daun A. marina dengan senyawa bioaktif dan bioaktivitas yang terjaga

    Tinjauan literatur singkat bioaktivitas ekstrak daun matoa (Pometia pinnata) dari Indonesia dan aplikasinya pada produk pangan

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    Pometia pinnata merupakan tumbuhan tropis yang berasal dari famili Sapindaceae tersebar luas di daerah Indonesia yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai obat tradisional yang dikenal sebagai daun matoa. Daun matoa mengandung banyak senyawa bioaktif seperti saponin, terpenoid, flavonoid, alkaloid, tanin dan kumarin. Ekstraksi komponen biaoaktif daun matoa umumnya menggunakan metode maserasi dengan berbagai pelarut, antara lain etanol, aquadest, n-hexane, ethyl acetate, dan lain-lain, dengan berbagai jumlah komponen bioaktif yang dihasilkan. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan bahwa daun matoa memiliki banyak manfaat, antara lain sebagai penurun tekanan darah, membantu mengobati diabetes, penyakit perut (diare dan disentri), penyakit ginekologi, dan saat ini daun matoa dikembangkan sebagai suplemen atau fortifikasi pada susu. Penelitian yang akan datang diharapkan dan membutuhkan inovasi baru, terutama mengenai teknologi fortifikasi pangan yang dapat diaplikasikan dengan ekstrak daun matoa, untuk meningkatkan hasil dan ekonomi tanaman matoa

    Recent Trends in Porang Research via Bibliometrics Analysis Approach

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    Porang is a native Indonesian plant with many benefits and has been widely studied by researchers in Indonesia. However, bibliometrics analysis of porang research is still limited. So, this study aims to establish a bibliometric analysis to know the recent trends in porang research. Data were taken from Scopus using Publish or Perish (PoP) software from 2012 to 2022 and processed further using Microsoft Excel and VOSViewer to determine the bibliometric mapping of porang research. The information on publication trends, authors, keywords, journal sources, numbers of publications, author productivity, and citations was analyzed descriptively. The 164 articles were retrieved from the Scopus database using PoP software from 2012 to 2022. The tendency for the number of publications was increased throughout the observation period, with the highest of annual publications in 2022 with 44 articles. Different trends are shown in the fluctuating number of citations each year, and the highest number of citations was found in 2014, with 91 citations. Food Research, Journal of Tropical Life Science, and IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science are the journals and conference papers that publish the most articles related to porang research, with 4, 4, and 43 articles, respectively, with Wardhani being the most productive as the first author. The “glucomannan”, “Amorphophallus muelleri" and “Amorphophallus oncophyllus” were the most title keyword in porang research, with 35, 18, and 18 occurrences, respectively

    In Silico Screening of Syzygium myrtifolium Flavonoid Compoinds as Anti-bacterial Activity

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    Bacterial infection and antibiotic resistance are popular issues nowadays. Several pre[1]vious reports performed antibacterial screening activities involving natural herbs and synthetic drugs. Alanine racemase and transglycosylase are essential proteins for peptidoglycan membrane synthesis in bacteria and an alternative target for antibacterial performance. This study identified six flavonoid compounds in Syzygium myrtifolium to perform the antibacterial activity. In silico study was conducted for modelling flavonoids – protein complexes. Five flavonoids from S. myrtifolium were taken out of he canonical smiles from the PubChem database and modelled three-dimensional structure using ChemDraw and molView. Targeted protein, alanine racemase and transglycosylase were downloaded from Protein Data Bank with ID 4WR3 and 1SLY. Ligands and proteins were interacted by Molegro virtual Docker 5.0 and visualized by Discovery studio version 21.1.1. Five flavonoids showed inhibition with alanine racemase and transglycosylase in the same active sites of control and sodium benzo[1]ate. According to the binding energy, calopiptin performed the lowest binding energy value in alanine racemase complexes, while 2-Propanone, 1,3-bis(5-nitro-2-furanyl) showed the lowest value of four other flavonoids at transglycosylase complexes. The type of interactions were electrostatic, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions and unfavorable ones. Low binding energy and varied interaction types indicated tight of ligand-protein interaction. In summary, five flavonoids inhibited alanine racemase and transglycosylase, and the peptidoglycane membrane synthesis in bacteria might be inferred

    Low-Fouling Plate-and-Frame Ultrafiltration for Juice Clarification: Part 1—Membrane Preparation and Characterization

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    Membrane technology provides advantages for separating and purifying food materials, including juice clarification. Ultrafiltration processes for fruit juices aim to remove haze components and maintain the stabilization of the juices. However, the membrane process during the clarification of fruit juices suffers from fouling, which deteriorates the process performance and products. Biofouling usually is found in the applications of the membrane in food processing. In this study, phenolic substances extracted from garlic bulbs are incorporated into a matrix of polymeric membranes to prevent fouling during juice clarification. Hydrophilic cellulose acetate was used as the polymer matrix of the membrane, and dimethylformamide was used as the solvent. The phenolic substances from garlic bulbs were incorporated into polymer solutions with different concentrations of 0%, 1%, 1.25%, and 1.5% w/v. The composite membrane was prepared using the phase inversion method, and the resulting membranes were later characterized. The results show that incorporating those phenolic compounds as the dope solution additive resulted in membranes with higher hydrophilic properties. They also modeled antibacterial properties, as shown by the reduced attachment of Bacillus subtilis of up to 91.5 ± 11.7% and Escherichia coli of up to 94.0 ± 11.9%

    Optimasi Proses Penepungan Chip Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) Menggunakan Micro Mill Dengan Siklon Separator.

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    Chip porang merupakan produk kering dari umbi porang yang memiliki kadar glukomanan dan kadar kalsium oksalat relatif tinggi. Keberadaan kalsium oksalat pada chip porang mengakibatkan aplikasinya sangat terbatas, sehingga proses pemisahan glukomanan dan senyawa non-glukomanan sangat diperlukan untuk menghasilkan tepung porang yang aman untuk dikonsumsi. Proses pemisahan glukomanan dan senyawa glukomanan dari chip porang secara kontinyu dapat dilakukan menggunakan micro mill dibantu dengan siklon separator. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan kondisi optimum laju umpan dan kecepatan aliran udara inlet pada proses penepungan menggunakan micro mill dibantu dengan siklon separator secara kontinyu untuk mendapatkan tepung porang dengan kadar glukomanan, derajat putih, viskositas tinggi, dan rendah kalsium oksalat, dan mengetahui karakteristik fisiko-kimia dan struktural tepung porang optimum hasil penepungan (TPOP). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Central Composite Design- Response Surface Methodology (CCD-RSM), dengan menggunakan 2 faktor, yaitu laju umpan dan kecepatan aliran udara inlet menggunakan micro mill yang dibantu dengan fraksinasi udara menggunakan siklon separator. Range laju umpan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 45 – 55 kg/jam, dan range kecepatan aliran udara inlet berkisar antara 5 - 9 m/s. Respon yang diamati pada penelitian ini adalah kadar glukomanan, derajat putih, viskositas, dan kadar kalsium oksalat. TPOP dilakukan karakterisasi dengan analisa proksimat, kadar pati, kadar amilosa, kadar amilopektin dan analisa struktur, meliputi mikrostruktur, gugus fungsi, ukuran partikel, pola XRD, dan sifat termal. Kondisi optimum didapatkan pada laju umpan sebesar 48,86 kg/jam, dan kecepatan aliran udara inlet sebesar 9 m/s dengan prediksi kadar glukomanan derajat putih, viskositas, dan kadar kalsium oksalat adalah 53,39±0,03 % b.k., 57,03±0,00, 4104,80±1,50 cPs, dan 2,43±0,00%, secara berurutan. Hasil Verifikasi menunjukkan nilai yang tidak berbeda nyata dibandingkan prediksi berdasarkan uji t-berpasangan dengan nilai p-value > 0,05 untuk semua respon, dengan kadar glukomanan sebesar 53,29±0,22 % b.k., derajat putih sebesar 56,90±0,17, viskositas sebesar 4031,30±54,10 cPs, dan kadar kalsium oksalat sebesar 2,45±0,03%. TPOP memiliki kadar glukomanan, derajat putih, viskositas, dan kadar karbohidrat lebih tinggi secara signifikan (p<0,05) dibandingkan tepung porang kasar (TPK), serta memiliki kadar air, kadar protein, kadar pati, kadar amilosa, kadar amilopektin, dan kadar kalsium oksalat lebih rendah secara signifikan (p<0,05), serta kadar lemak dan kadar abu lebih rendah secara tidak signifikan (p>0,05) dibandingkan TPK. Secara struktural, TPOP memiliki permukaan yang lebih bersih dibandingkan dengan TPK berdasarkan analisa mikrostruktur. Gugus fungsi dari TPK dan TPOP tidak mengalami perubahan pola, namun ada perubahan intensitas pada ikatan tertentu. Pola XRD dari kedua tepung memiliki pola yang sama yaitu amorf, dengan 3 puncak utama pada TPK (15,090, 18-230, dan 370), dan 2 puncak utama pada TPOP (210, dan 380). TPK dan TPOP memiliki puncak termal yang hampir sama berdasarkan kurva DS