648 research outputs found

    Practical aspects of the use of phosphate binding materials in refractory mixtures, mortars and putties

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    Phosphate binders, particularly acidic phosphates of Al and Cr, are used for binding Al silicate refractories used for lining of burners, SiC refractories, and refractory mortars. The binders have apparent d. 2.13-2.18 g/cu cm, porosity 21.4-23.8%, compressive strength 223 71 kg/ sq cm, total shrinkage 0.2-0.8%, and refractoriness 1240 deg

    Rapid SNARE-mediated fusion of liposomes and chromaffin granules with giant unilamellar vesicles.

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    Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor activating protein receptor (SNARE) proteins are the main catalysts for membrane fusion in the secretory pathway of eukaryotic cells. In vitro, SNAREs are sufficient to mediate effective fusion of both native and artificial membranes. Here we have established, to our knowledge, a new platform for monitoring SNARE-mediated docking and fusion between giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) and smaller liposomes or purified secretory granules with high temporal and spatial resolution. Analysis of fusion is restricted to the free-standing part of the GUV-membrane exhibiting low curvature and a lack of surface contact, thus avoiding adhesion-mediated interference with the fusion reaction as in fusion with supported bilayers or surface-immobilized small vesicles. Our results show that liposomes and chromaffin granules fuse with GUVs containing activated SNAREs with only few milliseconds delay between docking and fusion. We conclude that after initial contact in trans, SNAREs alone can complete fusion at a rate close to fast neuronal exocytosis

    Comparison of methods for determining the fatty acid composition of photosynthetic tissues

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    The fatty acid (FA) composition of photosynthetic tissue differs from that in other plant or animal tissues. In leaves, the lipid fraction constitutes less than 10% of the dry weight and is mostly located in the chloroplasts. An extraction solvent should dissolve polar lipids readily, but should also overcome interactions between the lipids and the tissue matrix. A mixture of chloroform/methanol (C/M) is commonly used. However, less toxic alternative methods such as hexane/isopropanol (H/I) and ethanol (E) have been suggested. In this preliminary study we compared the effectiveness of these three methods which are used as standard extraction protocols for FA analysis of plant material at three different European Universities. C/M extraction gave the highest total FA content and H/I the lowest, suggesting that C/M is indeed the best general-purpose lipid extraction solvent. Significant differences were also observed for FA composition including the ratio of saturated to unsaturated FA indicating selectivity of the various solvents in extracting different individual FA. Further and more detailed investigations are required to confirm this hypothesi

    Effects of Grassland Management on Herbage Lipid Composition and Consequences for Fatty Acids in Milk

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    Herbage provides bulk feed and is the basis for ruminant nutrition. Herbage lipids, especially C18:3, are a major source of beneficial fatty acids (FA) in milk. These desired FA are unsaturated FA such as CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), especially the isomer rumenic acid, and also vaccenic acid, both trans omega-7 FA (Ellen & Elgersma, 2004). As information on lipids in forages is scarce, effects were studied of N application level and regrowth period on the lipid concentration and FA composition of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), the most important forage in temperate climate zones. A linear relation had previously been found between C18:3 intake of cows stall-fed with fresh grass and the amount of omega-7 FA in milk (Elgersma et al., 2003)

    Imaging of focal seizures with Electrical Impedance Tomography and depth electrodes in real time

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    Intracranial EEG is the current gold standard technique for localising seizures for surgery, but it can be insensitive to tangential dipole or distant sources. Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) offers a novel method to improve coverage and seizure onset localisation. The feasibility of EIT has been previously assessed in a computer simulation, which revealed an improved accuracy of seizure detection with EIT compared to intracranial EEG. In this study, slow impedance changes, evoked by cell swelling occurring over seconds, were reconstructed in real time by frequency division multiplexing EIT using depth and subdural electrodes in a swine model of epilepsy. EIT allowed to generate repetitive images of ictal events at similar time course to fMRI but without its significant limitations. EIT was recorded with a system consisting of 32 parallel current sources and 64 voltage recorders. Seizures triggered with intracranial injection of benzylpenicillin (BPN) in five pigs caused a repetitive peak impedance increase of 3.4±1.5 mV and 9.5±3% (N=205 seizures); the impedance signal change was seen already after a single, first seizure. EIT enabled reconstruction of the seizure onset 9±1.5 mm from the BPN cannula and 7.5±1.1 mm from the closest SEEG contact (p<0.05, n=37 focal seizures in three pigs) and it could address problems with sampling error in intracranial EEG. The amplitude of the impedance change correlated with the spread of the seizure on the SEEG (p <0.001, n=37). The results presented here suggest that combining a parallel EIT system with intracranial EEG monitoring has a potential to improve the diagnostic yield in epileptic patients and become a vital tool in improving our understanding of epilepsy

    Coherence time of a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Temporal coherence is a fundamental property of macroscopic quantum systems, such as lasers in optics and Bose-Einstein condensates in atomic gases and it is a crucial issue for interferometry applications with light or matter waves. Whereas the laser is an "open" quantum system, ultracold atomic gases are weakly coupled to the environment and may be considered as isolated. The coherence time of a condensate is then intrinsic to the system and its derivation is out of the frame of laser theory. Using quantum kinetic theory, we predict that the interaction with non-condensed modes gradually smears out the condensate phase, with a variance growing as A t^2+B t+C at long times t, and we give a quantitative prediction for A, B and C. Whereas the coefficient A vanishes for vanishing energy fluctuations in the initial state, the coefficients B and C are remarkably insensitive to these fluctuations. The coefficient B describes a diffusive motion of the condensate phase that sets the ultimate limit to the condensate coherence time. We briefly discuss the possibility to observe the predicted phase spreading, also including the effect of particle losses.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures; typos correcte

    Structural change of carbon supported Pt nanocatalyst subjected to a step-like potential cycling in PEM-FC

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    Abstract In this paper we present detailed X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigations of the changes in the local geometric and electronic structure of Pt nanoparticles used as a cathode catalyst in proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), working under controlled potential cycling conditions. The body of the results obtained suggests that in the first stage of \{PEMFC\} operation, small particle dissolution was a dominant process. Subsequent 100&#xa0;h of work led to the progressive agglomeration of nanoparticles followed by a pronounced growth of the mean nanoparticle size. At the same time, high-quality \{XAFS\} spectra analysis demonstrated that negligible changes in structural local ordering and a slight increase in Pt 5d-electron density occurred during the whole \{FC\} operation period under consideration

    Non-diffusive phase spreading of a Bose-Einstein condensate at finite temperature

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    We show that the phase of a condensate in a finite temperature gas spreads linearly in time at long times rather than in a diffusive way. This result is supported by classical field simulations, and analytical calculations which are generalized to the quantum case under the assumption of quantum ergodicity in the system. This super-diffusive behavior is intimately related to conservation of energy during the free evolution of the system and to fluctuations of energy in the prepared initial state.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Stress Response after Race and Endurance Training Sessions and Competitions in Arabian Horses

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    Assuring a high level of animal welfare is a critical aspect of contemporary animal husbandry. Equine athletes begin their careers at a very young age when they are still developing and they are both physically and mentally immature. Lack of scientific knowledge of the stress related to horse racing impedes the development of optimal training programs to attain equilibrium between the best sport results and optimal welfare. This study aimed to determine the influence of the intensity and type of physical activity on peripheral blood cortisol concentration. Thirty untrained Arabians, 9 endurance and 21 race horses were enrolled in this longitudinal study. Blood samples were analysed every 3-weeks in 4 training sessions and 2 races in racing horses and monthly after 2 training sessions and 1 competition in endurance horses. Cortisol concentration was measured at rest and 30 min. after physical effort. Racing horses were divided into two groups of the best and the worst performers. Cortisol concentration increased significantly after training and competition, however both in racing and endurance horses the increase was more intensive after competition. In the racing horses, cortisol concentration tended to gradually increase after the subsequent trainings during the racing season, however the starting gate did not appear to exert any impact on cortisol concentration. The best performing race horses appeared to have a lesser increase in cortisol concentration after the race than the worst performing horses, however the cortisol concentration after the race was not significantly different between these two groups of horses. This study suggests that an optimal training program can induce a stress response which is likely not to have any harmful impact on an athlete’s welfare. The more intense effort associated with competition events, both in race and endurance horses, results in a greater stress response, indicating that these kinds of events should be limited to assure animal welfare. Finally, better performance horses adapt more readily to physical activity as they experience less increase of serum cortisol concentration after the race