97 research outputs found

    Patent Data in Economic Analysis

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    The issues discussed in this chapter constitute a voice in a methodological discussion on the scope and manners of the utilisation of patent statistics in economic research. The discussion comprises the following issues: the gist of a patent monopoly, the evolution of opinions on the benefits and costs of a patent monopoly, and the possibilities and limitations of utilising patent statistics in the quantification of economic processes. This chapter is of a review and has methodological character. The analysis conducted within the text leads to two groups of conclusions. One of them concerns the shortcomings and limitations of patent databases, while the other concerns the identification of scientific exploration fields by means of patent metadata.

    The liberalization of capital movements and economic inequalities : an attempt to diagnose the phenomenon

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    Dynamikę procesu globalizacji bezsprzecznie określają wzrastające wielkości czynników produkcji, towarów i usług, które rejestrowane są w bilansach płatniczych krajów należących do Międzynarodowego Funduszu Walutowego. Największe przyspieszenie można odnotować w odniesieniu do tych składników, które wiążą się z przepływem długo- i krótkoterminowego kapitału. Liberalizacja przepływów kapitałowych uznawana jest za jedno z narzędzi globalizacji. Wciąż zatem potarte pozostaje pytanie, w jakim stopniu strumienie przepływającego kapitału przyczyniają się do wzrostu bądź spadku zamożności podmiotów danych gospodarek, a więc i wpływają na wzrost lub spadek nierówności ekonomicznych w poszczególnych krajach przyjętych do badań.The dynamic of the globalization process constituted steadily increasing flow volumes of production factors, goods and services which are recorded in the payment balances of countries belonging to the International Monetary Fund. The greatest acceleration is appearing in the reference to the movement of long and short-term capital. The liberalization of capital movements can be regarded as one of the globalization tools. Therefore, it is still an open question to what extent the flows of capital movement contribute to the growth or decline of wealth of the economy entities; affects the growth of decline of economic inequalities in the countries provided with the researches

    The socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 on Eastern European countries

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    The year 2020 went down in economic history due to the dramatic and drastic changes in economic and social conditions that resulted from the outbreak of the global pandemic of COVID-19. This book offers a multi-level narrative about the pandemic, written from national and international perspectives, enabling the authors to construct several macro- and mega-scenarios. The book consists of six chapters. Four of them discuss the process of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Europe in 2020, i.e. the directions and dynamics of the spread and its socioeconomic consequences, and provide a comparative analysis of fiscal and monetary packages employed by Europe, with an emphasis on Eastern European countries. The remaining two chapters contain forecasts and scenarios. The fifth chapter, dedicated to forecasts, provides readers with a comprehensive description of possible consequences of any epidemic leading to severe social losses such as high percentages of infected and dead, limited interpersonal contacts as a result of lockdown, a lowered level of general individual and social well-being, as well as economic losses, for example a decline in production as a result of the collapse of aggregate demand and a reduction in the supply capacity of the economy, consequently slowing down the pace of capital accumulation. The sixth, final chapter describes possible scenarios of the spread of the pandemic in Poland and Ukraine, depending on measures taken by the governments of those countries. The Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Eastern European Countries is designed as a practical reference for scholars, researchers and policymakers

    Patent Licensing in Selected European Countries

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    The issue of the commercialization of patents, as an exemplification of the industrial property, is mostly considered at the microeconomic level. Patent commercialization belongs to the innovation management process, which takes place in innovative organizations. Such microeconomic research approach does not take into account the phenomenon of the intellectual property simultaneous spread and use of scientific and technical knowledge in the economy. These observations lead to undertaking research on the commercial use of patents in the economy. The aim of this paper is to present the research results of the patent licensing as one of the forms of commercialization in the selected European countries in the long time period. The main purpose of undertaken research was to identify and measure the patent licensing dynamics, which is part of the one of the major research related to identify and structure recognition of patents commercialization stream. To achieve this purpose, the collection of patent metadata for the member states of the European Patent Office was used, as well as the author’s own concordance IPC→NACE table. As a result of the research, some of the European countries were identified as leading, in terms of the number of licensed patents, the dynamics spread of patent property in the European economy that was set, and the branches were established, in which the emerging new industrial solutions are the subject of commercialization with the use of license contracts.Zagadnienie komercjalizacji własności przemysłowej jest rozpatrywane najczęściej w ujęciu mikroekonomicznym. Komercjalizacja stanowi ważny element procesu zarządzania innowacjami. Dotychczasowe badania w tym obszarze nie uwzględniają zjawiska jednoczesnego rozprzestrzeniania i wykorzystania wiedzy naukowo-technicznej w gospodarce. Spostrzeżenia te skłaniają do podjęcia badań nad komercyjnym wykorzystaniem własności przemysłowej w gospodarce. Celem opracowania jest prezentacja wyników badań licencjonowania własności przemysłowej, jako jednej z form komercjalizacji, w wybranych krajach europejskich. Identyfikacja dynamiki zmian w zakresie skali licencjonowania własności intelektualnej wpisuje się w jeden z głównych kierunków badań dotyczących identyfikacji i rozpoznania struktury strumienia komercjalizacji. Dla realizacji tego celu wykorzystano zbiór metadanych patentowych dla krajów członkowskich Europejskiego Urzędu Patentowego oraz autorską tablicę łącznikową IPC→NACE. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań zidentyfikowano wiodące pod względem liczby licencjonowanych patentów kraje Europy, wyznaczono dynamikę rozprzestrzeniania własności przemysłowej w gospodarce europejskiej oraz ustalono branże, w których powstające nowe rozwiązania przemysłowe są przedmiotem komercjalizacji z wykorzystaniem kontraktów licencyjnych

    Key findings

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    The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS CoV-2 virus, which struck in the years 2020-2021, was characterized by a global scale, an unprecedented pace of spread, fundamental uncertainty and interrelation of health, social and economic phenomena. The 2020+ pandemic entailed a worldwide exogenous demand and supply shock

    Differentiation of the digital economic development in Europe

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    The chapter is devoted to the differentiation of digital economic development in Europe. The digital economy is a new concept, ambiguously defined. The literature points to its key aspects: infrastructure, employment and digital applications. Different approaches used by researchers directed the chapter’s authors to identify it with the ICT sector. The measurability of the digital economy also posed a challenge, and the definition used also directed the measurement towards issues related to the ICT sector. The analysis covers the years 2012–2019 and the European Union countries. A taxonomy index was used to quantify changes in the digital economy. A wide variation in the development of the digital economy between countries was shown. Countries such as Malta, Finland, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands were characterized by high levels of digital development, while Greece, Italy, Romania and Slovenia lagged behind. The analysis also highlighted the role of countries such as Bulgaria and Poland, where the digital economy was developing rapidly. The study underscores the importance of the ICT sector in measuring the digital economy

    Fiscal interventions in 2020

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    Chapter 3 aims to make a comparative analysis of fiscal responses of the European Union member states and of the United Kingdom to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey covered measures implemented in 28 European economies between January and November 2020. This study discusses assistance packages offered in all countries, and fiscal and monetary responses in all member states of the European Union. The countries analyzed are divided into the eurozone and other economies. The lockdown, with its social and economic restrictions imposed in the surveyed countries, resulted in an economic downturn and a loss of 4.5% of GDP in total. Unemployment rose in those countries by 24% on average. Assistance packages were offered to stimulate economies and preserve employment, e.g. subsidies to wages, moratoriums (grace periods) on payment of taxes and repayment of loans, loans and guarantees granted to businesses, purchase of treasury and corporate securities by central banks. Those government responses were financed by public debt that rose in the countries surveyed from 80% to 91% of GDP on average. The Next Generation EU fund was approved at the EU level (EUR 750 billion), and was aimed to support the 2021-2027 financial framework (EUR 1.8 trillion in total). It was observed that governmental assistance was aimed at improved innovation, competitiveness and energy transition

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the differentiation of selected macroeconomic variables characterizing the EU economies over a short period

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    The 2020+ pandemic was not only the most serious global health crisis since the Spanish flu of 1918 but also one of the most economically expensive pandemics on a global scale. The scale and dynamics of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by a coronavirus entailed serious disturbances in social and economic life. Chapter 2 aims to analyze and assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the differentiation of selected macroeconomic aggregates in the European Union economies. The study examined 27 European countries that were members of the European Union at the time of the announcement of the pandemic by the World Health Organization. The following macro-indicators were analyzed and assessed: gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, the unemployment rate, gross fixed capital formation (investments) per capita, exports and imports per capita. The research project included both a long (2006-2020) and a short (Q2 of 2020 vs. Q2 of 2019) period. The depth of decreases in macroeconomic aggregates, including GDP (and consequently GDP per capita) in the second quarter of 2020 was unprecedented in the post-war history of the member states of the former European Communities and the current European Union. The sharpest decrease was observed in the countries that in 2006-2019 belonged to the group of economies with high and highest values of GDP per capita


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    Societies and economies are not digitally neutral. Technological progress is a disruptive process that stimulates the emergence of a new status quo. Technology and technological change enrich and reshape socio-economic systems, raising their responsiveness and adaptability to further technological development

    Patent results of men's and women's R&D activities in the enterprise sector in the EU

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    Częstym brakiem prac analitycznych w zakresie statystyki patentowej jest niedostateczne wykorzystanie jednego z ważniejszych atrybutów opisu patentowego jakim jest informacja o płci twórcy wynalazku. Standardowy rekord opisu patentowego pozwala na wielowątkową analizę podmiotów zgłaszających oraz wynalazców w połączeniu z innymi rodzajami danych. Informacja patentowa udostępniana jest w różnych trybach. Żadna obecnie dostępna baza nie zawiera wprost informacji o płci twórcy nowego rozwiązania. Podejmowane dotąd prace analityczne z tego zakresu w ograniczony sposób wychodzą na przeciw tym wyzwaniom. Lukę tę próbuje się wypełnić, choć częściowo, w niniejszym opracowaniu wpisując się tym samym w rozwój Gender Economics and Innovation. Opracowanie jest ogólną odpowiedzią na pytanie o związek kierunku i dynamiki zmian nakładów na B+R sektora przedsiębiorstw ze zmianami udziału kobiet i mężczyzn występujących w roli researchers and inventors.The frequent lack of analytical work in the field of patent statistics is manifested in the insufficient use of one of the most important attributes of patent descriptions - information about the gender of the inventors. The standard patent record allows for multi-layered analysis and reporting of the submitting organizations and inventors in combination with other types of data. Patent information is made available in different forms. No currently available database contains direct information on the gender of the creator of the new solution. Analytical work undertaken so far in this field meets these challenges in a limited way. We are trying to fill this gap, at least partially, in this study and develop Gender Economics and Innovation. The study is an overall response to the question about the relationship between the direction and dynamics of changes in expenditure in the enterprise R&D sector, as changes in the participation of women and men in their capacity as researchers and inventors