128 research outputs found

    Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure Revised II (PRISM-RII) – a novel method to assess perceived burden of illness in diabetes patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure (PRISM) has been introduced as a visual measure of suffering. We explored the validity of a revised version, the PRISM-RII, in diabetes patients as part of the annual review.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Participants were 308 adult outpatients with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Measures: (1) the PRISM-RII, yielding Self-Illness Separation (SIS) and Illness Perception Measure (IPM); (2) the Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) scale, a measure of diabetes-related distress; (3) the WHO-5 Well-Being Index; (4) and a validation question on suffering (SQ). In addition, patients' complication status, comorbidity and glycemic control values(HbA1c) were recorded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Patients with complications did have marginally significant higher scores on IPM, compared to patients without complications. Type 2 patients had higher IPM scores than Type 1 patients. SIS and IPM showed low intercorrelation (<it>r </it>= -.25; <it>p </it>< .01). Convergent validity of PRISM-RII was demonstrated by significant correlations between IPM and PAID (<it>r </it>= 0.50; <it>p </it>< 0.01), WHO-5 (<it>r </it>= -.26; <it>p </it>< 0.01) and SQ (<it>r </it>= 0.36; <it>p </it>< 0.01). SIS showed only significant correlations with PAID (<it>r </it>= -0.28; <it>p </it>< 0.01) and SQ (<it>r </it>= -0.22; <it>p </it>< 0.01). Neither IPM nor SIS was significantly associated with HbA1c. The PRISM-RII appeared easy to use and facilitated discussion with care providers on coping with the burden of diabetes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PRISM-RII appears a promising additional tool to assess the psychological burden of diabetes.</p

    The relationship between emotional self-awareness, emotion regulation, and diabetes distress among Italian and Dutch adults with type 1 diabetes

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    ObjectiveEvidence suggests that many adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) experience clinically relevant levels of diabetes distress, indicating coping difficulties. Studies have primarily focused on emotion regulation as a possible construct to be addressed in psychological interventions to alleviate diabetes distress. This study extends the literature by investigating the cross-sectional association between emotion regulation, diabetes distress and the construct of emotional self-awareness as an additional variable to be considered in potentially reducing diabetes distress.MethodsVia an online survey, data was collected on emotional self-awareness dimensions (attention to feelings, clarity of feelings), emotion regulation strategies (cognitive reappraisal, expressive suppression, mood repair) and diabetes distress, along with self-reported clinical and sociodemographic information. Multiple linear regression with stepwise backward method was used to examine associations, controlling for country.ResultsN = 262 Italian and Dutch adults with T1D (80.5% women, M = 38.12 years, SD = 12.14) participated. Clarity of feelings was significantly negatively associated with diabetes distress, resulting in a medium effect size (β = −0.22, p &lt; 0.001). Likewise, mood repair was negatively related to diabetes distress, showing a small effect size (β = −0.26, p &lt; 0.001).ConclusionThese findings shed light on the importance of a dimension of emotional self-awareness, namely clarity of feelings. This represents the ability to identify one’s emotional states and discriminate between them. Thus, it should be considered in psychological interventions, such as mentalization-based treatment, that might contribute to alleviating T1D-related distress

    Goal-Directed and Habitual Control in Smokers.

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    INTRODUCTION: Harmful behavior such as smoking may reflect a disturbance in the balance of goal-directed and habitual control. Animal models suggest that habitual control develops after prolonged substance use. In this study, we investigated whether smokers (N = 49) differ from controls (N = 46) in the regulation of goal-directed and habitual behavior. It was also investigated whether individual differences in nicotine dependence levels were associated with habitual responding. METHODS: We used two different multistage instrumental learning tasks that consist of an instrumental learning phase, subsequent outcome devaluation, and a testing phase to measure the balance between goal-directed and habitual responding. The testing phases of these tasks occurred after either appetitive versus avoidance instrumental learning. The appetitive versus aversive instrumental learning stages in the two different tasks modeled positive versus negative reinforcement, respectively. RESULTS: Smokers and nonsmoking controls did not differ on habitual versus goal-directed control in either task. Individual differences in nicotine dependence within the group of smokers, however, were positively associated with habitual responding after appetitive instrumental learning. This effect seems to be due to impaired stimulus-outcome learning, thereby hampering goal-directed task performance and tipping the balance to habitual responding. CONCLUSIONS: The current finding highlights the importance of individual differences within smokers. For future research, neuroimaging studies are suggested to further unravel the nature of the imbalance between goal-directed versus habitual control in severely dependent smokers by directly measuring activity in the corresponding brain systems. IMPLICATIONS: Goal-directed versus habitual behavior in substance use and addiction is highly debated. This study investigated goal-directed versus habitual control in smokers. The findings suggest that smokers do not differ from controls in goal-directed versus habitual control. Individual differences in nicotine dependence within smokers, however, were positively associated with habitual responding after appetitive instrumental learning. This effect seems to be due to impaired stimulus-outcome learning, thereby hampering goal-directed task performance and tipping the balance to habitual responding. These findings add to the ongoing debate on habitual versus goal-directed control in addiction and emphasize the importance of individual differences within smokers

    Self-report and parent-report of physical and psychosocial well-being in Dutch adolescents with type 1 diabetes in relation to glycemic control

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    BACKGROUND: To determine physical and psychosocial well-being of adolescents with type 1 diabetes by self-report and parent report and to explore associations with glycemic control and other clinical and socio-demographic characteristics. METHODS: Demographic, medical and psychosocial data were gathered from 4 participating outpatient pediatric diabetes clinics in the Netherlands. Ninety-one patients completed the Child Health Questionnaire-CF87 (CHQ-CF87), Centre for Epidemiological Studies scale for Depression (CES-D), and the DFCS (Diabetes-specific Family Conflict Scale). Parents completed the CHQ-PF50, CES-D and the DFCS. RESULTS: Mean age was 14.9 years (± 1.1), mean HbA(1c )8.8% (± 1.7; 6.2–15.0%). Compared to healthy controls, patients scored lower on CHQ subscales role functioning-physical and general health. Parents reported less favorable scores on the behavior subscale than adolescents. Fewer diabetes-specific family conflicts were associated with better psychosocial well-being and less depressive symptoms. Living in a one-parent family, being member of an ethnic minority and reporting lower well-being were all associated with higher HbA(1c )values. CONCLUSION: Overall, adolescents with type 1 diabetes report optimal well-being and parent report is in accordance with these findings. Poor glycemic control is common, with single-parent families and ethnic minorities particularly at risk. High HbA(1c )values are related to lower social and family functioning

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of The Incredible Years Parenting Program as an indicated prevention of child conduct problem

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    Conduct problems in childhood affect the daily lives of children and their families and have serious economic implications for society. The Incredible Years parent program (IY) is a manualized behavioral parent training that aims to improve parenting skills in order to reduce conduct problems of children. We conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis of IY, compared to care-as-usual (CAU), in pre-schoolers at risk for a chronic pattern of conduct problems. In a case-control design with a two-year follow-up, we assessed intervention costs, use of public services (e.g., healthcare and special education), property damage, travel costs, and parental productivity losses. Conduct problems reduced in children in the IY condition, relative to CAU. From the public authorities perspective, the net costs to reduce the child’s conduct problems by one point of observed conduct problems (meaning a reduction of one disruptive behavior each 20 minutes) were €187. Taking the parents’ perspective and the societal perspective it was €88 and €155, respectively

    Trapped in vicious cycles: unraveling the health experiences and needs of adults living with socioeconomic insecurity

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    Background: This study explores the role of health in daily life and needs of Dutch adults (aged 25–49) experiencing one or more forms of socioeconomic insecurity stemming from their financial, housing, or employment situations. Methods: 28 in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted in the Netherlands between October 2022 and February 2023. The interview guide included questions on participants’ socioeconomic situation, the role of health in their daily lives, their health-related and broader needs. Data was interpreted using inductive reflexive thematic analysis. An advisory board consisting of adults with lived experiences of socioeconomic insecurity were consulted at multiple stages of the study (recruitment, interview guide, interpretation of results). Results: Housing insecurity was widely experienced by participants. When asked about their financial situation, most participants expressed having no issues getting by, but later on, described vigorous efforts to minimize expenses. Participants’ narratives revealed four key themes in relation to the role of health in daily life and associated needs. Firstly, socioeconomic insecurity led to diminished control over life, which led to the disruption of routines. Secondly, experiencing socioeconomic insecurity compelled participants to prioritize stress reduction and mental health improvement through calming yet potentially damaging coping mechanisms. Thirdly, those who experienced little opportunity for improvement in their already long-lasting socioeconomic insecurity shared a sense of stagnation in life, which co-occurred with stagnation in unhealthy routines and diminished well-being. Fourthly, participants expressed the need for someone to speak with. This support may help participants regain control over their lives, identify opportunities for more socioeconomic security, and focus on increased health and well-being. Conclusions: This study sheds light on the challenges individuals face in dealing with socioeconomic insecurity, how it may affect their health, and their needs. Gaining perspective for improved socioeconomic security and having accessible professional support tailored to self-identified needs could have health-promoting effects for individuals living with socioeconomic insecurity. It is recommended to integrate professional support and assistance regarding social security into health policies and interventions. In future research, measures of financial strain should be adjusted to include the effort needed to get by

    Socioeconomic inequalities in self-assessed health and food consumption: the mediating roles of daily hassles and the perceived importance of health

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    Background: Urgent daily hassles, which are more common among people with a lower socioeconomic position (SEP), might limit one’s ability to address less pressing goals, such as goals related to health promotion. Consequently, health goals may be viewed as less focal, which could jeopardize one’s health. This study examined an understudied pathway: whether a higher severity of daily hassles resulted in a lower perceived importance of health and whether these two factors sequentially mediate socioeconomic inequalities in self-assessed health (SAH) and food consumption. Methods: A cross-sectional survey among 1,330 Dutch adults was conducted in 2019. Participants self-reported SEP (household income, educational level), the severity of eleven daily hassles (e.g., financial hassles, legal hassles), the perceived importance of health (not being ill, living a long life), SAH, and food consumption. Structural equation modeling was used to examine whether daily hassles and the perceived importance of health sequentially mediated income and educational inequalities in SAH, fruit and vegetable consumption (FVC) and snack consumption. Results: No evidence of sequential mediation through daily hassles and the perceived importance of health was found. Daily hassles individually mediated income inequalities in SAH (indirect effect: 0.04, total effect: 0.06) and in FVC (indirect effect: 0.02, total effect: 0.09). The perceived importance of not being ill and living a long life both individually mediated educational inequalities in SAH (indirect effects: 0.01 and -0.01, respectively, total effect: 0.07). Conclusions: Income inequalities in SAH and FVC were explained by daily hassles, and educational inequalities in SAH were explained by the perceived importance of health. Socioeconomic inequalities may not be sequentially explained by a more severe experience of daily hassles and a lower perceived importance of health. Interventions and policies addressing challenging circumstances associated with a low income may improve SAH and healthy food consumption among lower-income groups

    The current state of complex systems research on socioeconomic inequalities in health and health behavior: a systematic scoping review

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    Background: Interest in applying a complex systems approach to understanding socioeconomic inequalities in health is growing, but an overview of existing research on this topic is lacking. In this systematic scoping review, we summarize the current state of the literature, identify shared drivers of multiple health and health behavior outcomes, and highlight areas ripe for future research. Methods: SCOPUS, Web of Science, and PubMed databases were searched in April 2023 for peer-reviewed, English-language studies in high-income OECD countries containing a conceptual systems model or simulation model of socioeconomic inequalities in health or health behavior in the adult general population. Two independent reviewers screened abstracts and full texts. Data on study aim, type of model, all model elements, and all relationships were extracted. Model elements were categorized based on the Commission on Social Determinants of Health framework, and relationships between grouped elements were visualized in a summary conceptual systems map. Results: A total of 42 publications were included; 18 only contained a simulation model, 20 only contained a conceptual model, and 4 contained both types of models. General health outcomes (e.g., health status, well-being) were modeled more often than specific outcomes like obesity. Dietary behavior and physical activity were by far the most commonly modeled health behaviors. Intermediary determinants of health (e.g., material circumstances, social cohesion) were included in nearly all models, whereas structural determinants (e.g., policies, societal values) were included in about a third of models. Using the summary conceptual systems map, we identified 15 shared drivers of socioeconomic inequalities in multiple health and health behavior outcomes. Conclusions: The interconnectedness of socioeconomic position, multiple health and health behavior outcomes, and determinants of socioeconomic inequalities in health is clear from this review. Factors central to the complex system as it is currently understood in the literature (e.g., financial strain) may be both efficient and effective policy levers, and factors less well represented in the literature (e.g., sleep, structural determinants) may warrant more research. Our systematic, comprehensive synthesis of the literature may serve as a basis for, among other things, a complex systems framework for socioeconomic inequalities in health

    Carrots and sticks fail to change behavior in cocaine addiction.

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    Cocaine addiction is a major public health problem that is particularly difficult to treat. Without medically proven pharmacological treatments, interventions to change the maladaptive behavior of addicted individuals mainly rely on psychosocial approaches. Here we report on impairments in cocaine-addicted patients to act purposefully toward a given goal and on the influence of extended training on their behavior. When patients were rewarded for their behavior, prolonged training improved their response rate toward the goal but simultaneously rendered them insensitive to the consequences of their actions. By contrast, overtraining of avoidance behavior had no effect on patient performance. Our findings illustrate the ineffectiveness of punitive approaches and highlight the potential for interventions that focus on improving goal-directed behavior and implementing more desirable habits to replace habitual drug-taking.Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship (Grant ID: 101521/Z/12/Z)This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AAAS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aaf370
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