133 research outputs found

    “The Necessary War: Canadians Fighting the Second World War 1939–1943, Volume One (Book Review)” by Tim Cook & “Fight to the Finish: Canadians in the Second World War 1944–1945, Volume Two (Book Review)” by Tim Cook

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    Review of The Necessary War: Canadians Fighting the Second World War 1939–1943, Volume One & Fight to the Finish: Canadians in the Second World War 1944–1945, Volume Two by Tim Cook

    Review of Dominion of Race: Rethinking Canada’s International History by Laura Madokoro, Francine McKenzie and David Meren, eds.

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    Review of Dominion of Race: Rethinking Canada’s International History by Laura Madokoro, Francine McKenzie and David Meren, eds

    Two Years Below the Horn: Operation Tabarin, Field Science, and Antarctic Sovereignty, 1944–1946 (Book Review) by Andrew Taylor, edited by Daniel Heidt and P. Whitney Lackenbauer

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    Review of Two Years Below the Horn: Operation Tabarin, Field Science, and Antarctic Sovereignty, 1944–1946 by Andrew Taylor, edited by Daniel Heidt and P. Whitney Lackenbauer

    Review of Dominion of Race: Rethinking Canada’s International History by Laura Madokoro, Francine McKenzie and David Meren, eds.

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    Review of Dominion of Race: Rethinking Canada’s International History by Laura Madokoro, Francine McKenzie and David Meren, eds

    The simplest demonstrations of quantum nonlocality

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    We investigate the complexity cost of demonstrating the key types of nonclassical correlations-Bell inequality violation, Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen (EPR)-steering, and entanglement-with independent agents, theoretically and in a photonic experiment. We show that the complexity cost exhibits a hierarchy among these three tasks, mirroring the recently discovered hierarchy for how robust they are to noise. For Bell inequality violations, the simplest test is the well-known Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt test, but for EPR-steering and entanglement the tests that involve the fewest number of detection patterns require nonprojective measurements. The simplest EPR-steering test requires a choice of projective measurement for one agent and a single nonprojective measurement for the other, while the simplest entanglement test uses just a single nonprojective measurement for each agent. In both of these cases, we derive our inequalities using the concept of circular two-designs. This leads to the interesting feature that in our photonic demonstrations, the correlation of interest is independent of the angle between the linear polarizers used by the two parties, which thus require no alignment

    Mass spectrometry imaging of levofloxacin distribution in TB-infected pulmonary lesions by MALDI-MSI and continuous liquid microjunction surface sampling

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    A multi-modal mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) and profiling approach has been applied to assess the partitioning of the anti-TB fluoroquinolone levofloxacin into pulmonary lesions. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) and a commercial liquid microjunction surface sampling technology (LMJ-SSP), or flowprobe, have been used to both spatially profile and image drug distributions in lung tissue sections from TB-infected rabbits following oral administration of a single human-equivalent dose., Levofloxacin levels were highest at 6 h post-dose in normal lung, cellular granuloma, and necrotic caseum compartments. The drug accumulated in the cellular granuloma regions with lower amounts partitioning into central caseous compartments. Flowprobe imaging at 630 μm (limited by the probe tip diameter) enabled visualization of drug distribution into lesion compartments, including limited differentiation of relative drug abundance in cellular versus caseous regions of the lesions., MALDI-MSI analysis at 75 μm provided more detailed drug distribution, which clearly accumulated in the cellular region immediately surrounding the central caseum core. Imaging and profiling data acquired by flowprobe and MALDI-MSI were validated by quantitative LC/MS/MS analysis of lung and granuloma homogenates taken from the same animals., The results of the investigation show flowprobe imaging and sampling as a rapid and sensitive alternative to MALDI-MSI for profiling drug distributions into tissues when spatial resolution of data below the threshold of the probe diameter is not required

    An In Vitro Intact Globe Expansion Method for Evaluation of Cross-linking Treatments

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    Purpose. To measure the tissue mechanical response to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) using intact globe expansion of rabbit eyes. This method examined rabbit kit (2–3 weeks old) eyes as a model for weakened tissue and evaluated riboflavin/ UVA and glyceraldehyde cross-linking treatments. Methods. The ocular shape of enucleated eyes was photographed during a 24-hour period while a controlled IOP was imposed (either low IOP 22 mm Hg or high IOP 85 mm Hg). Untreated controls consisted of kit eyes tested at both low- and high IOP and adult eyes tested at high IOP. Treated kit eyes (dextran controls, riboflavin/UVA treatment of the cornea, and glyceraldehyde treatment of the entire globe) were tested at high IOP. Results. Low IOP elicited negligible creep of the sclera and very gradual creep of the cornea. In contrast, high IOP induced up to an 8% strain in the sclera and a 15% strain in the cornea of rabbit kit eyes. The expansion of adult eyes was less than one third that of kit eyes at the same, high IOP. Riboflavin/UVA treatment of corneas reduced expansion compared with that in both dextran-treated and untreated control corneas. Glyceraldehyde treatment prevented expansion of the cornea and sclera. Conclusions. The intact globe expansion method (GEM) imposes a loading geometry comparable to in vivo conditions and can quantify changes in mechanical stability as a function of testing conditions (e.g., IOP, tissue maturation, and therapeutic cross-linking) with small sample sizes and small variability. Rabbit kit eyes provide a model of weak tissue suitable for screening treatments that strengthen the cornea and sclera