5 research outputs found

    Cell Wall Lytic Enzymes And Their Role In Bacteriophages Infection

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    Use of chemical pesticides has been shown to have many negative side effects, such as insecticide resistance and resurgence, an outbreak of secondary pests and diseases, the disappearance of parasitoid and predator species as well as residual effects on food crops and on the environment. Over the past 60 years, both the number of agricultural toxins in the environment and incidence rates of toxin-related diseases has increased dramatically. The most effective way to combat this problem is through the use of natural predators. One of the best examples of this is the use of host-specific bacteriophages to control bacterial diseases. The mechanism of infection is a very interesting one. To break through the bacterial cell wall the bacteriophages must produce a range of lytic enzymes.  This review will examine and discuss studies of these site-specific cell wall lytic enzymes and their roles in the infection of bacteriophages

    Genetic Variation of Coconut Tall (Cocos nucifera L., Arecaceae) in Bali, Indonesia Based on Microsatellite DNA.

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    The coconut has  important roles for economics, traditional medicine and culture,  especially for Hindu’s ceremonial purpose in Bali Island (Indonesia). Each coconut cultivar  has unique characteristics.   The aimed of this research was to determine genetic variation of coconut tall (Cocos nucifera L., Arecaceae) in Bali, based on DNA microsatellite.  Six pairs microsatellite markers were used to determine heterozygosity. The results showed that total of 80 alleles  were detected by microsatellite with an average of 13.33 alleles per locus, there were 12 alleles on microsatellite locus CnCirA3, 12 alleles on locus CnCirC3, 16 alleles on locus CNZ05, 14 alleles on  CNZ09 , 17 alleles on CNZ21,  and 9 alleles  on microsatellite primer  pairs CNZ51. The mean values of gene diversity (He) and observed heterozygosity (Ho) were 0.8835 and 0.5421, respectively.  The highest heterozigosity  was on bulan tall coconuts cultivar (0.816), the lowest heterozygosity was on bluluk tall coconuts (0.35).   Keywords: unique characteristic, microsatellite, allele, heterozygosity, coconu

    Identifikasi Potensi dan Pengembangan Sistem Pertanian Organik menuju Bali Pulau Organik

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    Purpose: By adopting an agriculture system that is in harmony with nature through an organic farming system approach, it is expected to produce commodities that are healthy and safe for consumption and have a higher economic value so that the two missions can be achieved in the future. Research methods: Research on identifying the potential and development of organic farming systems towards Bali organic islands had been carried out in all regencies and cities in Bali Province on May - December 2019. The research was conducted through a field survey and the results were agreed through FGD with stakeholders. Findings: Development of organic farming systems potentially carried out in almost all districts in Bali except in Klungkung Regency and Denpasar City. Implications: The innovation result of this research is the online, integrated, compact, lightweight, and easy to operate organic database system for Bali Province.Tujuan: Dengan mengadopsi sistem pertanian yang selaras alam melalui pendekatan sistem pertanian organik diharapkan menghasilkan komoditas yang sehat dan aman untuk dikonsumsi dan memiliki nilai jual yang lebih tinggi sehingga ke dua misi tersebut dalam jangka panjang dapat dicapai. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian mengenai identifikasi potensi dan pengembangan sistem pertanian organik menuju Bali pulau organik telah dilakukan diseluruh wilayah kabupaten dan Kota di Provinsi Bali sejak bulan Mei – Desember 2019. Penelitian dilakukan melalui survei lapang dan hasilnya disepakati melalui FGD bersama para stakeholder. Temuan: Pengembangan sistem pertanian organik potensial dilakukan hampir seluruh kabupaten di Bali kecuali di Kabupaten Klungkung dan Kota Denpasar. Implikasi: Inovasi yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini adalah sistem database pertanian organik Provinsi Bali yang online, terintegrasi, kompak, ringan, dan mudah dioperasikan

    Identification of Contaminant Fungi on Pedetan, an Dry Fish Product of Lemuru (Sardinella lemuru)

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    Dry fish products of Lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) known in Bali under the name "pedetan" is one kind of dried seasoned processed products that is quite popular among the people of Bali, especially in Jembrana Regency.  In general the process is done through drying lemuru fish in the sun so it is possible for them to grow and develop the contaminant fungi that may affect the health of consummers.  This study aims to isolate and identify fungi that contaminate pedetan.  Pedetan samples were taken from 10 villages which are the pedetan production centers in Jembrana Regency. The identification was done macroscopically, microscopically, and molecularly through analysis of 18S rRNA gene. The results of this study indicate that there are four types of fungi that are found as contaminants of pedetan, namely Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus aculeatus, Aspergillus niger, and Aspergillus tubingensis. Efforts are needed to improve the composition of spices in order to maximally reduce the population of contaminant fungi in pedetan. Keywords: Sardinella lemuru, pedetan, contaminant fung

    Laporan Pertama Infeksi Begomovirus pada Tanaman Mentimun di Bali

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    Leaf yellowing symptoms was commonly found in cucumber plants in Bali provinces, i.e. in Apuan and Bangli villages recently. Begomovirus infection is suspected as the causal agent, due to similar symptoms previously reported from cucumber plants in Java. In addition, Bemisia tabaci was observed in the field. The objective of this research was to identify the causal agent of leaf yellowing disease of cucumber in Bali. Virus detection and identification was conducted by polymerase chain reaction method using universal primers for Begomovirus, i.e. SPG1/SPG2. DNA fragment of 912 bp in size was successfully amplified from leaf samples. Analysis of nucleotide sequencing indicated that Begomovirus infecting cucumber plants in Bali has the highest homology (91%) with Squash leaf curl China virus (SLCCNV) isolate from Malaysia. This is the first report of SLCCNV infection in Bali