16 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pendidikan karakterpeserta didik kompetensi keahlian administrasi perkantoran di SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif.Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, studi pustaka dan observasi medalam dengan kepalasekolah, guru bidang keahlian administrasi perkantoran dan peserta didik SMK Negeri 3Surakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta telahmelaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan karakter; (2) Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, guru membuatperencanaan dengan mengembangkan nilai-nilai karakter dalam perangkat embelajaranseperti silabus dan RPP; (3) Pelakasanaan pendidikan karakter dilakukan dengan kegiatanpembelajaran, pengembangan budaya sekolah dan kegiatan ekstrakulikuler; (4) Nilai-nilaikarakter yang sering ditanamkan dalampembelajaran produktif administrasi perkantoranadalah religius, jujur, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, rasa ingin tahu,bersahabat/komunikatif, tanggungjawab; (5) Hambatannya adalah guru tidak dapat memantaukegiatan peserta didik dilingkungan tempat tinggal, upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasihambatan adalah menjalin komunikasi dengan orang tua peserta didik.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Karakater, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

    Evaluasi Adopsi Teknologi Peternakan Ayam Broiler di Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi yang berlangsung dari tanggal 9 Agustus sampai tanggal 4 September 2010. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat adopsi teknologi peternakan ayam broiler di Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode survey. Pemilihan desa sampel dan pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan metode sensus. Data yang diambil terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer yang dikumpulkan meliputi : Keadaan umum peternak dan adopsi teknologi peternakan ayam broiler. Untuk mengetahui adopsi teknologi peternakan ayam broiler digunakan Standardisasi Nasional Indonesia (SNI), serta standar baku yang telah diterapkan oleh Perusahaan industri di Indonesia yaitu PT. Charoen Phokpand Indonesia dan PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia sebagai acuan dan pedoman untuk pembanding adopsi teknologi yang dilakukan oleh peternak pada kondisi nyata di lapangan. Secara umum adopsi teknologi peternakan ayam broiler di Kecamatan Sungai Gelam yang meliputi penggunaan bibit, pakan, perkandangan, pemeliharaan serta program vaksinasi telah dilaksanakan dengan baik dan telah sesuai dengan standar. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa adopsi teknologi ayam broiler di Kecamatan Sungai Gelam telah sesuai dengan standar atau pedoman yang ditetapkan

    Premixed Combustion of Coconut Oil on Perforated Burner

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    Coconut oil premixed combustion behavior has been studied experimentally on perforated burner with equivalence ratio (φ) varied from very lean until very rich. The results showed that burning of glycerol needs large number of air so that the laminar burning velocity (SL) is the highest at very lean mixture and the flame is in the form of individual Bunsen flame on each of the perforated plate hole. As φ is increased the SL decreases and the secondary Bunsen flame with open tip occurs from φ =0.54 at the downstream of perforated flame. The perforated flame disappears at φ = 0.66 while the secondary Bunsen flame still exist with SL increases following that of hexadecane flame trend and then extinct when the equivalence ratio reaches one or more. Surrounding ambient air intervention makes SL decreases, shifts lower flammability limit into richer mixture, and performs triple and cellular flames. The glycerol diffusion flame radiation burned fatty acids that perform cellular islands on perforated hole. Without glycerol, laminar flame velocity becomes higher and more stable as perforated flame at higher φ. At rich mixture the Bunsen flame becomes unstable and performs petal cellular around the cone flame front

    Premixed Combustion of Coconut Oil on Perforated Burner

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    Coconut oil premixed combustion behavior has been studied experimentally on perforated burner with equivalence ratio (φ) varied from very lean until very rich. The results showed that burning of glycerol needs large number of air so that the laminar burning velocity (SL) is the highest at very lean mixture and the flame is in the form of individual Bunsen flame on each of the perforated plate hole. As φ is increased the  SL decreases and the secondary Bunsen flame with open tip occurs from φ =0.54 at the downstream of perforated flame. The perforated flame disappears at φ = 0.66 while the secondary Bunsen flame still exist with SL increases following that of hexadecane flame trend and then extinct when the equivalence ratio reaches one or more. Surrounding ambient air intervention makes SL decreases, shifts lower flammability limit into richer mixture, and performs triple and cellular flames. The glycerol diffusion flame radiation burned fatty acids that perform cellular islands on perforated hole.  Without glycerol, laminar flame velocity becomes higher and more stable as perforated flame at higher φ. At rich mixture the Bunsen flame becomes unstable and performs petal cellular around the cone flame front. Keywords: cellular flame; glycerol; perforated flame;secondary Bunsen flame with open tip; triple flam


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    Oryzanol merupakan senyawa fitokimia yang penting dalam bidang farmasi, kosmetika, dan pangan fungsional. Oryzanol diperoleh sebagai produk samping pertanian padi. Isolasi dan purifikasi diperlukan untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi oryzanol. Salah satu metode pemungutan oryzanol adalah proses adsorpsi berkonsep kromatografi.  Pengembangan konsep tersebut memerlukan kuantifikasi proses adsorpsi. Studi ini ditujukan untuk mempelajari kesetimbangan adsorpsi oryzanol dengan menggunakan fase gerak n-Heksana: Aseton = (85: 15). Model kesetimbangan yang digunakan adalah koefisien distribusi, Freundlich, dan Langmuir. Isoterm Freundlich menunjukkan keberhasilan dalam menggambarkan proses adsorpsi ini. Kajian termodinamika menunjukkan bahwa proses adsorpsi oryzanol dalam minyak bekatul menggunakan adsorben silika gel bersifat spontan, eksotermis, dan mengikuti mekanisme fisis pada kisaran suhu yang dicoba

    Management Comprehensive Multidisciplinary of Malignant Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors and Feto - Maternal Outcome: A Case Series Report and Literature Review

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    BACKGROUND: Malignant Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors (MOGCT) most commonly occur in young women in the reproductive age group. Timely antenatal diagnosis and treatment of the tumour to enhance maternal and perinatal outcomes are the main challenges confronting the obstetrician and the gyne-oncologist. CASE PRESENTATION: Here we present three cases of pregnancy complicated with MOGCTs. The first case (immature teratoma) was complicated by maternal psychological symptoms consistent with stress and histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of premature ovarian failure (POF). The second case (dysgerminoma) preterm labour occurred as an obstetric complication, but the baby was born in good condition without IUGR. The third case (yolk sac tumour) treated with docetaxel (brexel)-carboplatin chemotherapy administration there was no maternal or fetal complication. At the end of the pregnancy and delivery, complete surgical staging and cytoreduction were performed, and no metastases were found. CONCLUSION: Optimal management strategies centre on a multi-disciplinary comprehensive team approach is critical resulting in better outcomes for the mother and the baby by avoiding complications


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    Pengkodean multi deskripsi (PMD) adalah teknik pengkodean sumber yang memisahkan deskripsi dan pengkodean deskripsi tunggal (SDC) menjadi multi deskrips


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    This study aims to determine the legal protection of the community against the obligation to vaccinate covid 19 based on government decisions with the aim of tackling the spread of the corona virus pandemic 19. The method used in this study is a normative juridical approach, the data obtained were analyzed qualitatively juridically by taking into account the hierarchy of provisions. current regulation. The results of this study indicate that people have rights to themselves and can determine what is best for their bodies, including vaccines. The covid 19 pandemic that hit Indonesia affected various sectors, from the health sector to the economy. The government as a representative of the state in protecting all levels of society takes the necessary steps to tackle the spread of covid 19 by making decisions to limit community activities and also decisions to provide vaccines to the community and require vaccines for people who have been designated as the target recipients of the covid 19 vaccine. Article 5 paragraph (3) of Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health states that the public as vaccine recipients have autonomous rights over themselves. However, during a pandemic, the government may oblige to vaccinate people who have been designated as the target recipients of the covid 19 vaccine based on Article 13A paragraph (2) of Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 99 of 2020 concerning Vaccine Procurement and Implementation of Vaccination in the Context of Combating the Covid 19 Pandemic