181 research outputs found

    Dekonstruksi Makna dan Peranan Tokoh dalam Struktur Teks Kemidi Rudat

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    Masyarakat Sasak di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat adalah masyarakat yang sangat kaya akan tradisi dan sudah dapat dikatakan menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sosialnya. Tradisi dalam masyarakat Sasak Lombok mengatur tata perilaku seseorang dalam bermasyarakat, sebagai pengendali social yang dipercaya mampu menghidupi masyarakat menjadi masyarakat yang beradab dan saling menghargai antar sesame.Tradisi tersebut dapat berupa upacara-upacara daur hidup, kematian, tata laku dan juga kesenian. Proses memaknai seni tradisi yang mengikuti perkembangan kebudayaan membutuhkan metode tertentu atau cara pandang melihat tradisi atau kesenian tradisional dengan cara yang berbeda. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah metode dekonstruksi, yaitu sebuah metode pembacaan teks dengan memasuki lebih dalam teks tersebut sehingga menemukan pentingnya hal-hal yang selama ini mungkin diabaikan dalam teks tersebut. Metode ini akan membawa makna baru yang dapat disesuaikan dengan perkembangan kebudayaan. Objek penelitian atau teks kebudayaan yang diteliti adalah teater tradisional masyarakat Sasak yaitu Kemidi Rudat.Simpulan yang diperoleh adalah peran tokoh utama terletak pada Jongos dan Khadam yang mampu menghidupkan suasana pentas dan wakil dari kebebasan atau kemerdekaan yang didamba setiap manusia. Peranan tokoh yang berimplikasi pada makna Kemidi Rudat yaitu kerinduan akan kebebasan atau kemerdekaan hidup manusia

    Etnisitas, teologi, dan musik dalam nyanyian gereja: sketsa awal studi etnoteomusikologi nyanyian Gereja Protestan Maluku

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    Church music is an essential part of Christian worship. The primary source to create Church music is commonly from the Bible, Christian tradition, and believers' experience. Yet, in the church music of the Protestant Church in the Moluccas (GPM), there is harmony between some elements such as ethnicity, theology, and music. In ethnicity, there is some local cultural tradition derived from the old local religion, which Christianity contextualizes. Using a descriptive qualitative research method, the harmony of all elements, ethnicity, theology, and music result in a new perspective, namely ethno-theo-musicology, to analyze and understand the church music existence. This research found that the Protestant Church member in the Moluccas appreciates all church music substances, which led them not only to praise God but also to experience God in their cultural experience in Maluku. Abstrak Musik gereja merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam peribadahan Kristen. Musik gereja umumnya diciptakan bersumber dari kesaksian Alkitab, tradisi atau ajaran gereja tertentu, dan pengalaman iman orang percaya. Namun, dalam nyanyian Gereja Protestan Maluku (GPM), musik gereja bersumber dari harmonisasi unsur budaya lokal, teologi, dan musik. Dalam unsur budaya lokal juga ditemukan proses kontekstualisasi narasi-narasi mistik dari kepercayaan asli masyarakat sebelum menjadi Kristen. Dengan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, artikel ini menjelaskan adanya perpaduan unsur etnisitas, teologis, dan musik yang kemudian menghasilkan suatu pendekatan etnoteomusikologis dalam mengartikan suatu nyanyian gereja. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Warga Gereja Protestan Maluku sebagai pemilik dari Nyanyian GPM, sangat mengapresiasi pendekatan etnotheomusikologis sebab dirasakan bahwa musik gereja selain memuliakan Allah juga mengantarkan mereka mengalami kehadiran Allah di dalam pengalaman-pengalaman budaya yang mereka milik

    Administering Empire. Business Diplomacy in Early Modern Sweden: The Cases of Abraham Cabiljau and the Gothenburg Company

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    The article illustrates the importance of business diplomacy practised by free agents, who navigated and negotiated between northern European empires for widespread commercial, legal and administrative developments. Abraham Cabiljau’s career is an example from the early modern Swedish empire, which stands on the threshold of a new era. In the Swedish empire, Cabiljau was involved in several diff erent sectors, from military recruitment to the development of state accounting and administration of international trade. He represents the Swedish empire’s vast economic relationships with international merchant networks operating in a broad spectrum of military and commercial arenas. Th e Swedish empire was economically dependent on the financial resources of the merchants in Amsterdam, and economic prosperity was not the sole contribution of these merchants. Th e education, knowledge and connections provided by Cabiljau greatly enhanced the administration and organisation of Sweden’s international trade by importing a new legal mindset and organisational culture. In return, northern mining resources and Baltic commerce were alluring for Dutch merchants. We argue that the modelling of international organisations was an essential part of Swedish economic development. However, the first Swedish trading companies remained an experimental attempt to transplant the Dutch East India Company (VOC) model to Sweden. Individuals like Cabiljau represent key actors who ignited, taught and promoted commercial law development in Sweden, on which international commerce was later built upon, with long-lasting impacts.The article illustrates the importance of business diplomacy practised by free agents, who navigated and negotiated between northern European empires for widespread commercial, legal and administrative developments. Abraham Cabiljau’s career is an example from the early modern Swedish empire, which stands on the threshold of a new era. In the Swedish empire, Cabiljau was involved in several different sectors, from military recruitment to the development of state accounting and administration of international trade. He represents the Swedish empire’s vast economic relationships with international merchant networks operating in a broad spectrum of military and commercial arenas. The Swedish empire was economically dependent on the financial resources of the merchants in Amsterdam, and economic prosperity was not the sole contribution of these merchants. The education, knowledge and connections provided by Cabiljau greatly enhanced the administration and organisation of Sweden’s international trade by importing a new legal mindset and organisational culture. In return, northern mining resources and Baltic commerce were alluring for Dutch merchants. We argue that the modelling of international organisations was an essential part of Swedish economic development. However, the first Swedish trading companies remained an experimental attempt to transplant the Dutch East India Company (VOC) model to Sweden. Individuals like Cabiljau represent key actors who ignited, taught and promoted commercial law development in Sweden, on which international commerce was later built upon, with long-lasting impacts.Peer reviewe

    2008 Program

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    2008 Volleyball Program, George Fox College

    2007 Program

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    2007 Women\u27s Basketball Program, George Fox Universit

    1975 Media Guide

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    1975 Men\u27s Basketball Media Guide, George Fox College

    1977 Program

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    1977 Men\u27s Basketball Programs, George Fox College

    Is Bimatoprost Effective In Increasing Satisfaction In Patients At Least 12 Years Old With Eyelash Hypotrichosis?

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this systematic review is to determine whether or not bimatoprost 0.03% improves satisfaction in patients at least 12 years old with eyelash hypotrichosis. STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review of three multicenter, double-masked, randomized, parallel group studies, all published in English between 2015 and 2016. DATA SOURCES: All three studies used in this review were researched via PubMed and were published in peer-reviewed journals. OUTCOMES MEASURED: Patient satisfaction was measured using the Eyelash Satisfaction Questionnaire (ESQ) in all three studies. RESULTS: Wirta et al. (J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2015;8:11–20.) found a statistically significant relationship between bimatoprost 0.03% and satisfaction with a p=0.004. Borchert et al. (Clin Ophthalmol. 2016;10:419-29. doi:10.2147/OPTH.S89561) did not indicate a p-value but 78.2% of subjects treated with bimatoprost 0.03% and 65% of subjects in the control were found to have an increase in satisfaction of eyelash growth at the end of the study. The study conducted by Glaser et al. (Br J Dermatol. 2015;172(5):1384-94.) did not find a statistically significant relationship between bimatoprost 0.03% and satisfaction with p=0.25. CONCLUSIONS: The results of these studies show that the objective question remains inconclusive in regard to increasing patient satisfaction after the use of bimatoprost 0.03% as only one out of the three studies showed a statistically significant relationship. Further studies should be conducted with researchers not employed by the pharmaceutical company who manufactures the product
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